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Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky <3,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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212?! I HAVE FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!! BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I once again have nothing exciting to talk about here... So, have the responses!



I can fix that

Depending on your opinion

Yeah, you definitely fixed my video being the scariest one. Why did you have to trump me!




I'm gonna explain, not for your convenience (because most people don't care) but for my entertainment.

The formula describes how much energy it would take to travel at the speed of light.

  • E=Energy
  • M=Mass
  • C=The speed of light

So, you have the answer, E the mass of an object, M, and c, the speed of light

As an example, if we wanted to make a baseball travel at the speed of light, we would plug in the equation like so:

E=145 grams x 299,792,458 m/s 2


Which would mean: E=43,469,906,4102 =

So you would need about 1,889,632,763,294,159,000,000 units of energy (joules) to make a baseball travel at the speed of light


If I made a mistake, please correct me, knowledge is important!


DISCLAIMER: I do know that it'd only be VERY NEAR the speed of light, unless I'm wrong, I don't even really know if that's what the equation means

1,889,632,763,294,159,000,000 equals:

One sextillion, eight hundred eighty-nine quintillion, six hundred thirty-two quadrillion, seven hundred sixty-three trillion, two hundred ninety-four billion, one hundred fifty-nine million.

In word form of course.

DISCLAIMER: I am only a physics student early in his studies. What I say may or may not be complete nonsense.


Unfortunately, that's not actually what the equation describes. Only light can go at the speed of light. If you try to accelerate anything with mass to the speed of light, then relativity effects start kicking in essentially making sure that object never reaches the speed of light. In particular, if you start getting very close to the speed of light, your mass will start to increase because of relativity, which means it takes more energy to keep you accelerating, but your mass will keep increasing more and more as you get closer and closer to the speed of light, meaning no matter how much energy you put in, the mass will just increase so the energy never accelerates you to the speed of light.


What the equation e=mc2 describes is how matter can be converted to energy, and vice versa. This can happen when atoms undergo nuclear fission or fusion to become different elements. The mass of an atom usually differs slightly to the mass of the atoms it splits into in nuclear fission. If these atoms are lighter, then some mass has been lost in the fission. This lost mass is released into the environment as energy, and how much energy is described by the equation e=mc2. Sometimes, the mass of the atoms in the reaction will increase instead, causing the reaction to take energy from the environment, but the energy required is still given by the same equation. Since the mass is multiplied by the speed of light squared, which is such a massive number, a tiny amount of mass can give you a huge amount of energy, which is the main reason weapons like atomic bombs are so powerful.


Another potential conversion of matter into energy occurs when matter and antimatter touch. When they do so, they annihilate, which means they pretty much destroy each other and turn each other into energy. How much energy is again given by e=mc2.


Am I still an egghead?



Immatoonlink happened Stormgiggle

Immatoonlink happened.

I believe I have found a mistake in my equation!

C is meant to equal 300,000,000 Meters a second!

And M is meant to equal 0.145 Kilograms!







Therefore! It would take 1,892,250,000,000,000 joules to make a baseball move at the speed of light!

How's that for math 42?

(One quadrillion, eight hundred ninety-two trillion, two hundred fifty billion)


Sorry, the math is incorrect. You're error is that you said m(c2) = (mc)2 which is wrong. In doing so, you accidentally squared the m part of the equation, since expanding (mc)2 gives you (m2)(c2). Your answer has been multiplied by m one time too many. What the answer should be is 13050000000000000 joules, which is indeed what you get if you divide your answer by 0.145 to get rid of the extra m.


The interpretation of the result is also wrong. 13050000000000000 joules isn't the energy required to accelerate a baseball to the speed of light. 13050000000000000 joules is the energy that would be released if all of the baseball's mass was converted into energy.


However, good job on picking up that you're meant to use SI units! For this fun physics experience, you get 42 respect points!



Everything that has transpired has done so, according to my design. Your friends, out there on the sanctuary moon, are walking into a trap, as is your Rebel fleet. It was I who allowed the Alliance to know the location of the shield generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best troops awaits them. Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.



Something about this doesn't sound 100% original...



Just practicing for villain day! :adorkable:  



There's a villian day? I want in! I wonder who I will be... Probably a Legend of Zelda villian, they're all awesome! But I feel Ganondorf may be too popular. Wait, I know! Ghirahim! He's amazing! ... Uhh, sorry, I mean fabulous, Lord Ghirahim!


