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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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"I'm ready to just...die. Immortality...is the worse thing ever. I've seen friends...die....to know...you can't." He grabbed his sword. "There is one way." He cut his throat, hoping maybe...it could kill him. He cut healed a few seconds later. "SOMEPONY JUST KILL ME!!!!"


He flew off, wanting to die.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Nightwind Boreas and Castle


Nerd-Letter sighed. That poor alicorn...I shouldn't have ever talked to him... Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He felt guilty about making Night wanting to kill himself. Nerd-Letter trotted back into the castle. Nerd-Letter started looking for Shining Armor to see if he could hear about his plan.

Edited by Nerd-Letter
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Night sat in a tree, he wanted to die...be forgotten...like he was 1000 years ago. Lost in the Everfree, forced to fight for himself, till that one day Nightmare came back. He was saved as put under the care of a living Shadowbolt, he loved it...but now, death was on his mind

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"What was that?" Sunmane and Steelhide said at the same time, if in different tones. Sunmane was more of an innocent surprise while Steelhide was immediately on his guard, ready to fight. Even in the room they were in they had heard Nightwind's entrance into the castle. It hadn't been subtle and had been followed with much yelling from varying guards, either injured or trying to help the injured to get away from Nightwind. "That can't be good." Steelhide stated obviously and readied himself for battle. "I must go out there and help those guardsponies." Sunmane said, concerned. He was a healer and it pained him to hear others in pain.


Shadowknight smirked evilly from his viewpoint far away still above the everfree. He let out an unearthly howl which echoed the forest, causing many animals to flee from the direction of Shadowknight. Shadowknight manipulated his shadow clouds to give him the appearance of a very dark storm cloud and continued to watch the battle from afar. It seemed as if the main attacker had been talked down, but he had seen another group of ponies storm the castle and this is what had entertained Shadowknight. He wondered how much chaos and destruction was happening at this moment. This was such an uncharacteristic though of Shadowknight, not as he formerly was. His powers were aggressive when it came to feeding off his negativity and they did not relent, feeding off his bloodlust now.

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"Ok!" Hazardpoint said to Nightwind as she flew off into the castle, flapping her huge, dragon-like wings extremely fast. She was surprisingly agile and was dodging every guard in sight. She went into a room and demanded where the box was.


"It's being held in the highest room!" Hazardpoint told Nightwind.



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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@Dark Edzilla


Nerd-Letter hears Hazardpoint and turns to her direction. "Great, another pony who probably wants to kill me and a ton of other ponies," said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter then realized her very strange and awkward appearance. "Whoa, what happened to you?" Nerd-Letter asked Hazardpoint.

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"They turned me into this. I didn't want to become this, but they forced me to." Hazardpoint told Nerd-Letter. "Now I am here to help Nightwind take over this hellish world. But I've told you too much." Hazardpoint said as she flew off, with her huge dragon-like wings.



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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@Nightwind Boreas


Oh no! I have to go tell Shining Armor, fast! Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He franticly looked for the "highest room" that she mentioned. Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT! Where is Shining Armor?! Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He was starting to panic a bit, but hid it well.

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Night was lost...lonely. He didn't know what to do...follow the good, or bad. Revenge or help. HE screamed, he wanted to just die. Go visit his dead son, where ever he is. No...he need to stay strong, he flew. He flew back down to Letter to find him running, he flew beside him. "W-what's going on?"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"I'm trying to find Shining Armor! I need to warn him that somepony is gonna be storming this castle soon, looking for something that Shining Armor has! I can't find him anywhere!" Nerd-Letter explained to Night. "Can you help me and fly around the outside of the castle?" he asked.

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"Anything for a friend." He took off to fly around, not seeing the white stallion guard. "Darn it...where is Shining. He should be out on patrol." Looks harder, not to find anything. "Son of a..."


Night flew back to Letter to explain what he saw. "That stallion isn't anywhere"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"What?!" Nerd-Letter cried. He started to panic, then calm down. "Okay, I've been in worse situations before. This castle can withstand an attack without Shining Armor...right...RIGHT?" Nerd-Letter said, starting to becoming even more panicky. He was getting frantic. I hope I'm right... he thought to himself.

