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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom

Book quietly waited for Storm and Pinkie to stop talking before offering a hoofshake to the new pony. "I'm Book Quill. Nice to meet you." Book introduced to her. He was surprised that Pinkie and Storm were being all bouncy to the calm-looking mare. He smiled to her to try and be kind. He glanced at Storm having Pinkie on his head and blinked in surprise.


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@@Harmony Cube,


Last didn't reply to anypony right away, and instead looked at Pinkie standing on Storm's head, looking his posture over whilst having the burden on his skull.


"Hmm. Strong neck, perhaps more trained than I thought."


She nodded very slightly to herself and noted what she was looking at here. Might prove useful one of these days.


"Well, good to meet you three too, though I don't think you want to try and be my friend Pinkie. Where I'm from, you have to have been through a lot of fights before you can call somepony a friend for... Traditional reasons."


She figured that the happy type wouldn't feel well if she told the truth about Why it was that they didn't want them to make friends fast where she was from, or perhaps not understand it. Wasn't up to her to be sure what the mare would think though, sure, but there wasn't much point in telling exactly what the tradition was unless she was curious as it might put a damper on things.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Pinkie tilted her head in confusion, "Why would you need to fight somepony to be their friend? I'm friends with everypony in Ponyville, but I don't think I've ever had to fight them...." She said, befuddled by the odd-seeming logic. "Hmmm... Where are you from?" Storm asked, "Did you live with the Griffons for a time? Or is it somewhere else?" He questioned curiously.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Harmony Cube,


A small twitch went over Last's closed eye at the mention of Griffons, but she didn't react further than that on it.


"No, not with the Griffons. My family are one of a half dozen others that have been guards since her majesty was sent to the moon, and where we were stationed peace have never been guaranteed. We all have had to train and fight generation after generation, and when there is always unrest, you need to be picky with your friends since you don't know who is strong enough to last until many a fight have gone by."


Last turned slightly to take another bite of her muffin, then looked back at the others with the same neutral look over her while chewing and eventually sinking the chomp of baked goods.


"Never knew what we were guarding, but when her majesty returned, we were relieved of service. Some went on to try for guards at the palace, others, like me, just went out and try to find other fights."


She pointed towards the stitched wound on her stomach.


"As you can see, I found some. Been told to take it easy for now, but when you got a thousand years worth of tradition and a life of being prepare for fights, relaxing isn't something that just happens."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"Owhcies/owch..." Pinkie and Storm uttered as the saw the wound. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Let's throw a party!" Pinkie exclaimed with a grin, "It'll be a 'Let's-be-friends-without-fighting-party'!" Storm chuckled at Pinkie's enthusiasm. "I understand some ponies take tradition very seriously, but I'm just gonna warn you.." Storm told Last Stand quietly, "She's not gonna stop until she finds a way to be your friend without fighting you..." He warned the wounded pony


"Though I'd be happy to spar with you sometime if that's okay.... It's been a while since I've practiced my Hoof-to-Hoof combat with anypony other than Dash..." Storm said, "After you've healed to an acceptable amount, of course."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom

"Well then... I suppose you won't be around me very much." Book chuckled. "I would never dream of fighting another pony, especially since I mainly stay at my house quietly and write books." He explained, chuckling a bit more. "So I guess, unless you decided to go and read books or we just run into each other, I'll hardly ever see you." Book said calmly.


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@@Harmony Cube,



Last Stand shrugged at the mentions of not wanting to fight.


"The clan is gone, and the traditions with it. Gonna have to live with that and get used to not get through hell to pick friends."


She understood the general dislike of the idea about having to fight to become friends, and she was trying to get used to having a less violent approach to her world view, but it wasn't just something that happened one day to another.


"If you wanna try to be my friend, then fine, I'll give it a try your way and see how it goes. Not like I can leave town anyway before I get clearance, so might as well try and see how the quiet life with other ponies work."


She looked very directly at Storm Shine after saying that, with a very faint smile almost forming on her face, but it withered away before it made an actual impact.


"That being said, I will take you up on your sparring once my stomach's back to normal. Something tells me it could get interesting."


Afterwards she looked at Book Quill, trying to avoid direct eye contact with Pinkie Pie yet as she hoped the idea of a party would get out of her mind. A clear sign she didn't know the pink mare at all.


