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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/112194-the-rise-of-nightwind-boreas-adventure-rainbow-power-villains/


, , @Wolf Smith, @Snowflake Frostflame, @Rainbow Eclipse, , ,


It was the end of another typical business day for Vested Interest, selling accessories out of her little shop outside of Manehattan, making deals that would enable her to continue her business, and earning money to support her family in their time of need. However, there was this empty feeling...the day had gone off normally enough, nothing was different about the money she made today, there was this sinking feeling that something was missing, and she couldn't know for sure what it was?


Was it her? Her family? Her business? Everything seemed in order as far as she could tell...


Her friends?


That's when she realized...she hadn't seen Wind Chaser for a few days now, and she usually saw him around.


Vested closed up shop as she did every evening, but this feeling remained. She needed to check on Wind Chaser to make sure he was all right, so she did, going up to his town house and tapping on the door.


There was no response.


There had to be something wrong...he was usually more open about things. If there was a vacation, he would have told her. If there was an event, he would have told her.


As the sun set low in the sky to the west and Vested turned the corner to return home, she could not clear from her mind the fact that Wind had just simply vanished. It was just impossible! Something bad had to have happened! These thoughts clouded her, as much as she tried to fight them knowing that these negative thoughts could affect her sleep...


Then, deep down, Vested had the gut feeling that she needed to go to Ponyville. She didn't know why. It was just there, she felt as if she was needed there.


Little did she know that what she was going to be looking for wasn't to raise her profits, or to find her old friend...


As night fell, what was once her old friend Wind Chaser had prowled the parks of their hometown, but this wasn't Wind Chaser anymore.


He barely even was the same pony he once was...what he had turned into could barely even be described as a pony.


He was different in physicality from his past life...his coat was a charcoal grey rather than its normal cloud white and felt rather clammy. His normal blue jacket and brown boots were gone, replaced by a dark, ominous trench coat and similarly dark combat boots with steel toes and studded with sharp metal spikes on the soles, which were as sharp as his teeth, which blackened and became much larger.


He was shot full of self-confidence he had never before even thought of, he had found the powers and abilities within him which he had once doubted, and derived his power from the cold, bitter North Wind. This wind would become his new name, discarding Wind Chaser as a relic of meekness and docility. As everything else about him changed, his name became Nightwind Boreas.


Nightwind Boreas was beyond determined to redeem his inner stregnth which had been crushed by doubt in his past life. He was beyond determined to give himself purpose in this world, to make it appreciate him and what he could do for it. He knew he had a gift. No one wanted him to share it, but there's one thing he couldn't do with his gifts: accept returns.


Above all, Nightwind Boreas knew he couldn't do this alone. He also knew he wasn't the only one, so he had an idea, the first idea he ever had that didn't come with any doubt: he would find others in his position, and similarly stoke their desires to find their place in the world, and he would ruthlessly destroy anypony and anything that stood in their way to finding their place in this world, come Tartarus or high water.


So, he set out from his home outside Manehattan towards Ponyville. In actuality, he aimed north of Ponyville. He felt that this, of all places, would be the place where he could formulate a plan and put it in motion. All that he needed seemed to be here, he would just have to discover it.


He will find what he wants, and he will get it. Boreas reflected on that thought with his newfound confidence as he moved forward in the night, pondering just how he would find his place in the world.

Edited by Notzilla
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Riley sighed as he stood on the top of the hill in Ponyville. The love of his life had rejected him.


He had told Anala of his love for her, and she told him that some incidents in her childhood led to some insecurities that caused her to not be able to love.


What did he do now? Anala had been a big part of his life for years, and now that they couldn't be together...


Riley simply looked up at the night sky. He began to sing.



"O Princess Celestia, you know what I have learnt in life: from some things, we need to just move on..."


"O Princess Celestia, I know if you dwell on the past, your mind and feelings will be held thraldom..."


