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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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"Yea, yea, I can do that." Rainbow replied, her typical ego starting to come back.


An older man walked up to the bar, casting Rainbow a questioning glance before placing his order. He proceeded to head back to his table, and Dash glared at him until Chloe started talking to her again.


"See that table over there?" Chloe had asked.


"Oh I see it, alright." Rainbow responded in a less than pleasant tone.


Chloe then showed her how to carry the tray properly, and then let Dash have a turn. Thankfully, her athleticism transferred very well to this new human body, and she picked up the tray of drinks, only wobbling slightly until she regained her balance. "See what I told ya? Piece of cake!" She boasted as she continued to hold the tray up steadily.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Hey." Aegis replied, still in a more relaxed and confident state of mind compared to the previous night. He sat down on the bed with the tray containing Shawn's breakfast. "I made you an onion and pepper omelette with a glass of milk. It's not really complicated or fancy, but it's the thought that counts."


Aegis brushed some of his hair back and smiled at Shawn. Though he felt nervous. Would Shawn like it? Everyone else seemed to, yet Shawn's opinion seemed to matter more. Perhaps it was due to the attraction he felt for the human, which seemed to be mutual based on how Aegis had been treated since meeting Shawn.




Chrysalis was not so happy. The food Aegis made for her was untouched as she sat back down on the couch, fuming. Who in Equestria did Stephen think he was? Talking to her like that? If it wasn't for the fact that she needed him, Aegis and Shawn, she'd figure out some way to be rid of him. Quickly if possible. But his attitude was grating on her nerves. But for the sake of Cicada and any changelings lost in this world, she had to be strong. And when she got back to Equestria, she'd find a way to rid her people of the geis and reclaim her lost honour. But with her horrible night and a morning that wasn't much better, the weight of these burdens was too heavy and she broke down in silent tears.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Gloomfury, "We have Halloween, which in some ways is a lot like Nightmare Night," Clare replied, smiling as she looked back on fond memories. "I used to go out trick or treating back when I was a kid, with my best friend Katie and her sister Frankie. Well, her real name was Frances but she hated being called that. Only her mum called her Frances, and then only if she was in trouble. I used to dress as a cat or a wolf, Katie liked being a witch and Frankie used to dress as a vampire. We'd decorate houses with Silly String if people didn't give us any sweets; that's this funny soft foamy stuff that comes out of a spray can. There was one house that we used to throw eggs at cuz a grumpy old man lived there and he never gave any kids sweets but used to come out of his house and swear at us. We'd throw eggs at his door and cover his car windscreen in flour and water. It sets like cement if you do that."


Clare paused, then added, "I know that makes me sound like a delinquent, but it was super fun back then. When I was at college, I used to go to Halloween parties instead. I love dressing up; practically all the parties I used to throw myself were fancy dress ones."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@~The Snowy Wolf~,


"Then go take it to them!" Chloe said, rolling her eyes. "They're a bunch of curmudgeons, so be polite! Ask them if the need anything, then come right on back." She then leaned in close and added, whispering, "and if they ask, your hair is dyed and you wear contacts, thankyouverymuch! If they don't like it, then that's their loss." She then pulled away to tend to her next customer as Rainbow presumably went off to serve the men.


She couldn't keep her eye on her charge for long however, as more and more patrons came to the bar--a sign that it was either their break, or work let out early. Whatever the case was, there was an unexpected rush, and Chloe could only wonder if Dash was going to be able to handle it...




The men at the far table were a rowdy bunch that broke out into cacophonous laughter every now and again, but at the same time commiserating over the times.


The man from earlier turned his head as he saw Rainbow Dash approach, and frowned. "Take this one here, Dale. Hair all sorts of colors like she just doesn't care!"


All of the men turned to face the former Pegasus then, either deadpanning or frowning along with him. Chloe was indeed right; these were a bunch of grumpy men!