"You say you write books? Got anything about Griffins? Figure it might be worth learning more about 'em than what experience taught me in the long run."


When she said experience, the slight twitch returned over her closed eye with the scar going over. It had been most of her experiences with the creatures when she had lost this one, and beyond knowing how to fight them, there was likely other things worth knowing about them, and if this one was a writer, she might as well ask.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Pinkie smiled wide, giving off a loud and happy, "YAY!" as she did a backflip on Storm's head, landing on her two back hooves and throwing her front hooves into the air which caused confetti to go flying. Storm chuckled and shook his head, causing Pinkie to lose her balance and fall backwards onto his back. "Alright, let me know when you want that spar then.." He told Last with a smile. Pinkie quickly hooped back to her hooves, and from there back onto Storm's head with a cry of "I'm okay!".


"Dad!" Was heard as a small blue-grey blur quickly latched itself to Storm's neck. "Hey Grey, did you have fun with the rest of the Crusaders?" Storm asked, patting the now revealed Grey Sky's head, ruffling his mane. "Da~d...." Grey complained, dropping to the floor and fixing his mane as Storm chuckled.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom

"Sorry. Can't help you there. I write stories on things, not nonfiction." Book apologized to the mare. He noticed she was twitching at some of the things about fighting, but decided that he shouldn't ask about it. "And I'm not very experienced with the griffon culture. Hardly any live here." Book said.


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@@Harmony Cube,


"Eh, it was worth a shot. If there's any Griffons in the area, I'll just go there and get it out of them myself when time comes."


It had been a long shot everything considered, but hadn't been a point in just holding it in and then wait to see. She'd asked, got a no, and then could get on with things right away, saving everypony some time and stepping around things here.




The sight of the, once more, overly energetic Pinkie Pie got her eye when she did a flip and... Threw confetti? Where had that come from exactly? She wasn't wearing and saddlebags, and she hadn't seen any in her hooves before... No, not worth asking about. Better to just can that under *don't ask* then let things go on from there.


Besides, considering there was now a colt identified as Grey, Storm's son, that were into the equation it likely wasn't the time to prod for things like this. Perhaps she should try a compliment instead and see how that'd go over.


"Healthy looking colt. Got his energy from you Pinkie Pie?"

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Storm and Pinkie both blushed, not that you could see it very well through Pinkie's coat. "N-no, Grey's not mine... Stormy adopted him after saving Grey from some Timberwolves in the Everfree Forest..." Pinkie informed Last Stand, a bit embarrassed by the question. "Yeah! I was running away from some Timberwolves and they cornered me... But then Dad swooped in and blew them all to kindling before they even knew what happened!" Grey had hopped onto two hooves and was attempting to re-enact the scene. "And then he grabbed me and flew us to Ponyville!"


Storm chuckled, "Yeah....." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Grey's a good kid.." He said. "Though I'm sure anypony would've done the same...." Storm continued, looking at the ground. Pinkie giggled, patting Storm's head from her position on top of it. "Stormy's too modest, not many Ponies would risk walking into the Everfree for themselves, let alone to save somepony else..." She leaned in towards Last Stand, seeming to stretch her neck and hoof into a stage whisper position next to the mare's head though she was still standing on Storm's head. "He doesn't like talking about what he can do, and always tries to pass it off as nothing... I remember Dashie's reaction to the fact that he can break the sound barrier as easily as snapping a twig..." Pinkie snapped back to her position on the stallions head, falling onto his back with laughter as she remembered Rainbow Dash's reaction in that paticular event.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom,((Sorry I took forever.)) 


Mezra's eyebrows went up. "You were in a circus? Neat! I went to a circus once, I like the elephants. But I hated the clowns." Her eyes shifted a few times like she was looking out for something. Then she leaned in towards Brittle and spoke in a hushed tone. "Never trust clowns. They seem to be all about fun and making fillies and cults laugh. But  believe me, they are the greatest threat to this world. Right next to mimes. And artichokes." He eyes shifted again. "Beware the artichokes..." Was the last thing she said before taking a big bite out of the licorice rope that was still around her neck. While her eyes kept shifting around.

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"Huh, could've fooled me. Looked like the two of you got the sort of bond that'd result in a energetic lil' colt like that."


Last Stand turned around to take in another bite of her muffin, though also used the moment she had her eye away from these three ponies to think over what she'd just heard so she wouldn't stick her hoof in her mouth.