As much as he knew that you should aways keep moving forward in life, which was what his cutie mark reflected, he just couldn't let go of Anala. She had been the one person Riley had devoted himself to. He turned around to look at the campfire he had set up.


"Then tell me, Celestia, why I see her dancing there? Why her silvery eyes still scorch my soul?"


"I feel her, I see her, the sun caught in her raven mane, is blazing in me out of all control!"


The fire seemed to host a series of visions. None other than Anala, dancing in the flames and taunting Riley.


"Like fire! Hellfire! This fire in my skin!"


"This burning desire, is turning me... to... sin."


He crouched and held his face in his hooves. He then began pacing around aimlessly.


"It's not my fault, I'm not to blame, it is the archer mare, the witch who sent this flame!"


Was that it? Had Anala cast a spell on him, just for her own sadistic pleasure of watching his reaction when told he couldn't be with the love of his life?


He soon ended up back at the fire.


"It's not my fault, if in your plan, you made Chaos so much stronger than a man!"


The fire seemed to roar past and around him.


"Protect me, Celestia, don't let this siren cast her spell, don't let her arrows pierce my flesh and bone!"


It was happening. Sanity was gradually beginning to slip away from him.


"Destroy this temptation! And let her taste the fires of Hell!"


The fire seemed to elicit an illusion of Anala, reaching towards him. He walked towards it and grabbed it, causing it to dissipate.


"Or else let her be mine, and mine alone..."


He flew up and placed his hooves halfway in the air.


"Hellfire, dark fire, Anala, it's your turn..."


"Choose me or your pyre, be mine or you will buuurrrn!"


He went back down onto the ground, and hung his head.


"God have mercy on her..." he said woefully. "God have mercy on me..." he added.


His face once again became deranged. "But she will be mine or she... will..."




That last word was said with such energy and vehemence, that he collapsed in a pile afterwards.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse
  • Brohoof 1

OCs: RileyAnala

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The young alicorn awoke. He was always an out cast. No pony talked to him, very few did and he loved them. To see his mother banished and being alone for 1016 years, hurt him more then anything.


"Son..." Luna opened his door. "We have a meeting tonight, please be there."


He looked at his mother...or partly his mother. " Yes, mother."


He got out of his bed, very slowly as looked at himself in the mirror. "I'm a monster..."

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Black eyes snapped open somehow glowing, yet remaining darker than even the shadows around them. "So... The corruption of Shine's senses has proven useful after all..." The owner of these abyssal eyes mused to himself. "Good, I hate wasted effort.... With this Shade Sight, I can sense a great darkness approaching.... One that I shall join, for these dark presences shall aid me in my goal..." He said.


"For all shall be engulfed in the Storms might." A large lightning bolt struck nearby illuminating a fortress made of storms, and finally revealing the owner of the voice. "And before the Shade, all shall fall to despair." The temporary light faded back to darkness, evil laughter resounding in the darkness.


(OOC: Normally I use this for Shine, But it doesn't seem different enough from this, which is what I'll be using for Shade. So for Shine I'll use this if he pops up later since his color scheme is a blue coat and a gold mane. P.S. I forgot to mention that this is above the Everfree forest somewhere.)

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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In appleloosa Alamo has just returned to his shed after a long, good day of kicking down apples from the orchards,  Alamo looks out side and thinks "Even with the hot days it seems to be getting colder then  usually is down south, might have to go up north so see if the weather is being messed, all the cold nights might kill the trees, I'll head up north in the morning take a look at what their doing before the just mess up our way of living down here."

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In CloudsDale, Pin Point had just returned from school, where she was being picked on and called names, though she didn't understand why. She cringed at the thought of returning to school the next day. She just sat on the couch, drawing and listening to music.