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((Poor Rainbow))


Rainbow Dash gave an exasperated sigh, knowing there would be no dodging the task ahead of her. She picked up the tray once more, unable to help but wonder what exactly a curmudgeon was as she made her way to the table. Although, she assumed it couldn't mean anything too positive, if it was being used to describe the group of losers that sat around the table she just put the tray of drinks down on. But she would just have to keep that to herself! Shoving that thought into the back of her mind, she re-focused on the current task at hand, which was serving these...customers.


"Here are your drinks!" She announced, trying to inject some sort of cheeriness into the otherwise miserable atmosphere she had just entered. "Anything else I can get for you guys?" She asked, making a mental note to ask Chloe for a pad of paper and pens, seeing as she had neglected to give her any.  (( >_> ))


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Ooh, what does this thing do? Oh! Is this like cameras back home? Will it take a picture of me?" Pinkie asked, before gasping as an idea came to her. "Would Erick get one for me? Hmm...But how would I pay him back for it? Maybe we can figure that out when we come to it. So how do I use this thingy?"
Pinkie inspected the phone, trying to figure out how to use the camera. After all, Erick might want a picture of her on it. She certainly thought she was adorable, so why wouldn't Erick? Then she ended up closing the camera function by accident. "Oops. How do I bring it back up? Hmmm... Maybe I should ask Erick to show me how to use this thing."
She went over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Hey, Erick! How do I use this phone thingy? I dunno how it works!" Pinkie called out, maybe a bit louder than was necessary.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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  • 2 weeks later...

((It's a long shot, but let's see if I can bring this RP back from the dead...))




"Hey." Aegis replied, still in a more relaxed and confident state of mind compared to the previous night. He sat down on the bed with the tray containing Shawn's breakfast. "I made you an onion and pepper omelette with a glass of milk. It's not really complicated or fancy, but it's the thought that counts."


"Thank you!" Shawn said as he sat up straighter in bed. "You didn't have to go through the trouble!"


He sat up straighter to get a good look at the Pegasus' face as she brushed some hair out of her face and smiled back at him, making her look cuter, as if she wasn't cute enough already. He forced himself to tear his eyes off of her, clearing his throat. He then took the tray, then took a bite of the eggs, eyebrows lifting in approval. "These are the best eggs I've tasted!"


Before he thought of it, Shawn leaned forward and kissed Aegis on the cheek. "Thanks, sweetie!"




((Can't really think of anything for Stephen at the moment, seeing as he's still mad at Chrysalis, so wanna f-f to some shopping shenanigans?))

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"Thank you!" Shawn said as he sat up straighter in bed. "You didn't have to go through the trouble!"


Aegis giggled. "Yeah, I did. I had to do something to thank you for helping me last night and giving me a place to stay." He said, continuing to smile at Shawn. He watched expectantly as Shawn tried the omelette and his eyes practically lit up when Shawn declared it the best eggs he'd ever tasted.


"Really? Thanks, Shawn. It means a lot to-" He was cut off as Shawn kissed his cheek. His heart started to beat faster and his cheeks turned bright pink.


"Thanks, sweetie!" 


Aegis giggled shyly. "Y-you're welcome...sweetie..."


((Go for it ^^)

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Again, let's see if we can bring this RP back from the dead... Oh, who am I kidding? Let's just see how far we can get before it officially stalls and dies!))




Chloe flashed Rainbow an apologetic smile before she sent her off to the proverbial lion's den, hoping against hope that she'd be alright. Her attention was shifted to a customer that had approached the bar. She could only hope at this point, Rainbow was going to be alright...


"Here are your drinks!"


The men turned to face the new, and rather--colorful new waitress. "Thank you, young lady." the man from earlier said. "Now be off and do something about your hair. No one's going to take you seriously with it looking like that!" The man then turned away and harumphed, purposely focusing his attention back on the friends.


Most of the other men didn't seem to happy with the waitress' hairstyle choice either, but took their drinks and began speaking loudly about how youth were getting more and wild with each passing generation...

