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open To justify the means ( IC RP)

Vae Victis

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"Hmm... performance, bling... everything that I'm not used to doing. Beh!" He exclaimed, one of his 'hooves' connecting with his forehead. "What is it that these ponies like and appreciate, that shows my marital skill AND appeals to my ego?" Walking around in a circle now, he paused and caught a few glances from the crowds. The crowds are already seemingly aware of my otherworldly behavior... what if I were to expand on that? With a smile, he created a rent into Mortus and strode into it, leaving behind a phantom to watch for when it was his turn to promote. His smile turning serene as he felt the fabric of his home welcome him, he strode forward, punching in a card before exiting the building and glancing at the time. "Alright..." he murmured to himself. "So, roughly every thirty minutes in Equestria is about a day here, so by that, I have five minutes... which means about four hours. Plenty of time to organize a few... special effects." Grinning to himself, he strode off to the large marketplace where interdimensional goods were traded. There was this one Feral he wanted to meet with...






Shelevan's question had apparently been ignored. Whether or not this meant that the stallion chose to ignore her, or if he had not heard her inquiry, it did not matter. The match was to begin momentarily, and she wanted to be there when Agririon and Kazas's friend fought together. With an elegant bow, she gracefully trotted away and upstairs.


As she made her way into the arena and onto the first row, seated amongst a pair of minotaurs and a few other, rather suspicious-looking ponies, she slowly found her way to a seat near Kazas and sat down, waiting for him to start the inevitable conversation.

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@literally snails


Lorec lowered his arm, and his face went stoic once more. Shameful, considering that there weren't that many minotaurs in equestria. Even so, he allowed no signs of disappointment and annoyance.of course, he then looked at kazas and laughed a bit.




" kazas... You did it again..."



Kazas looked at Lorec, and then back at roto. His demeanor changed to one of embaressment. He had a thing about telling others who exactly he and his friends were. This was not out of pride, of course, but out of old griffon military protocol burned into his head years ago.



" oh I'm so sorry! I must've come off as a prideful snob! Forgive me. It's just old military rules that I remember. Name, rank, all of that stuff. And yes, I've heard the term ' yokai' used for a certain group. But if that would be your team, then I have had no knowledge other than the name until now."



A horn had sounded throughout the arena. The announcer had appeared on stage. In his hoof, a mic. The crowd fell silent, and looked onward at the announcer.



" greetings, everyone! How are all of you? I trust that you are enjoying your day so far?"


The crowd cheered as if to say yes, and settled down afterwards.


Announcer: " great! Well, I'll waste no time then! You've all paid good money for this, and I swear on my own life that you all are going to receive a good show! I am required however, to remind the contestants that there is to be no loss of life or limb. In other words, no killing or intentional maiming. The glorious princesses are in attendance, and it would be disgraceful to shed blood near them, wouldn't it!?!"


The crowds cheered. Princesses Luna, cadence, and Celestia all stood from their terrace, above the crowd. Celestia then came forward to address the crowd.




Celestia: " welcome, everyone, and thank you all for helping us celebrate 1,000 years of peace with our friends, the griffon empire, japon, saddle Arabia, the Minotaur duchy, and many others! And a special thanks to our competitors, here to give us a beautiful show of skill and finesse!"


@magos ampharose


Celestia then gave a personal thank you for a special someone.


Celestia: " and most of all... I'd like to thank my special servant, agririon. You know who you are and what you do, both honorable. You are a credit to equestria!"



Celestia and the other princesses then took their seats, and the announcer once again stole the spot light for a brief moment.



" aren't they beautiful.... And now, without further delay, the first round of the tournement begins! Introducing first, hailing from ponyville, the speed demon pegasi, Syuren Renoir!!!!"




Syuren had been aloft on a cloud, way above the colleseum. He had a picture in his hoof, one of his mother, deceased since his childbirth. He looked toward the sky, and back toward the picture.


Syuren: " Ma... I'm going to make you and pops proud today, I swear it!"


He then tucked the photo into his armor. He had gathered clouds above the colleseum, covering it totally to make his entrance. His music was already playing. Now, he just had to impress the crowd and take the win. He could hear the music. He had timed this perfectly in his mind. All he needed to do now was make it happen. Syuren dived off the cloud and toward the cloud mass over the colleseum. He was dive bombing and increasing his speed exponentially. He was near sonic rainboom levels. His eyed started to glow green, as he tapped into xirgox's power, the soul that resided in his spear. His speed nearly doubled. When he hit the cloud mass above the colleseum, both the guitars of the theme, and the sonic rainboom hit, and the clouds were dispersed, allowing the sun to shine upon the colleseum. He had aced it! He sped toward the arena floor, slowing himself. Xirgox's power had turned the rainboom green, the same shade as syuren, for dramatic effect. He landed perfectly in the middle, and the crowd was eating it up.



" syuren Renoir, baby! Lets do this!"


He yelled as he raised his spear. The music died down, and the announcer then spoke again.