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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in Soviet Russia deep within The Everfree Forest some black magic was taking place a young Mare with a spell book casting dark spells at Snowflake Frostflames crypt, when she was done casting she grined and teleported away before uttering "welcome back lord of ice"


a loud non fiery explosion takes place and the ghost of Snowflake Frostflame appears he puts on his dark black cloak and starts walking towards Ponyville "it seems I have been given a second chance vengeance will be mine"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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L: Come now...twilight is waiting in pony ville


The alicorn walked out the door and grabbed his sword: Night Fang. He walked alone down the old path, wondering what she needed. It was rare she needed him...but at least he went anyways. "Hate ponyville"


L: Hope he's okay

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Then Pin Point became furious and angry, at the thought of school, she becomes unconscious, and the transformation takes place. After a few minutes, she regains consciousness. Her legs felt weird, and she was a bit confused. She stood up, and felt a bit taller than usual, and felt a lot stronger. She looked in a mirror, and she saw the truth.


Her coat turned from a dark pink to grey, her teeth were curved and sharp, her mane was the same colors, but it was messy. She didn't care about brushing it. She looked at her cutie mark. It was still a pencil, but it had a tiny blood drop on the point. Her eyes went from white and blue to all black with a bright green pupil in it.


Pin Point looked on her dresser. It still had her necklace on it and still the same colors, but was covered in spikes and the star looked angry. Then she looked on the floor. The armor that she wears on her hooves was still there, but it was also covered in spikes, but was no longer green with a red diamond. They were just all red with no diamond. They also covered more leg area.


Pin Point was beyond furious now. She realized that her classmates made her into the monster she is now, and she was thirsty for revenge. Im not Pin Point anymore, I am HAZARDPOINT RADIATION" she thought to herself as she flew to Ponyville, hoping to find something that will help her get revenge on the world.



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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@Rainbow Eclipse,


Nightwind Boreas flew with the strength that pitiful little Wind Chaser always dreamed of having, but never actually put to action on his way toward the north of Ponyville. The power Wind Chaser had within him had so much energy when put to rage, and it had all been wasted when he was that meek, cloud white Pegasus, as he formulated a plan within his mind to scatter Equestria's power to render it defenseless unless he had anything to say about it.


He arrived north of Ponyville, with the Canterlot Mountains in view, then turned due south to enter the town. This was a little quirk he had picked up. Ever since he caught on to that power of the North Wind, he felt the need to enter places from the north.


Then he heard singing...this sultry, male voice, laced with rage, singing to the sky, it sounded like some kind of lament, like one who was missing something he wanted. It sounded like a slippage of sanity. It was just the thing he wanted, or needed, to hear.


"It seems a lot of ponies are picking a fine time to make a turn in their lives," Boreas said to himself. He trained his ears and his blazing green eyes to the source of the sound, and flew close to Ponyville's ground up the hill to the source.


He planted his spiky boots on the grass of the rolling hill, having tracked down the source; this red Pegasus stallion. Like a predator, almost as if he were channeling Vested Interest making a sale, he stood over the stallion, which appeared emotionally wrecked to him. He thought he would make the perfect addition to his scheme.


Boreas stood and observed, and waited for him to notice.

Edited by Nightwind Boreas
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Night looked around. Singing was something he heard very little of and soon took flight. "That's strange..." He flew a bit closer to the source before he stopped himself. "Maybe not...Luna could get mad..." He flew back off, hopping not to bump into anypony on the way.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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it took a few hours but when Snowflake arrived in Ponyville he carefully observed his surroundings he noticed a male Pegasus singing and thought to himself "he reminds me of Acoustic Blitz with singing like that" Snowflake then notices a demonic pony near the pegasus his first reaction was to fight the demonic pony but then he thought to himself "I'm a hero no more, there is no point in saving innocent lives" he stands there with his hood covering his eyes listening in on what is going on 

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Riley awoke some time later. He held a hoof to his head. "Wh-what happened?" he murmured.


He looked up to notice a stallion looking down at him. He gasped and hopped back in surprise when he quickly noticed the green, demonic-looking eyes that the pony possessed.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Hmm?" Shade turned his head slightly, now facing Ponyville. "It seems as though the presences of darkness have arrived sooner than I would have thought... and are even gathering towards a single point." He mused before smiling coldly. "I guess I should be a good host and greet them now, shouldn't I?" Shade questioned of the air.


