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open Remains of a Forgotten Past RP

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The Alchemist walked up to Foxist and put her hoof against his "were foxist gos i go.

she said with her other hoof she pulled out necklace that looked like a transmutation circle

but made of gems she put it around Foxist neck "i have one to and whereever you are you will always be able to find me.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist kissed Alchemist again.

"Thanks, my love."

Some thought hit his mind.

He suddenly got running to the basement, very very fast.

In there, he was expecting to find the purple circle, but nothing was in there instead.

Just a little note. Really everything was cleaned up like nothing were happened.


Note content:


Are you scared?

You hadn't discovered all about the building.

There is something whitewashed in the first floor. You should ask your smart partner to investigate.


"Oh, I have to tell Shadowhide. HEY WHIDE, COME HERE!"

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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Sweet Symphony woke with a start, her ears ringing. She took a moment to let her eyes focus on the grimness around her, and to let the ringing fade, before standing up. She looked around the bleak landscape. Everything around her seemed to be burnt. Looking up at the sky, she was surprised to see that it lacked celestial bodies - no moon, and no sun. Had something happened to the Royal Sisters?

Not far from her there was a wall with a door, and in the distance, she could faintly make out a building of some sort.
Confused, groggy, and disoriented, the blue-coated Earth Pony started clumsily making her way to the building. As she got closer, she saw it was a house, comprised of three floors. By this time, she had fully woken up and walked at a normal pace.
She cautiously approached the door of the house. Hesitantly, she reached a hoof up and knocked.

Around the back of the building, a small orange Pegasus awoke with a splitting, migraine. She drowsily groaned in pain and stayed still until she felt she could stand. When she did stand, the world spun for a moment. Her head throbbed with every movement.
As her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she found she was no longer in the room of the place she had to call "home," namely her room in the orphanage she lived in.
Suddenly, she heard something. It sounded like hooves on wood. Looking around for the source, she found that she was at the back of a building. The noise seemed to have come from the front. Curious and cautious, the small Pegasus snuck around the side and peeked towards the front. A light blue mare with pastel hair was knocking on the door. The Pegasus, naturally timid, decided to stay put and see what happened.
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Blackfire about to head on out to scout ahead had heard the knock on the door. She looked around and everyone was there and Foxist was downstairs. She slid out her Tac-45 from its holster and prepare to shot whatever was behind that door. She readied herself and said in a demanding force "whose there" and waited for a response

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Shadowhide made her way to the basement when Foxist called her. When she got there, she quickly read the note. 'So, you want me to find whatever's whitewashed on the first floor.' It was more a statement than a question, as she walked back up the stairs without expecting a response.


Shadowhide then spent some time walking throughout the first floor, looking for anything suspicious. It took a little while, but she soon found something, small indents on one of the walls which formed letters. It was very difficult to see due to the wall being a uniform colour, so Shadowhide drew over the indents to make it more visible. When she was done, the words 'Apple Builders TM' and beneath that 'Happiness Awaits', were clearly visible on the wall. There was also an arrow that seemed to point north. 'Foxist!' she called. 'I found it!'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Symphony frowned, not expecting such a response.
"Um... My name is Sweet Symphony. I don't know where I am.... I just woke up here. I just want to find the quickest way back home."

The orange Pegasus overheard this, but did not move. While she was in the same situation, she wasn't comfortable asking others for help.

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Blackfire peeked though the small hole in the door and saw the scared innocent looking pony with a pastel blue coat and a minty green mane. Blackfire lowered her tac-45 still having it ready if she needed it. She opened the door "come on in I have some bad news to tell you"

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Foxist heard the words from Shadowhide.

"Apple Builders?!" He already heard about the Apple family, but they were farmers, not builders.

"If I ain't wrong, I think they were farmers, weren't they?"

So he created a theory.

"Guys, I have a thing in my mind... If everybody was normal and fell asleep, it could prove that something, and I said something, kidnapped us. And probably teleported us through time, in a state where there were almost no survivors. So Apple Builders are from the time that they needed more money, maybe. Of course, it is a theory."

Shadowhide probably accidentally boldly contrasted the phrase Happiness Awaits."


When he saw the arrow, the image from Moon came in his mind. "Wait. Moon doesn't exist anymore."

He said more loud: "Wait, guys. I finally realized. I wasn't in the Moon! Did you remember when me and Alchemist got in the basement? That I said that I watched something in the moon? It was a vision from the past!"


He thought if the farms got burnt before the enterprise Apple Builders were created, and so the fire spread out through the Equestrian continent. But of course, was a theory.

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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The Alchemist looked at Foxist strangly

"what would cause such a fire that it would burn so much land?

she asked "it would have to be magicly fueled so maybe just maybe it wasent an acident?

she walked over to Foxist "maybe someone or something did this to gain soemthing.

"but what could they gain from burning equestria?


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"Objectives sometimes aren't obtaining", said Foxist.

A Note fell in the ground.


Note content.

Hey Foxist!

Ya are very smart. I should have expected this.

Wanna clues? Another clue for you:



"That sender... Sometimes I think it is the something. But sometimes I think it wants to help us."

He looked at Shadowhide.

"What about solving it?"


[OOC: the thing that burnt Equestria will be called something, with thing in bold now.



Just now Foxist heard the mint-colored-coated pony.

"BlackFire, tell her. Please tell her by yourself what's going on. Shadowhide, Alchemist, let's go."