Announcer: " and now for his opponent.... The royal defender of the princesses, agririon!!!!"


Syuren waited for his opponent eagerly.

Edited by Dirge of souls
  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Agririon quickly jogged over to where he had set up his device. With a smile as the phantom returned to him- having met the conditions that it had been summoned for- he braced himself, the bag of powders he had purchased secure in his hoof. He was told that the slightest connection to oxygen would set it off with brilliant effects. It would be a Glitter Freeze mixed with a Fire Wave wrapped up in about ten seconds.


Taking a few steps back, he smiled. He would wait just long enough for the announcer to think that he wouldn't show. Which is to say, about five seconds.






With a flash, he began channeling energy into the bottom part of his wraithcloak, creating a strem of energy which, if done correctly, would rocket him out of the area.




He waved goodbye to the wraith who watched the entrances and exits of Mortus before punching his card and returning it to where it went before he left.




As one motion, he opened an exit rift to Equestria and threw the package out, and then let loose with the energy out of his legs. Mortus would regenerate this energy until he was out of the realm, so he cut it off as soon as he could.


Now, he couldn't see what happened clearly. However, the first thing that the crowd saw was a hole appear out of nowhere- a hole that was so white, everything else in the world seemed to darken from the sheer brightness of the hole. Out of this came a blast that was creating a firey explosion that left the entire area (within roughly twenty feet of where his portal manifested) wreathed in flames. Agririon had carefully shaped the bag, to ensure that no casualties happened, but the front row with the other champions were bathed in slightly uncomfortable heat. Where the explosion had been moments before, there were now glittering crystals, barely the size of a shard of dust, yet freezing cold all the same. They melted instantly when they touched the crowd, but most of them hovered in the air for several minutes, and would continue to do so for the rest of the battle.


Out of this nexus of energy zoomed Agririon, his momentum carrying him several dozen feet into the center of the arena, trailing both fiery flames and chilling crystals, as well as a trail of pure white smoke. Throwing open the other two enchanted bags of powder, he flared his energy out slightly, causing the shadowed wraithcloak to become full of life, glowing in the green energy that made up his physical form. Agririon then landed and summoned his scythe as the dust formed two symbols that slowly spread out before fading. A silver moon, and a golden sun, both shining down upon the crowd. His wraithcloak was still sparkling from the crystals that had stuck to it, making him appear as if he had come from the Crystal Empire. As his scythe formed behind them, he performed a deep bow towards the princesses, and then to the crowd. "I dedicate this show of skill to you, madams. May it be satisfactory for you and all others."


Upon his scythe fully forming, he grabbed it and did a brief but flourishing salute to his opponent, loud enough to be barely heard by the crowd, before entering a battle stance. "Care to dance with Death, young one?" 

  • Brohoof 1
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@literally snails

Lorec lowered his arm, and his face went stoic once more. Shameful, considering that there weren't that many minotaurs in equestria. Even so, he allowed no signs of disappointment and annoyance.of course, he then looked at kazas and laughed a bit.

"You needn't worry about appearing rude," Roto assured, "Just look at the company I keep! My friend here hasn't even spoken a word."


Havoc kept his eyes on Lorec for the entire time Roto was talking. He still didn't speak.


"It sounds like the fights are starting." Roto said. "We'll have to continue the pleasantries later."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


Kazas spoke.


" indeed. I look forward to seeing you battle in the arena, and maybe even fighting against you or one of your allies." Kazas said. He took his seat. Lorec looked the other Minotaur, havoc, in the eyes, and then turned to sit by the griffon. It seemed as though kazas had taken a seat by a masked mare. Lorec sat to the right of kazas, and observed the fight. Kazas on the other hand, knew this one too. Another old friend, same adventure.


@magos ampharose


Kazas spoke again. This time, to shelevan.


Kazas: " good to see you again! It's been awhile. 5 years. How has life been treating you, shelevan? Or do you perfer shadow seer to that name?"




Meanwhile, syuren was facing agririon, smiling.



" I'd love to dance with you. Just remember that i lead."



He said with a confident smile. He assumed a weird stance, on three hooves, with his spear held by his left, over the shoulder and across his back. He was low to the ground. He was going to start this fight like every other; intimidation through sheer speed. His eyes glowed completely green as he drew upon more power, slowly. A green aura was starting to shape around him. Wild, and unpredictable. Kazas knew what he was doing.




" looks like he's going straight for afterimage intimidation..... Classic ren, I will say that."




" he's used too much power already with that entrance he made. We both know how this will end."




" at least give him a chance."




" he has none until he finally matures and chooses to take responsibility for power granted to him."



" Lorec, we both know syuren. He lost his innocence in the reunification war. Had it never happened, he wouldn't been as strong as he is now, and we both know that he is making good progress. At least give him that. Even though he is a joker and a prankster, he has a good heart. One that should have never tasted blood. You ever talk in depth with him?"


Lorec: ".....no."



