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open Outcast Academy


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Lee turns around and sees the big minotaur. His ears go down for a moment and he tenses up, then he relaxes a returns to normal. "Oh, hey there big guy. Sorry, you kinda scared me for a moment. Yeah, I'm heading to shop class. Actually, if you give me a moment..." Saying this, in a flash of green fire, he shifts to look like his usual tan unicorn form. "Ah, I feel better. My names Lee. Good to meet ya. Want me to show you where Shop is?"

"Id appreciate it, Lee. Im not good with things like this, give me a hammer, and i can forge you anything" He laughs loudly. "And thats pretty cool, being able to look like anypony you meet, hmmm just for laughs, can you mimic me? I just wanna see it. Sorry if i shouldnt ask"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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(( Fancy meeting you here. Just wanted to say that Darius is an awesome character :3 it'll be interesting to see Spring interact with him, as she's half-dragon :3)


If anypony near the Outcast Academy were to look up at the sky, they would see a blue mare flying and beginning her descent. If one were to come closer to her, they would see that her wings were different from each other, and beat at different paces. On, a regular Pegasus wing, was beating normally. The other wing, a dragon wing the same size as the Pegasus wing, beat a bit slower, as it was more powerful. It looked incredibly awkward, but it was natural for her. The mare's long, messy mane covered her eyes and a large portion of her face, but she could see fine through her hair. As long as nopony could see that part of her face, she was good.

The mare continued her descent towards the school, alighting on the stairs. She looked around, noticing that there were several ponies there already. Instead of socializing, she went to the door and stared at it, wondering if it was locked or not.

  • Brohoof 1
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Anna nearly fell off her chair when the door swung open, she must of dosed off. In came the first pony, which, wasn't actually a pony. She was more of a deer, but a unicorn? A little confusing, but she wasn't as strange as Anna expected, it was obvious she was a girl, and was actually kinda cute. In came some other ponies, but she was expecting a few more. They all had their quirks, but other then being a different species, or having some type of problem with their appearance, they really weren't so bad. She expected juvenile delinquents when she heard 'special' ponies learning like any other pony would, her topic wasn't changed at all.

Edited by Delta


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Legion stood and watched events unfold and then he started to walk off.


... I Can't fly... Why have creators forgotten to provide 21-P... Legion wings...


Legion then walked off and headed to biology class. Once he arrived he knocked on the door and waited for someone to greet him.

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((OOC: Um, II would probably be a good idea to pretend that post didn't happen, as there aren't many ponies that have gone to class yet. In fact, I think Legion is the only one aside from Brandi. I can come talk to you.))


The teenaged dragon-pony hybrid saw a robot enter the building, confirming that it was indeed open. She followed and checked her schedule and map, which she had received that morning.

"First class is biology, then," she muttered to herself. Putting the schedule away, she followed the map and found her classroom.

Inside, she found that the teacher was already there. She trotted up to the desk and said, "Uh, hi... I just got here, so I dunno if I have to like report to you or something. It's my first day."

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Mint Drop (((Well hello there, :D Thanks! Should be fun! ;D )))

"Id appreciate it, Lee. Im not good with things like this, give me a hammer, and i can forge you anything" He laughs loudly. "And thats pretty cool, being able to look like anypony you meet, hmmm just for laughs, can you mimic me? I just wanna see it. Sorry if i shouldnt ask"

Lee nods and standing up on his hind legs, with a flash of green fire, Lee transformed in to Strong Hammer. He stands there for a second, then wobbles back and forth and falls to the ground with a *boom*. A flash of greenfire later, Lee is laying there in his unicorn form, hoof to his head. "That...kinda hurt. It's been a while since I impersonated a two legged creature. I'm gonna have to work on that. Anyways, the Shop is down this way." He turns around and prances off happily. 



@@LunaKitty R5,

Leo looked at the mare who just interrupted him. "Oh its fine really, I believe math is down the hall though. I'm not sure, Im fairly new here myself..."  he said rubbing the back of his mane with his hoof. Being around females never really made Leo feel comfortable, sense he tends to work with a bunch of males in a circus.

