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private Eclipse Chapter one: Unity? (OUTDATED II)

Trevor Bright

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Tempest sat down and simply glanced at his meal "I was a part of Luna's guard before the princesses fought and have since taken Luna's side." He said, not telling the entire truth as to why he was in the city. The bat pony simply wanted to keep tabs on the movement of the NLR and solar empire's forces so that he would have the most opportune time to strike. "Things got a bit dangerous in Ponyville when others found out about my loyalties and decided to bring Gale here as well. I figured it would be safer."

Forge nods, taking this in. Suddenly, it seems as if the world stops. Forge and Gale are both frozen, unmoving. As you look around, you see that everypony has simply stopped in place, as if time itself was paused. Then you hear a noise behind you and, turning, you see a tall white alicorn standing there. This Alicorn is obviously not Celestia as it's a male. It also has a deep blue mane and tale are like that of the ocean, rather than the flowing rainbow mane the celestial princess had. This Alicorn also has piercing fiery red eyes. Not evil eyes though, rather, eyes that seemed to harbor a warmth to them. When he speaks, it's a deep but comforting sound. "Tempest, the ones who you seek to fight aren't your true enemies, but merely distractions from the big picture. You have been warned. Fare thee well in thine endeavors, and seek to help rather than harm." Then he's gone. Time resumes it's normal pace and everypony starts moving again. Gale continues to eat her fish and Forge says something about having to supply Luna's military with weaponry and ammo.  


"Yea i am going to appleloosa and no why would i join twilight? i'm not gonna allow my self to be used as a deterance or a weapon of destruction were better off not being in a faction but hey good to have some pony by my side now " she said walking away motioning Bolt to follow.

Bolt smiles and takes off after Moonlight, flapping his wings and taking to the air, flying in a circle around her before landing next to her, a childish grin on his face. "Let's go!" 


Seth gave a light growle at the racist insult. "The Wolven Empire wished to help Equestria! We were sending relief aid when the solar goddess shot down out transport. It was Luna's forces that found my destroyed body and gave me this. I owe here some loyalty for that!" He barked. The accusations from the two ponies that were present were driving him mad. He was actually beginning to like the unseen pony who talked through speaker.


"Fine... If your goal is to deel with the changelings... Don't let me bother you there. My look out time ended this morning, so I was supposed to begin my return to the lunar capital." He then turned his back on the annoying group of petty scavengers and began his walk to his mountain campsite.

David opens his mouth to reply to the wolf, but a blinking light on the panel in front of him make him swear out loud. All that can be heard from the speaker by the group of ponies, and wolf, is an incessant beeping noise, David listing off obscenities in multiple different languages, then a click and static. 




Dark Wing slowly rises from his bed. He stretching his legs and wings for a few seconds, his vision still blurry from sleep. "Paladin, you up yet?" as the bat pony yawns. "Paladin?" he says as he looks around the room. He notices the small scratches, but dose not really think much about them in his groggy state as he began to look around noticing the note and thinking nothing of it. The princess did tell them to enjoy today, and his brother always was one for exploring so he did not think much of it.


He enters the bathroom to take a bath, the first one in a long time. He entered the tub, putting in herbs to soak with. He closed his eyes and let the world fall away as he thought back to happier times with his brother and the princess.

As you relax in the bath, you hear a messenger knock at your door. "Begging your pardon sir! But the princess has given me a message for you. I'll leave it here for you whenever you're ready. She told me it's not important so take your time!" With that, you hear the messenger's hoof steps echo down the corridor. 


Twelve Gauge was a pony who lived for the thrill of a fight. He wasn't needlessly cruel and he didn't go out of his way to start a conflict, but nothing he knew could ever top the feeling stirred in him by the pumping of adrenaline and smell of gunpowder. That said, he wasn't quite so fond of being chased through a dead apple orchard by a Lunar patrol squadron. Until now he had been unaware that he had become a shoot-on-sight target of the Republic, still he probably should have seen it coming with all the Solar Empire contracts he'd been receiving lately. 


He gritted his teeth in pain as a bullet grazed his withers and went on to find purchase in the blackened bark of a nearby tree. Thinking quickly he dove to the side before the next volley of lead buried itself in his backside. Twelve Gauge frowned as he took in his surroundings; behind him was the shouting mass of well armed, well armored, and highly trained scouts; in front of him was what looked like the crumbling remains of an old farmhouse and an old red hay barn. Taking one look back to judge the distance between himself and the approaching squadron he decided his best bet was the barn and began a mad dash for the red doors. He could barely hold in a pained shout as a bullet pierced his left thigh, yet he somehow he still managed to limp his way into the barn. He threw a stay pitchfork through the slots in the doors as a precautionary measure, though he knew it would be useless in the long run and readied his shotgun to pick off any ponies that made it through. Suddenly he heard an odd ring as one of his hooves struck something metal and, looking down, he noticed a rusty manhole partially hidden by the rotten hay that scattered the floor. Twelve Gauge wasn't exactly keen on climbing into a dirty old cellar without knowing what could be down it first, however the beating of hooves outside left him no options and he wrenched of the cover open, sliding down just as the makeshift deadbolt splintered inwards.


