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open Journey Through Space (Reboot)


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"What? Not tested? Not even on remote probes? ..." She asked her tone becomes concerned, if they haven't tested this generator then their more likely doomed to demise.


I mean she figured they would've at least tested it first before live application... The ESO must be desperate.


"Ooohh. " Gizmo looked around in childish wonder simply fascinated by these new upgrades.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"What? Not tested? Not even on remote probes? ..." She asked her tone becomes concerned, if they haven't tested this generator then their more likely doomed to demise.


I mean she figured they would've at least tested it first before live application... The ESO must be desperate.


"Ooohh. " Gizmo looked around in childish wonder simply fascinated by these new upgrades.

"The truth is, weve had no way to test it, the technology is so large that we cant attach it to any probes, for small scale testing, it was suggested that we send a probe using a rift to the nearest star system, and then use standard FTL engines to go over there to see if worked, but it was deemed that the 2 month journey there and then the 2 month journey back would take too long, time isnt something we have, weve been pressured by deadlines"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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⁂ "Just so you know, I've pseudo-tested this FTL system using quantum mechanical equations, and I even worked with designing some of this myself." Sinu says somewhat nervously; "According to my calculations, I'm confident that will only have a 4% chance of death. Honestly, that's too high, but it's worth changing the world." Joining this mission was the boldest decision he had made in his entire life, and he visibly shows the anxiety it causes him.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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"Yeah well, equations are one thing, actual practice is another." Star responded before grabbing the communicator Mic.

"This is TH-Explore 1 calling to Arctic Traffic control. System check. Solid Copy?" She asks

A, pause

"This Traffic tower 5 dash 8 solid copy." A male voice responds.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The older pony looked at his watch "damn...speaking of deadlines, im going to have to conclude the tour" he turns to the engineer "im going to asume that you are familiar with the inner workings of the standard TH-160, the lower deck is mostly the same just with a much bigger power supply, also entering the room that contains the power supply will require a radiation suit, the lower floor also has a shuttle bay like the standard TH-160" he turns to the pilot "tell the tower your about to lift off, and inform the crew via the intercom" the older pony leaves the cockpit and exits the ship

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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⁂ Sinu has known for a long time that what Star had said was the absolute truth; he had just tried not to acknowledge it. However, his will gives way, and he can't stop thinking about what could go wrong. He hides his face behind the controls, and thinks to himself; "Who am I kidding? I probably won't love to see the end of this mission, and I had so many more plans for my life." He actively tries to remain emotionally stable, and continues hiding.

I wrote this thing.

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With older pony now out of the cockpit, Star mumbled, "I know how to do my job."

She grabbed hold of the communicator switching to intercom mood







"Attention all personnel, this is your flight officer. Lift off will proceed in 10 minutes. All personnel are to report to their quarters until planet side orbit has been exited." She states.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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the radio activated the older pony spoke "get yourselfs strapped in"


the ship suddenly started to turn vertical and was descended down into a silo, the gravity generator activated making sure everything didnt fall and crash, the ship descended deep in the silo


"launch when ready, the media and news outlets will be watching, the ESO has finally beat Space Dynamics Incorporated at Space Innovation!"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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⁂ Sinu straps himself in and begins preparations for liftoff. He plugs his Polypad into the ship's stereo system, and plays a song he wrote a long time ago (https://m.soundcloud.com/skyler-talbott-settle/akveroj); one that he feels would be the best song to play if he were about to die doing something heroic. He begins the liftoff trajectory calculations, and puts a hoof to his face, making sure that his eyes weren't getting too wet.

I wrote this thing.

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As Steve and Abby were getting settled in their quarters together, they heard Star Chaser over the intercom, "Attention all personnel, this is your flight officer.  Lift off will proceed in 10 minutes.  All personnel are to report to their quarters until planet side orbit has been exited."


"Well, I'm glad we got settled in."  Abby stated towards Steve.


"Ya, there's no turning back now, we're going to space."  Steve stated with a genuine smile.

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Paradoxical takes notes throughout the whole session for how to spice up the tour so that ponies who didn't just gush over technical details, space or whatnot would enjoy looking at the survey of the ship.  As he stumbles over to a quarter to strap himself in, he realizes that he's made it into the wrong quarters.


Meanwhile, Water Biscuit has strapped down her suitcase in the hydroponics bay and was tut-tutting at the plants that they had here.  "Really, a generation 3 Pinkie beet?  Didn't the pony who set up the bay care about nutrition or taste?!  That will have to go. . . She carefully notes the time when the 10 minute clock starts.  then at the eighth minute she maneuvers the plants in their bays and straps herself into one of the hydroponic bays.  "We're apple's and heather!" she sings the song from old as a traveling song for her plants.

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⁑ "We get to go to space and stuff now! Then I'm gonna shoot some stuff and it's gonna be great!" Edge says happily. He then decides to start singing a nonsensical song that he has just made up. "We're the ponies, we're the ponies, we're the pony-est ponies; all we do is stay in this room. And bananas!"

⁂ Sinu looks around the ship at the ponies who are clearly excited to take off, and rhetorically asks to all of them, with a grave tone; "Don't you realize, that this might literally be the last day of our lives?"

I wrote this thing.

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gold rush had kept silent throughout most of the tour, he had taken not of the shuttle bay and the various science equitment more then impressed on the condition and how neat ti was sorted. He was crazy about things bieng tidy, a bit of neat freak really. Not that he coudln't get down and dirty, hell it was his job to do so. Regardless outside of a mineshaft or cave he liked order.

Gold buckled up by his window in his quaters, the long glass window made for a nice view as the ship turned. He blinked at the tilting angle as the ship with vertical and yet he didn't move. Gavity generators tended to mess with a ponies sence of direction.