Paladin turns to Leo and says, "Sorry, but I gotta go. My biology class starts in a little and I'd hate to be late on the first day." Saying this, he takes off for his biology class. He zips around hall corners and ends up running in to the pony standing in the door way. As he gets up, he extends a hoof to help Spring up. "SO SORRY! I'm very very sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going...this wouldn't happen to be biology would it?" 

@@Mint Drop

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Mint Drop (((Well hello there, :D Thanks! Should be fun! ;D )))

Lee nods and standing up on his hind legs, with a flash of green fire, Lee transformed in to Strong Hammer. He stands there for a second, then wobbles back and forth and falls to the ground with a *boom*. A flash of greenfire later, Lee is laying there in his unicorn form, hoof to his head. "That...kinda hurt. It's been a while since I impersonated a two legged creature. I'm gonna have to work on that. Anyways, the Shop is down this way." He turns around and prances off happily.



Paladin turns to Leo and says, "Sorry, but I gotta go. My biology class starts in a little and I'd hate to be late on the first day." Saying this, he takes off for his biology class. He zips around hall corners and ends up running in to the pony standing in the door way. As he gets up, he extends a hoof to help Spring up. "SO SORRY! I'm very very sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going...this wouldn't happen to be biology would it?"

@@Mint Drop


"That was awesome, just amazing." Stronghammer said, "and please, lead the way my new friend, heh, the was just awesome" Stronghammer follows Lee, and promptly trips and falls on a random pony, causing a loud boom to echo around the hall. "That hurt" turning to the pony he nearly crushed, he apologizes.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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((She was at the teacher's desk but whatever XD))

The pony had just finished speaking when someone suddenly bumped into her, making her lose her balance and fall. She glared up at the pony for a moment, before sighing and getting up, ignoring his extended hoof.

"Just be careful next time," she said, starting to turn back to the teacher. "And yes, this is biology."

  • Brohoof 1
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Paladin blinks and retracts his hoof. He turns around and walks away muttering something about cold shoulder being too icy for his taste. He sits down in a random desk. As he waits for class to start he notices Brandi next to him. Smiling, he extends his hoof. "Hey, you were the pony with Leo right? I'm Paladin!" 






Darius looks up at the campus clock tower and yells "OH NO! I'm gonna be late for my science class!" Turning to Sunset, he says, "I'm really sorry, but I need to get to class! See you later!" With that, he takes off, his hoof steps echoing like hammer blows across the school as he runs up the stairs. He finally makes it to biology (which he refers to as science...which it kinda is) and walks up to the teachers desk, winded. He stops in front of her desk, breathing hard. So hard, after every other breath, a spurt of flame would shoot out of his mouth. Finally he looks up. "Hi! I'm Darius! This is science right?" he looks around and sees spring, well, he actually sees her wing. He gives a bellow of joy and walks over, extending one of his wings. "Looky looky! We got the same wings! That is sooooo COOL!" he yells almost at the top of his lungs. As everypony stops to look at him, he simply smiles at them, a scary site considering his rows of sharp pointy  teeth and his glowing green and purple eyes.

@@Mint Drop


Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Brandi turned around, after not being spoken to for quite some time, she realized she better get a move on or she'll be late. She then went to her locker, put her bag again and gathered what she needed, then she headed off towards class. Realizing her first class was not far from her locker she walked into Biology room, and upon entering, she was probably the first to show up.


((OOC: Brandi was in the middle of talking to Lee. It would probably be a good idea to pretend that post didn't happen, as there aren't many ponies that have gone to class yet. In fact, I think Legion is the only one. I can come talk to you.))


The teenaged dragon-pony hybrid saw a robot enter the building, confirming that it was indeed open. She followed and checked her schedule and map, which she had received that morning.

"First class is biology, then," she muttered to herself. Putting the schedule away, she followed the map and found her classroom.

Inside, she found that the teacher was already there. She trotted up to the desk and said, "Uh, hi... I just got here, so I dunno if I have to like report to you or something. It's my first day."

