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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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Night didn't notice at first, but when he did he took off. The pony wasn't far and was weak. His magic lingered in the ponies mind, almost like they were brothers as Night flew down in front of the pony.


"Why leace.....do you not want to be strong?" Night got closer, again ready to bite

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


(Snowflake is possessing a guard to gather intel look back and read my posts and you killing Alamo is making his mission harder)


Snowflake says in the guards voice "I'm done playing games with you Night this pony is mine and I will not allow you to kill him release him or I will take you down myself"


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(Ahh..okay .my mistake very sorry)


Night turned back to the guard. "Don't I know you? Oh...your that guard that took my sword with out my say"


Night drew his sword and held it at the guard's throat. "I've been wanting to kill you and I wouldn't kill my blood bank...no. I'm not crazy"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


Snowflake says quietly in his voice so Alamo doesn't hear him "no its me this is only a disguise allow me to finish my mission and you can have whats left of this stallion plus this guard if you want the guard is only my puppet" Snowflake then walks towards Alamo

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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*Alamo kicks the guard hard to make him let go and take off in the direction the guard came from, inside alamo's head* "Where there are guards their are people they are guarding so I just need to head there and I will be safe from this ugly black alicorn and this corrupt guard" "Hopefully someone can tell me what is going on here"

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Night stopped and despawns his sword. He nodded, but stopped him. "I must follow you." He ducked into the shadows and waited. Two ponies, score. Yes


(Okay...The hell is going on. This is one of the bad things...so umm...yea Night will hide in the shadows and follow him?)

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


(I agree this is going to hell quickly lets just go with your following me and I'm searching for Alamo to end the confusion)


Snowflake is wandering the forest and to his luck he see a stallion barely alive "hey you!, there ya are lad I was worried you were dead here follow me I will help you back to Ponyville"


(alright lets stop here until the others post)


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@@Snowflake Frostflame@


Shade shook his head as he watched Snowflake run off. "Well, time to gather some intel...." He muttered, flying up to the nearest cloud to scope out the situation. "What's this? Oh that dark Alicorn sure seems to have caused quite the ruckus, hmm?" Shade mused.


Seeing many ponies running towards the castle, he took off to see what was going on. "Heh, it's a good thing that naive fool Shine was so well known, and well liked, around here after all..." He thought. "What's goin on?" He asked, attempting to sound like Storm Shine, while nonchalantly flying next to some of the running guards.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Storm Shine


"Who the tartarus are you?" Nerd-Letter asks. So many bad ponies have been appearing lately, and he doesn't want to take any chances. Besides, this guy doesn't sound or look familiar...and why does he want to talk to us? Oh well, at least Nerd-Letter might make another friend.

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Shade smiles at the orange pony, but inwardly shudders at how he had to act like his wretchedly stupid 'Other'... "I'm Storm Shine, nice to meet you! you must be new to Ponyville, so I can show you around later... It'll be great, we should go to Sugarcube Corner, that place has awemazing cupcakes!" He said, acting enthusiastic so as to prevent suspicion. "Thank Luna Shine kept these goggles, or else I might not have been able to even attempt this..." Shade thought. "...Muffin?"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Nerd-Letter saw Alamo running to the town hall. "Finally found you! Are you okay?!" Nerd-Letter asked. He was full of questions. "Where are you going, Alamo?!" Nerd-Letter asked. Nerd-Letter looked around. He realized that they were heading to the town hall. "Never mind," he said.

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*Stops and looks at the unicorn* "Kid is that you, thank celestia." "Listen I need to rest I'm not in a fit state of mind right now." *Alamo stares off for a second to think* "who are you again?" "Is this ponyville, i thought I was needed a cloudsdale, did I take the wrong path?" *Alamo stares off for another second* "Alright where are the guards we need to find them, one of their member's is corrupt he working with that black alicorn."

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"Then we should look for Shining Armor! Isn't he the captain of the royal guard? We should tell him, not one of the guards! If one guard is corrupt, there could be more. We should tell Shining Armor instead," said Nerd-Letter. They shouldn't tell just any old guard, after all.

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"Who the tartarus are you yelling at? There's nopony there!" said Nerd-Letter. ​Oh god, can the insanity curse I have spread? Nerd-Letter thought to himself. Nerd-Letter looked at Alamo in confusion. "​Did that alicorn do something to your brain?" Nerd-Letter asked.

