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ooc An Ancient Shadow from Beyond

Snow Mark

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(This RP occurs about 2 years after the events of the return of Nightmare Moon, with consideration that every show season is one year in pony time. Oh, and yes, this will be an advanced RP) For over 1,100 years, Celestia has ruled Equestria under an autocratic monarchy, with only her sister sharing power for a mere 100 of that time. But, unbeknownst to the ponies of Equestria, the truth of how she and her sister came to power has been covered up for that entire time, that Equestria, when it was first founded, was not a monarchy, and that Celestia and Luna was not always an alicorn. More than that, she had two brothers. Brothers that were exiled from Equestria for attempting to defend the old system no matter the cost. An exile that is now becoming no longer enforceable with the Elements of Harmony now in the hooves of the new Messengers of Harmony; Twilight Sparkle and her five friends. Needless to say, over a thousand years of exile have made the pair no less determined to restore the old system and overthrow their sister.

The general gist of this RP is that you will play your OC, which has to be approved by me, going through the time just before and during the coming invasion of Equestria by the mysterious brothers of Celestia and Luna (they shall be revealed later on.), amongst many other things I would like to keep hidden to keep you in suspense, but lets just say that your little ponies will find themselves in a position they would have never thought they would hold.




#1: Be kind and courteous. If other RPers or I point out your behavior isn't all that great, don't be a stubborn ol' mule and just listen, mmmkay? That way our experience can be loads better!

#2: Please don't put your OCs in purposely high positions of power unless you got a backstory to back it up, but "high ranking noble pony"? Not allowed. Same goes with alicorns. Sorry, I've had nothing but bad experience with that.

#3: Use your common sense with things.

#4: Try to stay realistic, please don't dodge traps and stuff because "you can". Any normal pony that finds themselves stuck in a room with a bunch of soldiers obviously isn't going to find a way out. (Yes, I've had that happen to me in the past)

#5: Obviously follow all site, rp, blah blah blah rules, self explanatory.

#6: I reserve the right to boot you out of the RP at any time for not following the rules or not listening to others, however, I likely will not resort to this unless you ignore me or other users multiple times and keep doing bad stuff that's detrimental to the RP. Also, in the same vein, if I approve your character here but end up not liking how powerful or something they are in RP, I can and will request you drop the character and make a new one.

#7: This one is super duuuuper important so listen close. ...Clooooser! Clooooooooosseeer! Here it is; Have Fun! After all, it is an RP! We're all here to have fun right? So try to have fun! (just don't ruin other people's fun with your fun, that isn't so fun)



Minimum Character Sheet (If you have your own, by all means use it as long it answers these :3)



Breed: (Pegasus, unicorn, earth pony, griffon, etc)


Cutie Mark: (If Pony)

Special Talent: (If Pony, if non-pony, put their best skill here)




Additional Notes:



List of Accepted Roleplayers


SnowMark - Snow Mark

Mr. Critical - Demo Reel

Rokkurin - Guardian Angel Dropped Out

Stormgiggle - Rhythmic Rhapsodist

Petal Dancer - Petal Swirl Dropped Out

Loud Opinion - Silver Tongue

Fushia Jewel - Fushia Jewel

Edited by Snow Mark
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I really like this. Like...A lot!


Name: Guardian Angel

Age: 20

Breed: Earth Pony

Appearance: Link in signature

Cutie Mark: ^

Special Talent: To protect all others.

Personality: In link in signature

Backstory: ^

Occupation: Guard

Additional Notes: Went away for training. He was away for five years.


I hope you like him.

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Greetings. I have taken an interest in your Rp and think that the story has potential for a good story. We can discuss things further at a later time if you accept my OC. Speaking of which, his page is in the signature.


Hmm...I would say leave out the canon characters friends are, sorry it's just one of those things ^^' but other than that it looks good.

I really like this. Like...A lot!


Name: Guardian Angel

Age: 20

Breed: Earth Pony

Appearance: Link in signature

Cutie Mark: ^

Special Talent: To protect all others.

Personality: In link in signature

Backstory: ^

Occupation: Guard

Additional Notes: Went away for training. He was away for five years.


I hope you like him.

Hm, with this one, I must request you leave out the different forms thing, and lower his "mastery of fighting styles", he can have expert knowledge in an area or two, but not more. But other than that, I would say it's good

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@@Snow Mark,


I remember putting in the bio that the other form was for my story only and I only mentioned it so as not to make him something completely different.


The master thing I can work with. How about he is a jack of all trades and a master of none. 

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Alright, sounds good to me.


Anyways, I'm going to wait until either at least 2 other people join or a week passes before I will let this RP get started. And the invasion won't occur until everyone is settled in character wise


Alright, sounds good to me.


Anyways, I'm going to wait until either at least 2 other people join or a week passes before I will let this RP get started. And the invasion won't occur until everyone is settled in character wise


Alright, sounds good to me.


Anyways, I'm going to wait until either at least 2 other people join or a week passes before I will let this RP get started. And the invasion won't occur until everyone is settled in character wise

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Well, I would prefer to keep some things secret for the time being, such as the brothers' name and powers, the thing that is going to make us a lot more important, etc. So uhm..If you could tell me if there's anything you'ld like to know, please go ahead and ask and I will try to answer if I can!

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Heh, I'll just say this hint; the Elements of Harmony are merely one of 3 sets of Elements

And the kind of enemies we'll be facing is a coalition army from the country the Brothers have set up in their time of exile, made up of ponies, griffons, and zebra mostly

They are also more advanced and trained militarily than Equestria

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This Role Play sounds most invigorating! Mind if I join? Here, I'll post a link to my Character!


My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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That is certainly...an interesting OC to put it lightly, well...as long as you know that there cant be more than a dozen or so of these "agents of Discord", that Discord can't actually be freed without the Elements of Harmony, and that he obviously can't SUMMON lightning (like he has to find a lightning cloud, can't just make one), then you're good to go.

Hopefully we'll have one more person sign up then we can start

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I agree that it would be completely inappropriate to have my character ride into battle mounted on Discord frying the pathetic mortal ponies with lightning while his massive army of chaotic T-Rex ninjas slaughtered the pitiful remnants of whatever resistance was left. Rest assured that the very last place my character wants to be is in open battle. He's a behind the scenes kind of pony, and he knows and plans for this. For him, combat is the nuclear option, and he'll always try to talk his way out of fighting. Anyway, now that we've got that unpleasantness over with, is it ok if I post my character introduction? I can't wait to start!                 

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Name: Petal Dancer


Age: 16


Breed: Earth Pony


Appearance: http://i992.photobucket.com/albums/af41/MagicalViolet/me4_zps6f7ede07.png


Cutie Mark: Pink petals dancing in the breeze, meant to represent my sense of whimsy and wonder.


Special Talent: Entertaining others


Personality: I’m generally playful and easy going. I enjoy pulling pranks on others, though they’re never with the intent to embarrass or annoy. I’m rather quirky, tending to tell off-beat stories and jokes. Despite my usual cheery-ness, I do know when to be serious.


Backstory: My parents moved to Canterlot when I was a little filly and I've lived there ever since. I’ve been eager for adventure ever since I was a foal and like to travel beyond Canterlot to explore when I can.


Occupation: I work at Ponyville’s local fast food joint...I want to be a play actress, though. I audition for public plays and get a role sometimes.

Edited by Petal Dancer

I am the Element of Honesty! Which Element of Harmony are you?

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