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private [CLOSED] Equestria: 28 Days Later


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"Very well, can you at least honor me with your name? I will give you mine, but I wonder, where did you get such equipment?" Stronghammer asks. He never believed one should rely on anything but thier own strength, but admits that in this situation, those could prove useful and as a blacksmith, he could probably craft some and the projectiles as well. "In either case, get ready to cover, that door will shatter without reinforced materials."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Sighing deeply as he stuffed his notepad back in his saddlebag, Artorius turned to Ace, his mind set to give the order. "Right Ace, do it. Put an arrow in his head and let's get some sleep. If we're going to escape here, we need to be rested and ready. I don't want anypony lagging behind".


With that, Artorius turned to return to his quarters, not bearing even the slightest hint of remorse for agreeing to cull the body of Aces High once and for all. The Creator only knew whether he'd be a good asset to his resistance or not, but as fate had it, he would be infected, and thus decisive action had to be taken. As a former paramedic, the only thing Artorius was focused on was saving lives, and he was prepared to undertake that task no matter the risks, or the circumstances. If he had to, he would die to protect somepony. He would do anything, and he would do it with courage, honor, and bravery. It was the only thing he knew after all. Sparing a thought only for what to do in case the infected managed to break in, Artorius proceeded to lie down, before snuggling comfortably against the floor. He finally shut his eyes, allowing his weariness to take him to Princess Luna's paradise of sleepy delights.

Edited by Firebolt Blitz


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Ace pulled out his bow and looked at the body. Going by what Artorius had said, it seemed that the stallion wasn't fully dead and that he would have to lodge another arrow into his face.
Ace crouched down by the body. "I hate to do this to a fellow poker player, but I have no choice..." He then lodged the arrow in his head, permanently silencing him.


He turned back around to the others after the deed was done.

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Still looking at the ground with a cigar in hoof, "To be honest with you... I dont even know my own name. My parents never gave me an offical name at birth because well... They were the worst kind of parents. I ran away from home when I was young and learnt on my own. I never went to school and defened myself in the everfree forest." He paused and took another puff of his cigar. "But I just got the name, Dam. Just because of everypony saying 'Dam... Thats one horrible pony over there' " He stopped because he doesnt want to blab on and on about his stupid life story.


"To answer your second question comrade, I made these weapons myself... I spent ages on these and I have many more back in ponyville." He said to the Minotaur as he picked up his PPSH-41 and showed him.


"But what is your name? I am quite sure that everypony here has an offical name." He said a bit angrily

Edited by Damonater
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"The name is Stronghammer. I am a blacksmith and I can craft anything you could ever want. I can also break anything down, years of learning to build taught me hiw to assess a objects weak spots. Still can't believe this is happening. I knew that pony, not happy about this."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Crystal was huffing heavily as she ran, her right backleg was quivering and threatening to give out with each step because of her wound. Still she managed to dive into an alleyway and to squeeze herself behind a dumpster. Not that it helped, one of the infected had managed to follow her and where one of them was others would come. If she waited they would surround the dumpster, shift it, and then it would be over for her. So CeeCee made the increasingly hard decision to try and run for it again, only this time she had the option to go up and she chose it.


As quick as she could CeeCee bounded up on top of the dumpster and leaped for a nearby fire escape ladder, she barely caught it and pulled herself up. She started clanging up the metal scaffolding, her heart sinking as looking back she saw the infected earth pony had easily grasped the ladder as well and continued to follow her. She sped up her climb up the stairs only to start panicking a little as an infected Pegasus began coming down the fire escape, she was trapped between the two of them. She'd have to make her own way out, she'd stopped on the third story, looking at the building's wall she lit up her horn testing the wall and finding it's weakest spot. She hit with her magic and a small portion of the wall cracked and crumbled away but strangely this wall was stronger than most and she didn't even make it all the way through, "Oh come on! Come on! That's not fair..." The blast of magic left her woozy, but she focused and sent another shot; this time a bit of darkness appeared just large enough.


Her eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room, it seemed she was in a kitchen with her hole in the wall matching up with a gap between a refrigerator and an oven. Voices seemed to be coming from another room, 'Oh no, survivors. I can't let them find me.' she thought to herself. She stayed nestled in the gap between the oven and refrigerator, but suddenly the infected earth pony's huge head came snapping through the hole, it was all he could fit. CeeCee barely suppressed a scream and blasted the stallions face, her magic, specialized for cracking rocks, collapsed his skull.


CeeCee nearly vomited are the gore, but swallowed it back down. Outside she could hear the infected Pegasus but it seemed the earth pony was wedged and blocking the small hole. Her head swam with exhaustion from using her magic so much so quickly. She couldn't even bring herself to stand again, instead she merely curled up in the fetal position and hoping the crevice would keep her hidden passed out.

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Morning had dawned over Canterlot, and once more the city awoke to scenes of carnage. Hardly any ponies were left uninfected, and those who remained were ruthlessly hunted down and killed by the hordes that roamed around. Artorius awoke, having slept peacefully, to the sounds of birds chirping and tweeting amidst the glare of Celestia's morning sun; obviously if she could still raise the sun, and Luna the moon, it didn't take much thinking for Artorius to assume they were safe. Electing to check downstairs in case anypony broke in as they slept, Artorius made his way to the stairs, clambering down until he reached the compound's kitchen. Despite the fact that the compound was formerly an ironworks which once produced the elaborate, ornate armor of the Royal Guard, it was still quite easy to navigate, and there was no shortage of a canteen, or food for that matter. 


Having reached the kitchen, Artorius walked in to find a rather unsettling sight. What looked like the headless and decaying corpse of an Earth pony had lodged itself in a hole between the oven and refrigerator. Artorius initially believed the Earth pony was an infected, and had tried busting it's way in, however the walls were too thick for a skull to break it, and the infected's head was blown off, leaving a gore-splattered mess. Realizing that somepony had broken in, Artorius reached for the nearest weapon; a spatula. Carefully surveying the room, Artorius searched for the mystery intruder. With the kitchen clear, he turned to face the canteen. where he found a surprising sight. Huddled in a corner of the room was a unicorn filly, sleeping peacefully in the fetal position. Her light blue coat bore traces of crystalline; Artorius was quick to deduce she was a crystal pony, but what was a crystal pony, particularly a filly, doing so far away from the Crystal Empire? Resolving that the answer would be revealed later, Artorius decided to awaken her. He carefully approached the filly, doing his best to not startle her. Finally, when he got close enough, Artorius pulled the trigger. "E-excuse me? Are you alright?"


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Moonlit Ace woke up around the same time as the rest of his companions. It felt like a normal day to him, waking up like this, but then he remembered the infection that was spreading, shaking that thought from his mind instantly.

Ace and his groggy vision for just waking up had noticed that Artorius had walked off somewhere


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Night : Dam butted his cigar and threw it out the window. Then he proceeded with his exercises he does at night then curled up tightly in the corner, closing his eyes. allowing his weariness to take him to Princess Luna's paradise of sleepy delights. "Somehow... I'm still alive." He thought to himself as he went to sleep peacefully.


Morning: He began to slowly open his good eye and then his white eye, He yawned and and stretched his hind pony legs and began to stand up. Dam then looks outside the window, checking the activity of the infected below. His stomach growled for food. "Hmm... rice for breakfast?" He thought to himself as he went to his saddle bags. He rummaged through them and pulled out a very small container of rice, it was only going to serve 1 pony that was going to be Dam. So then, he took his kitchen knife and tried to use it as a spoon to eat the rice with. He begins to eat the rice, little bits at a time.

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