The colt had been in trouble, had been rescued and then adopted by Storm, which was admirable, she wouldn't argue that. However, her first reaction had been to ask where the kids parents had been in all of this, and it didn't take many seconds of thinking to realise that wouldn't have cultivated some good grounds here. Mostly because the options were they were dead or had ditched the kid, both which would have cut deep on the little one, and while she was brash and didn't care much for others opinions, she didn't sink as low as to hurt colts or fillies.


When she looked back and had chewed down the bite she had now she had a better response to go with, which currently meant talking to Storm after giving a searching look to Grey.


"Good of you to take the kid in, but I'll say that breaking the sound barrier sounds like a tall story. Ain't saying it's not possible, but I'll believe it when I see it."


She was sceptic of the claim. Yet at the same time, she did get a small glimmer of curiosity going over the ice-blue eye, proving that it was something that would interest her to see. It wasn't much of a change though, and most would likely miss it, but this one, Storm, seemed to have some surprised hidden up his mane. She couldn't place what he could and couldn't currently, so who knew what he'd be able to notice?









((Just happy you're back :) ))


With each mention of what happened in a circus Brittle went closer to the earth with a more and more scared look in her eyes until she finally just closed them and laid down, placing her hooves over her head.


Briar would step a little forward after that, aware enough of what had gone on in the past to be able to talk on his little friends behalf.


"Perhaps I should elaborate a little. Brittle was not a performer in a regular circus, her situation was more..."


He bit his lip while choosing his next words.


"An involuntary act in a sideshow. Some apparently found entertainment in Changeling morphings and, well, let's just say that they had no qualms about emotionally destroying an amnesiac filly to fulfil that demand."


A hint of anger went in over Briar's voice and his normally friendly smile and posture also got a passing shade of aggression before he got himself under control again.


"My apologies... In any case, I found the place by accident, then let her out after teaching them a forceful lesson. Yet as you can see, the damage have far since been done and the mention of circus might not be the best thing to bring up as a happy memory towards her, even if your own experiences sounds somewhat pleasant.


If we could steer the conversation unto another thing for now it would be greatly appreciated, please."


He didn't need to see Brittle to know she was shivering slightly on the ground, neither to hear the low mumbling of incoherent words that she let out, but he wished he could gaze at her now and try to comfort her some. Alas, for the time being that was still only a dream. The best he could do was letting a vine slide out, comb the spikes down as much as he could and then stroke her mane gently with it whilst standing nearby, to try and get her out of her little trance and back into more comfortable grounds than the scared mind she was currently sheltering in.


What he wouldn't know, was that Brittle had undergone another transformation while laying where she was, and now had spikes covering her back, though the colourd seemed to be the same. For one, it would appear that the random effect had gone in her favour.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



Storm shrugged, "Okie dokie just let me know when, I guess...." He told Last, "It'd have to be outside though since I can only break the sound barrier with my wings, not my hooves... Also, attempting to break the sound barrier inside a shop like Sugarcube Corner is ill-advised no matter how you look at it." Storm reasoned. Pinkie giggled, "It's kinda how he got his job on the weather team when he moved into Ponyville.... Dashie sure was surprised.."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom,


 Mezra's eyes stop shifting and focused on Brittle. Then a soft look made it's way on her face. "I see. I have a friend who toured with a circus. He wanted to learn a few more skills. Like knife throwing, handling animals, learning to do the trapeze. Even getting some tricks from the strong stallions.  But he liked the ponies in the freak show then the normal performers." Her eyes got sad. "He said that they treated them badly, pay them less, bullied them. That sort of thing. He didn't like it so he helped them out by taking all the bits that the ringmaster made and gave it all to the ponies in the freak show.


Then they took off to do their own thing. It just goes to show that there are a lot of good ponies out there. There are also ponies who have more then their fair shear of traumas. " She sat on the ground next to Brittle. "I met another friend of mine a while back. He was just as shy as Brittle. If not even more so. It took me about a month to get him to talk to me. When we became friends he told me about himself. He told me he never saw the sky until he was 20 years old. He was raised in a cellar that was under his parents house. They barely fed him and they made him clean their clothes. The only thing he had to sleep on was old dish towels and ripped clothing." Her head went downcast.


