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open To justify the means ( IC RP)

Vae Victis

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Before he can give the order to head out, Shogun hears what Avaerus says. Not very long after that, he hears somepony mention the Everfree forest. "Fools. Don't they see that all this is pointless now? The war is over. We've all ready lost." Shogun says. "Go! To the embassy!" Shogun commands. His Kurokos begin pulling the large wagon, leaving the city as fast as they can.


However, as they head out and just barely miss the chaos starting to unfold in Canterlot, Shogun can't help but throw glances at Samurai, who is still passed out. He envisions Samurai being angry, as well as what Celestia looked like when she was alive. "...Fine. But I do this under good faith, and nothing more. I still don't trust any of these foreigners. I had better be wrong..." Shogun says to himself. "Change direction!! Head towards Ponyville!! Maybe they'll have an embassy there. And slow down when we get to the Everfree Forest!" Shogun commands. The wagon changes direction accordingly just as they are leaving the city limits.


(Edited to better fit with Hokuto's wishes.  :) )

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@literally snails @samurai equine @magos ampharose


The storm had started to grow in strength and intensity. All of the crowd that could be moved were running for their lives, safely directed by the champions. When the tunnel ended and the streets began, it was an image of absolute horror.


Buildings were set aflame. Ponies were harming, maiming, and even slaughtering each other. Some out of self defense, some out of artificial rage induced by Avaerus. Screams of terror and anger were all that remained, with thunder and lightning being the song set to the destruction.


Alrahm had taken to the helm of the crowd. Syuren had beckoned his father to come out of hiding in the ticket booth and join in the running as he guarded the middle with Lorec. Alrahm had yelled for all sane ponies to join in fleeing to the trains, until all of a sudden, alrahm stopped, and beheld something terrifying.


A group of mind bent ponies, numbering in the hundreds, blockaded the route to the trains. More were coming in from the surrounding sides...


The group of sane ponies stopped, and many started crying in fear. Syuren and Lorec walked toward the front, looking very worried.




"This doesn't look good...."




" we have no choice Lorec. We have to get through. I need time to prepare an attack that could clear us away. Until then, you, syuren, and the others must fight them off."



" but they're just regular ponies!"



"That doesn't equate to our survival. It's us or them."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"This doesn't look good...."




" we have no choice Lorec. We have to get through. I need time to prepare an attack that could clear us away. Until then, you, syuren, and the others must fight them off."



" but they're just regular ponies!"



"That doesn't equate to our survival. It's us or them."


"Are you sure Alrahm?" Mason asked in a mocking tone. "Do you really think you can do this in a way that's happy for everyone? You want to get these survivors to safety, don't you? We both know there's only one way to ensure that. I can get through them for you. It would be no trouble at all, but are you willing to let me do what is necessary?"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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(Oh boy, get ready for a long one...)


Before Shogun's wagon can get too far away from Canterlot, Samurai finally awakens. "S-Shogun-sama?" Samurai asks. Shogun become VERY alert. "STOP THE WAGON!!!" At his command, the Kurokos come to a hault. "What's going on? Where are we going?" Samurai removes his cracked helmet and shakes his head. Shogun quickly glides over to him. "Easy, Samurai. We just left Canterlot and we're heading home." Shogun says. "Leaving?! We can't!!"


As Samurai is updated on what's going on, as he recalls what happened at the tournament and what happened to Celestia, he has another hysterical moment. It's up to Shogun to slap him in the face to make him come to his senses, but it does not quell his sadness. For a moment, the two of them have a short dialogue in Japonies. If anyone was around, they'd need subtitles to know what was being said.


"...But we can't go on, sir." Samurai breaks, finally speaking English again. "Without Celestia, we are nothing! Our system of loyalty to the rising sun, our code of honor... It's broken! We've failed in all our duties!" Samurai begins to summon his magic, his horn glowing once more. "The shame is too much. There is only ONE honorable path to take!" Samurai reaches up for his horn, but Shogun slaps him again, this time with his fan, breaking Samurai's magic summoning. "NO! You're wrong... There would be no honor in that. Not this time. Celestia's death is not your burden to bear, Samurai. ...It's mine... I promised her that I'd be her personal envoy, that I would protect her! That failure is mine alone to bear... But you have a different burden to bear. You have a mission to complete. Only then can you think about your final honorable act." Shogun says.


"A mission? Shogun-sama, what ever do you--" Samurai begins. "You were foolish to ever come here without orders to do so, Samurai Equine. I spotted you in the crowd faster than Celestia did. I wanted you to go back home before you embarrass the proud name of our mother country. However... Celestia clearly didn't care that you were there. She allowed you to participate, but there was more to it that spur-of-the-moment fun. She knew something... You came here because you wanted to find a way to end the civil war in Japon, right? I think Celestia understood that. If she were here, I think she would wanted you to finish that mission. On her behalf, I am granting you authority to carry out that mission. Think of it as her final order. I cannot join you, and I think you understand why, but I'll always be by your side in spirit. Though you were adopted into our clan, I am making you the new head of the Koumamaru Clan. If you want to absolve yourself of shame, then finish your mission. Grant Celestia's dying wish." Shogun says.