In case you haven't played Skyward Sword for whatever reason, here's some videos of Ghirahim in action. But if you haven't finished Skyward Sword, intend to do so and want to avoid spoilers, you might want to avoid these videos.


MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE: I expected to be able to pull off three embeds, since that happened last time. And it happened here, I just forgot that I also quoted a video earlier, so that ruined my plan. Still, have the third video anyway, just as a link instead.


However, Ghirahim can be rather difficult to emulate well. I may need some practice. Allow me to respond as Ghirahim to some of your future comments!



Actually I should be practicing my Sephiroth, seeing as that's what I'll be! 




Only death awaits you all. But do not fear. For it is through death that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as a part of me.



Playing the tough guy, are you? You really think you can kill me? How charmingly foolish. I only have one master, and I'm sorry rain on your parade, but he's not you. Now if you're done wasting my time, I have more important matters to attend to.



Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away.







Do you honestly think you can boss me around? Why should I tell you that? Still, there's nothing you can do about it, so I suppose I'll indulge you. What I want is the resurrection of my master. However, I must admit... I'm also very fond of bloodshed. Would you happen to be willing to let me soak the floor with your blood? It would certainly help me release my anger!





Clockwerk from Sly Cooper: The Theivious Raccoonus!



Sorry, I have no idea who that person is. Also, thanks for the emoticon overload.




Dude, your counting is all off!

Sorry, but in this instance, it's actually your counting that's off. I verified the first top page number should be a 9, so all numbers at the top of a page should end in a 9. But this is the last post on that page, meaning it should end in an 8 so the following number can be end in a 9.



What the heck is going on here!?



Someone called Safer-Stormgigglge just went above the current count by 11. How does one make an error so big?!






-10324578934583q26590 respect points!


... where q equals 0 and a letter next to a number like that denotes multiplication, so in total you lose 0 respect points. Now maybe you'll reconsider such outrageous counts after a penalty that severe!



Wait a minute, I remember now...  :okiedokielokie:



Uhh... care to elaborate?




So, did I win the IMMATOONLINK battle?

NO! Now, I've already reached my embed limit, so the video will only appear as a link, but...




Yes! I remember now!





Oh, do you now? I take great offense to that! -21 respect points!



Did you know 22 is:

My favorite number,

The atomic number for TItanium

Which is the material of which my body is composed of.



That's why 22 is your favourite number! It all makes sense now!



Yes! The numbers always add up one at a time, always in the same predictable, BORING manner! 



Do you want to change how counting in this game works? I have been thinking this game needs something to be added to it to keep it fresh and exciting. What do you suggest?



I want to see 42's reaction to the fact that I HATE numbers! After I know that, I shall leave this thread forever! 



So far, you've lost 21 respect points and were given the offer to suggest how we should count from now on. Is that not enough?


I think I'll use this opportunity to practise my Ghirahim: 'You know, watching your breakdown from counting too many numbers is too entertaining. If you choose to deny us that entertainment by leaving... Well, I might have to resort to some DRASTIC measures to make up to the lost entertainment! And allow me to be very clear: My preferred entertainment is bloodshed. I suggest you don't get on my bad side.'





Another freakout!


You haven't reached 126 yet. How can you be so sure?



Don't worry, I'll still be around the forums! ^_^ But I can't remain in a place with numbers! They are anathema to my very being! 



At first, I just assumed you were joking about leaving. Now I'm not so sure...


If I give you 84 respect points, will that persuade you to stay?




But we ARE the numbers!


Numbers is life.


I :wub: numbers


Don't you get it? We ARE the numbers! WE are the numbers.


I am numbers

You guys are the best. 84 respect points to you both!



You guys have just been brainwashed by 42! :lol: Don't worry, if I can break free, so can you!  



I'll double both your respect points if you ignore this post and remain brainwashed by me. Otherwise I'm not giving you any of them.



I've been brainwashed by 42...

As Rick has been brainwashed by the zombies...

Good comparison or bad?



I don't recognize this reference, so I have no idea if you're saying you'll remain brainwashed or not. So I have no idea whether I can award you all those respect points.




I am numbers

And you get to keep all 168 respect points!




I am numbers

You have learned so well. I'm very proud of you!



It's because I have to follow the rules of the thread while I remain here. But I won't be here for long. I'm only waiting for 42.



Okay, I'm here. Now what? You're going to abandon me after all we've been though?!