Twelve Gauge hung on the ladder for what seemed like hours before the muffled voices outside finally subsided, knowing there would still be a guard hanging around he decided to spend the night in the cellar until they got tired and moved on. Slowly but surely he began to descend the wooden ladder, testing each rung before settling his weight on it. The pain in his haunches was nearly unbearable and he knew he had to remove the bullet as soon as possible or it would be a lot worse in the long run. Finally his hooves found solid ground and he looked around, what he originally thought to be a cellar seemed to be more of a tunnel system or large bunker. Exhausted, he collapsed onto the earthen floor and began to drift off into unconsciousness, unaware of who's home he was trespassing on. 



You awake to find yourself comfortably strapped down to a bed. The bed itself was a standard bed, but after being on the run for so long, a mattress felt like heaven. The strapped down part comes in when you notice hoof-cuffs stopping you from moving you front right hoof and back left hoof which had been bandaged up. An IV as well as a heart monitor are all set up around you making you think that you're in some kind of medical bay. You hear a voice and, looking up, you see a white unicorn with a dark green mane and close cropped tail in a brown vest standing in the doorway of the medical room. "Ah ha! Finally you're awake. Since you're not a changeling, I thought it might be rude to let you bleed to death, but upon going through your things, I've come to find that you've done some jobs for the solar empire. While I am some what neutral in this whole affair, I do lean towards Luna more than that of the solar princess. That's why you're cuffed. Now out with it. Who are you and why are you in my bunker?" "And where's the pizza we ordered a week ago?" ​David looks to the side and mutters angrily to himself "Not now Poe!" "It's not like he can hear me, I'm just making you look like you're talking to yourself." David merely harrumphs and turns back to Twelve Gauge expectantly. 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Tempest was slightly surprised by the new alicorn and had so many questions. Who was he, how did he know his name, and most importantly, what did it mean when it said Celestia and the other alicorns weren't his true enemy? The bat pony sighed as a headache spread through his mind and glanced at Forge. "I think I may clock in early tonight. Do you have a extra room, not that I mind sleeping on the floor?" 

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Dusty smirks at Agririon's joke, the closest he'd come to laughing in a long time. "I suppose so." In response to Agririon's question, Dusty slowed down walking and turned to look his companion in the eyes. "Surely you know the answer to that question. I'm part of the military, and the normal military has always obeyed the Sun Princess, the only princess now. That monstrosity that's taken Luna's place and her bat winged freaks have no right to the throne. I may not know how this war started, but my loyalty shall not waver. That is the promise of a first recob agent. It shan't be broken."



As you begin to relax, you hear a noise from the cave above you. It sounds almost like...pounding? Then you hear a dragon like roar and there's a resounding BOOM at the entrance of the cave you're in. Looking towards the entrance, you see a huge figure approaching you. The figure appears pony like in shape, but easily as big as Celestia, maybe even bigger. It has flowing green eyes with purple magic pouring off of it, an obvious sign of dark magic use. Then a burst of fire erupts from the area near its head and you see from the brief light of the flame that the figure is covered from head to hoof in emerald dragon scales. You also see two powerful dragon wings coming off his back and a large horn on his head. The horn is curved from the use of dark magic. A deep voice, almost more of a feral growl then a voice echoes off the walls and you hear him say "I AM DARIUS! YOU HAVE DISTURBED MY SLUMBER! Why should I let you live?"



"It is good that you know the answer to that question," commented Agririon, "for I am cursed never to know merely one side of this conflict." Continuing his stride, he continued talking. "I am concerned for them both, to be completely honest. It's not right, both of them suddenly bursting into war for reasons unknown. Destroying Canterlot and Ponyville in their conflict and scattering my brethren's protectorates. Several of them don't even know where their charges are." He stopped himself before he could add about his worry about the pink one. As long as she's away from the others, she's not safe...


Sighing, he turned. "Well, we must be glad of what we know. We have Rainbow Dash here among us, at least. Have you met her? She's a rather headstrong mare."



The growl had opened his eyes, while the bellowing caused him to jump about a mile. Moon Crypt had not at all expected to be thrown off guard by this dragon... pony...?


An odd hybrid, cast out of both societies, living on his own. Perhaps he just happened to stumble upon the cave that... Darion was using to store his hoard. Honesty was the way to go; a splash of flattery would go far as well. All dragons were at least somewhat vainful. Hopefully it rubbed off on this one, but the dark magical aura worried him... was this dragon a manipulator of shadowy arts?


Taking a breath, he began. "Forgive me, O Fiery One. I am but a weary traveler, on my way to my Inquisitorial master to deliver a report of quite some significance. I thought of this cave as a place that I might stop and rest. I wish not for combat or challenge, and if you wish for me to depart, I shall with all haste."


Hoping for the best, he waited for the dragon-pony being to respond, praying to Luna that he was able to get out of this alive...