" try to, sometime. You'll understand. The pranks, jokes, cockiness... A front. He's a very lovable person and I'm proud to

Call him a little brother, if in only name and not in blood. You'll see. He has the potential to be truly great."



"....guess you're right."




The announcer raised a hoof. He then dropped it down fast between the two. They stood roughly 20 ft apart, as syuren had moved back a little, prepping the afterimage strike.


Announcer: " lets get it started!!!!! Fight!!!!"



Syuren smiled, and then seemingly disappeared in a cloud of dust. A green figure could be seen circling a 50 ft radius around agririon at breakneck pace. It got faster and faster, and the crowd could even feel the wind from his pure speed. It looked as though several syuren's were circling agririon. He was trying to confuse him.



" fly like butterfly

Sting like a bee

Can you even see

Which is the real me?!?"


He taunted.

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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The crowds cheered. Princesses Luna, cadence, and Celestia all stood from their terrace, above the crowd. Celestia then came forward to address the crowd.




Celestia: " welcome, everyone, and thank you all for helping us celebrate 1,000 years of peace with our friends, the griffon empire, japon, saddle Arabia, the Minotaur duchy, and many others! And a special thanks to our competitors, here to give us a beautiful show of skill and finesse!"


@magos ampharose


Celestia then gave a personal thank you for a special someone.


Celestia: " and most of all... I'd like to thank my special servant, agririon. You know who you are and what you do, both honorable. You are a credit to equestria!"


Samurai Equine was not expecting a speech from the princess of the sun. Hearing her mention Japon gives him reason to brighten up and smile, but when Agririon is only one who gets a special mention like that, Samurai returns to his stoic demeanor. "Of course... Why would the great Princess Celestia mention me? Loyal as I am, she probably doesn't even know I'm here. After all, I came here without orders, and normally I'd never leave my homeland without them. Does coming here to this tournament make me a traitor? What will I do if she or a delegate from Japon order me to return home? I came here for a reason, but I am nothing without my loyalty, to which I am honor bound. Perhaps I really am just a faceless soldier, no different than her own royal guard ponies..."


For now, Samurai shakes off his insecurities and continues watching the match. Syuren has great speed, and Agririon has an ever grander entrance. Still, Samurai sits, seemingly unphased. If he is affected in anyway by the back draft of heat or the speed generated wind, he is very good at hiding it.

  • Brohoof 1


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@literally snails

Kazas spoke.

"Indeed. I look forward to seeing you battle in the arena, and maybe even fighting against you or one of your allies." Kazas said. He took his seat. Lorec looked the other Minotaur, havoc, in the eyes, and then turned to sit by the griffon. It seemed as though kazas had taken a seat by a masked mare. Lorec sat to the right of kazas, and observed the fight. Kazas on the other hand, knew this one too. Another old friend, same adventure.

"Oh, you say that now," Roto muttered under his breath as Kazas left.


For now, Samurai shakes off his insecurities and continues watching the match. Syuren has great speed, and Agririon has an ever grander entrance. Still, Samurai sits, seemingly unphased. If he is affected in anyway by the back draft of heat or the speed generated wind, he is very good at hiding it.

"All alone are you?" Mason asked. He was seated in the row behind the samurai. He had been sitting there ever sine he entered the arena. "This kind of fighting bores me. It's no fun when there isn't anything at stake."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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He laughed, even as the oxygen was sucked out of the funnel that was made. What need of he of air? Indeed, even as he was buffeted with winds and Syuren's energy flowed around him like a storm, he sighed- or, at least, made a sound like a sigh, as the thin air would have never carried the breath far. "Oh, forgive me. I thought that you would do more impressive things then just run around in a circle."


Several solutions appeared in his head. This pony was cocky, and was relying on stunning and dazing the foe before moving in for the kill. Or rather, here, the knockout.


But, he hadn't planned that he wouldn't be confused enough to not be able to focus? Yes, the blur that was him was rather... irritating, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. With a sigh, he considered his options. He could slow down time, that would be amusing. The pony would be struck out from under his feet before he could blink. It would only last a few seconds and use more of his energy than he would, but that would be all he needed to land a hit.  Agririon decided against it. It would be used later, as he continued to showcase his skills. But the finisher of this would be showy... he briefly considered revealing his true form, but that would freak out everypony and send Celestia and Luna into a haywire. No, he would not resorting to using that. Expect perhaps against that demon...


But back to the problem at hand.


After a few moments thought, he decided to do the simplest thing. He was going so fast, and at an already set pace, that he would be hard pressed to dodge it. And, besides, he would already be smarting from the comment he made a few seconds earlier. So he decided to risk it. Keeping as hard a grip as he could on his scythe, he suddenly stuck it out into the circle that Syuren was running into the ground of the arena, the blade facing away. if he ran into it, the blow would merely stun him with a blow to the lower chest and knock him back a few yards.




