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"Entetainment?" Refund did his best to keep up with the group despite his bad leg. "Oh, I can't wait to see who you're bringing in." As the group continued for the door, the intrigued accountant slowed down enough to walk next to Sakuya.


"I take it. This is a guy who can't hold his own?" Refund asked Sakyua, talking about Ennex.

Edited by Yoshi89

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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 Another big smile grew on Malachi's face. "Hell Yeah! I could use a drink." He thought Ennex was all business, but seeing the shorter stallion excited to get plastered made him see Ennex in a new light. Where there if very little light.  As they head to the night club, Malachi walked next to Ennex. "And here I thought you were all work and no play. So where are he headed?"

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"Well," Sakuya replied, "he can, mostly.  The problem is that lately, he's been over-indulging."  A slight frown crossed over her face.  "I haven't been able to figure it out yet, but something's been bothering him.  Leading to many nights spent, indulging."  They continued along, following the others.  "Don't get me wrong, he's still extremely competent running the business.  It's just.." she trailed off...




"It is not far from here, a warehouse-turned-club," Ennex said, leading the group down the street.  "More of a small, privately owned place.  I'm a big fan of the main DJ there.  Great music."  He smiled at Malachi.  "And hard work requires some downtime.  After all, happy workers are productive workers!  Wouldn't you agree?"


(OOC: sorry for the delay.  Roommate and I spent the weekend playing a Halo trilogy marathon, lol


@@Rainbow Eclipse, we're headed to the club that Ennex gave them the card for, fyi.  I didn;t forget you!)





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"No wonder he said yes to us going out for booze so quickly," Refund told Sakuya. "I guess if ponies drink to escape, Ennex must be halfway to Tahayti." He moved away from Sakyua in the middle of the sidewalk. The poor guy, he thought to himself. I hope this business deal is just what he needs.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Oh, hello Riley," Sakuya greeted the bright-red Pegasus.  "Glad to see you and-" she glanced behind him "-Anala again.  Looks like you brought some friends with you."  Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ennex giving her a curious look.  "I said I would meet them tonight at the Club.  Didn't think you would mind."


"Perhaps not," he replied.  "But I'm only paying for the first round.  Anything else is on them."


(OOC: sorry for short reply.  busy day at work!)

Edited by nx9100





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@@nx9100,@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Malachi smirked. "I do agree." When he saw Anala and Riley with two other ponies he gave them a smile. "Hey you two." He walked over to them. "I'm glad we got more for the party." He looked to Riley. "Hope you can hold your drink, kid." He said with a chuckle and pat his back. Then he looked back at Ennex. "And don't worry about the other rounds, Ennex. They're on me." 

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Anala shot a nasty glare at Malachi. She then gestured for Brutus, Clavier, and Bailey to come closer for her to whisper into the stallions' ears.


"Just to let you know, fellas, that guy over there is nothing but trouble."


She said to Malachi, "Don't try any funny business-" She gestured to the buff, muscular Brutus. "-or you'll have our friend to answer to."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Malachi's smirk didn't change when Anala threaten him . In fact, it got a little bigger as he lets out a chuckle. "Oh really, Bianco?" He walked towards the buff stallion and looked up at him. But, in a way, he was looking down on him even though he was shorter. "Well I'm sorry to say that I'm all about making funny business.  And it's a shame that you wont be able to do shit about it. Ain't that right, buddy?" He chuckled again without looking away from the big stallion.

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"Now now, Malachi," Ennex said, with a slight shake of his head, "play nice with the other kids."  With a chuckle, he continued down the sidewalk, as the others followed behind.


Sakuya moved to walk next to Anala.  "Don't worry about him," she said softly, indicating Malachi.  "He's just trying to intimidate you.  Come on," she turned her head towards Ennex, "let's go have a fun night."





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"Y'know what?" Anala said to everyone except Malachi. "It's entirely possible that this creep wants to use me to demonstrate how life is made, if you know what I mean. In that case, I'd be more than happy to strap one of my arrows around my waist, tie him down with his ass pointing in the air, and give him what he wants."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,@@nx9100,


Malachi had a stock look on his face after the abrasive mare said that. Then his body started to shake and his cheeks puffed out while he tried to hold back some sound he was making. And then he burst out in a fit of laughter. "Gods be damned!" He kept laughing. "Look sweetheart, I can pretty much guess you ain't into me. And after saying something like that I could pretty much be sure that you ain't really into stallions at all. So I'll give you your space." He laughed a bit more and walked back over to Sakuya. Then he spoke at a volume where only she could hear. "And to be honest. I'm more interested in a mare I kissed today. " He gave her a charming smile. "And I'm pretty sure she could kick my arse. If I had it coming."

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"Hey! Slow down!" a light purple mare shouted from the backseat of the taxicab while her husband watched in anticipation. The vehicle carrying the well-dressed couple spun to avoid yet another wayfaring pedestrian as it continued its tear down the avenue.


"We're late, Ruby, we don't have time!" her husband answered.


"Refund! Last time I checked, I wasn't in labor!" Ruby shot back as the driver made a sharp turn down an alley. The driver then screeched the taxi to a halt in front of the nightclub, nearly ejecting the couple from the backseat. While Refund dug a coin purse out of his suit's breast pocket, Ruby fixed her feather boa before fetching an emergency can of hairspray from her purse and applying it to her wind-ruined mane.


"Well, here we are," Refund said as he gave the driver a tip.


"So we're going to meet the ponies you helped finance the casino?" Ruby asked as her husband helped her out of the taxi.


"Mm-hmm." her husband nodded. "I also promised I'd take you for a night out while my pop's watching the kids. Let me show you around so you can get better acquainted."