"He had to live like that for 20 years, from the way that he told me it felt like lived though it as well. Though not really. But, I learned a spell a while back thought would let me shear someone else's memories. I wanted to see what it was like." Her hooves slowly wrapped around herself as she started to shake. "They walls and ground were made of stone, they only way out was a cellar door to the outside and a dumbwaiter that lead to the house. There was a hole in the ground that was connected to the sewer that served as a toilet. During winter the hole was the only way to keep worm." She started to shake a little more.


"And the only way to get food and water was from a bucket of water that water they would send down from the dumbwaiter along with a little bit of food. Mostly bread, a cooked potato and some raw carrots. But it would only come three times a week. so most of the time you would go two or three days without eating." She took in a few breaths. "It was one of the most horrible experiences I've ever felt." She started to calm down.  "You're probably wondering how he got out and away from that life. He told me there was a fire, it spread to the door leading to the outside. He waited till it was charred and weak and bashed though it and took off. He's been wondering around  Equestria ever since." She sighed. "I hope he's doing alright."

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"I'll keep that in mind for another time."


Last hadn't wanted for it to happen in here either. If it was possible, there would likely be needed more space to get some momentum going before breaking through than what the *little* shop could muster. Some other time, outside when there wasn't things to be destroyed that easy in the vicinity, she could try and ask again, but for now, it was time to move on from that.


"I take it the weather team is the ones that handles clouds around here? And when you say Dashie, is that meant as Rainbow Dash?"


The last question was the one she was mostly interested in considering that she had heard the names of the Mane Six when they had all been relieved of service. She had initially wanted to find them and teach them a lesson for ruining everything, but time had made her see more clearly and she knew they hadn't done this to do harm, but to save her majesty. That Princess Luna had put her Nightmare Moon side behind her was a blessing she would have to recognise, even if it had meant there hadn't been a need for her and the others anymore, and it was the better thing to do.


As such, she was curious about the six, yet had only been told the names of two of them, which was Rainbow Dash and Rarity. The other four was a mystery, but they were nonetheless someponies she would be interested to see, if nothing else then to see what the saviours of her majesty looked like.


"One of the only two names I know of the Mane Six, so if it is, could you describe her some? Been meaning to find out about who the lot are, but between the hospital and pain meds, there haven't been the time."










"R-Really? That's... A h-horrible thing to do..."


Brittle had listened in eventually, when the subject had changed some and had slowly raised her head until she was looking at Mez telling the story of the one who had been trapped for 20 years. She had only been trapped for... Well, less than 15 is what she knew, and she at least were fed daily, even if the way to retrieve it was horrendous.


This other pony that Mez talked about, he had been through more time, and he had known who had sent him to that hell: His own parents, which Brittle wasn't sure were better or worse than not knowing anything about your past. Perhaps worse, because she could at least still think at times that she had been taken from parents that cared about her and draw a tiny bit of comfort from that, whereas the stallion Mez spoke of didn't even have that to fall back on.


"I... Uhm... I-I hope your f-friend is fine too... Mez."


Brittle got up and walked a few, tiny steps towards Mez that hadn't looked good while telling the story. She wasn't sure why, but it was perhaps because the mare had said she had seen it like it had happened to her, and although Brittle wasn't the type who threw herself at somepony and tried to make things better with a hug or whatever else such ponies did, she could try... Something? She didn't know what, but she would go a little closer, and perhaps... Perhaps then she would have an idea.


The changeling filly hadn't realised she was covered in spikes currently.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



"Yeah Rainbow's captain of the weather team, we keep the weather on schedule and in control.." Storm replied with a smiled. Pinkie nodded, "Yeah, Dashy's really fast too! Faster than Stormy, now that she's got her Sonic Rainboom down!" She exclaimed happily. Storm shook his head with a chuckle, "Dash is a very loyal friend. She's nice, though highly competitive and a complete tomcolt..." He informed Last, "Mane Six... Mane Six.... Oh, hey Pinkie... Isn't that the term that some ponies call you, Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy by?" Storm asked. "Yeah I think I've heard some ponies call us that..." Pinkie confirmed with a nod. "Hmm... Oh! Hey you mentioned books about Griffons earlier, right?" Storm asked Last rhetorically, "You should totally ask Twilight! She has books on everything, and I mean everything!"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom,


Mezra gave a small smile as she looked up at Brittle. She noticed the changeling had moved closer to her in a way that seemed like she wanted to comfort her a little. Which made her smile grow a little more. Know that Brittle didn't like hugs much and that she was covered in spikes. Mezra did something simple but still meaningful. She gently took Brittle's hoof in her own and pat it softly woth her other one. "Thanks."