"That mission... Very well. I shall do my best." Samurai wipes away any tears he has and stands. The Kurokos give him back his helmet, which they repaired. "There are so many ponies to grieve, and few of them actually had a proper burial. I never thought the princesses would need it as well. But I will finish this chosen mission that has been approved by the Princess! ...Kurokos, bring me my cart." Samurai says. The Kurokos wheel it over to him.


Samurai opens his cart, unlocks the false bottom, and pulls out a katana. It has a thick blade, a cloud shaped guard/hilt, an extra long handle, and a white blanket-like cloth with frayed ends chained to bottom of the handle. Shogun is surprised. "Samurai... When did you get a sword?! You've never needed a sword before. You always told me that your horn was all the sword you need!" Shogun says. "Maybe that was true when I was shooing away little pests, like diamond dogs and snow leopards. But that was before our land broke out into civil war, before false gods began to take away everything I held dear to my heart. This sword was made by the best swordsmiths in our land. It's purpose: to entrap the soul of a Dragon Caesar." Samurai says. Shogun seems speechless. "I had no idea you had made such plans... Perhaps you are stronger than I realized, my faithful retainer. I don't trust these outsiders. They had a chance and they failed. But there must be something special about them if you are willing to learn from them."


Samurai hops out of the wagon, using the cloth on the sword to strap it to his side. A few Kurokos appear before Samurai. "What? Is this all that is left? Did that monster really kill that many of my... Nevermind. It doesn't matter anymore. My Kurokos, my faithful Shadow Agents... You've been by my side all this time out of respect for Celestia and myself. But this journey I undertake now, I must take alone. It's too dangerous to ask you to come with me. Whatever you do now is your choice. I give you dispensation do whatever you please." Samurai says.


Samurai trots away, heading back to Canterlot. As he does, he feels sad again. He knows what Shogun is about to do. He knew at least one of them would... Still, Samurai raises his head, and he focuses his magic so hard that it looks like it hurts. And with little warning, he teleports away.


Samurai reappears in Canterlot. He begins to run to the train station, passing between buildings and going down streets. But he stops when he sees mind controlled ponies causing havoc. "No! Here too?! ..." Samurai lowers his head. "It has gotten worse. These false gods must be stopped!" Samurai no longer runs. He casually trots forward. As he does, he draws his sword and faces his 'zombified' enemies. As they charge him, Samurai swings his sword and lobs their legs off, rendering them useless. "Even without being mind controlled, NONE of you are a worthy match for me!"


Meanwhile, outside the city...


Shogun watches as Samurai teleports away. As he does, Shogun sits. He is alone with his thoughts.

"Celestia... I have failed you. And in failing you, I have brought shame.

Shame upon myself.

Shame upon Japon.

And shame upon all of Equestria.

I was entrusted to protect you with my life. I could have used my swords to turn you to gold, and then lifted the curse off you when the danger was gone!

But that false god invaded my mind. He made me act on impulse rather than on strategy.

Samurai, this shame is too great for all of us to bear.

You must keep on living; find a way to set things right again!

I must do the only honorable thing...

I must join the princess in the eternal either that awaits us all. I will do this to make sure my enemies do not claim victory over me as well..."

Shogun pulls out one of his swords and aims it at his chest.

"Here, with these Kurokos as witness, I commit Seppuku to answer for my sins!"


However, before Shogun can commit the act, someone appears before him. "...Avae!" (Avaerus)

Edited by Samurai Equine
  • Brohoof 1


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@samurai equine


While Avaerus's physical body was still in the arena, his mind was elsewhere. He appeared to the shogun's mind's eye, and it would seem to shogun as if Avaerus was standing in front of him, when in fact, he wasn't there at all. Avaerus saw what shogun was attempting, and spoke with a hint of contempt within his voice.




" trying to avoid reality, are we? I've never understood your people fully, even if I've observed you for thousands of years. Honor and dishonor... These are merely concepts, much like good and evil. In the end, all of these are but ideas passed down through the generations. Suicide is but a permanent end to an otherwise solvable and temporary variable. Why would you deny yourself the chance to fight for a better tomorrow? Why give up on making things right? To keep your precious little ' honor '? Or are you simply afraid of an even greater failure? Tis not a thing to fear, shogun, but a thing to make you stronger. If you can learn from your failures, accept the facts of your defeated state, reflect upon it to better yourself, and make corrections, then it is not a true failure. Not at all. No failure is ever too great to remedy....."


Avaerus was sounding almost like a father, scolding his child in an authoritative way, but still trying to teach the child a much needed lesson.


" but even still, you want to end it? No.... I have a better use for you... A use that will make your most loyal retainer stronger. You will become one of my servants, and you will do my bidding to test your warrior's strength! Pray to the allmaker for him to gain strength, for he will not be able to save you, nor the world, if he does not.... Now, your mine!"


Avaerus started to exert his influence on shogun's mind.


"Come to my side... Come to me and receive your first orders as my servant."


It was only a matter of time before shogun's mind would be overcome.



@literally snails


Alrahm looked away in shame.



" it must be done.... If you can cut them down quickly, so be it. It will take me precisely one minute and twenty-three seconds to charge my planned attack. However, only cut down the ones in front of us. Lorec can block the other streets. Lorec, if you would...."