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"Can you warn me next time before you suddenly start doing the prep phases!?" Star shouted into the radio trying to contain her fury. The Old pony's sudden take hold on the prep-launch was against her standard plan procedure like every other flight officer should.


Gizmo was about into engineering having settling some of his items in the small office, Gizmo somehow thought of the tight space to be thematic. After all, it was apart of training learning to squeeze tight spacing and such... he giggled a bit at the thought of an innuendo.

he took notice of the grav Gens through their compartment door, they had been activated. He quickly enters his office.


"Engineering. Star? Who turned our..." He noticed outside his window of the vertical position.

"Wait!? This is a vertical take off? When did this happen?" He asked.


"I hate it too. Don't know. Just get prep done quick!" Star replied. Gizmo took into his seat buckling up.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The ship began to rattle as the engines roared to life


an intercom rang out "5...4...3...2...1...LIFTOFF" the ship began speeding twords the sky at amazing speeds, before they knew it they were in the upper atmosphere


the crowd below cheered and news and media outlets were on the scene covering it


the ship was out of the atmosphere and in orbit above the planet


the ships radio came alive "stand by for further instructions, gives the news satellites plenty of time to film the ship and get pictures we will return to you shortly" 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"I ain't your show pony..." Star grumbles, she activates the rocket decoupler, the rocket beneath slowly drifts away from underneath it. Not wanting to be around any further Star activates flips flights trajectory, and disabling RTS. The hydrogen cell drive engines began to light up.

"There you are baby." Star whispers.


"This is Explore-1, call sign.... Driftmoon. Calling Arctic Traffic Control. Atmosphere cleared beginning diversion to Langley Station radius for departure." She says via radio back to the control planet side.


"Roger that Driftmoon. " Control replies

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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⁂ Sinu marvels at his planet from space for few moments, before looking back to his control setup. Due to the complexity of his job, he was the only pony in the cockpit with controls to the front, back, and left side, for he sat at the back left window. His horn glows as he unlocks his chair from position, and swivels it around to the desk at his side. He picks up a pen from his pencil rack, and begins writing down several equations. He says while writing, "How about we test out the space rift generator by creating a wormhole to the planet Nemo, on the edge of our solar system?"

I wrote this thing.

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"That's a no go. First we gotta clear out through the asteroid belt just beyond Mizar. Now I don't know the whole process of FTL but I know by common sense if you know there's something in the way, you gotta get past. "

Star says as she examines about the vector readouts. Coming into view is Equestria's moon. The faded image if Nightmare Moons print slightly visible.

"We don't wanna jump into FTL and unknowingly hit an asteroid." She says.


Gizmo is about in his office dancing about to his electronic music in his usual habit, his flank swaying about as he simply watched the readouts displaying ship status.

"Engineering! All good!" He quickly states.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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⁂ "Trust me, I've accounted for that." Sinu says to Star; "That belt is approximately 87 million kilometers out from our current position, and is 962,000 kilometers thick, perpendicular to Equestria. Therefore, it would just need to change our angle by 0.33°, rounding up for a margin of safety. Then, we go back the other way at the opposite of that angle, once we clear the astroid belt. Also, if we hit any obstacles along the way, as long as they're spread more sparsely than the astroid belt, the ship's incredibly strong frame will simply burn them up with friction. I'm specially trained in this kind of stuff, and plus, we won't have to worry about it when using the space rift generator."

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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Star had gave an acknowledging smirk. She reached up to her communicator.

"Edge. How's turret status any complications?" She asks before switching channels.

"Gizmo I want you to check the thermal clippings deposits for the turret. Should be in cool-" she was interrupted.

"I knew where the thermal clippings are no worries." Gizmo replies.

((OOC: Hey Sinu? Sorry to bother if you're uncomfortable with the idea but, how would you feel about Gizmo having a crush on Edge?))

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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ginger- (yawn)


what the heck just happened?
I was left out?< what happened?
hey every pony?
where the hell are you guys? , damn I'm a deep sleeper. >.<
I hate myself, anyway I gotta find them before they take off.
ginger went on board in the ship and tries to find the others..

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⁑ "Well, Sun or whatever you name is, I can't test out these guns until I get your stupid permission!" Edge says to star; "So you either you ask me to shoot these freakin' guns, or you tell me not to."

⁂ Sinu looks at the trajectory displays, and sees that they will instead generate the wormhole near Langley. "Oh, okay." He mumbles; "I'll just simplify the equation by removing the trajectory change after the astroid belt."

I wrote this thing.

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"I've painted a target for you. Space debris. Should be highlighted on your HUD." She says.

"When your ready, you're clear to engage." She says.


Gizmo is about in the thermal clippings storage, the room emitting a vibrant warmth.

"Engineering. All thermal clips are ready. Clear to fire!" Gizmo announces

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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⁑ Edge looks over his display, and says to star over the intercom; "Yeah, I see it." He turns his turret to a lower power setting, and fires it at the target, pushing it several hundred meters away in the zero-gravity environment of space. "Now here's the real challange!" He says enthusiastically. He turns up the power, aims carefully, and shoots at the target. The bolt hits the target in the perfect center, blasting chunks of it equally in all directions. "Yeah, that's pretty much why I keep it on manual."

I wrote this thing.

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The radio comes to life "Alright, its time to give the public a demonstration of FTL, using just the FTL engines fly to the asteriod belt, it shouldnt take but 10 minutes, we want to save the Space Rift Generator to travel to other solar systems only, also warn me when your going to fire the turret, your lucky the public seemed to enjoy seeing the fire power, remember its the auto turrets job to take out the small stuff, anyway, ive uploaded a waypoint to the edge of the asteroid belt, so get to it!"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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