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open Nothing personal, it's just business...


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Malachi was walking though town like he did every other day when he wasn't dealing with anything important. Any pony with a rep and a title like his would usually be sitting in a office making calls, doing paperwork and whatnot. But Malachi liked to do thinks is own way, which consist of him goofing off.  As he walked though the street he said hi to some of his friends and some ponies he's done business with, while twirling his steel bat in his hoof like it was the lightest thing. 


When he tuned the corner he couldn't help but stop and stare at one of the most gorgeous mares hes seen in his life, ((@,)) even though his left eye was covered by his hat.  Not to mention two other cute mares that entered the same building even though one had a broken horn.(( @@nx9100, ))  As he looked over the building his memory of who owned it was coming back to him. He couldn't help but smirk. 


Without really thinking he made his way to the building. When he got to the door he was stopped be two rather large security ponies in black suits. Buy the look on they're faces he could tell that they were thinking the same thing 'Piss off.' Which just made Malachi's smirk grow. Malachi then just rest his bat on his shoulders and started stretching his back, neck and arms. Of course  he could just show his family's crest to show who he was, but one of Malachi 's things to do was making trouble.

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Slowly, High Tide alighted the train, the loud noises of the city immediately reaching her ears. In this way, Manehatten was different from Canterlot. While both were developed cities, hers was a peaceful one in which crime was rare whereas the other was filled with shady businesses... relatively speaking. Regardless of this, she came here often; yes, she could get robbed, but the other perks outweighed this. She hadn't even witnessed a crime the past three times she came anyway, despite her expensive saddlebag and noise-making shoes.


She began to wander around, taking in the sights as she trotted. Let's see... Where's the hotel? She had not brought a map (testament to her stupidity), so she was on her own here. 


Dawn Drops|High Tide

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Sakuya led Anala past the two guards, who, beyond a glance, didn't pay them any attention.  They new full well who she was, and not to question her bringing somepony else with her.  They entered the lobby, and headed over to the elevators.  "Hope you're not scared of heights," she said to Anala, "cause we're heading for the top floor."  She paused, thinking for a moment.  "You know, we could even set up an archery lane on the roof.  It's open and flat, and it wouldn't be difficult to build a wall around part of it."


Meanwhile, the guards, while ignoring Sakuya and Anala, were now eyeing another pony who was approaching the building, swinging a bat around.  They moved to block him, waiting for him to make a move, or walk away...




A knock on his door.  What do I pay that filly for!, Ennex thought, annoyed.  "Excuse me for just a moment," he said to Riley, while getting back up and walking to the door.  "Come in!" he called...

Edited by nx9100





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Anala Elderberry




"That's... not a bad idea," replied Anala. "If you do... would I be offered a job there?" she asked. "Like a tutor, as I do normally? I have a feeling that my job would be taken slightly more seriously if it were in a well-known place like this. Plus I wouldn't have to pay for the plot of land I use."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Nodding, Sakuya smiled at Anala.  "I'll talk to Ennex, but I think I can convince him.  He might just hire you outright to train our-" she glanced at the guards by the door, who seemed to be dealing with some troublemaker.  Hired goons just doesn't sound right, she thought.  "-security staff.  I'd imagine that arrows would make a more effective deterrent to intruders then run-of-the-mill guns."  Approaching the elevators, she hit the call button.  "The trick is convincing Ravage, our, Security Boss."  She frowned.  "He's a bit of a brute sometimes, but he gets the job done."





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Anala Elderberry




Soon enough, the elevator came down to the level of the current floor, allowing the two mares to board.


"Training security guards? Uh, I don't think so..." said Anala, entering the elevator through the open sliding doors. "But anyway, what makes you think that arrows would be more effective than guns?"

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@nx9100,@@Rainbow Eclipse,  


After a little stretch, Malachi stood back up and uncovered his left eye. Not to scare the stallions, but to get a better look where he was aiming. He then swung is bat right into one of the goons kneecap, which made a loud crack. As the goon fell over in pain  the other one came at him Malachi, but then he hold out his bat and struck the other goons throat with it and tripped him as slammed his head with it. 


Not killing him, but knocking him out while he bled a lot, and maybe giving him a little brain damage but not killing. He did the same thing to the other goon. He wipes the blood off his bat on one of their suits. Then he made his way inside with his bat resting on his shoulder. He walks up to the mares and stepped into the elevator along with them with a smooth smile and his left eye closed. "Good day, ladies."

Edited by Gloomfury
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Anala Elderberry




Anala turned to see who else had boarded the elevator. A stallion with a smug expression and a baseball bat.


She had gotten a glimpse of this pony before entering the building. "So... the guards let you in, huh?" she commented.


She noted that there was an ever-so-faint patch of red on the bat.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sakuya glared at the stallion.  "I hope you know what you're doing," she snarled, slowly lowering her head.  "This isn't just anypony's building."  She eyed his bat, and took a step forward, putting herself between him and Anala.  "Try anything, and I promise that you won't step out of this building alive..."





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Anala Elderberry




Anala decided that the best thing to do would be to play along with her new friend Sakura. Especially since there was a glaring possibility as to why the bat had a faint red spot...


"You heard her," she put in, stepping beside the other mare. "I have arrows in this saddlebag, and if the need to use them arises, so be it."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,@@nx9100,


 He just smirked. "I like a girl with a lot of fire in her." He looked her over and sensed a bit of darkness in her, but a little light as well. "And really, the fellas at the front just let me in. They just needed a little... 'convincing' is all." He chuckled as he adjust his hat a little.  He looked over to the white mare with his same smirk. "Sweetheat, we're in a closed space, I doubt an arrow will work here." Then he thout it over. "Wait, you could just stab me in the neck with them, hmm." He scratched his chin. "Not a a bad way to take someone out. But I have no intention of starting anything with anyone... at the moment. "He chuckled again.  "All I wanted to do was meet some lovely mares, that's all." He said with a sweet and innocent smile. 