Lorec nodded, and his eyes started to emit a brownish-gold light. The ground started to shake, and massive stone walls appeared to block off all other streets, five to be exact, except the intended path. Even still, hundreds upon hundreds were coming at them from the target path. Lorec then drew his greatsword. Syuren objected.




" this isn't right! They don't have any swords or crap, and they ain't in the right mind! Al, there's gotta be another way, man!"



" no choice syuren.... Them or us."



" Lorec, buddy! Think of your honor code! This ain't right and you know it! Don't do it!!....."



Lorec was silent. He obviously didn't want to do it, but he had to protect the civillians, and knew that he didn't have a choice.




" mason... It is time. I'll start converting my power into a move that can wipe them all out. I just need you to hold them off.... At least let me give the vast majority of them a quick and painless end....."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@, (This is the first time Mason has gotten to really show off his powers to this group, isn't it?)





Mason pretended like he didn't hear Alrahm's last words. The words of approval were all he needed. With his eyes closed he stepped out in ahead of all of the survivors, placing himself between them and the assailants as he silently chuckled to himself.


He waited there for a few seconds while the mind bent ponies encroached on him. Standing still until the opportune moment arose. The moment the first line of the attackers were only a few feet from him, he opened his eyes and screamed. The shrill noise he produced was a mixture of viscous blood lust and sadistic pleasure.


Tendrils shot out of nearly every inch of the front of Mason's body, including his face, chest, front legs, and even his hair! The tendrils were razor sharp at the tip and about half an inch thick. Several dozen of them all came out at once and they all grew out at the speed of a bullet. The tendrils struck out in all directions in front of him, piercing through everything in their way, flesh, bone, rock, brain.


It was all over in less than a second, and Mason's twisted body stood in the center of it all. The fleshy tendrils had punctured through nearly ever one of the mind bent assailants and nearly every wound was fatal. The tendrils connected them all together in a rope of flesh and blood. There was very little movement aside from a rare few who had only been seriously injured, spared of the fatal blow.


The tendrils retracted back into his body as quickly as they had gone out, bringing some of the blood with them and splattering it on Mason's face and body. Aside from that, he looked the same as he did before he preformed the stunt. He waited for the satisfying sound of the freshly killed mind bent ponies simultaneously falling down atop each other before saying, "Unfortunately for you, I'm well equipped to handle the larger groups." There was a small pocket of mind bent ponies in the very back that weren't hit by the tendrils at all. Those ones along with the heavily injured ones that hadn't died immediately, continued to stumble toward them, but they were hardly in enough numbers to be a threat.

"Look, Alrahm, I even spared some for you!" Mason said as he licked the blood off of one of his legs.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@@Samurai Equine,  @,



Agririon ducked as Mason's attack missed him by a matter of inches. "I would prefer not to be stuck like a pig over here, please!" He shouted before coming down. By now, most of the civilians were out of the arena, having been guided out by Shelevan and the others, so Agririon quickly jumped down, landing on the arena floor, before running into the tunnel behind them, being careful to quickly collect the few souls that had been passed over by the specters that were still floating around. Most of them had departed after Mason's ability scythed down the majority of the crowd at the arena.


Running up to join the group, he sighed. "Well, here I am. Now, what's the plan from here?"



@@Samurai Equine,


As Shelevan was guiding the civilians onto the train, she noticed a presence... appear. She realized it was new-  she wasn't familiar with it- so she took the chain sickle and entered a defensive stance, looking around for visual confirmation of the threat. But, when she laid eyes on him, it wasn't a threat. It was the samurai. Assured that he would be able to help hold off the horde of mind-bent civilians, she devoted more of her energy to accelerating the departure process, trusting that the samurai would hold off the group chasing them for as long as possible.

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There is a flash atop a skyscraper.

The shadow of a pony steps up on the roof. Only his glowing eyes and horn are visible.


Stepping forward, the shadows part, revealing Samurai Equine. He looks below, leaps, then runs down the side of the skyscraper!

Bursting out of the glass windows are many mind-bent ponies, reaching out to attack!

But on his way down, Samurai punches a few of them, and stabs a few others with his extending horn spell!

Finally, halfway down, he grabs a pony and uses him to surf the rest of the way down. A zombified pony makes a pretty good pony-shield (pun on human-shield) against other ponies.

And he does a flip off his 'surf board' just before gracefully landing on the ground below.


From here, he sees the train station in the distance, and Shelevan! He recognizes her from the tournament.

Samurai fights his way through the crowd until he is soon beside her. "Care for a little help? I'm adept at fighting off large crowds."

Turning back to the mind controlled enemies, Samurai ducks down until he is lying against the pavement. "Magic Horn EXTEND!!!" Using one of his classic spells again, Samurai extends his horn until it is stretched out underneath a bunch of mind controlled ponies.
Getting up, Samurai grunts and uses quite a bit of strength to flip over a ton of mind-controlled zombie ponies like flapjacks, tossing them a distance away before retracting his horn.


"This is quite the test! I'm surprised most of the mind-controlled minions are earth and unicorn ponies. I thought there'd be more pegasi to deal with."


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@literally snails


Alrahm looked on in horror. Perhaps he shouldn't have given consent to this... Slaughterfest. Even still, mason had done what was asked, even mockingly leaving some alive for alrahm to dispose of, personally. The ice shards kept floating around alrahm as he spoke. Syuren looked both disgusted and saddened. Lorec's face showed no change, but even still, one could feel the sheer disapproval that eminated from his very being. If mason was this strong.... What could happen if he decided to turn on everyone else? Surely, no good would come of it...