@@Samurai Equine@,


Shelevan smiled a small smile, and glanced towards Kazas with a smile. "These last few years have been good to me- or, at least, better than several other years that I have had." She shuddered slightly as she remembered how lonesome it had been in the monastery, all that time ago, when she still had her own body to call her own. "How have you been?"


Sensing a note of discord originating from in front of her, he turned his head and blinked, seeing the oriental pony in front of her who's expression had become serious. She blinked and momentarily touched minds to get his attention- nothing that he would notice her doing, unless he was extremely disciplined. And, even if he was, she reasoned, his... slight moment of unbalance made him wonder what was wrong. "Hello, sir. Is everything alright?" A simple question, and one that she did not expect to be answered completely truthfully, but she would not mettle if something was amiss.

Edited by Magos Amphrose
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Sensing a note of discord originating from in front of her, he turned his head and blinked, seeing the oriental pony in front of her who's expression had become serious. She blinked and momentarily touched minds to get his attention- nothing that he would notice her doing, unless he was extremely disciplined. And, even if he was, she reasoned, his... slight moment of unbalance made him wonder what was wrong. "Hello, sir. Is everything alright?" A simple question, and one that she did not expect to be answered completely truthfully, but she would not mettle if something was amiss.

(I was trying to talk to him as well, but whatever.)


"And who is this?" Mason asked out loud. He was speaking in a friendly tone, but it still came off as being... Uncomfortable. He didn't know who Shelevan was, and had his own way of finding out. "How sweet to be caring about some pony that you don't know."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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(I was trying to talk to him as well, but whatever.)


"And who is this?" Mason asked out loud. He was speaking in a friendly tone, but it still came off as being... Uncomfortable. He didn't know who Shelevan was, and had his own way of finding out. "How sweet to be caring about some pony that you don't know."


((You had posted after I did, and I didn't read it. Sorry!))


She remained silent as another pony started to talk to her obnoxiously, although attempting to be friendly. However, there was something in the way he talked that spoke volumes about... something. She couldn't lay a finger on it, but there was definately something wrong here. She would have to keep an eye on it.


"Well, it is the polite thing to do," she commented, as if that was the only explanation nessecary to the being, raising her guard. She dared not touch minds with him, fearing that she would be introduced to something dark. "Unlike some ponies, I prefer to spread peace where I go, and if that means providing kind words to a pony, then by all means, I can inquire how one is doing, esp-" She clamped her muzzle closed before she let slip too much. Taking a breath, she put a light smile on her face. "It also tends to help ease my occasional... outbursts before they get to far. But how are you doing today?"

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@magos ampharose


Syuren was reveling in his taunt, speeding around agririon. Of course, he was so reckless as to not notice agririon's scythe coming.


The blunt side of the scythe connected hard into syuren's abdominal area, knocking him to the ground, on his backside several yards from agririon. The picture of his mother had slipped out of his armor and landed at agririon's hooves.... Assuming he had any under that wraith cloak. Syuren laid there, seemingly unconscious.



The announcer spoke, in an astonished tone.


Announcer:" ummmmmmmm.... It seems that syuren has been knocked out cold! Agririon advances to the nex-"




" not yet, ya swanky, toupee mane lookin' idiot..... I'm still in this show!!!"


Syuren got up, blood dripping from his mouth. This was the effect of tapping into the power of the primordial divines for too long, along with using alot of power. His body was strained, and he could tell. He was breathing heavy and was obviously fatigued.


Syuren:" if you think.... I'm.... Gonna lose... To a sketchy... Grim reaper... Knockoff... Ya got another thing comi-"


He caught a glimpse of the ground around agririon. There, he spotted a picture. It was his mother's. once he saw that, his entire demeanor changed. He had gotten up, leaning on his spear.


" give... That.... Back.... That picture at your feet... Give it back... Now. Xirgox. Soul infusion."


Xirgox, the soul of the centaur sovereign in his spear, responded. It would be the first time one of the ancients spoke today. Xirgox spoke loudly enough for agririon to hear.



Xirgox: " syuren, listen to reason. Kazas ordered you to keep the use of out power to a minimum, you've already exhausted your body from your over exaggerated grand entrance, and the afterimage technique. You haven't even mastered the soul infusion yet. You realize that you may die?"




" I don't care. He has something of mine. I want it back."




" syuren, he didn't take it on purpose! It fell out of your armor when you took the blunt end of his armament. it is completely circumstantial. Finish the battle in a sane mind. There is no shame in losing a fight. In fact, it might teach you a valuable moral."



" I don't care, xirgox! I ain't losin'! I'm starting to think you're forgetting who's the keeper here! so do it."



" one of these days boy.... You'll be forced to learn from a mistake that you can't correct remember that."



Syuren held the spear in one hoof. A green aura was eminating from the weapon. With his other hoof, he lifted it near the spear. A green orb of energy started to form in his hand. Once it fully formed, he looked at agririon.



" now.... Lets continue this dance!"