Stepping outside of his storm fortress he spread his wings and took flight."There!" He muttered, pinpointing the location that the others were now approaching. With his destination now known Shade disappeared, leaving a sonic boom in his wake.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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The alicorn was scared, the singing and scream, he had never heard before and now it was close to him. He landed not to far from the other ponies, he could smell their blood and was hungry. "Maybe they can help me" he said to himself as he walked into view, hopping to see somepony

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Snowflake notices Shade and thought to himself "more and more ponies are coming to this spot, but if they stand in my way of conquering this town I will not hesitate to do what needs to be done" Snowflake tries to get in closer to listen in on whats going on he eventually gets close enough to be noticed he pulls out his journal and pretends to write in it so he isn't seen as suspicious


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Night looked over and smelt Snowflake. "HMMM What are you planing" Again he asked himself getting closer to the pony. He wanted to say hi, but couldnt....he couldn't pull himself to say hi. So he tapped him on the back. "Hello? Who might you be? And what are you writing?"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Snowflake closed his book and slowly moved his head towards Night and he stairs him dead in the eyes by doing this Snowflake reveals his face his right eye was a beautiful light blue eye while his left was an empty eye socket with only a dot of red glowing from it and blood coming from it Snowflake continues to stair at Night expecting a reaction


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@, @@Rainbow Eclipse


Shade stopped above the area he sensed to be the target of the gathering. "Hmm... So some are here, some are detouring, and some are late... No matter, I might as well greet the guests who have arrived..." He said, grinning evilly. Shade swooped down, landing silently next to the two visible ponies. "Good evening gents.... And welcome to Ponyville." He said, with that grin still firmly on his face. "I couldn't help but notice the... Deliciously dark auras you seem to exude.." Shade commented, his abyss-like eyes gazing at them. "So I felt it my duty to be a good host and... welcome you..." He told them as his grin stretched a bit, showing some of the insanity within.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Night covered his ears from the scream, his heard was very good and he didn't want to lose it. Beside that, he smiled at the pony, he has seen something ponies shouldn't and was calm. "Hello? W-why might you be?" The more the pony stained at him, the more unease he became

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Rainbow Eclipse, @Snowflake Frostflame, , @Wolf Smith,


Nightwind heard the red Pegasus let out a piercing scream as he bolted from the hill, as numerous more ponies came to investigate the interesting singing, many of them displaying macabre, grotesque auras. Getting them all together in this one place was the opportunity that Wind Chaser was never lucky to get in his lifetime, and only the bigger and more improved Nightwind Boreas could land.


But he couldn't bear that the red Pegasus that had been the source of the song could be afraid of him, considering what had gone down in the song, he was probably in the same state of mind and could have been an asset.


Boreas turned to the others. "We should convince him. It seems as if he's missing something. We could help him."

Edited by Nightwind Boreas
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Night laughed. "I care for no pony or help anypony. You're on your own." Night kept walking, still unease at the other pony. A dark magic seemed to come off him, or was it from the sword on his back? "Good luck" He laughed again, this time more darkly and hatred filled.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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*Alamo wakes up with a cool breath* "Whaat is going on whyy is it soo o c c cold, got to get north they must of done something wrong im sure of it no more time to sleep got to get moving, *Alamo puts on his hat, bag of food, money  and heads up north to see what is causing such a freeze in appleloosa. "Might make it there by day break but it I might stop and get a drink."

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Shade continued to smile. "Why of course! It's only right for a host to help his guests after all... Maybe someday I''l be repaid in kind..." He chuckled. "A favor for a favor, yes? But oh, where are my manners..." Shade stuck out a hoof. "I am Storm Shade, a pleasure to make the acquaintance of those with such... Wonderfully dark auras hanging around...." He said pleasantly.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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