" even though I have to literally summon the strength from the bottom of my own heart in order to say this.... Thank you, mason. I shall euthanize the rest."



Alrahm's eyes started to glow a dark silver, with his horn eminating the same. Without any effort, alrahm shot the small frozen bullets into any surviving mind-bents' heads with preciseness. They dropped to the ground peacefully, and suffered no pain before they died.


Syuren objected, of course.



" you monsters... We could've found a way to save 'em! Don't you all have any shame at all?!?"



" no choice, syuren.... Without a cure, euthanization is the requirement."



@magos ampharose


Alrahm spoke agin.


" we head for the trains! Then we warn ponyville and flee to the everfree! Once there... We must find our way to the old castle that the princesses once dwelled. Once your friend is done gathering those of the retribution and the royal guard, we can fortify it and use it as a base! But enough of that for now! We must leave quickly! The trains are close!"





Alrahm then started to lead the way, still floating upon his watery platform. Syuren glided close to the ground, motioning for the civillians to come, while silently protesting the mind-bent slaughter.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Roto and Havoc continued to be useful at directing the crowds, this time sending them into the trains easily.


Mason stayed where he was and wiped off his face. "I see that you're worried about me, Alrahm. It's all over your face," he said, "Allow me to put you at ease. I made a promise to Kazas that I would kill him and all of his friends after the tournament was over. I'm not one to break that kind of promise, but since the tournament was interrupted, that seems to be good news for you."


(Comforting, right? Don't ya feel better?)

  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


As the group moved, Alrahm let that comment slide. But of course, using the power of logic and the stories that kazas had told of Resh during the Black Death incident, how good was a demon's word? At this point, better than none at all.


---------------------------------( in the arena)-------------------------



" they are taking too long, zephrael. Let us speed this up. I want you to fly toward the back of the crowd, and unleash a display of power. If they do not accelerate their escape after seeing you, kill some of them to prove a point."



" Avaerus! Are we not your children? I'm beginning to believe that Tartarus corrupted you more than you think! How many will I have to butcher before this nonsense ends?"



" this is not nonsense, zephrael! This is about the mortal's survival! If they don't succeed, then the work I've invested in this is a moot point. I don't enjoy this. The allmaker doesn't enjoy this, and I most certainly may have lost his favor! You've also lost much, zephrael. I'm going to help you get it back. But I need you to help make them strong. Id rather it be tens of thousands, than the entire world, zephrael."



"...... Very well. But I grow tired of killing. I'm off."



" zephrael, before you go.... There is a child watching us. He plays with a toy that's too big for him. Let him witness everything you do. I want him to see. He thinks he can hide his power, but I can see his soul, and hear his heartbeat."



" understood. I'm off."


Zephrael flew into the sky, and diverted his path toward the crowd of civillians. He intentionally flew slow, to hopefully give the group the chance it needed before he had to take more life.




@samurai equine @magos ampharose



Lorec spotted equine and shelevan in the distance as the crowd moved. The trains would be within view soon. Lorec ran, right fist ready to throw punches, toward them. He jabbed through the mind-bent ponies. His fist cracked their skulls and ruptured organs with such ease.




" come on, we need to go! The trains are near!"




@magos ampharose @literally snails @samurai equine



The group proceeded through the poring rain, witnessing the burning buildings. The trains were coming into view. It was only a matter of time before they reached them.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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While the train began to slow down, preparing to stop, Mason directed Havoc to the back of the crowd. "Havoc, the griffon is coming back and it may take a few minutes to get everyone onto the train."

"There's not enough time to take off my armor," Havoc said.


"Just distract him for as long as you can. Remember that you're more important than these civilians."

Havoc walked to the back of the crowd slightly faster than his normal pace. When he was on the other side of the crowd he hoisted his axe over his shoulder and stood in a ready stance.





Snowstorm shot out of the cloud and quickly landed on the ground directly behind Avaerus. His energy wavelength was no longer disguised. The Banshee Shriek was also reverted to its dormant form and strapped to his back. He had been able to hear everything that Avaerus had said.


"Am I still so childlike to you?" He asked. He was sure and confident. "Forgive me if I'm not as easy to manipulate as your friend; and moreover, forgive me if I don't believe you are what you say you are."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Samurai waves when he spots Alrahm, Lorec, and Syuren. With their help, it will be easier to get the innocent out of harm's way. However, the Yokai group have been acting very suspicious since they got here. Breaking away from Shelevan, Samurai continues doing his job and keeping the mind-controlled ponies at bay. But at the same time, he is doing his best to stay somewhat close to Mason and his team mates, keeping tabs on them. "Bad enough all this is happening. I still don't trust them... We may need their help, but if any of them get out of line, I'll be the first to step in." Samurai thinks to himself. For now, he's being pretty stealthy. Samurai will only make himself known and get in their way if it becomes necessary.

  • Brohoof 1


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--------(in the arena-------


Avaerus sighed and then walked close to kazas's unconcious body. Still alive, of course.


