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Would you be happy if Equestria was Heaven?

Dorian Gray

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One of the newest known theories today about afterlives says that when we die, our mind (and/or soul) goes somewhere far away and then joins all the other minds from dead people. This may not sound realistic at all, but according to scientists who believes in this theory, then there is some cloned particles or soe thing up there, that somehow would transport your mind/soul. Now I know that it's just a theory, but if it was to be true, it would be sort of a dream world! All those people who wants to go to Equestria will probably be able to, and maybe even turn into a pony, while the other people/minds could do something else. I cannot prove this theory really, but couldn't it be awesome? We could perhabs get to be in Equestria after life :)

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This has actually been on my mind before... spending time in Equestria... But honestly, I think thinking about it is somehow slightly disturbing. Is it just me, or what?!


No I would not be happy, seeing as I'm aethiest, which means I couldn't get into heaven. :(


Time to convert to Christianity...


... Oookkkkkkkk.... :unsure: That's... um... good for you... (I'm Christian.)


If Equestria was heaven, I would be very happy to become befriended by everypony, unicorns and pegasus alike, so I don't have to feel lonely again. :D


Going through youtube PMV's and I stumble across a comment that kept poppin up "When I die I would like go to Equestria"


So I got curious, Would you be happy goin to Equestria for heaven? and would it just be Canterlot/Ponyville/Cloudsdale or would you want other places? Like where? who knows if any good ideas come from this I might be compelled to make such an image.

So again, Would you be happy if Heaven was Equestria?




As I said... A bit disturbing to think about... for me, at least...


Equestria would be fun as an afterlife but surely you'd get bored or just die all over again?


I don't think I'd like to grow closer to the Mane 6 or other characters only to have them die around me and then eventually to slip back into the abyss myself. My wickle heart would just shatter.


In heaven, there is no more pain, death, or tears. And people don't get "bored" in heaven. "Bored" is really just a mind-set...


I assume you can make paradise whatever you want, so to make paradise into Equestria would seem divine.


Sorry, but that doesn't work. Heaven is already made and done...

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Equestria would be good for me, since I'm agnostic and I sort of just go with whatever! :P


I used to contemplate heaven a lot, decided through my own perspective it was alterable, so I think Equestria would be a possibility. (if you don't share my view, just remember that differing opinions make the world go round *hugs*)


I would probably prefer it if all of Equestria was open, just to explore and see, I would find a nice gentle waterfall and just relax nearby with a book from the Canterlot Library when not in town.

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Since I've always heard heaven is paradise and you can do whatever you want, then yes my heaven would surely be Equestria. Hopefully it'd be full of other bronies too.


I sure hope heaven just isn't one big assembly line.

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No. I would rather have heaven as a bunch of rooms and each room is a room full of one person's every desire. And they can always change it. But that room is locked to their heart, so nopony else can ever change it. Not even God. But God would never change it, because he would never mess with somepony's heart. That would be cruel and unwise. He would never do something so despicable. But what I don't get is how can he be perfect! I just realized something.

The reason he is perfect, and can never do bad things, is because he is not human. He is not even close to human. He lives in another dimension. He just looks human. He has infinite knowledge of EVERYTHING. He is perfect, and humans are far from it. He is just plain, not human. He isn't even an alien. He just, is.

Sorry, I put than in a spoiler because I didn't think it was relevant. But yes, I would rather have rooms than a giant heaven. Annoying people can go to heaven too. The reason I want rooms is actually 2 reasons.

  • Because of privacy
  • Because I can dream of anything and get it, and I can change it whenever I want, and nopony else can.
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I was athiest


then i read this post


Equestria being Heaven? What if it's true?! Does this mean the moon is Hell??!!


After much thought, and much thinking, and thinking much, and having thought much, i've decided.





My religion is now...






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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't want Heaven to be Equestria.


Valhalla = YES.

Constant fighting (in good humor) only to be revived once you're killed! All you can eat of anything you can think of!

Me. Gusta.


I'd like to think Heaven is anything you want it to be. That's why it's a paradise, right?


You can all enjoy Equestria while tejntanga beat the crap outta each other for fun.

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Considering that the gates of Tartarus are present in Equestria, I'm a little wary about spending eternity there.


I wouldn't mind spending a lifetime there as a pony, though. :3


I agree. Maybe Equestria isn't heaven, but I'd sure enjoy being reincarnated there for a bit!
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I was athiest


then i read this post


Equestria being Heaven? What if it's true?! Does this mean the moon is Hell??!!


After much thought, and much thinking, and thinking much, and having thought much, i've decided.





My religion is now...







Do you fully beleive that there is ABSOLUTELY NO POSSIBLE WAY a god can exist?

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*Sigh* ....Do you think God is not real, never was real, and never can be real?


I believe that there is no god, if that's what you mean.


however, i respect others' religious beliefs, and do not belittle them because of what they worship/believe in/think

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