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Rainbow was furious at the man for his remark about her hair. She opened her mouth to retaliate, but found herself closing it instead, resorting to biting her tongue and narrowing her eyes in anger. She simply turned on her heel and walked away from the table, somewhat content in knowing she hadn't completely blown her first attempt at being a waitress. Maybe all the run-ins with the media back home had taught her some self-control. Regardless of how she acted, the former pegasus certainly did feel the comment from that old man chewing away inside of her. She didn't have a problem with her hair colour, it was quite the opposite. But the way her talked made it sound like she actually had control over what her natural hair colour was. This wasn't the first time her hair had made her a target, and the familiarity of the situation only made it all the worse. 


Dash made her way back to where Chloe was at behind the bar, set the tray down, and waited until she had finished serving a customer. Rainbow really didn't know what to do now, and it was probably for the best that she take a few minutes to cool off, anyway.


((Sorry, couldn't really think of much else to add without taking control of your character!))


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Pripyat Pony


"Well let's just hope that doesn't happen. Hopefully we can get you with your queen soon enough. Right now though, let's go get something to eat. What kind of food would you like? Salad? Meat? Fish? Pizza?" Catherine started walking towards the closest pizza place she knew, not breaking eye contact with Cicada and pulling Diego by his sleeve

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@~The Snowy Wolf~, "All of those will be fine with me," Cicada replied, looking about her as she followed Cat to the pizza shop. "We changelings eat flesh; however, ponies as a general rule do not." The one thing about this new world that bothered Cicada, apart from the silence within her own mind, was the noise without. The street echoed with a hundred voices of people, interspersed with car horns going off, mobile phone ringtones and various sounds that Cicada could not identify. How could humans live in such a horribly noisy place, without going mad?


Diego wasn't too happy about being dragged along and pulled back so that it would strain Cat to keep hold of him, dragging his feet. He was tired, bored and hungry, and fed up with this new place, especially how hard the ground was. The surface of the street made his feet hurt, and he glared at anyone who stared at him. He didn't bother to voice how he felt, but instead put on a sulky face.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Erick sniffed and sighed as he stepped out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped over to the mirror, wiping away some of the steam, inspecting his reflection.


There were few more grays in his hair that he swore weren't there before, and he could see the formation of new fine lines around his eyes. Again, he sighed. He knew he wasn't getting any younger, but he already found himself turning into an old man. 'Perhaps it is time to find someone else. It's pretty much over between me and Shaunese... but what about Kayla? Would she mind??


She went over to the bathroom door and knocked."Hey, Erick! How do I use this phone thingy? I dunno how it works!" Pinkie called out, maybe a bit louder than was necessary.


"Hey, Erick! How do I use this phone thingy? I dunno how it works!"


Erick let out a yell and jumped as he was ripped out of his thoughts with a rather loud knock at the door, accompanied by Pinkie's voice. He whipped around, grabbing his towel so as not to expose more than necessary. He plastered on his best you-totally-didn't-just-scare-the-crap-outta-me smile, and opened it.


"Pinkie~! Uhh... can you, uh, give me a moment? I gotta get dressed. I'll show you how to use it then, okay?"

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  • 2 weeks later...



((F-F Tiem! I don't have much else for the bedroom scene, and I think it'd be good to get things moving!))


Stephen finished his meal in solitude, then taking advantage of his brother's distraction, jumped into the shower, revelling in the opportunity to steal the hot water. He slipped back into Shawn's room, and "borrowing" some of his clothes. Stephen'd go back into his own room, but Shawn was having a romantic moment with his new girlfriend!


Still taking advantage of Shawn and Aegis' romantic moment, Stephen snuck back into Shawn's room, and quickly dressed in some "borrowed" clothes before going to search for Queen Gnat. While he was still pretty cross with her from the events that took place the night prior, but his feelings had cooled some.


He located her on the couch, knees curled up to her chin.