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Twelve Gauge groaned as he attempted to sit up, only to find himself incapacitated. Frowning he began to test the strength of the straps when he was distracted by a voice from the other side of the room. The source was a white stallion standing at the threshold, and the more he talked the more Twelve Gauge got the feeling that he was may not have been totally sane. Silently he searched the room for some sort of weapon in case his host went mental, neither his gun nor supply bag were in sight, however he did spot a bloody scalpel lying by a few deformed pieces of lead that looked as though they had recently been cut out of his leg. There was no way he could possibly reach the small blade with his hooves tied down, but he could easily reach it with his magic. He briefly wondered why his captor hadn't used an inhibitor ring but passed it off as an oversight due to the ponies obvious insanity. He glared at the stallion and growled in a voice that somehow managed to retain it's intimidation despite him being strapped to a bed. "Untie me right now and show me the door with my stuff and I promise you won't ever see me again" he snarled, his magic prepared to send the tiny scalpel shooting through the pony's brain in the blink of an eye. 


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Tempest was slightly surprised by the new alicorn and had so many questions. Who was he, how did he know his name, and most importantly, what did it mean when it said Celestia and the other alicorns weren't his true enemy? The bat pony sighed as a headache spread through his mind and glanced at Forge. "I think I may clock in early tonight. Do you have a extra room, not that I mind sleeping on the floor?" 

Forge shook his head "I only have my room. I will leave the forge hot though so it'll keep you warm through the night. I also have some hay if you want to make a bed? It would be more comfortable then just laying on the ground."


"It is good that you know the answer to that question," commented Agririon, "for I am cursed never to know merely one side of this conflict." Continuing his stride, he continued talking. "I am concerned for them both, to be completely honest. It's not right, both of them suddenly bursting into war for reasons unknown. Destroying Canterlot and Ponyville in their conflict and scattering my brethren's protectorates. Several of them don't even know where their charges are." He stopped himself before he could add about his worry about the pink one. As long as she's away from the others, she's not safe...


Sighing, he turned. "Well, we must be glad of what we know. We have Rainbow Dash here among us, at least. Have you met her? She's a rather headstrong mare."



The growl had opened his eyes, while the bellowing caused him to jump about a mile. Moon Crypt had not at all expected to be thrown off guard by this dragon... pony...?


An odd hybrid, cast out of both societies, living on his own. Perhaps he just happened to stumble upon the cave that... Darion was using to store his hoard. Honesty was the way to go; a splash of flattery would go far as well. All dragons were at least somewhat vainful. Hopefully it rubbed off on this one, but the dark magical aura worried him... was this dragon a manipulator of shadowy arts?


Taking a breath, he began. "Forgive me, O Fiery One. I am but a weary traveler, on my way to my Inquisitorial master to deliver a report of quite some significance. I thought of this cave as a place that I might stop and rest. I wish not for combat or challenge, and if you wish for me to depart, I shall with all haste."


Hoping for the best, he waited for the dragon-pony being to respond, praying to Luna that he was able to get out of this alive...


Dusty shakes his head. "The first recon unit doesn't have much to do with the wonderbolts unless it completely official. There's kinda a rivalry between us and them. I have seen her around but never had the...*ahem*pleasure of meeting her face to face...officially." 

Darius looks at Moon Crypt, his head cocked in confusion. "Firey One? Oh! You mean this?" He turns around and opening his mouth, an inferno jumps to life, covering the entrance of the cave and instantly making them glow a dull orange color. He cuts off the flame and turns around, looking very pleased with himself. Smiling he asks "You're message is important? Do you need help?"

(((While amazingly tough, Darius isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.))) 

Edited by Fictional_Author7
  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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As Dark Wing hears the courour's voice, he quickly gets out of the bath and drys himself off than lets the water out of the tub. He sighs at the ring that he had left behind, before walking over to the door to read the message. He picks it up to read it. Even though the princess said that it was not important, anything from her was important to him.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Twelve Gauge groaned as he attempted to sit up, only to find himself incapacitated. Frowning he began to test the strength of the straps when he was distracted by a voice from the other side of the room. The source was a white stallion standing at the threshold, and the more he talked the more Twelve Gauge got the feeling that he was may not have been totally sane. Silently he searched the room for some sort of weapon in case his host went mental, neither his gun nor supply bag were in sight, however he did spot a bloody scalpel lying by a few deformed pieces of lead that looked as though they had recently been cut out of his leg. There was no way he could possibly reach the small blade with his hooves tied down, but he could easily reach it with his magic. He briefly wondered why his captor hadn't used an inhibitor ring but passed it off as an oversight due to the ponies obvious insanity. He glared at the stallion and growled in a voice that somehow managed to retain it's intimidation despite him being strapped to a bed. "Untie me right now and show me the door with my stuff and I promise you won't ever see me again" he snarled, his magic prepared to send the tiny scalpel shooting through the pony's brain in the blink of an eye. 

