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open New Beginnings [SoL]

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"Thank you SOOO much, Have a nice day" 

After he said the last word he turned trotted out the door and headed toward the Everfree forest with the muffin in his mouth.


It wasn't a block before it was gone. "What a nice pony" thought Back Slash "Well time for some more training" 


With that thought he opened his wings and took off like a firework towards the Forest.

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Riley spread his wings and flew after the muffin-mooching stallion.


"You're not even going to introduce yourself?" asked Riley, flyng beside the pony.


'He came in just to sponge a muffin from me and then leave? Didn't his parents teach him manners?' he thought.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"I'm Riley," said the red pegasus stallion, stopping as well. He fluttered down, placing his four hooves on the ground.


His eyes widened as Back Slash gave out his backstory.


"Living in the Everfree Forest since you were thirteen?!?" he sputtered in disbelief.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Still in the air Back Slash said "Yeah I was born in Cloudsdale............"  Trailing off Slash said " You Know what i am kinda busy i need to do some training so...yeah ill see you later....Hopefully!" He added, he turned to leave and took off deep into the everfree.


As he left he turned his head and called back "I SHALL TELL YOU MORE TOMORROW MEET ME AT THE MUFFIN SHOP!!!!!"

Edited by BackSlash2554
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A little ways into the Everfree just far enough to not be seen, Back Slash arrived at his home. A little patch of hay and an old ripped canvas tarp that he found. 


Slash unstuck his sword from a tree with his mouth and thought. "Ok this time i fight without my wings." 


That said he trotted off deeper into the forest where noponyelse dared to go. 


Ready for (almost) anything Slash noticed two Timberwolves on his left, sure of himself he ignored them and kept trotting.


A little further up he stopped, the two he passed were behind him, that he was not worried about. 


there was something very wrong in this small clearing. He sniffed the air. " Oh.....Oh crap" 


Back Slash was surrounded. (gulp)

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Riley heard a scary barking sound, accompanied by the clattering of... wood?




"I'm coming, Back Slash!" called Riley, and galloped to the Everfree.


Riley found Back Slash and the timberwolves. "Take that!" he said as he picked up a heavy rock and chucked it at one of the timberwolves.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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The first Wolf came from behind. With a quick presice Slash it was down. Followed by two more from either side Slash Got the first one but had no time for the second.


"TAKE THAT!" came a voice from behind Slash, it was Riley.


(BAM) it went down. 


Five more rushed them,


"WE ARE IN FOR A FIGHT BRO!!!" Slash yelled muffled by the sword in his mouth and the wolves closing in.

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~~~Battle Commence~~~





HP: 60/60


Items: Picture of Anala, chocolate cupcake, gum wrapper


Player Actions: Fight the timberwolves or flee. If you do not move, you stand serious risk of being attacked.


Riley whimpers and throws stones at the Timberwolves.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Back Slash 

Lv 5


HP: 69/70


Items: Muffin crumbs


Equip: Rusty Katana


PlayerActions: Slash, Stab, Flee


Back Slash Attempts to slash two timberwolves in front of him.


1 D-6 roll  1 and 6 hit, 2, 3, 4, and 5 miss




Roll 1 hit on first wolf

roll 2 miss on second


first wolf is down


second wolf Slashes at Slash 


Roll 6 hit on slash


Slash took 10 points of damage

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Riley lashes out to hoof a timberwolf in the face.


Riley misses.


A timberwolf uses Collapse attack on Riley. (That being, jump above Riley, then disassemble itself, causing planks of wood to fall on Riley.




Timberwolf #2 HP: 50/60


The timberwolf prepares to attack Riley.


Riley sticks his wing out. The timberwolf runs into it, causing it to slice in half.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Back Slash jumps up and aims a Slash at the next wolf, 


Roll 6 hit 


Timberwolf down


He turns to see the next wolf leaping through the air.


Roll1 hit


Special roll to see if Slash is pinned


Roll 1 Slash is pinned down by the wolf


Roll 1 Slash drops his sword


Timberwolf bites at Slash


Roll 6 crit

The timberwolf bites onto Slashes neck


Roll D-20 12 X 2 = 24 points of damage


Slash HP 33/70


Slash Screams in pain





((OOC btw im using a D-20 for crit dmg and a D-10 for reg dmg))

Edited by BackSlash2554
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@, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


(OOC: I'm happy to join in this wacky RPG-like combat, but it might've been a good idea to discuss it beforehand before making such a change to the RP)


Suddenly, a purple aura envelops the Timberwolf, and an invisible force slowly lifts it off of Slash.


'Flying in the direction of the Everfree Forest isn't usually a good thing,' said a familiar voice as the Timberwolf is thrown into the air. Timberwolf takes 20 points of damage.


'Seems I came at a good time,' she said, as Shadowhide stepped into view.



Lv: 4

HP: 42/42

Items: Saddlebag with bits and a cupcake

Actions: Punch/Kick, Telekinesis, Use item, Flee


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"OWW Thanks" said Slash. "YOUR MINE" he yelled as he grabbed his sword and jumped between Riley, Anala, and the last two wolves. (SLASH, SLASH) down they went.