"Chrysalis," he began, keeping calm. "Look... I'm sorry for venting earlier, but try not to injure yourself anymore. Not only is it expensive, it's a good way of letting everyone know you're not from around here..." Stephen said, before sighing. He was getting worked up again! "We're going out to go clothes shopping, so if t you wanna use the shower, it's free. I'll see if I can wrangle up some clothes for you in the meantime..."


((Gonna come back to Shawn in a bit!))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Hypn0ticD, Ooc: Posting rebooted Avarice post... now.


Several thousand years ago...


The storm was the worst that had appeared in Equestria for hundreds of years. Thick black clouds massed in the sky, and sharp white forks of lightning tore that sky apart. The thunder rumbled like the sound of a million buffalo galloping, and the rain lashed down, falling like stair rods against the already sodden earth. There was the sound of an explosion, and a nearby volcano erupted into life, throwing huge lumps of rock into the air and streaming boiling hot lava down its side. The world seemed to be waiting for a dreadful climax. Suddenly, a giant claw of lightning streaked down from the sky, striking the volcano and turning everything dazzling white, scattering clumps of ashes everywhere to block the entire picture from view. Once the lightning had faded out, and the ash had settled, if anypony had been present at the time, their eye would have been drawn to a cave at the foot of the volcano which hadn't been there before. From that cave, a figure emerged. At first resembling a giant pony, then as it came right out, it became apparent that this was no pony. The creature had a dragon's tail, dragons wings and fearsome fangs. The eyes opened, coloured different shades of red and with malicious joy in the depths within. The creature spread its wings and flew up into the sky, as lightning curled around it and the thunder crashed as if in welcome. Avarice had been born.


Present day...


Avarice stood in the middle of the wreckage of what had been the Summer Sun festival and laughed aloud. Everything had gone to plan. The ponies of Equestria would rue the day that Avarice had been imprisoned in that painting. Avarice cast her mind back to that time when the Royal Sisters had fought against her. Avarice had overruled the Sisters' power over the sun and moon with her magic, setting the days and nights into a weird twilight, with the sun and a blood red moon together in the sky. At first, everything seemed to go her way. Avarice had trapped Princess Celestia in a time bubble, which would freeze her in time forever. But then had come the battle with Princess Luna. The battle had raged for days and by sheer fluke, Luna had managed to defeat Avarice using the Elements of Harmony. Thoughts of revenge were Avarice's last thoughts as darkness took her. When she had returned, Avarice instinctively had known that the Elements had somehow lost their power and could no longer bind her. She had killed the ponies who guarded her and escaped into the night, her one thought being those which she had had before being bound.


This was why she stood in the wreckage and laughed. So far, she had trapped many ponies in another world. Now, all she had to do was do the same to Princess Luna, and her revenge would be complete. She spread her wings and flew up into the sky. There was no need to seek the Princess of the Night, oh no. When the time came, Luna would come seeking her...


Avarice laughed as she flew, looking down on the devastation caused by herself and her reluctant allies. She heard powerful wingbeats behind her and, glancing over her shoulder past one of her own wings, saw a blue streak coming closer. Of course, Luna would come after her. It was inevitable. Still, the battle would be entertaining, and she would choose where it was to be joined. Avarice beat her own dragon wings harder and she accelerated towards one of the mountains. Dragons resided there, but they would not interfere, recognising Avarice as kin to them. Perhaps one might even burn Luna up; now, wouldn't that be funny?

The dragon pony alighted on the mountain, on a rocky ledge which ran right round. Swags of mist hung like cobwebs. She folded up her wings and waited for her enemy to approach. This was what she had missed during the centuries that she had been imprisoned. The sheer joy of causing mischief, of causing death, destruction, ruin and chaos. Oh the euphoria, which could never be replicated in any other way! Watching ponies sucked in thru the tears she had made in the space time continuum, even that Changeling Queen and her second! Would they be able to return? Avarice didn't know, or care. Revelling in the trouble she had caused, even in the short time she had been back in Equestria, Avarice gleefully awaited Luna. The Princess of the Night was not long in coming and soon, she engaged in battle. Just like back all those centuries ago, only this time, Luna fought the dragon pony alone without her sister by her side.


