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open Celestia's Harmony Academy (RP)


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It was opening day at the brand new Harmony Academy.  This school was designed and planned by Princess Celestia herself to help train young ponies to use the Elements of Harmony to defend Equestria but only as a last resort, after all she didn't want to take them from the tree of Harmony again so soon, and who know how long till something happen to one of the current bearers.  She invited all of the current bearers to teach their elements to the students that would be attending the school.  Of course there are your normal classes too like math and science.  It was time for the first day to begin the students have gathered in front of the gates.  Princess Celestia walked behind the podium and gave her beginning of the School year speech of the brand new school. "Greetings Everypony and welcome to the very first day of The Harmony Academy.  I do hope you take all the lessons taught here to heart and embrace the magic of friendship much like the ponies here who helped defend Equestria many times."  She said as she motioned a hoof toward the Mane 6 who just to smiled and waved."The first day is really just to settle in a met your classmates and future friends.  When you're ready go to the main building to receive you rooming accommodations please note some of you will have roommates as well.  Make the most you can out of the new year Everypony, Goodbye."  She said as she flew off back to Canterlot.

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Bushido listened to Princess's speech and headed to the main building to find put her room. "I can worry about meeting the other ponies after I drop off all of my weapons. I don't need to freak anypony out on the first day", she said to herself as she walked.

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"Hooray for the Princess!" cheered Riley as Celestia flew away. He then went on his way and began trotting towards the main building.




"Ooh, so many questions! Who's gonna be my teacher? Will I have any roommates? Will Mom and Dad be proud of me when I write back to them?" he said to nopony in particular as he waited in line, fluttering his hooves in anticipation.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Hooray for the Princess!" cheered Riley as Celestia flew away. He then went on his way and began trotting towards the main building.




"Ooh, so many questions! Who's gonna be my teacher? Will I have any roommates? Will Mom and Dad be proud of me when I write back to them?" he said to nopony in particular as he waited in line, fluttering his hooves in anticipation.

Bushido heard the Pegasus talking to himself and turned to face him. "Were you the one cheering for Princess Celestia after her speech", she asked quizzically before noting his cities mark. "Um...that's a pretty interesting cutie mark. What does it symbolize", she asked him.

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"Right then...that is quite interesting.....", she said less than impressed by his cutie mark not that she would say it to him. "Bushido Blade...and the pleasure is all mine, I am sure", she said. She noted he was quite friendly and maybe a bit excessive but at least he seemed like she could enjoy getting to know him.

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@@dusk shade,


"Whelp, it's a pleasure to meet you, Bushido Blade!" greeted Riley, shaking the mare's hoof enthusiastically.


He looked at her cutie mark. "And what does your cutie mark symbolise?" he asked. "It looks like pieces of a foreign language. Japoneighse? Chineighse?"

"She nodded. "Its Japoneighse. Translated to Equestrian, they mean Honor and Sword. They symbolize my devotion to the honour of my clan and skills in swordsponyship", she said smiling to the stallion. She had not expected such a boisterous pony to do a proper hoof shake and was pleasantly surprised.

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Void was grinning after the speech and was quite overjoyed that a Changeling of all things could take part in this Academy.


*Mutter* "Best not mess around whilst I am here, don't wanna get kicked out or something stupid like that, wonder if I can practice my Transformation magic here? is it aloud?" Void was thinking out loud as per usual.

He was still wondering what room he would have because he really wants to get started as soon as possible "I am kinda obvious here though... it ain't hard to spot a Changeling"

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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As the crowd dispersed to find their accommodations Cinnamon Hex smirked with pride at having finally gotten into Harmony Academy and walked with a spring in her step toward the mare dorms. 


"New life at this new school and hopefully I'll leave more powerful than before" she thought happily.​" This chance I'm taking will bear fruit...It has to...maybe I will finally achieve my dream." she muttered as she levitated her boxes filled with her belongings as she walked.

Edited by NoobyBrony
  • Brohoof 1


Made by MiniKirby123

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Void was still in his own little word until he heard a Changeling mentioned, he shot straight up and saw a pony looking at him.

"Well, hello, just a hunch that you will be taking part in this Academy too I assume?"

The main reason Void asked this was in hopes some other ponies knew a little more about this Academy, most likely they didn't but he didn't care much it's a conversation starter anyway.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Bushido greeted the changeling before seeing the mare. "Screw it, I will deal with my weapons layer. Yes, we are also attending the academy...but I don't know a whole lot about it myself", she told the changeling. She turned back to Riley. "I see you take everything in stride...almost like a child", she said before greeting the mare with a simple hello.

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@@@dusk shade,


Kelly looked at the Princess, she did not believe was near Alicorn's again, its ancient history not let that coexisted with magical creatures again, but that she needed to learn how to defend themselves against the future, and what might happen. She saw the Changeling what looked like a friendly creature, but was still afraid to talk to him, she got close and waited for him to look at her.