(( Umm... A bit confused. By the sounds of it, Rain had Brandi totally reset herself and come to Anna's class without talking to anypony. She went to her locker, put her stuff away, and came to class. No posts were made since. Maybe she was talking to Lee before that post? But even if that was the case, the last post Rain made makes it obvious that she wasn't talking to Lee anymore


But I guess since my post was already assumed a mistake, we can just completely ignore it ))


Anna was feeling extremely overwhelmed, Mint and the other's were not the only students around her. She looked at all of them, in a crowded chaos, right in front of her desk. Darius, the one pulling her wing, stressed her out the most. He was loud and a little obnoxious. She pulled her wing back, tightly to her body. Anna felt herself boiling and-


"Everypony BACK OFF!" She yelled, noticing she had a sudden mood-swing. One minute tired and depressed, turned into angered and anxious. Anna collected herself, noticing her mistake "I-I'm sorry... guys... Please go to a desk, you're really making me anxious with all this commotion" She put a hoof over her stomach, almost as if she was pointing it out as a excuse for her behavior "Please guys..."


@@Mint Drop,


Anna glanced back at the original student as soon as everyone started to back off, who asked her a question "Yes sweetheart, it's everypony's first day. It's the first day of the year. Now please, sit down, and I'll give you and the whole class the run-down of what to expect this year in my class. Okay?" 

Edited by Delta


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Brandi let out a long sigh every time she was cut off from her seat. Upon hearing some pony next to her she looked at the pony talking to her "A-a-ah yes....P-pleased to meet you Paladin.." She said, but then she nearly jumped 10 feet in the air by the sudden shouting from the teacher. She quickly found a empty seat, sat down and lowered her head and covered her face with her hoofs, waiting for further instructions from the teacher.

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Spring rolled her eyes when the stallion stalked away, pouting(I know he's not really pouting, that's just how she sees it).

She continued to wait for the teacher to respond, and soon, another student appeared in the classroom, panting. Small flames seemed to come from his mouth, and she felt a pang of jealusy.

She tried to ignore him, but he came up to her a moment later, surprising her with his booming voice. He was excited that they had the same kind of wings. She looked at her dragon wing, extending it.

"I suppose so," she replied, but he was just giving the rest of the class a toothy smile.

His size and teeth didn't intimidate her; she'd seen a few full-grown dragons in her lifetime, mostly viewing migrations. What bothered her about him was that he was so loud. And immature, it seemed. Still, this was a place for different ponies, and being different was exactly why she was here, so she knew she shouldn't judge.

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@@Mint Drop,


"Now that I answered your question, can you please sit down? I really want to start class..." She said, looking at Mint. Anna noticed she was totally unaffected by her yelling. She couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but either way she truly wanted to get things going. The sooner she got things going, the sooner she could take a nap in the teachers lounge  


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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((I'm sorry, I messed up too. I got confused and somehow mixed Sage up with Brandi. Ooops.

Still, I don't think many ponies would do what you described. Really, as far as I can see, Spring is the meanest one here, even though she's not actually mean, just has a temper. Either way, even she wouldn't do that. And when you posted, Brandi was the only student in the classroom.

Also, I'm Mint, my OC is Spring Flight.))


Spring jumped back a bit, startled out of her thoughts by the teacher's outburst.

She nodded when the teacher spoke and headed for the back row, choosing the desk in the far corner.

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@@LunaKitty R5,

Leo looked at the mare who just interrupted him. "Oh its fine really, I believe math is down the hall though. I'm not sure, Im fairly new here myself..."  he said rubbing the back of his mane with his hoof. Being around females never really made Leo feel comfortable, sense he tends to work with a bunch of males in a circus.


(Hey guys! Sorry I left! I had to do other things! Moving in 3 days! SO EXCITED!)


Electro nodded. She smiled "Are you in math? If you are we can go together!" She blinked her eyes. The lighting in the school was bright. It made her black coat look like a dark grey. Her lime green mane look sort of yellowish. She fixed her backpack and stretched her wings.

