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open Pony Reincarnation

Storm Shine

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I watched the jelly beans fall to the ground. I leaned in as close to the ground as I could, and inhaled as much as I could, and eventually managed to suck some of the jelly beans off the ground and into my mouth. I chewed them. "Strawberry... licorice... coconut..."


"You know," I comment to the group. "I didn't like licorice or coconut, but I made my OC have a huge appetite. Isn't that convenient?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


I was pulled out of my musings by Riley's comment, "Coconut? Licorice? Wait, I'm confused, what does that have to do with appetite and convenience?" I asked, befuddled by the seemingly random sentence. Since I hadn't noticed the jelly-beans drop, I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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'Oh, Storm Shine... if we're gonna be looking for new jobs in Equestria, then I wouldn't suggest keeping watch of the castle. Keeping watch of anything, really...'


It's kind of a mean joke, sure, but it's not like I said it aloud.


I pointed my hoof towards the jelly beans on the ground.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


I looked to where Riley was pointing and noticed a small pile of jelly-beans on the ground. "Oooohhh~" I uttered in realization of the topic, though... "Where did those come from?" I asked curiously, not seeing any way that the pile of candy could've just appeared there. I shrugged slightly, "No use letting them go to waste..." I said, leaning down. I began to breathe in, making a noise not unlike a vacuum cleaner, causing the jelly-beans to start flying into my mouth.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Spark was standing where he was awe struck a pony has just run in and dragged zecora out of her house and in some direction spark decided to run after them so he ran out the door and in the direction that the other pony had run but tripped over a root and hit his head spark got up then fell down the last thin he thought before going out cold was i hope nothing finds me

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It was a blinding light speeding toward him, even with his arms up it wasn't gonna stop he screamed loudly for his life all of it flashing before him.


Kristof awoke in his sweat and fear as he gasped for air! Something suddenly felt... Odd his body felt... Good? Like as if all the physical cramps and twitch minding needs had disappeared. He looked upon his body, his body! Wait! This wasn't right!

Hooves!? A tail?... His breathing became rapid he looked over onto the dresser holding a mirror.

His mind now clearing and examining his foreign body he let's out a terrified scream! The mirror falling to the floor.

"What!? No no no no!" He shouted over and over curling up shutting his eyes.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Spark floated in a black void his imagination instantly it filled with thousands of thoughts spark was over whelmed then the void disappeared and in its place a large grassy meadow in which spark imagined a man spark knew he wouldn't have much time in this imagination land so he instructed the man the imagination man to appear in every one of his dreams and make sure he knew it was a dream spark floated away from the meadow and into the oblivion of memories and thoughts not only sparks but James's as well he had no idea who he was who he originally was spark James had he had a past life spark returned to the imagination man and instructed him to scour his mind surely he would have memories of his old life maybe past lives maybe he could even travel to the human world no no that wasent possible was it was it possible that the mind had more power than it was thought to have then spark wondered where did these thoughts come from from the forest from James from someone of somthing else spark was thinking

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Kristof layed about on his bed his heaving and convulsiving calming to a halt. He once again looked up picking up the mirror. He examined his new form.

"I'm... A pony? ... " he asked to himself, (notice: he doesn't know anything about MLP so he won't know knowledge about Equestrian)


Leaving the confinement of his bedroom he enters the next room, the open wide living room a simple sofa, desk carpet and shelves decorate. What catches his eyes are the paintings that adorn his, walls each depicting a colorful bright scenery from around Equestria. He noticed about his signature on each one.

"Are these... Mine?" He whispers touching one of the colorful paintings.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@, @@Rainbow Eclipse, @,


I finally reached them at their tiny camp with Zecora in tow. "Here... is.... Zecora.." I said through pants, tired from the running then hiking all the way back through the forest. Not to mention I was scared out of my wits from walking slowly through the forest.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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"Hiya Zecora!" I exclaimed, waving a vaporous hoof at the zebra. "It is nice to see you Storm Shine, though who is the pony made of vines?" She replied with a small smile. "Oh that's Chain! We accidently brushed into some of that Poison joke while lookin' for a friend of ours..." I told her happily. "Yes of those plants I'm quite aware, though you should know that laughter is not all they share." Zecora reprimanded the pegasus. "One of vines and one of clouds, I hope your lessons have been heard very loud?" She asked sternly, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeppers, I really should be more aware of my self and my surroundings!" I replied, "So.... How do we get back to normal?" Zecora looked at me and Chain. "While it is uncommon, that is true... An element merge is not new..." She informed us, "To cause this change to be fixed, into your bodies I shall pour this mix.." Zecora pulled two small vials out of her saddlebag. "Okie Dokie!" I said, "Pour away!" Zecora walked over and poured the mixture over my head. I fell to the ground in a heap as I became solid disorientatingly fast. "Oof... Thanks Zecora..." I groaned out from my position on the ground. "You are quite welcome my friend, Help is something I am always happy to lend..." She said with another smile as she walked over to Chain, "Are you ready for the mix?" She asked, "As you could see, it is a very quick fix."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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In sparks void he heard sounds growling he was waking up the growling came again spark closed his eyes and opened them very quickly he was awake a timber wolf was in front of him spark got up and sprinted in a random direction as a kept running he started to hear voices "as you could see it is a very quick fix" he heard zecora he thought as he ran in the direction spark bursted from the trees into a clearing he couldn't see because a branch had broken off onto his face "timber wolf mad following me help" he sputtered as he crashed to the ground spark hoped and prayed that zecora could stop the timber wolf

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@Storm Shine @Midnight Starfall @Rainbow Eclipse


"alright pour it on meee!" Chain said getting thrown into the forest by his vines losing sight of his friends "what the heak is wrong with this plant!" the vines swung around deeper and deeper into the forest as Chain saw creatures he never thoult would exist in my little pony

Edited by Santakupo
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Zecora observed this oddity with a small frown. "The vines seem to be aware... And the cure is not something for which they would care..." She commented before another pony burst into he clearing and collapsed. "A timber wolf? Did it follow you?" I asked, looking at the new pony.


(OOC: Sorry forgot to explain this last chapter, but I used a gold-ish color for zecora because Black doesn't stand out from the normal text and white wouldn't be read well at all... So I figured that since she has all those gold bangles and stuff on her, I'd use gold! :P  .....Also, am I doing okay as Zecora?)

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Storm Shine


"Yes I think please stop it I think" spark said as he removed the branch from his face he was hyper ventilating spark slapped himself and It hurt because he had forgotten that he had hooves then he heard the growling again spark drew his sword and tuned around he hoped there was another pony with a different idea as he could not maneuver his sword well when he relized his robo claw was damaged

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