  • Brohoof 1

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Mrbrunoh1@@dusk shade,


"Heheh, good to know others don't know much either it felt quite weird" Void said to the Pony with many weapons.

Void was looking around now in amazement at this Academy then he noticed a Earth Pony looking at him and he approached her.

"Hey, are you a student too? I am trying to talk to many of them so I can get a good understanding of this place"

Void said this with a smile as he lifted his holed hoof to the Earth Pony.

"Oh sorry forgot to mention my name. I am Void Crawler but jut call me Void or Crawly as my full name sounds intimidating"

He hoped she would talk to him as he wants to know others around this Academy since there was a chance they would be in similar classes.

Edited by Void Crawler
  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@,@@dusk shade,


 Kelly replied with a smile Changeling, Kelly had to learn to like all magical creatures again, she saw the time to make one even though he is very different new friend, and possibly stronger than her. 

"Oh, thank you, nice to meet you, I hope to be your friend, my name is Kelly, I do not have a name on, but this has to do with my past, you do not need to know about it, nice to meet Void." 
Kelly grinned and saw the Pony side of the Void. 
"Can you introduce me?" 
Kelly to Void.

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Mrbrunoh1@@dusk shade, Oh@@Rainbow Eclipse,  


Void realized he never mentioned his name to the two ponies he was talking to earlier and felt quite rude for not doing so.

"Oh well nice to meet you Kelly, I don't really know there names yet, we just met before I started talking to you"

Void turned to Bushido and Riley with a smile.

"I am Void nice to meet you too, forgot to mention my name to both of you earlier" He looked a little awkward for forgetting how to do a proper greeting and laughed a little at himself.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@,@@dusk shade, @@Rainbow Eclipse,  


Kelly looked at the two and smiled, Kelly previously had problems with all the ponies who were not of earth but he decided to change and gave a chance to all ponies. 
"Nice to meet you, my name is Kelly, I'm from outside of Equestria, looks like it will be something new for everyone." 
Kelly looked at Void. 
"Do not worry, I like your style, but you're not a pony, you have wings and horn, you're an Alicorn?" 
(Kelly does not know Changelings)

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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The earth pony mare just nodded at the two. "Bushido Blade and like you, I am from outside of Equestria originally. I'm from Japon to be exact", she said before turning tovthe changeling. "I think I will just call you Void Crawler or maybe Void since its shorter but Crawly sounds like a name for a filly. "And nice to meet you as well, Kelly, is it"?

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Void was surprised that many ponies didn't know of Changelings but he noted that since the Attack on Canterlot, Changelings became quite the rare sight.

"Alicorn? No, no, no I am a Changeling pretty much an Insectoid pony with the ability to change into pretty much whatever I want with ease" Void smiled at her since he has never been called an Alicorn before.

"The wings are just an extra since I am very bad at flying" Void buzzed his wings and flashed a green bolt from his horn once he said all this.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@dusk shade,@,  @@Rainbow Eclipse,


Kelly nodded with a smile to Bushido, and spoke. 
"Yes that's my name nice to meet you, I'm from a small village outside of Equestria" 
Kelly offers his paw to Bushido, expecting a Brohoof. 
Kelly Watch the performace of Void and a small Laugh. 
"Sorry do not know the Changelings, I think it was disrespect on my part" 
She looked Void offering his paw.

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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"Sorry. I don't brohoof. Its kind of against my principles. Its just, I'm samurai and we samurai have no need to brohoof", she apologized. "Very interesting, changeling. Don't feel threatened but I was wondered if you might let me disect you after you die", she asked nonchalantly.

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@@dusk shade@@Mrbrunoh1,


Void laughed at the quite funny statements made by Bushido but as he thought they all kinda made sense.

"Alright Bushido just call me Void seems easier anyway. Oh and Kelly there was no disrespect all you did was ask if I was an Alicorn"

Void looked at them both and realized and important question.

"Hey you two, which classes are you hoping to get into?" He wanted to know what others were doing for there classes so he knew what they were like since he already had and idea of which classes he wanted.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@,@@dusk shade,  


Kelly understood and respected Bushido principles she replied Void. 
"I really do not know, I intend to find something that suits me, I want to achieve defend myself against magic and stuff, if you have something like defense against magic would be interesting" 
Kelly smiled confused about the question. 
"And you, would love to know, maybe we can be classmates." 
Kelly walks and sits beside the Void.

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Mrbrunoh1@@dusk shade,


"Disction?! Hmm, well as long as your delicate" Void said Jokingly back with a laugh.

He turned to Kelly.

"Well I was hoping for Classes with Princess Twilight Sparkle since she is skilled in magic or maybe Pinkie Pie since I like to use my magic for humorous reasons sometimes actual lots since it is fun" Void said this with a grin.

He turned to Bushido and asked the same question.

"So what Classes are you hoping to get Bushido?"

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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