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open Pony Reincarnation

Storm Shine

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@,@@Rainbow Eclipse,  


Chain and I quickly arrived at Violia's hut, and I heard Riley saying something about Poison Joke. "Who knows... I'm curious how a plant develops a sense of humor, and what that humor is though..." I say, walking into the hut. "I mean.... It could be anything, or maybe even nothing. Your mane or tail could suddenly become made of cotton candy for all we know..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"Or what if your entire self became cotton candy?" suggested Riley. "Think about it... you wouldn't be able to move or speak because cotton candy doesn't do that, and nobody would know that is was more than just a regular old piece of cotton candy... it would be terrifying..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


I gulped, "That wouldn't be very funny.... Unless those plants have a super-dee-duperly-meany-pants sense of humor...." I replied nervously. "That would be especially scary around Pinkie... Just thinking of that, turned to cotton candy and devoured by your own marefriend.... *Gulp* That doesn't sound like a good way to go..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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@Strom Shine @Rainbow Eclipse


"well I am going to sleep...if I don't wake up before 10:30 then see what I have turned into it could be cotton candy or pizza or posion joke for all we know" he says worried about how many things could go wrong "I hate this I really hate this I don't want to be a rock or something"

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Riley shivered. "And imagine her wondering where you went and talking with one of her friends about it! What if they said something like, 'You'll do fine without a jerk that leaves you like that, Pinkie. He's probably inside another girl as we speak,'..."


"The irony would be so cruel..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse



I teared up slightly, "Wait.. Somepony thinks I'm a jerk?" I asked sadly, "What'd I do to make somepony think that..... Who thinks that, why, how, where?!?" I asked frantically, grabbing Riley's face between my hooves. "Who is it? I need to make them happy, because if they think I'm a jerk, then I must've done something to make them sad, and if I made somepony sad then I can't be happy, because I know I've made sompony else sad, and if they're sad then I need to make them happy again and make sure to fix whatever I did to make them sad!" I rambled quickly, unable to stand the thought of having caused negative emotions in another.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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I listened to their conversation from across the room. I didn't talk, just listened. I thought about the whole day, turning into a pony, going into the Everfree. Thinking that I was a pony made my head spin, but I couldn't deny it.


I fell asleep later, not caring where I slept at this point. I was tired and I could sleep on a rock for all I cared.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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I forcefully freed myself from Storm Shine's grasp on my adorable red pony cheeks. "I didn't say you were a jerk!" I explained to him quickly, not being able to bear seeing my friend like this. "It was only in that hypothetical situation I just mentioned."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


I paused, "So.... Nopony's actually sad because I did something to make them sad?" I asked hesitantly before breathing a sigh of relief, "Okie Dokie.... Sorry about that Riley.." I apologized. "I've... I've been sad a lot in my life, and I definitely don't want anypony or anything of any species to feel sad where I can prevent it... And I especially don't want to be the cause of it..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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My mind was more on what will be done tomorrow. I watch out my only little window of my hut looking at the outside world of the forest. My eyes wandering around. There is something going on... a odd occurrence. That camp wasn't just there, that part of the foest is very secluded and no pony in their sane mind would adventure this far in. I wondered how my own ponysona Violia could deal with it. I then sigh and yawn some. It's been an ordeal but it's time to rest. I placed the door stop in place to prevent others from entering and went to my premade bed and slept. The new day will bring new things.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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@Strom Shine @Midnight Snowfall @Rainbow Eclipse


"I am going to bed I don't know what we are going to do in the morning but its late so lets sleep" Chain said as he walked to a comfy carpet made of fur and laid down on it "theres more room if any of you want to sleep here" he says with his eyes closed

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James no spark he was spark now remembered the moments before the gunshot vividly he saw were his friends were supposed to be and he saw them dying spark looked down sad he walked back inside and retrieved a journal from a desk in the living room spark sat there for the rest of the day and wrote he wrote everything he remembered from his life as James spark took up two journals writing this then he tied the journals together and placed them in his desk spark turned off the light and trotted over to his bed and layed down everything that had happened would not be his problem in the morning spark smiled

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I attempted to stay awake but even with as much energy as I have, I quickly found myself nodding off. I decided to embrace the world of dreams, leaving Equestria until the moment in which I would reawaken. "Ooh~" I exclaimed, "I like this dream!" I laughed happily as I swam through the muffin pool.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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~~~The next morning~~~


I awoke to see my friends still asleep (except for Storm Shine who was rambling in his dreams). It was then that I realised I was dangling in mid-air. I tried to move, but no effect.


I looked behind me, and what I saw made my eyes widen as pink streaks spread across my cheeks.