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@@LunaKitty R5,


Leo smiles brightly "actually I do have math as my first class..so I guess it won't hurt to go with someone! Well this is how we make friends anyway" he blew a piece of his undeveloped mane out of his face as he said this. "I don't believe I have heard your name...Mines Leo in case you want to know"

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"That was awesome, just amazing." Stronghammer said, "and please, lead the way my new friend, heh, the was just awesome" Stronghammer follows Lee, and promptly trips and falls on a random pony, causing a loud boom to echo around the hall. "That hurt" turning to the pony he nearly crushed, he apologizes.

Lee leads the way to workshop class. True enough to expectation, he is once again ridiculed for looking like a unicorn, and has to shift back to his changeling form. He hopes this will quiet things down, but it doesn't. Everypony notices that he doesn't have wings, and he hears all kinds of whispers around the class room as students talk about him. "When will this class be over!" He complains to Stronghammer. 


@ @@Mint Drop

Darius sits down in a desk, almost squishing it, and is immediately bored. Sitting near the back of the class, he has a good view of the windows. He watches the birds outside and blows smoke rings out of his nose in a very bored fashion. 


Paladin is also in Anna's class. He glares at Darius as he walks past, wondering why somepony would be so disruptive on their first day of school, and to a pregnant teacher no less.

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Lee leads the way to workshop class. True enough to expectation, he is once again ridiculed for looking like a unicorn, and has to shift back to his changeling form. He hopes this will quiet things down, but it doesn't. Everypony notices that he doesn't have wings, and he hears all kinds of whispers around the class room as students talk about him. "When will this class be over!" He complains to Stronghammer.


@ @@Mint Drop

Darius sits down in a desk, almost squishing it, and is immediately bored. Sitting near the back of the class, he has a good view of the windows. He watches the birds outside and blows smoke rings out of his nose in a very bored fashion.


Paladin is also in Anna's class. He glares at Darius as he walks past, wondering why somepony would be so disruptive on their first day of school, and to a pregnant teacher no less.


"Honestly man, i have no idea, i mean, ugh, its wierd being the tallest but it has to suck that theyre treating you like this in a school specifically for misfits" he says. "Look, im not a viloent guy, but if they keep messing with people im gonna hit them, especially when theyre messing with m friends.

  • Brohoof 1

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Anna lets out a deep breath before standing up in front of the class. She assumes everyone is in, shuts the door, and heads back to the blackboard. She takes one last glance at the class before picking up a piece of chalk, writing her name on the bored, then setting it down. The silence may have made her seem intimidating, but that was the last thing she was. What was more scary then a anxious and frightened, pregnant, biology teacher? That was sarcasm, she looked more cute then anything, adorable even. Anna looked like a little filly who was about to wet herself, but she snapped herself out of it and introduced herself to the class. A deep breath in, then out, and Anna had collected herself, once again seeming confident.


She cleared her throat "Hi... Uh... Class. I'm your biology teacher for the year, Mrs. Belle. My full name is Annabelle Belle, yes, two words, and uh... I'll be your Biology- Oh! I said that! I mean... uh... I'm happy to have you, this will be a great year, and all I ask of you is one thing. When you all walked into the class, you were a bit loud, and crowding me... I don't ever flip out... but-" Anna, again, used her pregnancy as a excuse though it wasn't really all the blame for why she flipped. A glance to her bloated stomach, a long one so the students would notice, and she looked back at them "I am... Tied up, let's say. If it wasn't obvious, I'm pregnant, and I am really, really, off with everything, and I don't need the additional stress. When you come into the room, just sit down and wait patiently, raise your hoof if you have a question, and I'll get to you"


Anna looked around at everyone, seeing if they were getting the idea. She also waited for possibly a hoof raise.. or hand... maybe hands... claws too...


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Spring quietly sighed as she heard a chair creak near her. She knew immediately that it was the stallion with the dragon wings. Her desk was next to the window, so she watched what was going on outside, trying to ignore him.

After several minutes, she decided that she might as well make conversation, if the teacher was going to take so long. She turned in her seat, facing the stallion. For a moment she found herself lost for words, completely uninterested in socializing, but she noticed the smoke puffing from his nose and remembered the flames spitting from his mouth when he was panting earlier.