Luna, driven by fury and hatred at her foe, used her magic to swing an enchanted scythe at Avarice. At first, it seemed as tho the Princess's attack had worked. The scythe sliced into the dragon pony, but instead of reacting, the dragon pony merely dissolved into a flock of black bats who fluttered away in all directions, revealing the real Avarice standing behind. She laughed, cruelly.

"Always so impetuous, Princess," Avarice replied, mockingly. "My, my. You haven't changed a bit. And there's still that arrogance, thinking that you can defeat me so easily. Where's your older sister? You don't say that she's left you to do this all on your lonesome? And I thought you two were so close."


Luna tried to not react to the dragon pony's taunts, but it was difficult not to. Avarice stepped up her attacks, opening another tear in the ground, identical to the ones which had taken the other ponies. She had nursed her hatred for all the centuries that she had been trapped inside the painting, and now she would have her revenge. She would send Luna thru the tear, lost forever, and then seek out Celestia and do likewise by her. With both royal princesses gone, then Avarice would become the ruler of Equestria, with the ponies as her slaves. And there would be nopony to stop her.


Only by flapping her wings harder than she ever had before, did Luna escape being sucked into the tear. Fear stood in her eyes, which Avarice revelled in. She could see that the alicorn princess wanted to finish her, and she grinned manically. Let her try. It would make the eventual finish all the sweeter. But Avarice had gloated too soon. Avarice let loose a cry of purest fury as she felt the force of Luna's spell slam into her. Try as she might, she could not resist the terrific force which dragged her relentlessly towards her own portal, opened to receive Luna. Avarice struggled hopelessly, then gave it up as lost when a devilishly fiendish plan occurred to the dragon pony. She looked Luna in the eye and grinned, showing all her sharply pointed teeth.

"You might have defeated me this time, sweetheart, and sent me to this other world," Avarice said, mockingly. "But I won't be going without having my revenge!!"

With that, Avarice sent out a pure beam of magic from her own horn; a solid blast of pitch black magic which crackled with energy. It encased Luna in a hideous dark light, full of evil. Just as she'd done to Celestia in their first fight, Avarice had now trapped Luna, freezing her in a time bubble from where nopony could release her. Avarice burst into a peal of wicked laughter, even as darkness began to close in...

Edited by Pripyat Pony
  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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(Rebooting Alex's story in 3... 2... 1... Let's jam!)


He was the greatest on the battlefield. Unmatched by man or machine. Peeking out from behind a sheet of metal, he picked off an enemy sniper with a well-placed headshot then bolted for a new hiding place before the enemy found him, picking up his enemy’s gun on the way. He cloaked and waited for his next target, before leaping onto the metal hulk’s back. “Yeehaw!” He exclaimed, pouring bullets into the exposed circuits on the back. Just a few more seconds and the battle was over…


Then it disconnected.


“Come on! I was this bloody close!” Alex Jones yelled. He had been playing Titanfall, one of his favourite games, for a good portion of the night and was getting pretty good at it. The parkour was his favourite part, especially when it let him get really high and snipe from a distance or just pull daredevil stunts with a 50% chance of succeeding. But his fun had been ruined tonight. He groaned and tried to remove the disc from his console, except...no power for a few seconds.


He checked his phone for a text from his dad, who had said he was going to be out of town for a week. "Right... On my own. Well, maybe it won't be so bad. I hope..." His thoughts were cut off as he thought he saw something odd outside. Fetching an AirSoft gun from his nightstand, the gun being a prop he sometimes used in videos he posted on YouTube and would probably serve as a deterrent enough to ward off would-be theives, he headed downstairs to peek out the window.




