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searching Lyrical knights(OCC)

7th Boss

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His motive is to be the most evil darn villain the ever was., causing havoc all over the place.

He's located in a grand evil lair he's proud of hidden under the Everfree Forest. (that's part's more flexible.)

He's no unicorn, but he has a magic staff that can send out horrible, screeching noise, loud and annoying enough to usually stun those hearing it.


Does that all sound good?


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Well.. *sigh* hmmmmmm....... Can I be the pony that invents music based weaponry? That could be really cool in my opinion. Just a thought.

I've already done that.

Don't skip pop. I'll double up. I'll have a character made before the end of the night, if not before. I listen to the pop/hit music radio station from time to time, so I should be able to handle it.

K then

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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