Kazas was watching, and stood up, with an angry look on his face. His conversation with shelevan would have to wait. The crowd was silent, on the edge of their seats. And if syuren did what he was about to do, there would be a problem.



" Syuren! You dare to ignore my orders?!? Cease this foolishness right now, or there will be hell to pay when this is over!!!"



Syuren looked behind him, and spoke to kazas with a smile on his face.




" sorry, kaz.... But this is my fight. Stay outta it."

With that, he shoved the orb into his chest. It was xirgox's soul. This was the second stage of the keepers' power; total soul infusion. Two become one for a short amount of time to allow great acts of power, but not without consequence. It put incredible strain on the body, and could easily drain all of the life force energy of the user if not stopped in time.



Syuren: " now....... Lets go!"


A wild green surge of energy appeared around his entire being. His eyes glew green along with the surge. He assumed an offensive stance. He charged at agririon at even greater speeds, with the force of a typhoon. The entire crowd could feel the wind. He broke off of his path, and started bouncing off of the walls and alternating paths. He was trying a different variation of the afterimage technique, soon to go in for the knockout... Or kill. Syuren could have possibly lost all reason. He clashed against, agririon's scythe, looking him in the eye.



" how do ya like me now?!? Am I still just a boy to you?!?"




" idiot.... Agririon! Knock him out fast! He'll die if this goes on for too long!

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai was a little shaken from his stoic demeanor when two of his fellow competitors went to ask him if he was okay. However, it's funny how a double act of kindness was leading to a disagreement. "I'm fine, thank you both. It's nothing, really." Shelevan might indeed have trouble touching minds with Samurai, a least a little bit. Not that he was particularly skilled enough to prevent it, but being a unicorn clearly has it's benefits. If she knew his personal story, she would understand.


For now, Samurai watches with weighted breath as the battle intensifies! In fact, at one point, his eyes go wide and he practically stands up. "No! Can't be... Soul infusion? I thought it was just a legend..."


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@@@Samurai Equine,@,


(Oh my goodness, please do read his mind Magos, the reaction alone would be worth it.)


"I'm feeling fantastic, thank you for asking!" Mason said with a smile, he stretched out one hoof and patted the samurai on the shoulder before retracting it again. "I was just trying to have a conversation with the boy here. But it looks like the fight is finally getting entertaining."

Edited by Literally Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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The moment he said Soul Infusion, all semblance of joking and good time disappeared from his expression. He visibly tensed and readied himself. He had taken him for a cocky colt, and perhaps someone who would learn a lesson from a thrashing, but if this pegasus was so foolish that he would trigger his most powerful abilities when he was so low on his life force. He knocked away a full fourth of what he had remaining when he ran into the pole, and now the remainder was fluctuating into Mortus even as he thought these thoughts! This needed to stop, and now.

Bracing himself, he took a step back and stood on his hind legs, as his body began to shape into a form rarely seen on this plane. His forehooves flattening and splaying out, he grabbed hold of his scythe with newly formed hands before countering Syuren's attack, going back and forth and trading blows with him. "Yes, I still think you as a boy," he growled, "and a foolish one at that."

He continued his blade dance for as long as he dared, spinning a web of steel around himself, before, after a rather fearsome counter, lunged forward with a grab intended to pin his spear arm and his throat in an iron grip. If the grip failed, well, assuming that he wasn't face down on the ground from a particularly strong counter, he would back off before and have to finish this in a rather... interesting way. If he succeeded... well, he might be able to finish this in a showy manner after all. It would be quite entertaining, and probably cause a gasp, but it would knock him out as well as probably return the centaur's essence into the spear. Then Syuren would be unconscious for a few minutes, then Kazas would eat him alive. That would be quite entertaining.

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@magos ampharose


Syuren had gotten too complacent fighting agririon. He fell into agririon's grapple, one hoof pinned, the other trying to get syuren free from his chokehold.


Kazas yelled.


"Agririon! Knock him out! It's the only way!"



He was on the edge of his seat. If agririon could knock syuren out, the centaur sovereign's soul pulsated be drawn back into the spear.... If not, syuren would die.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Agririon took this spilt second delay to check how much energy that Syuren had left. Looking at his energy, he became increasingly worried. He had seconds to live- not enough for him to do anything flashy.


So he did the only option available to him. He reared his head back and, with a flash and a sudden motion, he slammed his head into Syuren's.


Now, from a normal wraith, the energy would literally pass through and, while extremely uncomfortable and able to freeze some of the more easily frozen chemicals, wouldn't be enough to knock a pony out unless they were incredibly weak. However, there was one detail in this regard that caused a very, very solid crack to enact itself against the pony's forehead.


The skull he wore.


Bone from Mortus, strengthened by magic and his own energy, is some of the hardest material in the known world. Now, granted, this definitely recoiled- a pony skull is no soft thing, and it was delivered to the highest concentration of his energy- but the blow would have been plenty to knock out a pony.


Assuming that the Sovereign inside decided that his host's life was worth living and didn't devote most of his energy into deflecting the blow.