Unlike Stephen, Chrysalis had not cooled down. If anything, she was angrier than before and edging into bitter and hateful now, visible but barely held back and she was struggling to get it back under control. She glared at Stephen for a moment after he finished speaking before taking a deep breath, thinking carefully about what she wanted to say and trying to put on a smile. One slip of the tongue could have her screaming at the top of her lungs at Stephen and would result in something unpleasant.


"Thank you. I'll try not to inconvenience you like that in future." She said, forgoing the smile in favour of a more polite and strained tone.


(This was all I could come up with :( )

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Hypn0ticD, At first, darkness. How long it lasted, Avarice didn't know, but eventually, she opened her eyes and sat up. This world, she knew, she'd sent the others into. It was a completely different world to Equestria, populated by strange creatures who walked on two legs instead of four. Avarice couldn't see herself, but she knew that she was turned to one of these creatures. Anyone who'd walked into the alleyway that moment would have seen an unusually tall woman, with long shaggy black hair and strange eyes in different shades of red, seated with her back against the wall. She was wearing black boots, black leggings, a dark green skirt and a dark green strapless corset top. Her skin was very pale, in startling contrast to her black hair.

Avarice had visited this world before, but it had been different. She had gone thru a portal she created herself, to see if it was a world she could possibly send troublesome Equestrians if need be, when she had had her first try at conquering Equestria. As it happened, she had never done this, trapping Celestia in a time bubble instead of sending her thru a portal, as she wanted both sisters alive to use as bargaining chips to make the Equestrians obey her. A smile curved Avarice's lips as she remembered from her last visit that, altho her horn and wings had gone, her magic still remained. This world, perhaps, was ripe for conquering...



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Chloe watched Rainbow Dash as best she could, chancing glances every now and then between patrons. From what she could tell, the group of old men were doing a bang up job of getting to the Pegasus. She sighed. Sending Rainbow over to them was a huge mistake. One that she had to rectify, but how??


"It'll be right out!" She chirped as yet another customer finished their order, just as Rainbow made her way behind the counter. Chloe could feel Rainbow's eyes bore into her as she mixed the drinks for the patrons; as much as she wanted to address Rainbow's concerns right then and there, she had customers to attend to. "I'll be right back!" She said to her, lifting a large tray filled with drinks.




Chloe came back as soon as she could, taking Rainbow Dash back into the office before closing the door and sighing again. "Rainbow... I'm sorry. Look, I'll deal with those guys later, okay? Most other patrons aren't like them..." She said, already anticipating what she had to say.


((Holy crap, what a shitty post! I'll try to do better next time...))

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Rainbow waited in silence until Chloe finished serving her customers, and then followed her back into the office. She listened to Chloe's meager apology, but didn't find much solitude in the words spoken to her. Normally, Dash would not have taken much stock in what other people thought of her, but this particular incident just went too far. It struck a nerve that brought back an all too familiar feeling from her fillyhood, still seeming so fresh in her mind despite having happened so long ago.


"You really have no idea, do you? How can anypo...anyone be so stupid and inconsiderate that they have to resort to remarks about my hair colour? Like I have any control over that!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Yea, I could probably try to dye it." The volume of her voice suddenly dropped down. "I actually have tried. I'll leave it to you to figure out why it didn't work. But even if it did, what good would it accomplish? I'm not ashamed about my hair colour; in fact it's quite the opposite. I'm not going to change the way I am just because some random losers don't like it. My friends accept me for who I am, and that's all that matters to me." Dash leaned against the wall and crossed her arms, feeling somewhat victorious. 


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Poppy was irritated. Well, irritated may not be the right word. More like some strange combination of fright, anger, and pain. Fright at being in an unfamiliar world, anger being her dislike of surprises being made worse by the aforementioned fright, and pain because she'd landed on her bum after an unsuccessful attempt to stand up.


She'd been on her first holiday in a while, after working long hours to save up the bits for it. Now...well, she had no idea what she was, what had happened to her body and it all just made her realize how badly she needed a drink right now. She tried once again to get up and hobble...somewhere.. She wasn't entirely sure of her surroundings yet, but it looked like a house. "Well, good a place as any to start..." She muttered, trying to stand up again.