I'll wait here for as long as it takes! :okiedokielokie:



I'm pretty sure I'm making this post while you're asleep...



I... Am? Numbers?

(I posted something in this thread I meant to post somewhere else :P)

No! Don't be swayed! You are numbers! You are!


Also, this place is only for counting. Don't mix up your counting and non-counting stuff!



Huh. I didn't know that at all! But now I know! And knowing is half the battle! 



I'd like to hear a scenario where knowing that Googling 'what do you mean' gives you the definition of 'you' helps you get an advantage in a battle.




I'm playing "The Sims 3"

And I need inspiration for a person.

I find others usually have more creative ideas.

A neurotic, insane, inappropriate, over-emotional kleptomaniac. There you go.




Out of curiosity, could anyone tell what I was trying to reference?

'I am Groot' from Guardians of the Galaxy?




Try replacing numbers with a name





No. This is adorable:




I'm starting to wonder if you actually know what 'adorable' means... What is so adorable about that thing?!




Didn't we get a sextuple before?

I don't remember... I... I don't want to remember.



I don't want to remember either...




Huzzah :P


Oh yeah, that reminds me,



Very well then. I just won't respond to any of those excessive emoticon posts in my freakout then. Or if it's a post I just have to respond to, I'll just remove the emoticons, making the quote not an accurate representation of the original post. I'm not sure what it is you're hoping to accomplish here...




I'm currently performing an experiment

What kind of experiment?





You'll compromise it!

Oops, sorry!



I love compromising stuff!   ^_^


You should stay so you can continue to compromise things! Like our minds, for instance!





Oh my Celestia...13 guests

attachicon.gif13 guests... Help.png

Someone call 119!

I need help!

My address is "123 Help"!

I seem to be safe from the guests... They're all here when you're counting, but they disappear when I'm creating the freakout. There's a grand total of zero guests right now.





About half the guests left, there are only 7 now.

Hey, welcome to my counting game! You came at a good time to witness me experience the worst humiliation I've had in this game in months!





Now the guests are gone completely.

So, going by the times on your posts, does that mean you went from thirteen guests to zero guests within half an hour? That's a sharp drop in attention.





I await your feedback with patience.

What were you hoping for feedback on? If it was how high you got your count, you get a begrudging 'well done'.


Oh, by the way, about those potential 84 respect points with the double-or-nothing offer... I cannot determine whose side you were on, so you just get the 84 respect points.



That's it! Freakout over! We're done! No post-freakout remarks! You may leave now!


I said leave!! Why do you have to be so curious?!


  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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:eww: Stormgiggle's Last Ever Official Freakout Response!  :eww: 


Alright, once I make this, I'm gone forever! 




Wait, I know! Ghirahim! He's amazing! ... Uhh, sorry, I mean fabulous, Lord Ghirahim!

Yeah, Ghirahim is pretty cool!  :catface: I always liked him! 



Playing the tough guy, are you? You really think you can kill me? How charmingly foolish. I only have one master, and I'm sorry rain on your parade, but he's not you. Now if you're done wasting my time, I have more important matters to attend to.



Do you honestly think you can boss me around? Why should I tell you that? Still, there's nothing you can do about it, so I suppose I'll indulge you. What I want is the resurrection of my master. However, I must admit... I'm also very fond of bloodshed. Would you happen to be willing to let me soak the floor with your blood? It would certainly help me release my anger!
Oh, is that so? You are just a puppet……You have no heart……and cannot feel any pain……How can there be any meaning in the memory of such a being?


How does one make an error so big?!
It wasn't an error, although I didn't realize that at the time.  I was finally remembering...


Oh, do you now?
I do! I hate counting and I hate numbers!


Do you want to change how counting in this game works?
No. I want to change how numbers work! There're so boring, so predictable! Why does 1 always have to equal 1!? Numbers never change, they never evolve, they're always stuck at the same exact value! They always combine and uncombine in the same exact ways each and every time! It sickens me! 


At first, I just assumed you were joking about leaving.
Nope. Not joking.  Leaving forever after this post. If you want to respond to these statements, you'll have to go to the last poster thread.


If I give you 84 respect points, will that persuade you to stay?

ARGH!!! You're giving me numbers! NUMBERS!!! I HATE NUMBERS! blogentry-29563-0-77680300-1419459635.png




Otherwise I'm not giving you any of them.