Edited by Nerd-Letter
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"Well you do have the son of two gods, and commander of the Shadowbolts. So It could." Night tried to calm down Letter, He didn't need ponies to panic, but ponies started to run. "Why is everytime I say panic, ponies run!" Night flew up to look the area. He looked around, to find one pony.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Snowflake stands there and wonders why he is unable to summon his Ice Sentry Army "maybe I'm not strong enough yet" he pulls out the old photo of him and his friends and is reminded of all the good times they had and the day they died "Misty, Blaze, Thunder, Dust, Wyldfire, Masked Mystery, Scratch...... you guys did not die in vane" Snowflake then puts the photo away and sits there waiting for something


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(All members be advised that Edzilla and I have switched profiles. I'm still Nightwind Boreas, and she's still Hazardpoint Radiation.)


@Wolf Smith, @Nerd-Letter, @The Shadow Stallion, @Snowflake Frostflame


Shining Armor lay on the floor, writhing in pain from the crystal shards that were stuck all over his body. He needed help, and fast. He saw the guards tending to each other and Sunmane approaching them to help, and cried out in pain as his ponies surrounded him.


, @Rainbow Eclipse, ,


"Thank you, Hazard! Get over here, everypony!" Nightwind Boreas tried as best as he could to gather his remaining co-conspirators to the top of the castle where the Rainbow Power box was being held. He rushed them to the top of the stairs with the force of his large bat wings, slashing at every guard that stood in his way with his metal spiked boots and kicking them with their steel toes.


"I think we might have hit the jackpot!"

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@@@@Rainbow Eclipse


Shade heard a commotion in the hall and looked over. "Well, I guess break time's over.." He mused, flying over to the door. "I wonder why it took so long?" Shade commented as he pushed the door open to allow his accomplices inside. "Hello?" He called, acting innocent just in case it wasn't them.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Notzilla, Nightwind Boreas 2.0 and Rainbow Eclipse


Nerd-Letter hears some commotion, and screams of pain. What the tartarus was that?! he thought to himself. "Quick, somepony tend to Shining Armor!" said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter then ran off towards the sounds of guards screaming in agony, and following a trail of dead ponies... All these dead ponies...I hope I'm not the only one who heard these ponies scream... Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He become more and more nervous as he saw more dead ponies.

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"Out of the way. Shoo!" Sunmane said as he neared Shining Armor. Sunmane, a dedicated worker as always, started getting out some poultices. "We need to extract these shards." Sunmane said as he pulled out a piece of bark from his bag. Without hesitation he shoved the piece of bark into Shining Armor's mouth and began to quickly extract the crystal shards. "I know this hurts, but as soon as I'm done you'll feel a bit better." Sunmane said hopefully as he extracted the last of the crystal shards. He immediately began to dig through his pouch and pressed several different bundles of herbs against the wounds, tying them off with strips of cloth. Sunmane was a dedicated worker and quick with his craft. Still, he hated causing ponies pain even if it meant less pain in the nearby future.


Steelhide saw that Sunmane was tending to Shining Armor and realized that there was nothing he could do here. However, he did hear some more commotion upstairs. Steelhide followed the commotion, he didn't know his way through the castle, but he guessed by the sounds of the intruders that they didn't know the way too well either, he guessed so anyway. Another thought occured to him, maybe they just didn't care if they were heard. Steelhide wasn't daunted by this, in fact, he was exhilirated, the chance to prove himself in glorious battle once more against the enemies of justice. Steelhide already had started to fly up the stairs, a few moments after the intruders.

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Night flew down to help the guard pony. He train a bit in medical care, as staying by himself really forced him to. He looked over him and smiled. "Oh Shining. How have you been? Sorry, but I must...bite you." He bit down onto the guard pony, to make the pain lessen. 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Snowflake turns to Nerd-Letter "What in Pony Hell happened here" Snowflake gets instantly reminded of some dark days in his life "the smell of fresh blood I hate to say it but it has become a familiar sent to me" Snowflake looks over to Shining Armor "what happened to you?"


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*Alamo hops into the room full of other ponies* "What did I miss, did we lose?" *Alamo looks around for answers and see the fallen captain* "Well we're gonna lose now, I regret that we didn't do enough to save them but it's war now and forever." *Broken leg, cold weather all for trees in the orchard, why do I stay?"

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*Night turned*


I'll take command as being the next to rule beside Twilight Sparkle.


*Night jump up and flew the front of the room*


Your attention please! Your command has fallen and I take lead till he becomes better. I know we all don't see eye to eye, but your country is in trouble!

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Notzilla, Nightwind Boreas 2.0, and Rainbow Eclipse


Nerd-Letter eventually reaches the top of the staircase, and sees a group of ponies. "What the tartarus are you doing," Nerd-Letter asked.  Nerd-Letter wanted answers, and he wanted them now. "Who are you anyway?" he asked.

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