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open Nothing personal, it's just business...


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"Later!" called Riley and Anala as Sakuya made her way out.


Anala looked at the address written on the back of the card.


"Well, let's go to the bar, then! Time to invite our pals!" said Riley through the final mouthful of his burger.


Anala climbed on Riley's back, and the red Pegasus flew off to the bar, The Frayed Saddle, one of Riley's regular hang-out destinations.

OCs: RileyAnala

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 "Damn it!" She shouted as he let go of his bat, sending it flying straight up till it want bast the clouds.  After a few breathes Malachi calmed himself down. "Oh well. I guess I can wait a little while. But that don't mean I can't still introduce you to my crew. I have a feeling you might like them." After a second or two his bat came back, still spinning. Malachi caught it without looking and spun it till it stopped. Then he placed it back on his shoulder.  

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He watched the trick with the bat, his face not betraying any sign of being impressed.  Years working boardrooms and criminal elements had taught him how to keep a straight face at just about anything.  "Perhaps I will," Ennex answered Malachi, after a moment.  "But first, let us take a look at your new investment."  Leading the other around one last corner, they stood facing a large grey building, apparently used as a former hotel and civic center.  Ennex lead Malachi to the fenced-off entryway.  "Well, here it is," he said, waving a hoof around.  "The 6 story tower on the right can be remodeled into a luxury hotel, while the former meeting hall on the left will become the main casino floor."  Pushing open the gate, he followed the curved path to the main double-doors.  "It shouldn't take long to fully renovate, once we get started..."





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 Malachi looked around while letting out an impressed whistle. "I can tell this place is gonna be something. The fanciest of the fanciest shindigs. " Malachi had a grin from ear to ear. "No doubt this will be a good investment. I can't help but wonder what this place will be like when it's built. Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. What will this place be called?"

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Looking over the building, Ennex thought for a moment.  "You know," he replied, "I haven't thought of a name yet.  Something fancy, obviously."  He rubbed his chin.  "If you have any suggestions..."


He trailed off, as a light-tan mare with a familiar broken-heart cutie mark came wondering up the sidewalk.  "Hey Boss!" she called.  


"Sakuya," he replied, waving a hoof at the building.  "Our newest project.  What do you think?"

"I think you need to invest in some paint," she replied, dryly.  


He chuckled, before nodding towards the other pony present.  "You remember Malachi, of course.  He's to be our newest investor, and will assist with renovating and operating this establishment."


"Will he now," she muttered, giving him a dirty look.  "What about that other project you mentioned before?"

"Ah yes," he replied.  "Malachi, would you excuse us for a moment.  I need to discuss something with Sakuya."  He lead her a few paces away, until he was sure they were out of earshot.  "Alright," he began, "I have been working with a Mr. Clearsky from Cloudsdale Weather.  We will be providing him with, supplies, for the Factory.  Starting tomorrow, I want you to go along to make sure the delivery goes off without a hitch."  He lowered his eyes.  "This is a VERY important contract, and I'm putting it in your hoofs.  Make sure nothing goes wrong."


"Sure thing," she replied, a bit nervous, and surprised, that he would give her such a big responsibility.  Well, he IS grooming me to be second-in-command.  Guess it's time I start taking over some contracts around here.


"Good," he replied.  "You'll find all the info tomorrow at our waterfront warehouse."  He turned to the building.  "But for now, lets rejoin our new... ally."  They walked back to Malachi...


(sorry for the big dump.  just wanted to get some RP info out, to help link Sakuya to the other RP.  That's about all of it that will be mentioned here.)

Edited by nx9100





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"I'll be late tonight, Ruby," the teal accountant said to his wife. "I'm going client-hopping again in Manehattan."


"You be careful, Refund," the light purple mare warned him before giving him a goodbye nuzzle. After the accountant adjusted his tie, strapped on his saddlecase and put on his fedora, he walked down the steps of his brownstone house, favoring his left hind leg.


That could have been me on the Neigh York Giants, he thought every time he recalled the permanent injury to his gimpy other leg.