Good! Get those horrible numbers away from me! :eww: 




You're going to abandon me after all we've been though?!

I'm not abandoning you! I'm abandoning NUMBERS and counting! 




I'm pretty sure I'm making this post while you're asleep...

Yeah. I got tired and had to go to bed.




Also, this place is only for counting.

Which is why I must leave.




I'd like to hear a scenario where knowing that Googling 'what do you mean' gives you the definition of 'you' helps you get an advantage in a battle.

Um... Yeah I got nothing. But that doesn't mean it can't be immensely useful on the battlefield! I just can't think of a reason why, is all.




What is so adorable about that thing?!

Did you see it's tentacles? Everyone knows tentacles are adorable! And the eyes and mouths spread haphazardly around its form is the icing on the adorable cake! :pinkie: 




What kind of experiment?
Who would have ever thought a failed experiment would prove so useful? Hojo would die if he knew.


You should stay
Nope. I simply can't.


Weak, Unsatisfactory
Yes! Counting is weak and unsatisfactory! :fluttershy: 
You should have known the entire time that I hated counting. Didn't you ever wonder why I put a exclamation mark at the end of all my counts? An exclamation mark represents an end to something. A big, explosive, VIOLENT end! Even while I was counting, I wanted the counting to end! And now it has!
Goodbye forever, topic! I shan't miss you! Although, I will miss all of you guys...




  • Brohoof 2

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Do you want to change how counting in this game works? I have been thinking this game needs something to be added to it to keep it fresh and exciting. What do you suggest?


That would be interesting, but that would just make it seem like Cross' game :P


And you get to keep all 168 respect points!




You have learned so well. I'm very proud of you!


*smug nod*

I am numbers


No! Don't be swayed! You are numbers! You are!


I AM numbers! :D


Also, this place is only for counting. Don't mix up your counting and non-counting stuff!


I did count, I just used the quote by changing the number ;)


'I am Groot' from Guardians of the Galaxy?



Yep :P


Nope. Not joking.  Leaving forever after this post. If you want to respond to these statements, you'll have to go to the last poster thread.


Goodbye forever, topic! I shan't miss you! Although, I will miss all of you guys...

*Waits for next post*








Edited by Nomed Deps
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:ph34r: Punicpunch's Responses for Reasons of Boredom :ph34r:


Yeah, you definitely fixed my video being the scariest one. Why did you have to trump me!

Because I am good at trump-ets




What the equation e=mc2 describes is how matter can be converted to energy, and vice versa.

Didn't I say I didn't really know what it means?



he interpretation of the result is also wrong. 13050000000000000 joules isn't the energy required to accelerate a baseball to the speed of light. 13050000000000000 joules is the energy that would be released if all of the baseball's mass was converted into energy. However, good job on picking up that you're meant to use SI units! For this fun physics experience, you get 42 respect points!

Not sure if I am bad at math or should be happy about the respect points...



Sorry, I have no idea who that person is.


Is this what you classify as a person:




Sorry, but in this instance, it's actually your counting that's off.

Go die of Victorian Novel disease >_>



NO! Now, I've already reached my embed limit, so the video will only appear as a link, but... [unembedded Link]



I don't recognize this reference

The Walking Dead I said that in a later post I believe...



You guys are the best. 84 respect points to you both!



That's why 22 is your favourite number! It all makes sense now!

22 !



I'd like to hear a scenario where knowing that Googling 'what do you mean' gives you the definition of 'you' helps you get an advantage in a battle.





A neurotic, insane, inappropriate, over-emotional kleptomaniac. There you go.

That's a very accurate way to describe yourself Good idea...



What kind of experiment?





What were you hoping for feedback on?

Whatever...that, is... *gestures to quotes and responses*

Current Respect Points: 788

Edited by Punicpunch
  • Brohoof 2


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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Alright, I've just undertaken a massive task. I have gone back to each of my previous freakouts, so I can work out once and for all how many respect points each of you have. Now, 324 pages is a lot to look though, so I've been skipping through them a bit. Hopefully it doesn't cause me to miss any freakouts, but if you noticed I missed one, point it out to me! Or not, it doesn't bother me. You're the ones missing out on respect points.


I'm not entirely sure when I started giving out respect points,but I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the beginning. Once I see two freakouts in a row which don't mention respect points, I'm going to assume there's no more and stop searching for more freakouts.