Releasing his grip on Syuren- whether or not it would be enough to knock him out- he staggered back wards a few steps before gazing onto the ground, gathering his energies in case that he needed to perform an intervention before the soul dissipated into Mortus. The rules were no killing, and if that meant that he needed to keep him alive from his own stupidity, then so be it. But, idiot or not, this pony would live to die another day, if he had anything to say about it.

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@magos ampharose


CRACK!!!!! The skull headbutt had rattled syuren's skull. Unable to think straight, he had stumbled backwards after he was released. Blood was dripping from his forehead. He tried to stay on his hooves, but it was of no use. He looked at agririon, his aura faded and his eyes no longer glowing, he muttered one last thing before falling flat on his face, unconscious.



" g-... Good one.... But... I can stil-.... Gah...."



Checkmate. Syuren fell to the ground, face first. His spear still in hoof. A green aura could be seen exiting his body, and entering back into the spear. Xirgox was able to reverse the soul infusion, and return to his host weapon. After the transmigration was complete, a deep voice could be heard by agririon, eminating from the spear.




" thank you for saving him.... He's hot headed and prideful, but hopefully you'll see that he really has a good heart, someday...."

The voice faded.





The announcer looked at the occurrence in awe. As soon as syuren was down, and the announcer was sure he was out, he spoke into his mic.



" and syuren renoir goes down hard with a skull-shattering headbutt! Agririon advances to the next round! Medics, would you so kindly come out t-"



A claw latched on to his shoulder, and a griffon had appeared from behind. Kazas. He'd hopped down into the arena to collect syuren. He had a frustrated and angry gaze, the kind a father would have if his child was misbehaving.




" that will not be necessary. I'll take him and treat his wounds in the locker."


The announcer nodded, and made one more proclamation before dismissing the fighters.



" this concludes the first fight! All participants, please return to the locker room and wait for me to inform you all of the next fight's champions. Also, this tournement has been brought to you in part by Orik Renoir's Gear n' Goods shop! Better gear, better goods for all your adventuring needs!"



As soon as the crowd heard this, they laughed hysterically. The shop of a father who's son got beaten in the first round of the tournement. Embarrassing.



Kazas looked at agririon, and smiled faintly with a sigh of relief.


" he's badly hurt, and doesn't have too much left. But thanks to you, he is alive. I'll be able to treat him in the locker room. Unfortunately...., it'll take up a lot of my own life force to fix him up. So if we do end up battling, try not to lay into me too badly! Haha! Also... He'll appreciate it if you give him that photo he dropped back. Seriously... I always tell him not to carry that into a fight, but he does it as a good luck charm. You might make a new friend if you do."


He then walked back toward the locker room, having picked up syuren and signaling Lorec to grab syuren's spear and follow him. Syuren had lost. But then again, the divine retribution wasn't through yet.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Naturally, Agririon's victory is met with mixed reactions. Most of the crowd and some of the competitors cheered for him, but others did not. His appearance alone can put many off.


On his way back to the locker room, Samurai Equine crosses paths with him. They face each other in silence, but Samurai bows to him regardless before the carry on.


Samurai takes a moment to put his gear back in its place. Seriously, how does he travel with all that stuff?! He isn't lifting it. He isn't using magic to transport it. You could decorate a house with all that stuff!


When there is a free moment, Samurai goes over to Kazas with a smile. "Syuren was incredible! I have a new respect for him. Though I would like to know more about his fighting style..."

  • Brohoof 1


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Kazas and Lorec had re-entered the locker room. Kazas had sat down syuren's unconscious body on a bench and stood over him. Syuren's breathing was slow, but steady. Lorec had taken a seat near them, crossing his arms and looking at syuren. He said nothing.



Kazas drew his sword. He took a deep breath, and laid his other claw on syuren's chest. He closed his eye. He was about to commence life energy transference. This was one of the abilities ezerepth granted him; the power to heal, along with holy flame. Of course, kazas couldn't use this power on himself. After all, a battery cannot be used to charge itself. It can only be used to power other things. The same concept could be found in this situation.



@samurai equine


Kazas had started the healing process. A red energy-like aura eminated from his claw and seemed to go inside of syuren. The bruises started to disappear, and the bleeding from syuren's head wound was starting to stop.


Without taking his eye off syuren, he spoke to samurai equine.



" ah... You're the one Lorec has taken a liking to. Nice to meet you.... Well... I guess an explanation is in order. Syuren, like the rest of us, is in possession of a primordial soul. These souls played a part in shaping the world. The centaur sovereigns, with their speed and powerful magics, hold sway over the winds. Syuren, being a pegasi, has a natural influence with wind. Xirgox, the soul of the sovereign in his spear, grants syuren the power over wind. However, this is not the only thing it does. The soul is also capable of channeling its own spiritual power into the host if they will it, and can physically enhance the host. Personally, I don't rely on the physical aspect as much. Syuren relies on it the most. He channels energy to his fast-twitch muscles, ensuring more speed, and also uses wind magic granted to him to achieve even greater acceleration. He uses this for extremely fast, extremely deadly thrust attacks. He also likes to try and confuse opponents with his afterimage. If he would only but strip himself of cockiness and pride.... He would truly be a force to be reckoned with. He and Lorec share the most deadly attack of our strategies when they cooperate, after all..."