He checked his watch as he hopped on the four horse-drawn Bucklyn trolley. He was ahead of schedule, just the way he liked. As the trolley crossed over the Bucklyn Bridge, Refund Check oppened his saddlecase which contained a business card and directions to his appointment. He was to zip on a taxi at the end of the line and lucky for him, it was just after rush hour.The taxi, as he would have guessed, could not drop him off precisely at the location, though he didn't mind walking. With about twenty minutes to go before his appointment, Refund stopped at a nearby coffee shop for a cappuccino, a donut and a quick chance to review his business plans one more time. He walked out of the shop, rounded a corner and came to the large building with the looming door out at front.




Refund fixed his hat and tie a second time as he waited patiently at the door.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Ennex, Sakuya, and Malachi had moved into the lobby of the empty building, when they heard a knock on the door.  "Sakuya," Ennex said, gesturing with a hoof, "would you mind?"

"So, I'm your secretary now?" she asked, dry humor in her voice.  "My responsibilities continue to grow."  She moved over to the door, and pulled it open, to find a teal, business-looking pony waiting there.  "Mr. Check, is it?" she asked, waving him into the empty lobby.  "Come in..."





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Refund chuckled as he tipped his hat to the unicorn, not even batting an eye at her broken horn.


"Please," the stallion said, "Call me Refund. After all, we are all adults here, are we not?" He rested his hat on a coat rack and followed the unicorn to the lobby, briefcase in check. As he scanned around the empty lobby, only two other words could cross his lips:


"Nice place."

Edited by Yoshi89

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Malachi was quite for the longest time he has ever been in his life while he thought of a name for the casino. He fallowed Ennex and Sakuya to the lobby still in silence.  When the new pony who seemed to work a white collar job. It seemed that he was here to do some business with Ennex. So not to be rude he moved over to where Sakuya. "Hey, Sakuya. Do you think you could help me come up with a name for the casino?" He asked while looking off in thought with his hooves resting on his bat while he leaned against a wall.

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"Ah, Refund!" exclaimed Ennex, stepping over to greet the new arrival.  "So good of you to come.  Welcome to my future casino!"  He waved a hoof around the room, before passing a look to the teal pony.  "That is, assuming you have the paperwork with you to complete the purchase of this building."




"A name?" she asked, looking around.  "I don't know."  She thought about it for a few minutes, before replying.  "The Equestrian?  The Harmony Club?"  She frowned.  "Sorry, I'm not very creative..."





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"Nah, it's alright. I was thinking something a little more... robust. Something that'll stand out. All the other casinos have overly fancy names. Like the Golden Bit and the Royal Crown. Maybe we should have a name that is strong and that'll fit it perfectly." He groaned and scratched his head. When he touched his horn he stopped. And a large smile grew on his face. "I got it! The Fourth Circle. It's perfect!"


((If you don't know Dante's inferno, the fourth circle of hell is greed.))

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"The Fourth Circle Casino," Sakuya said, trying it out.  "It has a nice ring to it.  Hmm..."  She walked over to the large opening, overlooking what was the former main meeting hall.  "We could even arrange all the games in four circles, from outside to the center, with the highest-stakes games in the center.  Kinda go with the theme," she replied.





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Malachi still had his smile as he walked next to  Sakuya. "That's brilliant! And we could have a red and gold color scheme. But in the hotel we could give it a calming theme. Cause after a night of debauchery you'll want to relax, right? So we could make the hotel like a little heaven. We'll have spas, great restaurants, places for recreation and an arcade for the kids. Cause we know a lot of ponies who could't get a sitter and had to bring the kids with them would love a place where they could drop them off go to the casino."

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"Future, huh?" the smile on Refund's face grew as he zipped open his saddlecase. "Well, everything you need to know about the building is in here."


"You may have heard what they say about casinos," he said, pulling out a folder. "That they're a breeding ground for corruption and they reduce grown ponies to a manipulative foal-like state. I'll have you know, I was not put here to tell ponies exactly how to live their lives. If my clients don't heed my advice, that's their problem, not mine. Hey, even hard-working folks like me could use an escape...."


As the accountant went on, he flipped through the folder containing the floor plans, licenses, registrations and other paperwork for the building.


"Pretty sweet, eh?" he grinned, handing Ennex a quill. "I can assure you that you've picked a winner for your casino." He stopped to laugh at his pun.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Riley and Anala landed at their destination, The Frayed Saddle, and entered.