Might as well go with that... she thought, and waved a hoof to get his attention.

Just as she opened her mouth, the teacher closed the door and began talking, so she turned to the front and listened.


((Sorry for the blunder Dx))

Edited by Mint Drop
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Anna looked around at everyone, seeing if they were getting the idea. She also waited for possibly a hoof raise.. or hand... maybe hands... claws too...

(((That is a great line!)))


Darius, not always the one to catch on, raises his hoof and blurts out "Ma'am, is this the science where things go boom?" a groan from the class answers his question for him and he sinks down into his seat looking crestfallen. 


Paladin raises his hoof and patiently waits for acknowledgement. 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@, @,

Brandi simply watched as the teacher did her teaching introduction with no words or movements, and hearing Darius's question she got slightly confused, why would somepony even ask that question, but then again, probably can't blame him. Having no questions though, Brandi opened her notebook she forgot she even pulled out and began doodling on the cover.

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Slate Armet walked down the sidewalk peacefully, enjoying the breeze through his mane. It wasn't often that he got outdoors, let alone during the daytime. Cavorting with the dead tend to lessen daylight activities, as many don't really approve. His peacefulness was shattered when he heard a clocktower chime. Slate sighed and his mood darkened.


The real excuse he was outside, the real reason he was amongst the living. He had to go to school, an academy to be more precise. He didn't know how they manged to find him and force him to come to this school, he just knew he had to go or else. They were quite insistent on the 'or else' part.


Quickening his pace, he found himself in front of what appeared to be a massive brick building with a sign simply saying 'Outcast Academy'. Shaking his head, he headed through the doors and found himself in front of a long hallway. Pulling a piece of paper from his cloak, he skimmed over it.


It appears my first hour is 'Shop Class'. Are we learning about business? Seems more suited towards Economics...


Shrugging, Slate put the list up and looked around for the room of his class. After what seemed like forever, Slate finally found it. Upon entering, his eyebrow curled up in bemusement. Instead of a business class, it appeared to be a small workshop, complete with tools, lumber, bricks, and oddly enough, metal.


Hm. Of all the courses I get, it's one of my worst skills. I'm going to fail with flying colors...

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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"No... That would be chemistry" Anna said, with a huff of annoyance "In Biology, which I hope MOST of you know this by now, we study the mystery of life on our planet and in Equestria. From the ants in the dirt, to the eagles in the sky. If you're really itching for something exciting, we'll be doing a few labs involving dissection. Also, for our pyros out there, we are going to be aloud to burn a few food items for calorie tests. But I am sorry folks, things will NOT be exploding in my class. If I see any attempts at exploding, you're going to earn yourself a spot in the office, as well as in court"


Anna turned to the wall "Speaking of which, that brings us to safety. The fire extinguisher is on the wall to my right, the exit in case of a fire is out our main door and to the left, and the eyewash/chemical shower is in the back right corner. Any questions so far?"


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Paladin put his hand down. She'd unintentionally answered his question. He quietly mutters to himself "Geez, first the cold shoulder, now I'm being ignored by the teacher. This class is starting off wonderfully well..."


@@Mint Drop 

Darius had quickly gotten over his embarrassment and had started blowing smoke rings out of his nostrils again. Finally, tiring of that, he again, goes back to watching out the window.


@ @

Lee's antenna moved as he felt something strange happen to the emotions in the room. Looking around he notices a strange pony entering the room. He nudges Strong Hammer and points to Slate Armet "What the hay is this? He looks like a normal earth pony! What's he doing here?" his curiousness piqued, he extends his feelings towards this new comer only to feel some vague and mysterious shadow of emotion. Almost like he was trying to hide it. (((He's using his changeling ability to sense emotions here))). Turning back to Stronghammer, Lee has a puzzled expression on his face. "That's really weird. I just tried to feel his emotions, but all I got was some weird shadowy feeling." His interest now completely piqued, he watches Shadow as he enters the room.

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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