@literally snails



" yes, I do think you all are child-like. Can you truly blame me, though? It's hard to not view you all that way considering the age difference... Along with other facts. And I haven't revealed who I am at all. The closest that any of you got to discerning my Identity was this one, zephrael's blood kin... Descendant of Azarith. But in the end, he was only half right."


He pointed at kazas.


"Secondly, I do not manipulate mortals. Such an act is disgusting, though I realize that considering what we have done, that would be hypocritical. I took pity on zephrael. History abhorred him as the azure terror for his original sin, and yet, 763 years ago, what he did should have made him a hero for the ages. Of course... He did choose how he was remembered. But that's not important. I can help him get back what none of you can't. Plus, he understands what happens, should you fail. Zephrael is the trial that you must overcome. Even as we are, we have just recently escaped imprisonment. Neither of us are back to full strength just yet."


Kazas started to come to. He rose up, but something was different. He was mind-bent. His eye glowed pure white.



" how easily the mind of mortals are shattered, no matter how righteous or strong they are. But I have different plans for this one..."



Avaerus lifted his claw to chest level. He raised his fore-claw, and a small orb appeared, no bigger than a marble. It resonated with fire and divinity, the same as a pheonix knight's flame.



" long ago, I created the primordial divines that the keepers cooperate with. Their power is but a shadow of my own. Within this orb, is the same amount of raw power that is contained within a Phoenix lord's body.."



Avaerus walked over to kazas. He bent down towards him, and lifted the orb toward kazas's eye. The orb shot into kazas's eye, and kazas dropped to the ground once more, screaming in agony. His feathers started to flash between his normal ashen color and the crimson that had been seen during his match with roto.




It's amazing.... You mortals are capable of so much, considering your weaknesses... My advice is that you flee. When he stands once more... He won't be the same kazas. He will have lost his capacity for forgiveness and compassion. I have overrode them with his primal emotions... Ruthlessness and bloodlust."



------------------------------(near the train stations)-------------------------


The trains had come to a stop, and had opened its doors, completely empty. The conductor, an earth pony, had come out yelling his normal phrases until he noticed the crowd.




" alright, everyone, all aboar- HOLY CELESTIA!!!!!!! what is this?!? W... Why is everything on fire?!! What happened?!?"



@literally snails @magos ampharose @samurai equine



A blue streak could be seen flying from the colleseum and towards the crowd. It landed approximately 150 ft from the crowd, surrounded by blue fire. Zephrael. The blue flame dispersed, revealing his figure. He brandished his halberd, and started to walk toward the crowd. Various voices could be heard speaking from the conglomeration of people.


" who is that..."


" wait I've seen that guy before..."


" it's... That halberd... It-it's the princesses' murderer!!! He's come to kill us too!"


" in the train, for the love of the princesses get in the train!"


" I don't wanna die!!!!"


" mommy.... Why is he so mean..."


Lorec ran beside havoc, broken arm dangling. With his good hand, he did something that would be of great surprise.... Especially to samurai equine, considering that this art came from his country.



" I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.... Hokuto Tetsu Shin Ken!" ( Big Dipper iron god fist)

Lorec pierced his own thigh with his hand... A trained martial artist with knowledge of pressure points knew what he was doing. The points that he had pressed allowed for increased flow of fighting energy and increased physical prowess. Combined with the powers of a keeper, this was a deadly combination.


" Stay back, Griffon!"



And yet, zephrael continued to walk towards the crowd. The crowd started to panic, trying to rush into the train. The conductor had almost been trampled to death, but managed to gallop back to the caboose engine.





@magos ampharose


Alrahm looked panicked, but retained his composure. He looked to agririon.




" agririon, where is your friend? We need reinforcement or we will all perish here...."




Syuren drew his spear, shaking, yet refusing to back down.



" man.... This is won't end well..."



Zephrael kept approaching Lorec and havoc, a sorrowful look on his face.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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With a confident smirk, Snowstorm started to slowly walk around Avaerus while keeping eye contact with him. He never drew his sword or gave any indication that he was ready to fight. As soon as Kazas attacked, he could easily get away, but he didn't intend to escape until it was absolutely necessary.


"Don't try to tell me you aren't being manipulative. I know you are. I do it too," Snowstorm said. "Unless, maybe you don't even know. Appealing to his conception of you, repeating the same lines of reasoning, testing his limits. How many times have you repeated the same thing to him, I wonder? How many times have you had to re-convince him that you're doing the right thing? If that's not manipulation, I must have never seen manipulation before in my life."




Havoc slammed his axe into the ground and lifted it back up, pulling up a chunk of earth and rock with it. He swung the axe forward, slinging the heavy slab of rock at the griffon.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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There he was, Zephrael. Samurai remembers him well. The face of the princess killer was forever etched into his mind.

Why here? Why now?

Indeed, Lorec's abilities were a surprise to Samurai, and yet... It just didn't seem like enough.

Samurai grits his teeth and kicks the ground. He didn't want it to come to this, but it's better to act for the greater good.


Samurai breaks from his post and then walks up beside Syuren. Since he's shaking the most, it's only fitting to ask him.

"Syuren-san." Samurai whispers to get his attention. "Would you like to trade places with me? Someone needs to get the civilians on the train, and also... Someone needs to watch Mason and his group. Let me handle this monster. I've got a personal score to settle."