David takes a breath to calm himself down and notices Twelve Gauge looking at the skalpel. He smiles and says, "Go ahead and try. You'll find that magic only works in here when only performing medical procedures...unless it's cast on the correct frequency." He motions towards the floor. "Notice the tiles?" Each tile has a rune on it. "These runes all make so that, unless used medically or cast on a certain frequency, magic won't work in here at all. I'm no exception. Normally I wouldn't be able to use magic but..." He opens a pocket on his vest and a pulls a key out. He grabs it with his magic and levitates it over to the handcuffs, undoing them. "Now you're free. Will you answer my questions?" He sits down and waits for your reply. He looks over at the door and then back at you and smirks. "Feel free to try running. You'll only get lost. Then I'll have to come and find you. That's if you don't trigger any of my booby traps. I'm a very paranoid pony, you see, and I have traps everywhere." 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Tempest nodded slightly and smiled. "Thanks." He said, as he found the hay. He then spread some straw next to the forge and simply curled into a ball as he fell asleep. Eventually, the bat pony found himself in his subconciousness and in front of a spirit with twelve tails. "So, what exactly happened back there? I thought you were the only being that froze time?'


Xena sighed and shook his head. "I know, but it seems that we may have more to worry about than Tia or Luna. I know that I saw that alicorn before, but I can't remember where." The aura beast then sighed. "The best thing we can do now is to simply wait." With that, Xena went back to the amulet around Tempest's neck, leaving his host and friend to his thoughts.


Gale rolled her eyes as she watched Tempest as she finished her fish and couldn't help but feel relieved. "Even before all of this, I don't think I've ever seen Tempest sleep." She thought. "I guess it came with his job." For some reason, the dragoness felt a bit lightheaded and fell to the ground next to her friend, asleep and unconscious.


(Possibly drugged fish or just exhaustion. Take it as you will. :umad:)

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After her meeting with Celestia on tactics and troop movement, Rainbow Dash went back to her office. She was tired and nearly missed Soarin who was standing in front of her door. Right before they bumped in to each other, Soarin cleared his throat, jerking RD back to reality from wherever her mind had been wandering. "Oh, Soarin, hi. Didn't see you there." "Captain!" Soarin salutes "I have some reports on some of the green horns. I also have a message from Darts." "RD looks at the reports tiredly before looking up at Soarin, uncomprehendingly. "Darts, ma'am. He said he's getting the bolts together down at the bar tomorrow and was wondering if you'd come and join?" RD looks at the pile of paperwork on her desk and then sighs. She looks up smiling at Soarin and replies "Yes, I think I will come. I need a break from all of this." Soarin smiles and takes his leave. As he's leaving the room, RD suddenly looks up and yells, "Soarin! Make sure they have cider! I don't want them running out before I get there again!!"






As Dark Wing hears the courour's voice, he quickly gets out of the bath and drys himself off than lets the water out of the tub. He sighs at the ring that he had left behind, before walking over to the door to read the message. He picks it up to read it. Even though the princess said that it was not important, anything from her was important to him.


As you walk outside, you run in to Paladin as he's coming up the stairs. "Finally awake eh? I wrote that note a few hours ago. Is the princess back yet?" He notices the princesses note and comments "Wait, that's not my note...did the princess give orders?" As you open the letter you see written inside.

'My dearest companions.

There is something disturbing the night, a creature that should not be. Many ponies in hollow shades claim to have seen a batpony flying around at night, but this isn't an ordinary batpony, it seems to be of the kind that preys on its brethren during the hours of darkness. I haven't received any word recently on this beings location, so it's entirely possible that it's simply moved on. What ever the case, I would like you both to go and investigate. Tell me what you find. 
You're princess and friend




Tempest nodded slightly and smiled. "Thanks." He said, as he found the hay. He then spread some straw next to the forge and simply curled into a ball as he fell asleep. Eventually, the bat pony found himself in his subconciousness and in front of a spirit with twelve tails. "So, what exactly happened back there? I thought you were the only being that froze time?'


Xena sighed and shook his head. "I know, but it seems that we may have more to worry about than Tia or Luna. I know that I saw that alicorn before, but I can't remember where." The aura beast then sighed. "The best thing we can do now is to simply wait." With that, Xena went back to the amulet around Tempest's neck, leaving his host and friend to his thoughts.


Gale rolled her eyes as she watched Tempest as she finished her fish and couldn't help but feel relieved. "Even before all of this, I don't think I've ever seen Tempest sleep." She thought. "I guess it came with his job." For some reason, the dragoness felt a bit lightheaded and fell to the ground next to her friend, asleep and unconscious.


(Possibly drugged fish or just exhaustion. Take it as you will. :umad:)

Forge watches Tempest and Gale go to sleep. He quietly finishes his dinner. After that, he gets up and locks the door. Then he goes to his room and falls on his bed. Unconsciousness taking ahold of him.

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Dark Wing turns to his brother. "I take it you had fun exploring? This message just arrived. The currior said no hurry, but I had to open it."