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Sakuya scowled at him.  "I know what you want," she said, "and you won't find it here.  I've dealt with ponies a lot worse then some punk with a bat, trust me."  A slightly wicked grin crossed her face.  "Although, if you'd prefer, I can arrange a demonstration."  Let's see, which spell should I use? she thought.  Ah, I know!  She took a deep breath, preparing a chant her mother had taught her long ago...





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But before she could say a word, Malachi  stopped her from saying anything... by kissing her. Most ponies wouldn't do such a thing like kissing someone without their permission or busting two door guards heads just to meet a couple of mares. But Malachi wasn't like any other stallion, he always acted on impulse. And this random kiss with someone he just met is evidence of that. 

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Anala Elderberry




'What... the...'


Anala acted on impulse too. She pulled the stallion away from Sakura and leaned right into his face. But not to kiss him.


"Okay, I'm going to be straightforward here - what in Tarturus are you doing?" she asked condescendingly.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sakuya jumped past Anala and tackled the stallion, using her limbs to press him to the floor.  "Don't you EVER touch me like that!" she snapped, and bent her head down and to the side, pressing the broken edge of her horn against his neck.  "Give me one reason why I shouldn't take you out right now!"





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@@nx9100,@@Rainbow Eclipse,


 He never stopped smirking. "Well for one, I was just preemptively defending myself. I don't like it when magic is used on my without my permission. I mean that was just rude, it's just not lady like. And two...well... I don't like to give this out cause it seems like I'm just using his name to get around but,  I'm one of the Caporegime  for the Semi family, Malachi Semi. A pleasure to meet you." Then he opened his left eye, in the families his father was well known for his demon like eyes. It was even on their crest. Which Malachi showed by opening up his tacky shirt and pulling it out of the inside pocket. 

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Slowly moving off of him, Sakuya scowled again.  She knew of Semi family.  Ennex had done some business with them before, thought he usually stayed away from organized crime, preferring to stick with shady business deals between companies.  She held a leg out in front of Anala.  "It's cool," she said, never taking eyes off him.  "He isn't just a punk off the street.  Though," she cocked an eyebrow, "I think a simple greeting would have made this much easier...





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 "I said good day, don't that count as a greeting?" Malachi said as he stood up and picked up his bat then rest it back on his shoulder. "Besides, simple is boring." He reached int his other shirt packet and pulled out a large cigar. He put it in his mouth but didn't light it. "Plus, you're a pretty good kisser, even though I did most of the work." He chuckled at his own joke.

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"Laugh all you want," Sakuya snapped back, while hitting the button for the top floor, "but I don't care if you are a big shot within your Family.  Just give me an excuse, and I'll drop you right off this tower!"  Maybe Ennex will let me and Anala use this punk for archery pratice, she thought to herself.  The nerve of this pony!  She'd maimed others for less!  Last time, all a Pegasus had to do was SUGGEST something, and I twisted his wings so bad he'll never fly again!  I should kill him for what he tried on me!





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 As he leaned against one of the elevators walls he chewed on his cigar with his same smirk.  But it got bigger as he felt the darkness in the mares heart pulse a little bit, which meant she was having some dark thought, most like about him.  "You got it sweetheart. I'll be a good boy... most of the time." He chuckled again. "By the way, I didn't get you'z ladies names."

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Anala Elderberry




"And you never will," snapped Anala. "If you're looking to get a marefriend, you'd be better off going to date some monster-woman in Tartarus."


'Unless Riley coincidentally happens to be inside this building and he introduces me to this creep, I think it's safe to say that I won't be giving out my name.'

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Enough of this!" snapped Sakuya, as the elevator slowly made its way up the tower, "you do realize who you've just offended, right?  My name is Sakuya, right-hoof pony for Ennex."  She let the name sink in, and noticed a slight reaction in Malachi's face.  Anala might not have caught it, but she was trained to spot such details.  "I see you've heard of him.  Then you must also know what happens to those who get in our way.  Even your Family won't be able to protect you..."





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@@Rainbow Eclipse,@@nx9100,


Malachi's smirk didn't waver at the mention of  Ennex's name. But he did know of Ennex. "I have heard of you're boss. But sadly I never had the pleasure of meeting him. And trust me, I don't need my family to protect me. The number one value in the Semi family is 'Strength of ones existence in mind, body and soul.' In short if you have to depend  on the family for every little thing, then you have no right to wear the name Semi." His red eyes seemed to glow like the fire of hell for a second. "Plus, I have no intention of getting in you're bosses way. Just as long as he doesn't try to get in mine or my family's way."  He bit part off his cigar and swallowed it. Then he took out a match, lift up his hat but while still covering his horn and struck the match on it making it light. Then he lit his cigar with it and tossed it in his bag. "By the way, Sakuya is such a lovely name." He said with a charming smile. Then he looked towards Anala. "And if you wont give me you're name then I'll just call you something else." He scratched his chin. "Hmm, how about, Bianco? I think it suits you."

Edited by Gloomfury
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When nopony opened the door, Ennex stepped over, and opened it himself.  Standing there was a beautiful mare, who seemed to be waiting for him.  Before either of them could speak, the elevator doors just across the room opened...




"Whatever," Sakuya replied, rolling her eyes.  Let him boast about his self-importance, she new better.  And that little act with the cigar was good.  She glanced at Anala.  Anypony else might be distracted, but I've seen worse.  As she was preparing another verbal barrage, the elevator came to a sudden stop- PING!! -and the doors slid open...





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