It's true, Samurai lost it when the princess he adores was killed. However, when it comes to battle, Samurai always has nerves of steel and deadly skills. If Syuren isn't up to facing Zephrael, this would be his best chance to save himself and others who need it.


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@literally snails


Avaerus's tone was calm and reserved in order to retort to snowstorm's comment.



" Zephrael is powerful. However, it is his mortal heart that makes him doubt. His conception of me was only half-correct, as were many who followed the religion known as Vakor. I am not a savior, and I have never claimed to be, and he now knows this. He also knows that even this isn't the worst fate that your world can suffer. What I make, I can also unmake. However, the Allmaker would not find that favorable. Zephrael does what must be done. After all... I chose you. I chose the yokai seven. I chose the divine retribution. I chose shelevan and agririon, as did I choose samurai and shogun equine. As you all are now... You cannot even survive a thunderstorm of fate. How can you even expect to survive the floods of despair? I brought zephrael with me from the depths of Tartarus to challenge mortal existence. You must earn the privilege of not being exterminated. You will learn to be leaders, and you will learn to co-exist, as one will not survive without the other in this ordeal."


Kazas's screaming had subsided. He rose up slowly, shaking from the pain for awhile until it subsided. He looked at snowstorm. To snowstorm, it would look as if kazas was never controlled. But there was something different about Kazas. His eye was now a shade of blood red. He had an angry scowl about him. His words would help snowstorm discern how far gone he really was, changed by Avaerus.



" now that, was annoying. I feel like I've woken up from a dream where I led a team of weaklings... Who's the pretty boy? And moreover, who are you?"


He said, switching his gaze over to Avaerus.



Avaerus responded.


" my name is Avaerus, and I am your benefactor, kazas. Your blade has been lost, but you no longer need it. I've given you what you need. Follow me, and I can guarantee that you will have a chance to sate your thirst for war and blood."



" That sounds like a delicious deal. I don't have a sword, though, so how do you expect me to kill things? My claws aren't for common prey."



Avaerus lifted his to the sky. A blade materialized, seemingly out of thin air. It was beautiful, indeed. A golden hilt, and a blade so clean and pure that it may as well been made of moonlight itself. He grasped the blade, and tossed it to kazas, who caught it by the broadside of the blade, and adjusted it to where he was holding it correctly.




" so you're saying that I can fight, AND summon that divine flame crap WITHOUT that annoying sqwaker that was in that sword, my day just keeps getting better! So who's my first prey, avae-"


He paused, and looked at snowstorm. His face contorted into a twisted smile, and he yelled toward snowstorm in sick delight.


" how about you, boy? I've always wanted to kill a boy band singer.... Your scalp will be a lovely gift for your boss! Now come at me!"


@literally snails



The chunk earth that havoc had thrown was slashed in half, with zephrael sending the two pieces behind him. He kept walking toward the two minotaurs, that sullen look still upon his face. Lorec looked at havoc with an eyebrow raised.



" if we live through this... I demand an arm-wrestling match."


Lorec's eyes started to glow, and he stomped his leg into the ground. A chunk of rock popped up in front of him. With all of his might, he threw a mighty punch at the air born earth, and slugged it. It cracked into hundreds of little shards, all speeding towards zephrael, as if it were a blast from a shotgun.


Zephrael's blue flame once again covered his body. The shards of earth looked like they had connected, but were burned away before even touching zephrael. He kept getting closer and closer to the pair, and was now only 25ft away from them. However.... It had almost seemed like he didn't come to fight...





@samurai equine


Syuren shook his head.



" ar-... Are you insane?!? You can't win! I can't win! The yokais can't win! Nobody can beat this guy!!!!!..... But if you really want to, fine. Just... Run if he gets too close, alright? I'll take your spot."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai nods and lets Syuren go, switching places with him. "Insane? With the way things are right now, maybe there is no such thing as sanity..."


Samurai draws his sword once more. "Okay, let's try this... Flaming Sword Attack." Samurai summons flames to his horn, much like his Flaming Horn Attack, then scrapes his horn again the flat part of his blade. The flames quickly transfer to his sword, and he holds it ready as he moves up and stands closer to Lorec. "Lorec-san, don't you die on me yet. You've all ready busted your arm up pretty bad. As for you..."


Samurai faces Zephrael now "Behold my blade, vile creature! This sword was started by Masamune and finished by Muramasa, two of the GREATEST swordsmiths in all of Japon! This sword was made for one purpose, and even though that purpose is not yet fulfilled, it is a lot like me. Neither it nor I will break or fall before you. Not now, not ever. I am Samurai Equine, Japonies warrior authorized by divine providence, and you are a FALSE god! Your head is TOO high! You will bow down..." Samurai declared. It might be a little on the gloating side, but the way he holds his sword and that blood-thirst look in his eyes are not at all an act.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Snowstorm smiled as well. He had risked a lot, but at least his efforts produced something. "Remember what I said about manipulating. I do it too. I hate to leave you so awkwardly, but you've already given me everything I wanted from this exchange."


He masked his energy again, bent down and sprang up into the air, flying back up into the clouds.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


Avaerus chuckled to himself.


" you know what I want you to know, snowstorm. I could tell you the whole story... And yet you'd never even believe without experiencing what you will....."