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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The Alchemist followed Foxist thinking how she could improve her musket,

from the tech on blackfires weapon.

when she reached  the basement stairs she was so deep in thought she fell down them,

"what- agghhh! she said falling down the stairs she hit the bottom with a loud snap!

of bones breaking,


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"equestria has been burned down and we still don't now the cause of it. Most of the pony's here woke up from there homes to find this but I saw a little bit of what had happened but nothing that could have given me a damn clue as to what caused this because I was just doing my nightly fly around cloudsdale when I got knocked back by some explosion by the weather factory and fell and collapsed and woke up to meet these pony's" blackfire explained to the minty green mane and pastel blue coat." Oh and by the way what is you name I don't believe you've told me yet

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Symphony followed the mare in and listened to her words. She frowned.
"Burned down?" She echoed. "That's awful. Well, it at least explains why everything around here looks charred. anyway, you must not have heard me, because I said my name is Sweet Symphony. What's yours?"

The orange Pegasus was listening to this through the hole in the door, having crawled over to it after the two mares went inside. 

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"Oh sorry it was a little hard to hear though the door but my name is blackfire. And the rest of us are around here somewhere i think they went downstairs or ....." Blackfire heard the deathening scream of alchemist and the load thuds on the stairs. Blackfire rushed to the top of the stairs and yelled "is everything alright"

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There was no answer to blackfire, because of one simple reason.

the alchemist is......dead. The snap you heard was her neck she is dead



(OOC im not leaving the rp just throwing you for a twist she will be back but in... other ways oh the fun im going to have with this oh the fun)

Edited by thatonepony12


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist saw the Alchemist dead.

He stared with empty eyes.

A single tear roll down in his face.

"Why?", was his only word in five minutes.

"Alchemist", Foxist said to the walls, "you were the only reason and the only hope I could have in this filthy place. I just... I just can't stand anymore."

A note fell in the ground.


Note content.

Hapinez aweitz


Foxist needed to be strong again. He needed to lead his group to theirs promised land. He needed to discover the mysteries of this burnt land. "And I will. But not now."

So he forced his transformation in Evil Foxist, imaginating his brother behind him, as the only way to escape a probable madness.


"Now take care of my mind and body for a while. Keep me from reality until second order"

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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The alchemist opened her eyes and looked around she was in a white room with a tv one the wall.

she realized the plan had worked! when she had givein foxist the necklace she had made it attached to her soul

so when she died, her soul was in the necklace now. all he had to do was find a body to put her in like a suit of armor or

something. she whisperd this all to foxist hopeing he would hear her.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist created his own fake reality while Evil commanded his body.

He heard some thoughts. I mean, the thoughts could be heard to him.

Something about plans.


"It sounds like Alchemist's voice used to sound like... Wait."

He looked at himself. The necklace was in his fake reality too.


"She told me about never leaving... or loosing me... Oh, I can feel now. Alchemist, are you still there?"

Evil Foxist called him.

"Wanna get out? It's not like I would do in any situation, but they really need your help. Now get out."

Foxist was feeling the fabrics of reality covering him, keeping in mind that Alchemist was with him now.

Suddenly he was with everypony around him.


"Alchemist, please tell me what you're about to do. Or can't you talk with me... Oh, I might be crazy. Or desperate."

He looked at the new ponies.

"You probably already know our situation. You aren't just in this group. You are about to join us keeping in mind that your life could be the same everyday. Or that you could never leave us if you want to be alive. However, my Special Somepony..." looked sad at a random point, then looked to his necklace, growing better "but I know she will never leave me. So, are everypony ready? We are going to get out of here, towards the promised lands!"

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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"ok i will scout ahead to warn you guys of any danger that may lie in this burnt equestria. Oh and foxist I'm sorry about alchemist. I know how much he meant to you." Blackfire told foxist. Then blackfire stretched her wings and walked outside and then got ready to fly off

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Foxist looked to the sky.

"A sunless day... And a moonless night."

Looked to the burnt ground.

The whitewashed words came in his mind, along with his memories in the false moon and the notes.

"The note...", another thing he remembered. Picked the note of the wrapped words.


Foxist said:

"Ponies, let us go. The earlier I get out of this place, better."


[OOC: @@FortyTwo42,  I am moving Shadowhide, but anyway she is coming with the group.]

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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(OOC: Sorry, I am getting a little busy lately. Anyway, since I'm posting immediately after you, I'd like to move Shadowhide out of the basement myself. I'm not really happy with other people controlling my characters. If you want to do that later, could you ask first please?)


Shadowhide didn't need to look at the message long to find out what it said. It was such a simple, almost pathetically so, cipher. It's just words written backwards. 'It says "basement rug",' Shadowhide announced. 'I'll go check it.'


Shadowhide walked into the basement and found the rug. She moved it and checked it, but as she did, she couldn't find anything of note. It's just a normal rug covering a normal floor. Well, better go back and report her findings, or lack of findings.


She walked out of the basement a little while later and rejoined the group. 'There's nothing in the basement,' she said.


When Foxist said they should leave, Shadowhide replied 'Agreed. I doubt there's much we can find out from here.'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"alright are we all set I am ready to gets airborne again." Blackfire said to the group that had finally assembled outside. "and maybe while I can look for landmarks to tell use where we are because if this a burnt equestia there still should be something left to give me a sense of location"

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Foxist laughed.

"Our promised land", said idly.


He looked behind to see a closed door.

"Well, judging for a mystery in the whitewashed arrow and my vision from the past Moon, I could say that we have to go to the north. Let's see... Left hoof in the west "He said, pointing his left hoof to the bright side of the sky "... Right hoof in the east..."  He pointed to the other side " Yeah, it's that way. I guess. And I am taking this door."

Saying this Foxist pulled the door out of the house, bringing with him with magic. "It's a shame that the Alchemist's musket made a hole here... But whatever."

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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