"Hey guys! Check this out!" declared Riley. He held up the card for Brutus, the brawny bodybuilder, Clavier, the lanky, nerdy musician and songwriter, and Bailey, the Germane bartender.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Ennex chuckled.  "A winner, yes, that's what I hope," he agreed, taking the quill and signing off on the paperwork.  "A great place for everypony to come to relax, have some fun, and just enjoy themselves."  A glance at Malachi, standing off to one side talking with Sakuya.  "And something tells me we won't have to worry about... corruption."  He smiled...




"It sounds like you're planning an entire resort," Sakuya replied to Malachi, watching his excitement grow.  "It sounds like you've been planning something like this for a while."

Edited by nx9100





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"Actually, I came up with all that on the top of my head. " He chuckled. "Sometimes when I get excited about something my head fills up with thoughts and ideas. And why can't we build a little casino resort? We could be the first ponies to do that in the middle of a city. Think of the bits we'll rack in!"

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"Not to worry," Refund reassured the proud new owner as he initialed his half of the paperwork. "I'm sure the casino will be fabulous either way. In return, I'm not asking for much, just a nice place for me and the missus have a good time, away from the foals. It's just one of the trials of being a parent. Sometimes, you just gotta escape."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Yes," Sakuya replied, "a downtown resort.  It has potential to make a large profit for all of us."  I wonder how big of a cut you talked Ennex into, she thought...




"I can't imagine," Ennex replied, "as I don't have a family myself.  However, I can appreciate the need for a little escape from life now and then.  And I plan on having special comps for everypony-" he waved a hoof around the group of them "-that works for me, yourself and family included."





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"I can see the two of us have some close knits," Refund concluded, "even if our lives are different in structure. Maybe I should take this time to introduce my family for those comps. I'm sure this will be one you'll come to know and love as I have."


Refund dug his wallet out of the saddlecase and opened it to reveal fold-down pictures of himself, his wife, his two foals and his father.


"The little ones are a handful but they're what keep me going. Someday" – he pointed to the colt – "he'll be a part of the firm, too."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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 "Damn right we will." Malachi said as he let out another chuckle. He was getting more excited as he thought about the casino/ resort. "Once this place is up and running I think I'll treat ma to long relaxing vacation from running her restaurant.  Plus. I bet we're gonna attract attention from the other families once this place starts making more prophets then their casinos. Then they're gonna try and take it from us or shut us down. But they're are gonna regret when they try something."

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"Following in his father's hoofprints, eh?" replied Ennex, as his looked over the photos.  "I to have followed my own father into his chosen career.  This was originally his company, before his passing."  He held his chin up, and didn't bother hiding the pride there.  "He taught me everything he new about the business world.  When I took over, I did my best to follow his path.  The lessons he taught me still hold my course straight to this day."  He pointed at the picture of Refund's colt.  "Just as I'm sure he will learn much from you..."




"The other Families?" Sakuya asked.  "I didn't know they operated this close to downtown Manehattan.  But I guess it's no surprise."  She smiled.  "But I wouldn't worry about it much.  We-" she pointed at Ennex "-have enough, influence, in the city to pretty much operate as we see fit.  Especially with our new partner..."


(ooc:  @@Rainbow Eclipse, i didn;t forget about you!  Will be getting to the nightclub scene shortly!)

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 Malachi smirked. "Be that as it may. But all of down town is my turf but I let some of the other families small time business's run there. As a sign of good faith. That and for a bit of 'rent', so to speak, to let them do their thing.  But, there are some places that work for other families without paying the 'rent' We call them squatters. They're like the a bunch of wild rats that were domesticated by some other families. And they're willing to do anything that;ll help them."

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"I'm sure if you father was alive, he'd be proud of what a fine businesspony you've become," Refund complimented him. "I'm sure in due time, Brownie will will adjust accordingly and prove to be an asset to my firm, if you know what I mean. Now that the paperwork's squared away, why don't we grab ourselves some drinks to celebrate? I don't see my next client for another few hours at least."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Yes!  Drinks for everypony!" Ennex shouted, catching the attention of all the others.  "And I know just the place!"


"Not again," muttered Sakuya, so softly that only Malachi heard her.


"Come," Ennex commanded, heading towards the door, "I want you to meet the pony I have arranged for our Saturday night entertainment.  We'll have the hottest nightclub in all of Manehattan!"  Opening the door, he lead the others out into the street...





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