"You promised me blood, Avaerus."



" in time, my child. Wait for your forebearer's return."


---------------------------------------(near the fleeing crowd)--------------------


@samurai equine


Zephrael stopped at this show of courage, if but only to reconcile with equine.





" a god.... What makes a being a god? Because I never claimed to be one. Nor am i even worthy of the title of a false god. And as for bowing my head... I've bowed my head in shame and guilt for centuries... Tortured by the souls of former comrades, whom I had no choice but to slay so many years ago as my soul languished in Tartarus... And now I stand before you all now, an ugly product of necromancy and fate...."



Tears formed in his eyes. Blood. crying blood once more, he continued.


" you all must understand that I never wanted this... This is not who I am. But now, no one but the creator and the allmaker will believe me. I didn't end those precious, beautiful lives for conquest, for infamy, or for pure cruelty.... I did it because it was necessary. You may not see it now, japony.... But you will eventually. If you all succeed.... Everything will be made clear."



He looked at Lorec. He beckoned him with his claw.



" come, Minotaur. And do not be afraid. I have a gift for you. And you have naught to fear from me. If I were to cut anyone down, you and your companions would have been recently deceased at least five minutes ago..."



Lorec stepped back, but then answered zephrael's call. He started walking toward zephrael, clutching his broken arm with his good hand. He might as well see what he wanted. Anyone else would've backed off or attacked. But because of his own strict honor code, Lorec would not attack an enemy that had no harmful intentions. Still, he had something to say to zephrael. He walked until he was standing right in front of the griffon. Curious, really. So much power, age, and wisdom in this one.




" let me see your arm."


Lorec obliged. He bent down towards zephrael, broken arm dangling. Zephrael put his halberd away on his back, attached by a cord that he kept over his shoulder. He gently placed his claws on Lorec's arm, Nd they started to eminate a blue aurora of energy. The divine healing of pheonix knights. Zephrael was mending Lorec's broken arm.




" you slew my friend in cold blood... And you killed duke Jirah...



" Minotaur, I am truly, truly sorry about your friend. I wanted him to live and fight along your side. I was going to use an aura repulse technique... But Kazas was too close. It would've killed him. I made a judgement call. Your friend, or my descendant. Obviously, it was a decision rooted in bias, considering blood ties. Buy understand that I wouldn't have killed neither if I had a choice. Secondly... I had no choice. It was the creator's orders to do so. It's a part of his plan, and I am merely the catalyst. This was to make all of you into what you need to be...."


He continued to mend Lorec's arm with his power. After a few moments, he retracted his claws, and stepped away.


" try moving it."


Lorec did so, and found himself able... It was like his arm had never been broken.


" now, return to your comrades."


Lorec followed the instruction, and walked back towards havoc and samurai equine. He then turned to face zephrael, with something stirring in his soul... Thankfulness for healing his arm, or a respect of a warrior... Perhaps both? Or could it have been his near mirror-likeness to kazas in both soul and physicality?




@samurai equine @magos amphrose @literally snails


Zephrael spoke aloud one more time.


" I came here, ordered to slaughter innocents. As you can see, I haven't the willpower to. If any of you have something to say to me before I depart, then say it. Otherwise, I will make my way to my master's side once more. I would not reccomend fighting me. But if that's what any of you wish, so be it. Just remember what I'm capable of before you make such a rash decision."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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The more Zephrael talks, the more Samurai just gets confused. Everything he says might as well be a contradiction.

Then he summons Lorec. "Wait, Lorec-san!" Samurai tries to make him stay back, but it is no use.

Then Zephrael heals Lorec and lets him back away. Now Samurai is REALLY confused!


Samurai shakes his head after hearing Zephrael's declaration. "I don't get it... I STILL don't get it! But from what you're telling me... It's pointless to ask why you killed the princesses, or why you're doing all this. You have some ulterior motive, a goal you're working towards. All this carnage, what you did to my country of Japon, and the fact that my mentor killed himself under the weight of the sorrow and shame he felt... I'm not sure I believe you when you say it's necessary. I've all ready killed many of my own Japonies country colts, and now I'm getting tired of doing it... Whatever you're working towards, whatever you're trying to mold us into, we never needed you or your kind to show us the way."


However, Samurai extinguishes the flames on his blade, and straps his sword to his side once more. "But I'll take you're peaceful approach at face value, for now. I don't have anything to say, but if you came to deliver a message, then I suggest you say your peace and depart immediately. Cause right now, there's a lot of us who hate you with a passion, and it's getting really hard to hold ourselves back like you recommended."

  • Brohoof 1


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@samurai equine @magos amphrose @literally snails

Zephrael spoke aloud one more time.

" I came here, ordered to slaughter innocents. As you can see, I haven't the willpower to. If any of you have something to say to me before I depart, then say it. Otherwise, I will make my way to my master's side once more. I would not reccomend fighting me. But if that's what any of you wish, so be it. Just remember what I'm capable of before you make such a rash decision."