As she did, she thought of how her day had gone. She'd been having fun for once, and she could've sworn she saw an old friend there, but she didn't get her chance to catch up when these bug things decided to crash the party. She vaguely remembered ponies running and screaming and she just tried to find a place to hide, since she was no fighter. Then these weird holes started opening up and swallowing ponies. And she was unfortunate enough to be caught in one of them. Everything had happened quickly, and she didn't have much time to process everything. If nothing else, she had time to try and make sense of things now.

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Pripyat Pony@@Windbreaker

Cadance walked through the Summer Sun festival merrily, yet somehow feeling as though she had done this exact thing before. She shook the feeling as she smiled at those who greeted her in passing. It was an overly warm day, and she paused briefly to purchase herself some cold lemonade when she heard screams. She thought it might be revelers who had had perhaps one too many ciders when she realized that she recognized the screams as that of her aunt. Cadance charged towards the sound as others bolted away, making her approach much slower than she would have liked. After what seemed like forever she arrived to find the last pony she had hoped to see. 


Avarice! she thought in alarm to herself. She had never met the pony, if she could be called that, herself but had heard Luna and Celestia discuss their battle with her so many years before. Unaware of the threat to herself, Cadance charged into the fray to try and help. However, before she could get there, she half-fell through a blackness...was the only way to describe it. Within seconds, she lost all sense of what was going on, and felt as though she were floating through emptiness...


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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((Shitty post, but should get us moving a little.))


Pinkie smiled at Erick, unperturbed at his appearance. "Okie dokie lokie!." She said cheerfully, heading back to the couch and setting the phone on the coffee table. Within moments, she was looking for something else to occupy her time. Maybe the big window...whatever Erick had called it that she didn't instantly recall...would be easier to work out.
"How do I turn on the big window box thingy?!" She called out, treading the line between curiosity and determination not to leave people alone.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker, @@Pripyat Pony, @@~The Snowy Wolf~,* @@Love,* @@GeneralDirection,*


((*In case you wanna have your characters see the video, you can use this post for reference!))


"…So yeah, it's due next Friday." The young girl grumbled to the man on the screen. 


"Well, you'd better get on it now, then, don't you think??" he responded flatly.


"Yes, dad!" The girl huffed. "I'll get on it in the morning, but right now, I got another song request to take of." 


The man smirked a little, before his expression turned into a frown. "Don't wake the neighbors again. Don't need to come home to THAT again. And start on your other homework, Colette!"


"I already did dad, Jeez!" Colette groaned. "I gotta get off. It's already past 11 here!" 


"And I have to get into work. I'll try to call you again when you're awake."


"G'night, dad!" 


"Good night, Colette."


With that, Colette ended the video chat, leaned back in her chair, and sighed. Another three months without dad around... Colette knew full well if things went well, her dad could finally get to come home after the project went live, but still... 


Colette rose from her chair, grabbed her bass, then got ready to fufill that request...


Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Fallen Angels …:


Heaven, please sing for me a song of life/

Heaven, take me into your skies/

There's no place here for me to hide my cries/

Night and day, I'm missing you (ooh)/


Colette crooned as she strummed her bass, bobbing her head to the beat all the while. Whilst she was singing and matching the pitch well, any one of her subscribers would say this song was well out the ordinary for her.

You're so close, so close/

And it's you that I believe in, I believe in/

So close, but far away I seek for your light/

I'll hold on/


'Cuz for you my heart keeps beating/

When the wind, the fire, and all is gone/

Caress me with your sweet lullaby/


She ended the video after she finished the song, and the video faded out to black, only to fade back in a few seconds later.