My butt had expanded to several times the size of my body. It was twice the size of me, and I was dangling from the centre.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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wakes up "well I see that someone did not avoid the poison joke now what happened to me...well cant use my magic I feel lighter than usual and...I am a plant, this is just great, can I control the vines that make me up" swings around hoof "loosely very loosely"

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I was walking through the Everfree in the dark, except for my tail, which apparently lights up now. I was shaking, taking each step very slowly. I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye and jumped, shaking even more. From the side, the bushes parted and a shadow lunged at me.




I woke up in a jolt, my back legs trying to run away from something invisible. I ended up flipping myself over onto my back, my tail held straight up. I looked around to remember I was safe in Violia's hut with my friends. "Hehe, sorry everybody," I said, rolling over on my stomach. I got up to find Riley looking ridiculous, and a plant was on the rug Chain was on.


"Wait, I thought only Chain stepped in the poison joke?"


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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*Yawn* I stood up, rubbing a hoof to my eye. looked around at my friends. "Ummm...." My jaw dropped as I looked around. Riley's plot had become nearly 8 times the size of the rest of him, and apparently Chain had become some sort of living vine mass... I blinked, "Wow that Poison joke really ran wild with it's humor..." I mumbled, wide-eyed. "Wait... Is anypony else feeling like they've lost weight?" I asked. I felt like I was floating, which was odd because I knew I hadn't even extended my wings. I looked at myself, going bug-eyed. "I'm a cloud!?" I exclaimed in surprise, "I could've sworn I avoided that Poison Joke!"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Rainbow Eclipse, @, @,


"How the hay are you guys all infected by poison joke? How am I not affected, since Storm flew me away from the patch of poison joke?" I asked them, confused.


I looked at Riley, "Jeez, they took it too far on your joke."


I looked at Storm the cloud, "Did you, maybe, graze your wing or hoof on the plant?"


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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I lifted a cloudy-hoof and looked at it contemplatively, "I guess that's a very possible possibility.." I replied slowly, gazing at the grouped cloud-hoof as it moved almost hypnotically. "Ooo~..." I cooed while waving the cloudy limb back and forth, watching it and feeling mesmerized by the hoof with wisps of moisture swirling about it.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"well this is kind of cool but I want my magic back and this is a problem" my arms and legs start to atatch to the wood of the hut "I am going to get stuck at this rate and now animals are coming over to me" sniffs the air "I am making a pharamon thats why, we might want to fix this fast before I am forever rooted with animals crawling on me"

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I shook myself out of my stupor, "Uh yeah, and I'm not sure if I wanna be a cloud forever... Maybe Zecora can just add the ingredients to me and it'll simulate a bubble bath?" I said seriously before adding a mood-lightening joke. "Oh hey, look at this!" I exclaimed, willing the water-vapor to move. "This is cool!" I continued, changing shapes from pony to a cloud hawk to a cloud cupcake and back to a cloudy pony. "Though I still wanna turn back to my normal rubbery pony-self..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Spark got up early in the morning and walked out heading to sugar cube corner James is just a memory a figment of my imagination thought spark as he got to SCC "boy am I Hungry" he said out loud then he saw a pink blur in front of him before a barrage of words "ohyouarehowaboutyoutryamuffinnoa cupcakegetthebluefrostingnowaitgetthepinkfrostingitsmyfavoriteandibetyoud loveit" the pink pony paused only to take a deep breath spark stuck his hoof in her mouth to stop her from talking "ok pinkie I'll get the pink frosted cupcake" spark walked over and purchased the cupcake as he sat down he noticed pinkie mention something odd between the usual gibberish "and yesterday there were some ponies talking about a pizza party and a pizza monster but they didn't see me because I was inside and" but spark didn't listen to any more it was a coincidence wasn't it

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"At least you can still move as a cloud," I said. I tried to heave myself forward, but no effect. I give a sigh. "Well, fellas, if any of you want a large beanbag to sit or lie on, be my guest, so long as you have a way of getting up here," I tell the group.


I turned to Storm. "Let's hope a Pegasus doesn't mistake you for a normal cloud," I said. "I mean, what if they stomp you into water? And what's gonna happen to said water? Will it be drunk? Used to water plants?" I looked at Chain. "Dumped into the river?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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I woke up to allot of commotion. I looks around to see her friends talking about something. I gets up in groggy haze, unblocking the door. My own thoughts still to herself. I sit down a bit and shakes my head a bit to knock off my sleepiness. I sigh and listen to the sound of the birds. "Good morning, everypony." I still wasn't aware of what is going on.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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"well if you talking about him being absorbed into me if that happens thats the first thing I would do because if we get to zecoras fast then mabey he could still live...nevermind he would be inside me and that would be the worst thing to ever happen" chain says to the others thinking about it way to much

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