He kept pouring life energy into syuren. He felt himself getting weaker, and it became apparent of what he was doing.


" of course.... Using these abilities takes a heavy toll on our bodies.... And can even kill us if not careful."

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai listens well as Kazas explains. "I see... There is a tale from my home land. There once was a mighty warrior who defeated a mighty dragon, but the dragon offered to share his powers with the warrior if he'll spare his life. The warrior agreed, and for a brief moment, these two beings were fused. The tale calls this fusion many different things, including soul infusion. However, the merger was too unstable. It took the warrior's life, and the dragon got away. Ponies use this tale as a warning to never tamper with power beyond one's control. Perhaps there was some truth to the myth after all..."


Samurai pulls out an apple and puts it beside Kazas and Syuren. Seriously, what is with this Japonies pony and fruits? "Still, I see potential in him. If Lorec and Syuren are companions, then consider me one as well. I hope he makes a full recovery, and don't you go dying either." Samurai trots off for now. As he does so, he sings to himself a song. "Ringo kawai ya. Kawai ya ringo..."


(Just gonna leave this here, just so you get an idea what he is singing. It's from a post-war Japanese song.)


Edited by Samurai Equine


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" ah... You're the one Lorec has taken a liking to. Nice to meet you.... Well... I guess an explanation is in order. Syuren, like the rest of us, is in possession of a primordial soul. These souls played a part in shaping the world. The centaur sovereigns, with their speed and powerful magics, hold sway over the winds. Syuren, being a pegasi, has a natural influence with wind. Xirgox, the soul of the sovereign in his spear, grants syuren the power over wind. However, this is not the only thing it does. The soul is also capable of channeling its own spiritual power into the host if they will it, and can physically enhance the host. Personally, I don't rely on the physical aspect as much. Syuren relies on it the most. He channels energy to his fast-twitch muscles, ensuring more speed, and also uses wind magic granted to him to achieve even greater acceleration. He uses this for extremely fast, extremely deadly thrust attacks. He also likes to try and confuse opponents with his afterimage. If he would only but strip himself of cockiness and pride.... He would truly be a force to be reckoned with. He and Lorec share the most deadly attack of our strategies when they cooperate, after all..."


He kept pouring life energy into syuren. He felt himself getting weaker, and it became apparent of what he was doing.


" of course.... Using these abilities takes a heavy toll on our bodies.... And can even kill us if not careful."


Mason started to laugh softly, he and Roto were standing near the entrance to the locker room, listening in on the conversation. "I had no idea you were all so important," he said as he approached the group with a twisted smile. He couldn't resist his urge to speak. It was part of his nature. "You and your special friends remind me of some other affiliates I used to know. They were all so similar to you. The boy Syuren reminds me of a pegasus named Frey who could also control wind. I sliced his chest open, pulled out his lungs and let him watch himself suffocate to death. Lorec is nearly identical to a female minotaur named Helen who I ripped in half. She surprisingly lasted quite some time before she finally ran out of blood. And you remind me of a delicate young mare named Stone Heart. I twisted her head off and sent it to her loving husband for fun. I did those things because I hate people like you."


(Would it be bad if I told you I have the most fun playing as Mason?)

  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


Kazas had sighed. He could feel mason's demonic aura, and yet felt unthreatened. What angered him though, was the implied threatening of his allies.




" not that important. Just a group out to try and make the world a safer place. And in all honesty, I don't care how you feel about me. Now, the major griffonic religion that I follow teaches compassion, faith, understanding, and many other virtues. However, if you threaten my friends, I'm sure that the creator would understand my... Lapse into violence in order to protect them. Anyways, save your useless threats and meaningless words. You sound foolish."


Kazas didn't even bother to look behind him to speak to this pony. He had to concentrate on healing syuren. Lorec had kept his eyes on mason. Make no mistake, if he tried something... Lorec would bring down the entire arena just to send him to an early grave. To strike from behind while kazas was taking care of their friend would be very dishonorable. Lorec, with his strict virtues, would have none of it.


Lorec spoke aloud.



" kazas........."



" I know what you're thinking Lorec. He wants a shot at me. He hates me because he believes that I'm the stereotypical ' benevolent knight hero' type who likes to play savior and all of that nonsense. And because of this, he wants to cut me down. But believe me when I say that he won't try anything here. Because if he does, he will never get a chance to prove his ' superiority ' as a leader and a fighter over me unless it's a fair fight. And besides......."


A red aura appeared around kazas, perfectly controlled and flowing smoothly. Flames started to flicker around kazas. " holy flame isn't exactly healthy for a demon....... Is it?"