So, from all of my searching, I finally stopped after encountering these two freakouts in a row which didn't mention respect points:

http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/?p=3302126 (pg. 164)

http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/?p=3331656 (pg. 182)


After that, here's the first respect point freakout, on page 196: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/page-196#entry3334353


Respect points awarded:

Punicpunch: +4


Running total:

Punicpunch: 4



On page 223, we have: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/page-223#entry3347048


Respect points awarded:

Stormgiggle: +42


Running total:

Stormgiggle: 42

Punicpunch: 4



On page 239, we have the not-a-freakout, but a mass-response due to so many posts being made since the last triple drthrone, which I have said is the one exception to the ‘freakouts only’ rule: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/?p=3370620


Respect points awarded:

Stormgiggle: +21

Stormgiggle: +42


Running total:

Stormgiggle: 105

Punicpunch: 4



At this point, we have this happen on pages 246/247:




Agreed, no offense :please:

Sorry, I had to




I feel like we need to use that picture in some way to promote this game.

While this isn't actually part of a freakout, can we really ignore such an awesome picture and the awarding of 420 respect points? I think not! Punicpunch's running total is now 424!



On page 271, we have: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/page-271#entry3387027


Respect points awarded:

Punicpunch: +42

Punicpunch: -21

Punicpunch: +21

The_Doctor: +84

Assassin/Simon: -21

Proto-Stormgiggle: -21

Punicpunch: +42

Punicpunch: +42

Punicpunch: -21

FortyTwo42: -21

Punicpunch: +i


Running total:

Punicpunch: 529+i

Proto-Stormgiggle: 84

The_Doctor: 84

Assassin/Simon: -21

FortyTwo42: -21



On page 286, we have: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/?p=3395909


(At this point, Punicpunch mentioned he had 527 respect points. This is odd, because so far I've found he has 529+i respect points. Maybe he wants the number of respect points he has be a real number instead of a complex number, so I'll drop that +i for him. Punicpunch now has 529 respect points, 2 respect points more than he thought he had!)


Respect points awarded:

Punicpunch: +1

The_Doctor: +49

Proto-Stormgiggle: +48

Punicpunch: +8

Nomed Deps: +8

Proto-Stormgiggle: -21



Running total:

Punicpunch: 538

The_Doctor: 133

Proto-Stormgiggle: 111

Nomed Deps: 8

Assassin/Simon: -21

FortyTwo42: -21



On page 324 we have: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/?p=3447288


Respect points awarded:

Lord Bradley: +210

Punicpunch: +126


Running total:

Punicpunch: 664

Lord Bradley: 210

The_Doctor: 133

Safer-Stormgiggle: 111

Nomed Deps: 8

Assassin/Simon: -21

FortyTwo42: -21



On page 339, we have: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104656-count-to-42-before-42-or-dovashy-posts/?p=3451134


Respect points awarded:

Punicpunch: +42

Safer-Stormgiggle: -0

Safer-Stormgiggle: -21

Nomed Deps: +168

Punicpunch: +84


Running total:

Don't look here! Look below, where I reveal the final scores in a dramatic manner!

If you really want the final scores in a quick, factual manner, you can look in the spoiler. But you're missing out on exciting drama if you do!


Punicpunch: 790
Lord Bradley: 210
Nomed Deps: 176
The_Doctor: 133
Safer-Stormgiggle: 90
Assassin/Simon: -21
FortyTwo42: -21





So, the final results are:


In 6th place:


FortyTwo42, with -21 respect points!



Also tied for 6th place:


Assassin/Simon, with -21 respect points! (although I hear he goes by Simon (Salem/Wilfre) now)



In 5th place:


Safer-Stormgiggle, with 90 respect points!



In 4th place:


The_Doctor, with 133 respect points!



In 3rd place:


Nomed Deps, with 176 respect points!



In 2nd place:


Lord Bradley, with 210 respect points!



In 1st place:


Punicpunch, with 790 respect points! Well done! You destroyed everyone else!










Oh, I almost forgot: I got respect points too! 1642 of them to be exact:




So, add that to my current score of -21, and I have 1621 respect points. So I win!!!


But wait a minute, those respect points don't come from freakouts... So, does that mean I don't get them? NOOOOOOOOO!



Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Only reason I'm winning is that picture. I made that one time.


Not that there's nothing wrong with that.

Actually, I'd still be winning, because 790 minus 420 equal 370, which is still higher than 210.




Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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