As he finishes, he signs. "Looks like we're off again. I shall grab my armor and meet you at the door." he said, turning to collect his belonging. "Looks like we are heading to Hallow Shades. Just when I was getting board too." he laughed, as he put his last piece of armor on. "I'll let you lead the way brother," as he stretches his wings in preparation of the flight to Hallow Shades.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Tempest sighed as he woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Gale was next to him. He then cleared his thoughts and trotted outside by picking the lock on the door when he found that it was locked, before flying into the air. "I still don't know who that alicorn was, and why did he only contact me? Was it because of my connection to Xena, or maybe I'm the one who's supposed to stop whatever evil he was talking about." There were so many possibilities running through the bat pony's mind that he didn't notice that he was nearing Hallow Shades, not that he would really care.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Dusty shakes his head. "The first recon unit doesn't have much to do with the wonderbolts unless it completely official. There's kinda a rivalry between us and them. I have seen her around but never had the...*ahem*pleasure of meeting her face to face...officially." 

Darius looks at Moon Crypt, his head cocked in confusion. "Firey One? Oh! You mean this?" He turns around and opening his mouth, an inferno jumps to life, covering the entrance of the cave and instantly making them glow a dull orange color. He cuts off the flame and turns around, looking very pleased with himself. Smiling he asks "You're message is important? Do you need help?"

(((While amazingly tough, Darius isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.))) 


Agririon grinned. "You should talk to her sometimes. The only pony in the world able to move faster than Death. He glanced upwards with a grin, spotting the near-invisible specter that was Lural, the guardian of the Element of Loyalty, floating along the trail that Rainbow Dash had left a few minutes prior with purpose. Chuckling and waving, and recieving a slight wave in return, he turned back to Dusty. "She's definitely someone who you want 'officially meet' with at least once. Just don't mention Spitfire around her. She tends to break whatever she's holding and end the conversation." He shrugged as he neared the residency of Celestia.


"Well, this is my stop," he said quietly. "I guess I should be headed off now. Thanks for the conversation- I hadn't had a decent one is a while." Bowing, he finished with, "May you always find thy target." Before walking inside, casually spinning his scythe as he entered the building and returned to his position directly across from the receptionist, appearing as a statue, before entertaining himself the way he usually did- seeing how paranoid he could make the receptionist without revealing that it was a prank or causing her to crack, all while listening for a sound of the slightest disturbance or a summons from Celestia.



Moon Crypt was initially taken aback by the friendliness of this dragon pony. Deciding to go along for the flow, he took a breath. "Well... err... I have to get to Apploosia, so it's quite the long journey... and company would be nice, if you want to come. But right now, I'm just taking a breath for a moment... taking a drink..." He shrugged. "Thank you for not immediately killing me, by the way. That was quite kind of you."

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Twelve Gauge frowned and stood up, he had no doubts that he could take on the other unicorn hoof-to-hoof if that's what it came too, but that wouldn't really get him out of whatever labyrinth he had been dragged into. "Look, I was chased into this hole by a bunch of trigger-happy lunar patrols, now give me back my stuff and show me the exit or I'm gonna teach you that you picked the wrong pony to strap to an operating table" he snarled, glaring down at the stallion in front of him. He had now intention of going back on his words, but it wouldn't be the first time he had dealt with unpredictable ponies and Twelve Gauge knew he had to keep the upper hoof at all costs.

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Dark Wing turns to his brother. "I take it you had fun exploring? This message just arrived. The currior said no hurry, but I had to open it."


As he finishes, he signs. "Looks like we're off again. I shall grab my armor and meet you at the door." he said, turning to collect his belonging. "Looks like we are heading to Hallow Shades. Just when I was getting board too." he laughed, as he put his last piece of armor on. "I'll let you lead the way brother," as he stretches his wings in preparation of the flight to Hallow Shades.

Paladin nods sharply and, after armoring up, walks out on to the balcony on the side of the tower. He takes off in a whoosh. 


Tempest sighed as he woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Gale was next to him. He then cleared his thoughts and trotted outside by picking the lock on the door when he found that it was locked, before flying into the air. "I still don't know who that alicorn was, and why did he only contact me? Was it because of my connection to Xena, or maybe I'm the one who's supposed to stop whatever evil he was talking about." There were so many possibilities running through the bat pony's mind that he didn't notice that he was nearing Hallow Shades, not that he would really care.

As you fly west over the forest that leads to Hallow Shades, you think you see something darting from tree to tree in the darkness. Do you continue on your present course? Or investigate? 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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The stallion shrugges. "The offer stands, I suppose. Thank you again." then, as you hand him the little card, he looks it over curiously. "Sure. I guess I can hang on to it. I know its not my place to ask, but may I inquire as to its purpose?"


"Of course, the card..." Shutter thought for a moment, then started to reach into his coat pocket again. "I think it would be easier to show you." He removed another card form his coat, including the one held hoof, he had five. 


Shutter tapped the center of the card, and it turned into a small screen with two names on it. He showed the stallion his screen. The name at the top was replaced with question marks and had a small 'X' next to it. Just below the other name was the word 'Shutter'. He explained... as best he could. "The card is suppose to let you stay in contact with others, by touching their name." He put his away and scratched his head, "It's some sort of older model, from what I know, but its worked fine in the past."