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(ahhh i forgot my password and my dad had to reset his computer got "locked up") "i-i-i-i 'u-u-ust h-h-hug m-m-my pl-pl-plush toy-toys.....t-t-t-there rea-really s-s-s-s-soft.....a-a-and c-cute-cute i-i-i-i j-j-j-j-ju-ju-just  l-l-l-like t-t-t-them...a-a-a l-lot....a-a-and i-i-i-i c-c-cuddle w-w-w-with t-t-them w-when i-i-i sleep..."


here he come,,,,,

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@@Harmony Cube,


Last Stands eyebrow over her open eye shot up and a look of genuine surprise went over her face. Not at the mention of Twillight, but rather of what had been said before that.


"Hold on a sec there. You're saying that Pinkie Pie, which, no offence, looks about as threatening as cotton candy, were one of the six that helped Princess Luna return from the nightmare?"


She looked between them, including Book Quill, expecting to see at least one of them about to giggle at them pulling her leg, but saw nothing that would indicate that anypony here was trying to mess with her. After a bit, she let out a minor sigh and got a look of *oh, why not?* over her, speaking quietly to herself.


"Trumpet Blower did say I'd never believe they were fighters..."


She looked over at Book Quill, a little more sceptical again.


"They aren't pulling my leg here, are they?"


The voice didn't carry sarcasm or *are they nuts* vibes over it, more along the lines of somepony expecting a yes, but was clinging to a little sliver of doubt that was rapidly crumbling under their hooves.










"U-Uhm... N-No problem... Mez."


Brittle was beginning to calm down a little more, especially after she had feared a hug and it had amounted to a hoofshake more or less instead. it was less physically horrifying than the full on embrace, and considering the story Mez had told before, the thoughts of the circus had more or less started to flee her mind. She was still looking like she feared something or somepony was going to club her, but no longer like it was Mez that was going to do it.


With her heartbeat slowing down somewhat and her mind a little more calmed, the jade fire flashed over her again and reverted her back to what was the closest to her real self as she was likely ever going to get and looked a little backwards, noticing the black, insectoid wings that had returned on her back. She didn't fly a lot, but still, it was weird to not have wings on her back at this point for her.




Meanwhile, Briar had moved closer to the stuttering child, assuming that Brittle and Mez was in a delicate balance right now where his intrusion would only ruin something and perhaps seeing if he could communicate with their stalker. It would likely prove more useful than him simply standing about, waiting to grow roots.


"Take a deep breath little one, it might calm your nerves a little. No reason for you to be alarmed or on edge around us after all."


He gave the child a big, toothy smile, still at a meters distance or so to give some space.


"Now that you speak of cuddling your plush toys, then could you perhaps tell me why it is that you are not at home with them currently? Surely, somepony misses you at this late hour?"


He couldn't tell with certainty the time it was, but the sun was not baking down on them, so night time still at least, and he would have figured that most little fillies such as this one would be sleeping in their bed until the sun rose. Might be one of those *night birds* though, but still, he saw little harm in asking.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Storm shook his head, "Yeah, Pinkie's about as menacing as cotton candy, and as sweet as it too... But she never really did any fighting, well... In the physical sense." He informed Last with a small smile. "Noper-dee-lopers!" Pinkie said happily, shaking her head. "Twilight came to ponyville that day, and then I saw her and I was all.." Pinkie made a large exaggerated gasping noise here before continuing, "and dashed off to get a big 'Welcome to Ponyville' party set up because I had never seen her in Ponyville before and that meant she was new because I know everypony in Ponyville!" Pinkie paused for a quick breath, "And then after the party where she was really surprised but also seemed kinda upset and stayed upstairs for like, the whole party... We all went to the summer sun celebration and then Meany-mare Nightmare Moon showed up instead of Princess Celestia and said night would never stop and then disappeared.." She finally took another breath.

