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open Tales from the forge.


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The ringing of a hammer sings as the old pony Burning Ember hammers out a chest guard. Setting down his tool to take a drink, he looks round at the unicorn sitting patiently near by, he asks in a gruff voice "So I suppose you'll be wanting a story from me then ma'am?" The pony nods he head excitedly and raises he pencil. Snorting a laugh softly he settles himself beside his forge,

"Well, if this is to become an adventure book, I guess I'd better start at the beginning"


"I won't bore you with how I came to get my cutie mark, but I will tell of the day I left home....."

Burning Ember stretched himself out as he woke up, blinking against the sunlight that streamed through his window "Well dang it, morning already?" he muttered to himself, "I'd better go and see if mama has any food left on the table!" Jumping out of bed quickly, he made his bed and trotted to the kitchen, "Morning dear!" his mother called "You've slept late again, was going to get your father to come wake you if you'd slept much longer!" Burning Ember muttered and apology and set about eating the remaining pancakes his mother had cooked for him.


 As he ate, his father came in, scowling at his son he remarked " There's a pony out there wanting to see you, something about a hoof guard?" Burning Ember looked up, a flash of excitement in his eyes "Really?!" bolting down the last of his breakfast, he ran out the door with his fathers words ringing in his ears "Don't you be going talking to any more soldiers boy, ya hear me?!"


(OOC: sorry it's late, daughter trouble)

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Stronghammer sat in his family's forge.(im just going with what feels right) As he set about preparing for his fathers work and his training, he saw a soldier by the pony name Burning Ember, "hmmm, i wonder what's going on over there." He remarks after he lays the hammer passed down throu generations. (I hate makeing that first post lol, but seriously if you dont like my post ksut let me know)

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As Burning Ember trotted up to the un-named pony, he noticed that he was covered in small scars and carried a broken hoof guard, the pony threw down the guard at Burning Embers hooves and ordered in a rude voice "Your the pony that fixes armor, fix this for me, now!" Taken aback by the tone this pony was using, Burning Ember wasn't sure what to say, stuttering he replied " o o ok I guess, i i i it'll take me a while to do...." he glanced around, hoping that some one would be around to see this,


(i like it, good intro!)

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(Well...here goes nothing)

Orange Sunburst and Lexi Rosa were trotting around, not sure of what to do.Sunburst flipped her mane out of her face,"Hey Lexi what do you wanna."She stopped at mid sentence as she noticed two ponies over there.Lexi followed her gaze and cocked her head,"What are they up to."She said wispering.She saw Sunbursr fly to the side of a building.Lexi flew and zoomed over there nearly crashing into Sunburst."Sorry."She wispered as she began to watch.Sunburst rolled her eyes,"Be careful where you go and be quiet."She said wispering.She watched the two ponies slightly watching Lexi as well.

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Aero was walking down the street, on his way to the nearby weather station. He glanced around the neighborhood he was traveling through, and noticed a pony outside someone's house shouting at the pony who just opened the door to see him. 'Goodness, is that one of the guards? I never knew they could have such a bad attitude.' He was shocked by the event, so he stood there and watched it from afar. He was standing in plain sight, so he would easily be seen by ponies looking for witnesses.

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Hearing the soldier looking pony order ember around rudely, Stronghammer wouldnt stand down, after all he may jave been young, but he was still a little taller than most ponies and he walked over to the pony. "Hey" he says, looking down on the rude pony, "i dont think you should take that tone with this here pony"

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Lexi and Sunburst watched as the pony stood up for the mare.Sunburst flipped her mane out of her face and looked at Lexi,"Would you ne still we are gonna be caught."She wispered, shouted.Lexi was playing around when she stopped,"Sorry again."She said looking back out again.Lexi smiled as she saw the pony stand up for her.Sunburst rolled her eyes, man its just a stuoid mare, she thought to herself.Lexi was leaning forward to hear what they were saying.She leaned to far and fell on her face, now in plain sight her bright coat colors not helping her.Sunburst snarled,LEXI WHATS WRONG WITH YOU.., she screamed to herself.She backed away from the wall.Lexi watched her back away from her and she was confused.Lexi sat up and rubbed her head.

Hearing the soldier looking pony order ember around rudely, Stronghammer wouldnt stand down, after all he may jave been young, but he was still a little taller than most ponies and he walked over to the pony. "Hey" he says, looking down on the rude pony, "i dont think you should take that tone with this here pony"

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