Even though he was done explaining, Shutter continued to think about something he was missing. He couldn't seem to recall what made the cards obsolete. I never was the best with this sort of thing, what did she say about... connecting? The cards aren't loco, no, local. The cards need to connect maybe? He would have to figure that out later. Another thing they need is...


Shutter brought his attention back to the stallion, and said. "Also, sorry, it seems like I never properly introduced myself. As it said on the screen, I'm Shutter." He extended his hoof to shake.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Tempest thought he saw something move in one of the trees and stopped flying to look around. He moved slowly as the amulet around his neck began to glow and two spheres of what appeared to be black energy formed in the bat ponies hooves. "Whoever is there, I suggest you show yourself before I get a bit... trigger happy." He growled as the same energy the spheres were made of began to surround Tempest's body. He wasn't one to hold back during a fight and he wasn't about to let something get the jump on him.


(Let me guess, bat pony Fluttershy?)

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Twelve Gauge frowned and stood up, he had no doubts that he could take on the other unicorn hoof-to-hoof if that's what it came too, but that wouldn't really get him out of whatever labyrinth he had been dragged into. "Look, I was chased into this hole by a bunch of trigger-happy lunar patrols, now give me back my stuff and show me the exit or I'm gonna teach you that you picked the wrong pony to strap to an operating table" he snarled, glaring down at the stallion in front of him. He had now intention of going back on his words, but it wouldn't be the first time he had dealt with unpredictable ponies and Twelve Gauge knew he had to keep the upper hoof at all costs.


David sighs and stands up. "You don't get the gravity of the situation do you? I can't let you leave. You've seen me and...well...technically I'm dead. That's not a good way to put it. I'm...how to say...legally dead! That's it. No one knows that I'm here. If I let you leave, I have no way of ensuring that you wouldn't tell anyone about me." He had started walking back and forth during his little ramble, but stops and looks at Twelve Gauge now.  "I suppose I could implant a small device that would kill you if you talk about me? Willing to go for one more operation?" He laughs at the look on Twelve's face saying quickly, "Just kidding! Just kidding! But seriously, is this any way to treat the pony who just dug a bullet out of your leg? I suppose if I can't let you go...you hungry, thirsty?" 




"Of course, the card..." Shutter thought for a moment, then started to reach into his coat pocket again. "I think it would be easier to show you." He removed another card form his coat, including the one held hoof, he had five. 


Shutter tapped the center of the card, and it turned into a small screen with two names on it. He showed the stallion his screen. The name at the top was replaced with question marks and had a small 'X' next to it. Just below the other name was the word 'Shutter'. He explained... as best he could. "The card is suppose to let you stay in contact with others, by touching their name." He put his away and scratched his head, "It's some sort of older model, from what I know, but its worked fine in the past."


Even though he was done explaining, Shutter continued to think about something he was missing. He couldn't seem to recall what made the cards obsolete. I never was the best with this sort of thing, what did she say about... connecting? The cards aren't loco, no, local. The cards need to connect maybe? He would have to figure that out later. Another thing they need is...


Shutter brought his attention back to the stallion, and said. "Also, sorry, it seems like I never properly introduced myself. As it said on the screen, I'm Shutter." He extended his hoof to shake.


The stallion Shakes Shutter's hoof. "Name's Clean Livin'. Nice to meet you." He looks at the card and smiles. "Well, that's a dandy idea! Wish I'd thought of something like this. All I did was start a chain of coffee shops." He pockets the card and shakes Shutters hoof one more time. "I'll hang on to it if that's what you want. I suppose that means that if you need anything, you can just call me on here?" 

Tempest thought he saw something move in one of the trees and stopped flying to look around. He moved slowly as the amulet around his neck began to glow and two spheres of what appeared to be black energy formed in the bat ponies hooves. "Whoever is there, I suggest you show yourself before I get a bit... trigger happy." He growled as the same energy the spheres were made of began to surround Tempest's body. He wasn't one to hold back during a fight and he wasn't about to let something get the jump on him.


(Let me guess, bat pony Fluttershy?)

(((No, but that's an interesting idea...I might implement that later in the story.)))

As you wait for a reply, you hear a super sonic shriek that you immediately recognize as echo location. Then there's a whoosh and you see a figure shoot in to the night. He flies straight up and as soon as he reaches a point where he's blocking the moon light, he simply vanishes. 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Darts turned the corner of the Wonderbolts' compound only to collide dead on with Soarin himself, after taking a second recover he looked up and smirked at the blue pegasus. "Sorry man, I saw the rainbow and decided to pay the cap'n a visit. You don't don't think she'll mind much do you?" he asked, receiving a confirmatory head shake from the elder Wonderbolt. Smiling, Darts said goodbye to Soarin and continued on his way to the main building. After making his way through a maze of cloudy hallways he finally stopped in front of a large door, a brass plaque with the name Rainbow Dash carved into it hung over the entrance. Not bothering to knock he pushed the door open and greeted his prismatic captain.