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Snowflake comes running up to Alamo and Nerd-Letter "he us delusional I aint corrupt I just saved him I have been loyal to the guard for quite some time now Shining Armor is expecting you both we will find a doctor for your friend but my orders are to ensure your safety and bring you to the prince" 


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"Well He's jumpy, huh?" Shade said, continuing to act hyper. "Do you like muffins?" He asked "I do, they are sooooo yummy! yum yummy yum!" Shade smiled, even though he was nearly puking mentally. "Ugh, to think that Shine could be like this all the time..." He thought to himself in disgust.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Snowflake Frostflame


Nerd-Letter looks at the corrupt guard. "I don't trust you. I would trust this guy with my life," says Nerd-Letter. "Plus, strange things have been happening, and some evil ponies have been popping up," He continues. Nerd-Letter's horn glows as he looks at the guard that Snowflake is possessing. "Prove what he says isn't true," says Nerd-Letter.

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Snowflake says in the guards voice "we don't have time for this I need to get you both back to Shining Armor before that Alicorn find you guys, I don't have the slightest clue why you find me untrustable when all I have done was try to protect you both, we need to move now" 


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@Snowflake Frostflame


"I still don't trust you, and I won't ever trust you until you give me proof you're not corrupt, controlled, bribed, or something else!" Nerd-Letter yelled. Nerd-Letter used a levitation spell and threw a rock at the guard that Snowflake possessed. "NOW UNLESS YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME, GIVE ME PROOF THAT YOU'RE ACTUALLY TRYING TO HELP US!" Nerd-Letter shouted.

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*Alamo wakes up, and sees the guard and Nerd* "Where is your officer, the raiders approach and you do not look one bit ready to fight them off, where's you toothpick spear and your unloved wife, you want to die then look towards the forest their coming out of there now lets move before they can breach the trees and you kid we have to find your family, there is a war going on you know!" *Alamo begins to run towards the castle where he asumes the pony in charge is at

Edited by Castle
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@Wolf Smith, , @Rainbow Eclipse


Nightwind Boreas continued to wait in the forest for darkness to approach. He saw the sun inching ever lower in the sky, but his patience was still being tested.


But then he had heard all the commotion in the town and struggled to follow what was going on.


"What the devil?! It's that damn Night Wolfe. Somepony oughta keep his buckin' head in line before stuff happens to him! He's gonna get us all buckin' killed!"


Then his rational brain kicked in.


"He's causing chaos in the town...maybe our plan could change. They could be a distraction. That selfish ratbag is helping us, but he doesn't even know it," he said, cracking a grin.


But, he had his doubts, "This is a gamble, though...those broomheads are on high alert, they could round us all up first chance they get, then it's game over. I'm counting on that shift change, but Snowflake and Shade are already in town, there's no way I can get this plan to them."


@Nerd-Letter, ,


The Pegasus guard had rushed Vested Interest right up into Twilight's castle. She was confused, but stoic as the guard confirmed Vested's identity with the others standing guard outside the castle.


What could they want me for?


The guard rushed her in where Shining Armor was standing, just inside the doors in a grand hallway.


"Sit right here, ma'am." The guard motioned to a chair that was set near a small table with three others.


He then turned to Shining Armor. "Sir, beg to report. We have Vested Interest here, one of the ponies on the list."


"Good," Armor replied. "Have you heard from Commander Sentinel?"


"No, I haven't, sir. He was supposed to report to me an hour ago."


"This isn't good. Send for the reinforcements. Something strange is going on here," Armor commanded.


He then went to sit down with Vested Interest.


"All we need to do is wait for the others, makes it easier than repeating myself every time somepony new comes in, but if for some reason I can't get anypony else, I'll start with you..."


Vested still had no idea what was going on...

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Shade's Shadow sense caused his left ear to flick to the right. "Yes, an excuse to get away and not act like an idiot!" He thought as he quickly made a quiet getaway.


"Hello Nightwind, did you need something?" Shade asked, appearing behind Nightwind. "My Shadow sense told me you might..." He said in explanation, hoping to forestall unnecessary questions.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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