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request shop Wallpaper request shop! (OPEN)


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One day... I was sitting around wondering what to do... So I decided to make wallpapers for a living! 

I'm actually pretty good at them. AND I WON'T QUIT ON THESE LIKE ON THE VECTORING!!! I SWEAR!!


* =Required feild


*Vectors wanted on wallpaper?

*What kind of background on your wallpaper?

Want any texy on your wallpaper?


Here is a sample:



She isn't my favorite. I just think I did real well on that one ^.^








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Woah, this is awesome. I could use a wallpaper, could the text on it be "Blue Zackito" with a background like the example one, but blue instead of pink. As well as putting these ponies in it(along with Rainbow Dash):







Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Woah, this is awesome. I could use a wallpaper, could the text on it be "Blue Zackito" with a background like the example one, but blue instead of pink. As well as putting these ponies in it(along with Rainbow Dash):

Sowwy. I'm not on my computer with cool text :(




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Sowwy. I'm not on my computer with cool text :(

attachicon.gifFIRST REQUEST.png

Hai, I'm back :3

I was wondering if you could make another wallpaper? (The first one is great, don't worry ;) )


The background for this one, I was hoping for a one similar to the first one but with orange instead of blue.

The text would need to say "The Snazzies" in any text

These pictures please(with the one with black bangs in the middle)









Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Sowwy. I'm not on my computer with cool text :(

attachicon.gifFIRST REQUEST.png

Wow, you're good at this :D


Hai, I'm back :3

I was wondering if you could make another wallpaper? (The first one is great, don't worry ;) )


The background for this one, I was hoping for a one similar to the first one but with orange instead of blue.

The text would need to say "The Snazzies" in any text

These pictures please(with the one with black bangs in the middle)

I like your request, it looks interesting :D


Signature and Avatar credit: Kyoshi (Awesome person!)

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Hai, I'm back :3

I was wondering if you could make another wallpaper? (The first one is great, don't worry ;) )


The background for this one, I was hoping for a one similar to the first one but with orange instead of blue.

The text would need to say "The Snazzies" in any text

These pictures please(with the one with black bangs in the middle)

Sowwy for a late reply, I haven't been on lately. Here chu go.




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