If mason wanted to play games, kazas would oblige. He had his own brand of sadistic sarcasm, a hint to the primal instincts of griffons.

Edited by Dirge of souls
  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@literally snails


Kazas had sighed. He could feel mason's demonic aura, and yet felt unthreatened. What angered him though, was the implied threatening of his allies.




" not that important. Just a group out to try and make the world a safer place. And in all honesty, I don't care how you feel about me. Now, the major griffonic religion that I follow teaches compassion, faith, understanding, and many other virtues. However, if you threaten my friends, I'm sure that the creator would understand my... Lapse into violence in order to protect them. Anyways, save your useless threats and meaningless words. You sound foolish."


Kazas didn't even bother to look behind him to speak to this pony. He had to concentrate on healing syuren. Lorec had kept his eyes on mason. Make no mistake, if he tried something... Lorec would bring down the entire arena just to send him to an early grave. To strike from behind while kazas was taking care of their friend would be very dishonorable. Lorec, with his strict virtues, would have none of it.


Lorec spoke aloud.



" kazas........."



" I know what you're thinking Lorec. He wants a shot at me. He hates me because he believes that I'm the stereotypical ' benevolent knight hero' type who likes to play savior and all of that nonsense. And because of this, he wants to cut me down. But believe me when I say that he won't try anything here. Because if he does, he will never get a chance to prove his ' superiority ' as a leader and a fighter over me unless it's a fair fight. And besides......."


A red aura appeared around kazas, perfectly controlled and flowing smoothly. Flames started to flicker around kazas. " holy flame isn't exactly healthy for a demon....... Is it?"



If mason wanted to play games, kazas would oblige. He had his own brand of sadistic sarcasm, a hint to the primal instincts of griffons.


Roto became uncomfortable and a bead of sweet trickled down his head, but Mason's reaction was entirely different. He laughed as if amused. He had invoked the response he was after. "Calm down, little girl. Neither of us will be killing the other while this tournament is on. Even I don't intend to break the rules like that, and I'm sure you have a greater sense of honor than a lowly demon!" He said all this while breaking into random chuckles. "But afterwards..." His face suddenly contorted and remolded into one with larger yellow eyes, long, razor sharp teeth and horns. "After this tournament is over, I'm going to kill you and your friends! It's a matter of principal and I always keep my promises!"

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@,@@Literally Snails,


Agririon had implanted himself into a corner to ponder this course of events as both Mason and Kazas began taking jabs at each other, especially as he was already growing more and more irritated with his turn in the first round matches in the arena. How immature Syuren was! It almost wasn't worth his time. Hopefully the others provided more challenge, but the more he brooded to himself, the more unsure of that fact that he was. Shaking his head, he sighed before standing up and walking over. Looking at Syuren for a moment, he took out the photograph that he had recovered after the battle and looked at it. It was his family. He was not sure if they were dead or in trouble, or if he merely left home.


He slid it into one of Syuren's pockets before taking a step back. "Oh, is that so, demon? Well, just so you know, if you lay a finger on Kazas or any of his compatriots- even though he might be as hard-headed as this one, lying unconscious- you'll have me to deal with as well. And don't worry, us elder specters have been dealing with dark slime like you for tens of millenia- close to an age, actually. Certainly longer than you've been around." He said this in an unnaturally calm voice. "And Kazas, although he is threatening your friends, don't rise to the bait. He's just going to take advantage of your emotions. Like every other demon out there." With a sigh, he stalked away, grumbling. He debated going to Mortus, but he had already gone to his home plane within the last three hours in the same area, so he decided against weakening the dimensional barrier more and returned to his darkened corner, letting his energy smolder and fade until the only thing visible was a pair of green balls hovering where the eyes of a skull would be.

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@magos ampharose


" I guess you're right..."


Kazas said. He had focused all of his efforts on healing syuren. It was starting to sap him quite badly. Still, the process was almost finished.


Syuren slowly regained consciousness.



Syuren: " man... My head is achin'.... Kaz, what happened?'

He said, sluring words as he was sluggish.




" you lost yourself and went all out. Thankfully, agririon was able to knock you out and draw xirgox's soul out of you.... You could've died... Or even went primal, you idiot.'



" I LOST?!?!?..... Wait... The picture......"



" agririon returned it to you after the fight. Go thank him when you're able to stand once more."



" yeah, I guess.... Thanks for fixing me up."



" you're welcome. I sure it won't be the last time, either... Like always.






Syuren stayed laying back, absorbing the life force energy. Lorec sat in silence; arms crossed and his head down with his eyes closed, as if napping. Suddenly, the announcer came in once more.








@bard @literally snails

" alright everyone! That first round was a hell of a show! Round two will begin very shortly! The next fight shall be between kazas Azarith and roto. You have 20 minutes. Get ready, and remember; epic entry, epic fight, epic finish, epic show! Best of luck to both contestants!"


Edited by Dirge of souls
  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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