"And then my friends and I went to Twilight since she seemed to know something and she said that we need to find the 'Elements of Harmony and then we all had to go through Everfree forest and past all these odd things and then Nightmare Moon broke the Elements and then Twilight said some really nice stuff about all of us and the pieces of the elements made these really nice necklaces and then they shot rainbows and Nightmare Moon turned into a smaller looking Alicorn filly which turned out to be Princess Luna!" Pinkie flopped down on Storm's back, slightly out of breath as she finished the story, "And that's about it..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom,


 Mezra gave Brittle another pat on her hoof and then let it go. He scratched behind her ear wit the earrings making them jingle again. "Sorry about all this serious, serious talk." She chuckled as she started chewing on her licorice rope again. "I'm not a really big fan of being serious. It's just not in my nature. So lets bet back to laughing and having a good time, shall we?" She said giving Brittle a big smile.

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Last Stand blinked a few times in silence after the flood of a story that poured from Pinkie Pie's mouth ended, staring at Storm Shine and her, though looking like she wasn't actually in the room right now..


Seconds ticked by before she looked like things had been processed and she blinked back into a focused look towards Pinkie.


"I heard stories of the Elements beyond those where they banished her majesty to the moon, I guess... They could fix things more permanently than last if they wanted to."


The Elements of Harmony had been the start of the banishment and her ancestors duties, and while the story seemed a little out there, it would explain how her majesty was turned back into herself, and not imprisoned after being defeated. She had thought it only Alicorns and the like that had the power to harness the elements, like Celestia had a thousand year ago or prior to that, when Discord had been defeated, but at this point she'd be willing to believe it. The couple and their friend didn't seem like they were trying to pull her leg, and she had watched Pinkie when she talked and found no indication she was lying... Well, unless she was crazy, but then the others would look that way too she figured.


"Well, on behalf of the Seven Shields-"


While facing Pinkie Pie she corrected her posture from the somewhat relaxed to what a guard would look like, then looked firectly at the pink pony in question a last time before closing her eye and bowing her head slightly.


"I thank you, and your friends when I find them, for helping Princess Luna."


The slight bow she had going didn't last beyond that as she opened her eyes, straightened her heads position and relaxed some more in her posture. She didn't enjoy this formal stuff, which was one of the reasons she had not joined her sister to seek employment at the castle, but the situation had seemed fine for it this time.


Mentally checking off Pinkie Pie's name on the list of the six ponies she had set out to find, she attempted to move past this - in her mind - awkward situation.


"So you said you made a party for Twilight. I take it that's your talent?"


She hadn't really taken notice of the balloons that made her cutie mark, but the story said some about it. After all, if you were gonna make a party for somepony new, it made sense that was your thing. Right?









Brittle tried to gie a smile back at Mez, but it ended up looking like somepony that had run into a door. It didn't last long, and faded back into a more neutral worry again, but at least she had tried.


"O-Okay. B-But uhm... How? I-I mean..."


She took a few shallow breathes and gulped what felt like a yarn ball laced with gravy before opening her mouth again.


"What do you... Want to do then?"


It was one of the longest sentences she could remember where she hadn't stuttered, and even if there was a pause, it felt like a small victory to her anyway. Perhaps this would be a good night, just like Mez said.


((Very sorry both for the long wait for this, wanted to see if the other two were responding first.))


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Mezra thought it over. "Well, usually I would do something crazy and random like raise an army of the dead to put on a show for us. But I don't think most of the ponies here would like that very much." She scratched her chin. Then a hollow squeaking sound came from her hood. Mezra reach into it and pulled out Lucy. "Do you have an idea?" Lucy squeaked some more while Mezra leaned an ear towards her. "No, I don't think Brittle would like eating a whole wheel of blue cheese. Yuck." Mezra said, sticking her tongue. 

Edited by Gloomfury
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@@Blitz Boom


Pinkie gasped happily, quickly appearing next to Last and pulling her into a big hug. "Yeppers! I'm the best Party Pony in Ponyville~! Well..." Pinkie let go of Last to hop back onto Storm's head, "Except for Stormy here... Didya know that the Wonderbolts still have him planning their parties?" She asked Last, patting the side of her coltfriend's head. Storm chuckled, "To be fair, I think Pinkie would've been their go-to party-planner if I hadn't met them years ago while in Canterlot..." He told Last with a smile. "It was interesting... I had only meant to stay in Canterlot for a couple days before moving on in my travels, though I ended up staying for at least a week..." Storm remembered.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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