After making sure Everypony was ok. Slash dropped his Sword and fell to his knees clutching his neck. 


Everything started to go dark. He was losing blood and fast. He turned his head slightly to see the new pony briefly before passing out.


Something appeared on his flank after passing out. Resembling his weapon of choice, The katana

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"Thanks, guys..." Riley thanked Shadowhide and Back Slash.


He turned to Back Slash. "Oohhh...."


Riley held the unconscious pony on his back and flew to the hospital. The battle had worn him out a fair bit, but he was not going to stand by and leave Back Slash to suffer.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astral shrugged, "Hm... I wonder where they all went to in such a hurry... and who that other pegasus was. Maybe a friend of theirs? Heh, just running into everypony today..."


He turned back to Astra and smiled, "So... tomorrow, noon at the Horseshoes Hotel then."


With that, he trotted over to the door and opened it. "You coming?" he called back to Astra.

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Astra could only agree. Ponyville isn't that big I suppose... she thought to herself, must be nice to be in such close proximity to your friends.


She smiled and said "Yes. I'll see you then."


Astra thanked Astral for holding the door, trotting out into the warm evening when she turned back to Astral and spoke to him.


"Oh! Would you like me to bring anything tomorrow? I know Riley said to just bring ourselves, but is there anything you'd like?"


Astra couldn't help it. Everypony had been so nice, she felt the very least she could for was bring something that somepony else wanted and since the others had left already, Astral was the focus.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Astral shrugged at her question, “I dunno… but I agree, we should definitely bring something. As to what, don’t really have anything in mind. I like surprises,” he smiled.


He paced a few steps away from the door and took a deep breath. “Evening air sure is nice. Place emptied up pretty quick,” he noted. “Took a little longer than I’d expect to buy a box of pastries, but I’m set for the rest of the week for breakfast at least,” he said grinning.


“So…,” he began as his gaze wandered to the sky, “Where ya stayin’? Could I at least walk you there? Maybe by the time we get there I’ll have figured out what to bring tomorrow,” he chuckled.

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Astra stole a glance at Astral, before surveying the sky as well. She didn't see many clouds occupying the sky at the moment which caused her to sigh silently. She hadn't really planned where she would sleep if here default choice wasn't available.


"I'm... not sure." She said, feeling downhearted a bit at the thought of having to search for a stray cumulus (or worse — a nimbus) to sleep on. Maybe under a tree tonight, she half chuckled in her head.


After scanning the skies a second time, she sighed outright. She thought of searching for a hotel for the night, if not a park bench.


"Yeah, I don't know." she said, defeated.


"You wouldn't happen to know of a hotel near here, would you?" she asked.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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While Riley carried Slash, his father came to him in a dream.


"Slashie, find Rainbow Dash, she has something important for you."


"Dad? Dad where are you?"


"Find Dashie son. You need what she has."


Slash's father faded away.


Slash Woke up and said, "Riley, take me to Rainbow Dash."


Slash looked to the left and saw the muffin shop. "mmmm muffins"

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Astral paused for a moment and looked down at his knapsack. Opening the flap, he removed a small, well-worn map of Ponyville from a small pocket and unfolded it gingerly.


He pointed out a small marker on the map and called for Astra to come see, “Look… Horseshoes Hotel, wasn’t that where Riley is staying? It’s not too far from here. It might be a good idea anyway for me to check the place out. I’d hate to get lost on the way and be late to my first party in Ponyville.”


A few of the streetlights began to flicker on bathing the street before them in a warm glow.


“We’d better get moving.”

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Astra walked over and peered the map with Astral, noting some of the major landmarks before spotting the Horseshoes Hotel. She giggled in agreement with him that getting lost would be a bad impression to make.


She saw the streetlights blaze to life, bathing the area. She glanced up and frowned that the stars wouldn't be visible due to the haze of light. Nothing gave her more comfort than the celestial heavens that have looked after her for years. She felt absolutely lost without them. Literally. The only comfort she found in the sky was the moon.


She smiled at Astral and said, "Lead the way."


Not wanting to walk in silence, she looked to Astral and asked him, "So, what brought you to Ponyville?"

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Astral looked back at Astra and fell silent for a moment.


“Well, you’ve probably heard this story before. You get stuck in a job you don’t really care much for. At the end of the day, all you’re doing is counting down the hours till the end of your shift.” Turning back to face her while continuing down the street backwards, he begins again, “So one day I decided, I’m going to Ponyville. I’m staying with a friend for now, till I find my own place. He runs a small antique shop near the town square.”


“I found some work at Sweet Apple Acres, the apple farm just on the outskirts of town here. It’s not what I’m used to, but you know, it’s not so bad once you get past the aching all over each day.”


He smiled and nodded, “So what about you Astra? What brings you to Ponyville?”


And with that, he tripped over a dislodged stone in the path, crashing into the ground.


“I… should probably watch where I’m going,” he said, grinning sheepishly.

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Riley looked up at Back Slash. "Huh? What do you need Rainbow Dash for?" he asked. "Does she have some sort of medical kit for you?"


"Heck if I know, but I should honour your request," he went on, and he flew up to Rainbow Dash's house, with Back Slash in tow.


He knocked the door.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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