Edited by Yoshi89

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Sakuya rolled her eyes. "Oh please," she said, "try to contain yourself." Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ennex's eye flash for less then a second. Getting jealous? she thought, it's not like I belong to you. Remembering what happened to the last pony who had suggested that she was sleeping with the boss, brought a smirk to her face. It's not like we are together or anything. She looked up at Malachi. "Anyway, it's too early to get my hoofs dirty. Save the flank-kicking 'till later."

"Come on," said Ennex, just loud enough to interrupt, "Let's all go inside." He lead them up to a building, where neon-blue letters spelled out THE SCRATCH SHACK on the sign above. A single bouncer was standing at the door, glanced at Ennex, and waved him through. He knew not to question regulars, or their guests. Before following, Sakuya showed her card to the bouncer. "Let in the group behind us who has this card," she said. "They're with us." She followed Ennex inside...

Edited by nx9100





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"So, what are these ponies like?" Ruby asked her husband as they moved closer to the bouncer.


"You'll see," Refund told her as he took his business card out of his pocket. She rolled her eyes as he flashed it to the bouncer and said, "I'm Ennex's accountant, Refund Check, and this is my wife, Ruby Shears. I'm helping him finance his casino."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Malachi kept his smile. "Don't worry, I'm well maintained. Also. There's never a bad time to get your hooves dirty. Plus, we're in a club so a fight or two might breakout." He twirled his bat around and them placed it in his bag. "And if that happens  I think I'll use my hooves. The fight would end too soon if I used my bat. By the way, would you like a drink?"

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"Y'know what?" said Anala, staring Malachi down. "You and me. One-on-one fight."


Her eyes darted to Brutus. "Brutus, I'm gonna need you to hold Riley back so that he can't jump in and help me."


"Wait, what?" were the words that Riley uttered before Brutus' muscular arms grabbed him from behind.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,@@nx9100


Malachi's ear flicked when Anala said she wanted to fight him. His smile turned into his normal smirk as he turned around to face her. "Now, I've had my shear of fight with plenty of mares who I knew could handily themselves better them most stallions. But to be honest sweetheart, I can't help but think you're better with a bow then you are with hoof to hoof. But I'll give you a fight if you want one. But, no weapons." Malachi took off his bag with his bat and tossed it in a corner. Then he looked over to Sakuya with his smile again. "I hope you wont think of me any less then you already do for fighting and or beating up a mare. Or getting beat up by one. "

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Standing with mouth agape, Sakuya turned to Ennex.  She growled, when she saw the amused look on his face.  Clearly he had no intention of interfering. Fine, she thought, I'l settle this myself.  Moving to stand between Anala and Malachi, she gave both of them stern looks.  "Hey, what's gotten into you two?  I thought we were here to have a night out on the town, not paint it red.  You want to get us thrown out!"  She glanced at Ennex, who was still grinning.  "Well, most of us, at least," knowing they would never toss out the highest-paying customer...





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A pair of thirty-something ponies kept a far off distance from the would-be brawl until it quelled. The stallion waved his wife forward who cautiously walked behind him, only stopping when he approached the group.


"Well, now," Refund Check chuckled. "I thought we were all here to celebrate. I didn't think I'd get treated to a boxing match."


Ruby Spears shot her husband a face that may have told him, "We're going home!" had he looked at her.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@nx9100,@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Malachi kept smiling at  Sakuya. "Don't look at me. Bianco here is the one who wants to fight." He said while pointing at Anala. "I'm just giving what she wants. Also, it's not a good night unless you have at least one fight. And there are also unwritten about fighting in clubs that most don't know about. In clubs, no weapons, no pushing, no throwing anyone though a window or over a bar counter and no killing. Where as in in bars there are no holds barred. Plus, most ponies have heard of me, so they wont try anything." 

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"No weapons. Agreed. As are the rest of those 'unwritten rules'," said Anala. She placed her bow and arrows on a nearby table.


"Go, Anala!" cheered Riley, waving a flag. He looked at it. It had a symbol of a cupcake. "Wrong flag." He tossed it aside and began waving one with Anala's face and her cutie mark.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Alright, that;s enoug-" Sakuya started, before a hoof grabbed her from behind.  Her head flipped around...  to see Ennex holding her back.


"Stand down," he said, that grin still on his face.

"But they're going to-" she started.


"It was bound to happen eventually," he replied, cutting her off.  "Malachi is aggressive, adversarial.  Sooner or later somepony was going to challenge him.  Just let them get it over with."  His grin widened.  "Besides, I could use some fresh entertainment."  Letting her go, he waved over to the bartender, who nodded, knowing Ennex's usual order...





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The bartender approached Refund and Ruby who took their drinking order, a dry martini and a glass of rosé, respectively. The promise of alcohol calmed Ruby's nerves a bit as Refund shifted on his stool to turn to to Riley and Anala.


"I don't think we've met before," Refund told the red pegasus, presenting his business card while Ruby glanced toward Anala. "The name's Refund. I'm an accountant from Bucklyn. I'm helping Ennex finance the casino."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,@@nx9100,  


"Alrighty then!" Malachi said with a large smile. He then started popping his neck and legs to get ready. Then he took off his tacky Hawaiian shirt leaving on just his wife beater and newsboy hat. He tossed over on his bag and then got on his hind legs. "I don't know about you, 'Alnala' but I like a bit of music playing while in a fight. DJ! Would you kindly play 'shake a leg'?" The DJ smiled, know what song he was talking about and then put it on.





"I'll even give you the first punch." He said with a smirk.

Edited by Gloomfury
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