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searching Slice of Life- The Return of Dusty Edition


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Lady parts. 

Lol I know. And that was kinda meant as a jokey comment.

But meh, it's a public RP. Not like you'd be able to use them.

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But sadly, not all of us are into dudes. Me, I like the ladies. But I'm open minded enough to do a stallion/stallion RP. But I can't speak for the others or the guy running the show.

Edited by Gloomfury
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I'm okay with stallion on stallion action, though I won't deny I'm a mare sort of guy myself. I don't actually know how my OC is about it though. We may or may not find out haha

  • Brohoof 2
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My thinking is that the characters will drive the story more than some preliminary discussion, so as far as establishing a plotline goes I will keep it minimum. As Bre will recall, Dusty's calling is to write, so the Royal family has started a program that pays for ponies like him to travel and write. So basically he's on a paid trip to literally anywhere the wind takes him. That's generally how the story begins

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Alright, so last time there were plenty of folk like "yeah, I'm in" who never showed up. To show that you are, in fact, in, can everyone who's participating comment asap indicating such?

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Hello, Don't know if you remember me from last time but I was told you was starting another RP. I wouldn't mind using my oc Spacer for it if you'd let me. I am prepared to participate a lot in this one.

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We'd love to have you, Spacer. And with that I think we at least have enough to start. I'm gonna write the first post here in a bit, I just finished fixing up my car and haven't gotten to a computer yet

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Okay, I think I might wait one or two replies for the campers before I go to do something, if that is alright. I think it'd be easier to write something like that.

Of course if no one replies within a bit i'll just attempt one.

Maybe i'll just reply as I don't see anyone else doing it yet.

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