Twelve Gauge let out a ferocious growl and rushed the unicorn, taking the smaller stallion by surprise and pinning him against the clinic wall. "The only thing I want right now is to get the hell out of this hole in the ground. What could I possibly gain from telling anybody about you even if I where planning on it. The sooner I'm out of here the quicker I can forget this ever happened, got it idiot?" he roared, bits of spittle flying into the white pony's face.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"You aren't getting away that easily." He yelled as he fired multiple aura spheres in random directions in the air. Even without his aura sight, one of them would eventually hit the now identified bat pony. Eventually, he stopped firing and flew as fast as he could in hopes of now losing his attacker.


(By the way, there wouldn't happen to be any slavers in this RP working for the princesses, would there, because Gale is... Slightly vulnerable. ;) )

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Dark fallows Paladin onto the balcony and takes off fallowing his brother. "What do you think Paladin," as the begin their jurny. "I am a little leary about how fast this came up, not to mention how much the courier played this mission down. I can only hope that when we get there, we can show these villagers that her highness cares for there welfare as we care for her." Dark said with a smile as the skyline of Manehatten faded behind them.


He looked back for a moment and than sighed. "I'm going to miss that bed" he said in a joking manner, hoping to lighten up the trip. "What do you know of this village brother? I do not recall any information given other than it's location and our orders. I do not want to go in blind, but we may have to, to stop this threat from growing."


As they neared, Dark Wing could smell the cent of the wood burners and fireplaces in the village. "It appears we near brother. I will fallow your lead, for you are in command, o captain of the night guard." he said poking fun at his younger brother for a moment before returning to seriousness.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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The stallion Shakes Shutter's hoof. "Name's Clean Livin'. Nice to meet you." He looks at the card and smiles. "Well, that's a dandy idea! Wish I'd thought of something like this. All I did was start a chain of coffee shops." He pockets the card and shakes Shutters hoof one more time. "I'll hang on to it if that's what you want. I suppose that means that if you need anything, you can just call me on here?" 



Clean Living's Coffee? Shutter smiled, as they finished shaking hooves, and nodded his head, "Same goes for you calling me, if something else I can help with ever comes up, feel free." 


When he finished, Shutter glanced at the sky. He couldn't believe how much time had passed. (time of day?) He picked up his Camera and note pad, then started to hoover just above the ground. "Well, I guess I had better be going for now, before they close... It was nice finally making another friend here, and I'll be sure to see you around Living." 

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Solar Sentinel

Solar sat on the cloud that made up part of Cloudsdale, his right wing bandaged heavenly. He sighed as he looked to it. He was one of the few lucky guards on duty to get out alive, though he could not say unharmed. He only had a few more days before he could test the wing, something the commander of the Sky Guard would want. Being grounded was a worse fate than death to the pegasi. Every so often, he would flex his left wing, hoping that the other would heal faster. 


Being injured was only part of the reason for the way he felt. His armor was still tarnished from the magic blast. It served as a reminded of all of his unit he lost that day. Something he refused to clean.


A few hours passed as the commander of the skyguard removed the bandages himself, not waiting for a doctor. As he extended his wing, a grimace filled his face as he began to flex it back and forth, before he looked over to it. The mussel had healed, but the feathers would need a good going over as many of the old singed ones remained, as well as the new ones underneath. He could only hope that his commander could see him fit for duty once more.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Darts turned the corner of the Wonderbolts' compound only to collide dead on with Soarin himself, after taking a second recover he looked up and smirked at the blue pegasus. "Sorry man, I saw the rainbow and decided to pay the cap'n a visit. You don't don't think she'll mind much do you?" he asked, receiving a confirmatory head shake from the elder Wonderbolt. Smiling, Darts said goodbye to Soarin and continued on his way to the main building. After making his way through a maze of cloudy hallways he finally stopped in front of a large door, a brass plaque with the name Rainbow Dash carved into it hung over the entrance. Not bothering to knock he pushed the door open and greeted his prismatic captain.




Twelve Gauge let out a ferocious growl and rushed the unicorn, taking the smaller stallion by surprise and pinning him against the clinic wall. "The only thing I want right now is to get the hell out of this hole in the ground. What could I possibly gain from telling anybody about you even if I where planning on it. The sooner I'm out of here the quicker I can forget this ever happened, got it idiot?" he roared, bits of spittle flying into the white pony's face.

(((Prismatic, that's a good one)))

Rainbow looks up and smiles at Dart's entrance. "Oh, hello Darts, is there something I can help you with? If you're here about the get together at the bar tomorrow night, I'm looking forward to it." She sighs and sets down a document she'd been reading. "I need a bit of a break from everything, this'll be nice. Is there something else I can help you with?"

David sighs and tries to push the bigger pony off of him. When he won't budge, he calmly says, "Please, I wasn't implying that you would tell anyone voluntarily. I've made more then a few enemies in my time and half of them are currently in Equestria...namely, hive spell binder. The queen of the hive caught me on a secret mission. She tortured me, and I only just barely managed to escape. That's why I'm hiding. I have no idea who I can trust. Now if you'll kindly get off of me, we can discuss matters over a cup of coffee in a civilized matter? It's rather late and I think some coffee would do me some good." 