"Hey, everyone!" Colette began, waving a hand. "I know what you're thinking. 'Colette just did something that wasn't metal or a game cover, double-you-tee-Eff?!' Well, I just wanted to try something different this time around. I'll go back to growling and shredding my ass off soon, so don't you worry! But tell me, should I do more songs like these, or should I stick to Alternative and Metal? Thumbs up for trying something new! If you didn't like it, then don't worry, the next video will be something hard and fast! If you're new here, take a second to clickity clack the giant 'Ø' on the outro screen. You won't regret it!"


The video then cuts to the outro screen, which depicts three thumbnails of Colette's previous videos in the center of the screen, the logo bearing her name along the bottom. As was mentioned, the "Ø" bears a link to her channel. The videos on the left and center depicts Colette playing her guitar and bass; the one on the right depicts Colette playing SCP: Containment Breach; Colette is in the upper left hand corner of the video, wearing an orange jumpsuit, and is soundlessly ranting, until SCP 173 suddenly appeared on screen, making Colette jump and yell.


"Check out any of the vids on the screen to see more of what I do. If you're into videogame covers, click on the left to check out my cover of VVVVVV, if Metal, Punk, or Alternative's your thing, then click the center vid to check out my cover of Metallica's One, and if you're into idiots playing scary videogames and screaming their heads off, then the video on the right is for you! The link'll take you to my gaming channel, where you can watch me goof off and die in SCP: Containment Breach and or other scary games! It'll be fun! Until then, I will see you when I see ya! Bye, y'all~!"




Colette leaned back and smiled contentedly as her latest video was uploaded onto YouTube without any trouble. That should tide her viewers over for next few days, and make her father happy, as now that the video was out of the way, she could now focus on her studies and homework, and everyone but the YouTube troll would be happy!


Colette was pulled from her thoughts as the lights flickered, then went out completely. That happened from time to time, but the accompaniment of a rather sudden wind and flashes of lighting just outside her window, when just moments ago, it was clear...


Colette got up to watch the lighting storm through her window, when just as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone. "Well, what the hell was that, then?" She muttered to herself as she opened her blinds, only to find the sky was clear once more.


Colette didn't feel disappointment, however. Instead, she felt confusion mixed with a bit of shock. There, in the middle of her back yard, was -- someone. She watched as the stranger tried to get up, only to fall back down.


Colette didn't hesitate any further, and stepped away from the window, grabbed a flashlight from her desk, and went down the stairs. Why would anyone be out in her yard at this late hour? Furthermore, why was she investigating, instead of calling the cops?


It was a bit too late for that now, as Colette had just stepped outside. She turned on her flashlight and shine it on the stranger. "Hello? Are you okay? Do you need help?" She asked as she approached, her light still trained on the unknown woman. "Are you lost?"

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Poppy rolled on her belly to rub her sore bum a little. "Buggering...Nnnngh..." She mumbled as a light shone on her. Somepony seemed to be calling out to her and asking if she was ok or needed help. Then she heard the question of whether or not she was lost. "No, I'm not alright. I was at this party enjoyin' myself for the first time in ages and now here I am, lying on the ground with a sore bum in a place I don't even know."


She sighed and looked towards the light, rolling on her side and holding a hand up to shield her eyes. "Sorry. I've just had my day ruined and I'm not too fond of surprises on the best of days. So...Could you tell me where I am and how far away from Manehatten it is?"

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Cadance landed with an uncomfortable thump on her rump. As she went to stand, she stumbled uncharacteristically for the usually graceful princess. However, instead of landing on her hooves, as she expected, she had...well...something. They definitely weren't hooves. They looked closer akin to Spike's claws. "What the...?" She asked to no one in particular. Looking around, she knew right off that she had never been...wherever she was. Shaking her head rapidly she tried to clear her mind. "The last thing I remember," she mumbled "I was at the Festival....Avarice!" The last came out in a near hiss. She tried to stand again, but that was of no use. It seemed that her back legs were too long to be effective, so she tried walking...upright, again like Spike did. It felt a bit more natural, but still strange. "Where am I?" she asked, again of nobody, since there didn't seem to be anypony around to ask.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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