"If you lacked the conviction to kill, you wouldn't have done it already." Mason said. The train was fully loaded and Roto was on board as well since he was too injured to fight. Mason stepped up until he was between Havoc and Equine. Although he was practically devoid of remorse and compassion, he knew a lot about the emotions and he knew how to use them to shatter someone's will. "You're sorry, are you? Sorry that you've already slaughtered so many innocents? Sorry that you're working under a corrupted monster under some preconceived notion of mercy? You've killed more innocents in these last days than I have over a whole lifetime of being a sadistic murderer! Did any of them beg? I'm sure they did. They often do. Did you try to ignore it? What did you tell yourself? "Maybe if I keep killing them it won't feel as bad!" You choose to feel regret now that it's over? Crawl back to your master and let mim continue to turn you into me! It's true, if you let him twist your soul enough the pain of remorse will go away. That's what you want, right? Don't pretend you're sorry! Don't pretend you aren't a monster!"
  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


Zephrael remained stoic, the blood tears dried under his eyes.



" Older than you look, yet not the least bit more intelligent. I am what I perceive myself to be, as you are what you perceive as yourself. Some thought of me in the past as a caring father, a loving husband, a loyal knight, and a dear friend. Those around you perceive you as a leader, a demon, a powerful warrior, a wayward soul, and a sadist. You call me a monster, and yet, that is strictly opinion. I say that you are that foul, greedy emperor Miras reincarnate, who lived only for himself centuries ago, and yet that is an opinion. Call me what you please, but I decide what I am, as you decide what you are. Secondly, yes. I do regret most of the slayings I have committed. But I own up to them. Nothing can remedy the heartbreak of the families that I have ended, of the chaos I have caused. I can only carry that feeling with me, and use it to make myself stronger. You do what you do for fun. I do what I do to prepare you. And the creator is not corrupt. This was the only feasible action to make what would be improbable, into the probable. You must work with those you hate if you want victory. And even still, you must become stronger."


Zephrael decided to use a little reverse psychology on mason.


" And one last thing. I've killed more in a day than you have in your years of being a murderer? That's Pathetic. Shape up, boy. Miras, may he be damned for eternity, would laugh at you like you were an amateur..... I think I'm laughing on the inside a bit, honestly..... If the creator thinks that you're worthy of being something great, then he may have lost his mind."



@samurai equine


Zephrael then looked at samurai equine.


" A great beast stirs within your homeland. You were chosen before any cataclysms started occurring. To wake it... Chaos needed to occur. Now it waits, for one who is worthy... A brother to the pheonix. My suggestion is that you look to your keeper friends for help In your endeavor to earn its power. Become a worthy challenger."





Zephrael then turned away. Before he flew off, he spoke once more.



" please. For the allmaker, and for all life, become strong. Accept who you are, good and bad."


Afterwards, he took off, seeking his master.





The trains were loaded, it was nearly time to go. Lorec watched zephrael as he flew away, and pondered.



" he isn't malevolent.... His lord has something he wants....."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai shakes his head when Mason speaks. Mason basically said a lot of things Samurai was wanting to say, but chose to show some restraint in fear of 'poking the bee hive' as it were. "Case in point." Samurai says.


Still, he he listens to Zephrael's final words and watches him take leave. "Some final words. Rather pointless, if you ask me. One shouldn't waste words on the completely obvious."


Samurai hears Lorec's statement. "Right. Ulterior motives and all that. ... WELL! If we're going to get aboard the trains, let's do it. I'll stay out here and keep watch until you and everyone else are on board. I'll get on the train last. Mason, you can do whatever you please. I doubt you enjoy taking orders anyways. But those monsters will probably target us again eventually. Who knows when. You'd have a better chance of bringing them down if you stay with us, but I won't stop you or your group if you want to go off and do you're own thing. It's not part of my final mission. I can't speak for Lorec, Alrahm, Shelevan, or anyone I've befriended from the tournament. For now, I just don't want anyone to stand in my way."


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@samurai equine @literally snails


The train was loaded with survivors. Alrahm exhaled a sigh of relief.




" A complicated soul... A slayer of royalty, and yet... A compassionate and guilt ridden spirit..."



Just then, a pegasi landed in front of alrahm. He was wearing armor, along with a green sash and a sword. An acolyte. More specifically, an acolyte from syuren's regiment.




" sir, the unicorns of the D.R.O. Sensed a magical disturbance! Requesting intel and orders!"


Alrahm was saddened by what he was about to tell this acolyte.



" Vorrin Lacrev is now deceased, and Kazas Azarith is... Missing in action. By rule of rank, I am interim leader of the retribution. Lorec is now second-in-command and syuren is now the third. I order all acolytes to the defense of ponyville, wit the exception of 100 pegasi and griffon aerial fighters that will follow this train and make sure the survivors are escorted to safety. Alert the commanders of the royal guard that it is heavily advised that they also retreat to ponyville, every single last one. Make haste!!!"



With that, the acolyte flew off, first to tell the royal guard, and next to inform flyer acolytes to aid with the train escort.



" Lorec, Syuren! In the train now! We are leaving Canterlot!"



Syuren followed Lorec to the train, and entered with alrahm.






-----------------( back in the arena)--------------




Zephrael flew back to Avaerus's side, and found kazas in an entirely new state.




"Who is this mopey-looking griffon?"



"That would be your ancestor, kazas. The azure terror, zephrael Azarith."



" he doesn't look like much"



" when you see him battle, you will be surprised."







Zephrael was disgusted. He knew what Avaerus had done. He said nothing.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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