"You aren't getting away that easily." He yelled as he fired multiple aura spheres in random directions in the air. Even without his aura sight, one of them would eventually hit the now identified bat pony. Eventually, he stopped firing and flew as fast as he could in hopes of now losing his attacker.


(By the way, there wouldn't happen to be any slavers in this RP working for the princesses, would there, because Gale is... Slightly vulnerable. ;) )

(((Possibly the griffons...honestly, I never thought of that...)))

As you fly away, you listen for noise but hear nothing pursuing you. Do you wish to try and find some trace of the mysterious bat pony? Or head to Hollow Shades?




Dark fallows Paladin onto the balcony and takes off fallowing his brother. "What do you think Paladin," as the begin their jurny. "I am a little leary about how fast this came up, not to mention how much the courier played this mission down. I can only hope that when we get there, we can show these villagers that her highness cares for there welfare as we care for her." Dark said with a smile as the skyline of Manehatten faded behind them.


He looked back for a moment and than sighed. "I'm going to miss that bed" he said in a joking manner, hoping to lighten up the trip. "What do you know of this village brother? I do not recall any information given other than it's location and our orders. I do not want to go in blind, but we may have to, to stop this threat from growing."


As they neared, Dark Wing could smell the cent of the wood burners and fireplaces in the village. "It appears we near brother. I will fallow your lead, for you are in command, o captain of the night guard." he said poking fun at his younger brother for a moment before returning to seriousness.

Paladin laughs at the bed comment. "Yes, I'm going to miss sleeping in a climate controlled room." He ponders his brother's question about the town and replies "Well, as far as I know, it's just a simple tourist town. It's right next to foal mountain, and I believe there's an large cave system down under the mountain that used to house a Colony of some of our people, but they abandoned it years ago." He tries to shrug but, seeing that he's flying, he finds it difficult and decides to leave it at that. As they near he hears the comment about rank and turns, giving his brother a sarcastic smile before getting serious. "Alright, we'll start by just asking around."


Clean Living's Coffee? Shutter smiled, as they finished shaking hooves, and nodded his head, "Same goes for you calling me, if something else I can help with ever comes up, feel free." 


When he finished, Shutter glanced at the sky. He couldn't believe how much time had passed. (time of day?) He picked up his Camera and note pad, then started to hoover just above the ground. "Well, I guess I had better be going for now, before they close... It was nice finally making another friend here, and I'll be sure to see you around Living." 

(((Late night time...though with Luna and Celestia fighting, I'm not sure the day/night cycle would work...)))

As you leave, Clean waves good bye to you and finally manages to gather his family. They go inside and Clean waves friendly like one more time over his shoulder, before the door closes behind him. As you're about to go, a soldier comes up to you. He's wearing the Crest of Twilight on a beret and also on his body armor. "Hello sir, Princess Twilight has asked for an audience with you."


Solar Sentinel

Solar sat on the cloud that made up part of Cloudsdale, his right wing bandaged heavenly. He sighed as he looked to it. He was one of the few lucky guards on duty to get out alive, though he could not say unharmed. He only had a few more days before he could test the wing, something the commander of the Sky Guard would want. Being grounded was a worse fate than death to the pegasi. Every so often, he would flex his left wing, hoping that the other would heal faster. 


Being injured was only part of the reason for the way he felt. His armor was still tarnished from the magic blast. It served as a reminded of all of his unit he lost that day. Something he refused to clean.


A few hours passed as the commander of the skyguard removed the bandages himself, not waiting for a doctor. As he extended his wing, a grimace filled his face as he began to flex it back and forth, before he looked over to it. The mussel had healed, but the feathers would need a good going over as many of the old singed ones remained, as well as the new ones underneath. He could only hope that his commander could see him fit for duty once more.

As you sit there, you see Soarin walking past. He see's you and comes over to salute you. "Hello sir. I hope you're doing better. Are the results from the doctor good news?" 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Tempest sighed as he continued to fly. "I guess I lost whatever that thing was." He thought to himself. "Now, what should I do?" The bat pony had three options. He could head back to Manehatten, continue flying west to do a bit of recon, or fly south for the same reason. He could basically fly in any direction, and he would probably face a potential enemy or ally in this war. "So many decisions. I might as well pay Luna a visit." With that, the bar pony did a 180 a flew back towards Manehatten. His aura began to surround him as he flew, increasing his speed and helping him blend into the night sky.

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"I guess Soarin delivered the message safely then. Actually I was just coming by to check in, is it so weird for a pony to say hi to their boss every once in a while?" Darts asked with a good-natured chuckle. "So, care to tell a friend what you and the almighty sunbutt talked about or is it supposed to stay all hush-hush?"




Twelve Gauge frowned for a second before finally pulling back and dropping the stallion to the floor. "We'll talk, but I'm telling you right now there's no way in tartarus I'm spending any more time down here than I need to. Either we come to some sort of deal or I'll have dig my own way out" he said stepping away from the prone unicorn. "The name's Twelve Gauge, most ponies call me Slug."


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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