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open War of the princesses


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/115928-war-of-the-princesses/?p=3345963#entry3345963



Spark walked through the hanger passing a few ponys along the way until he stopped at one of the huge cargo VTOL's it was his spark climed a ladder bolted onto the back of the VTOL and went into the vehicle he was on a small balcony that led into the cockpit spark looked out over the cargo area 4 wooden crates a small motercycle a shipping crate and in a large metal cage lots of rockets heavy ammo and 30mm rounds spark went into the cockpit and shut the door inside was a small pilot area and then another small area down a stair case that led to another door which opened into the cargo area sparks VTOL was originally built for transport but he had modified it and now it was armed with 4 50 caliber Gatling guns on the hull for defence plus a large turret mounted beneath the cockpit which sported a rail gun powerful enough to knock an attack ship out of the sky but slow to reload the ship also carried four missile pods two fired hellfire missiles and the other two fired 16 homing rockets at a time and the last weapons were two turrets that were mounted on the top front and top rear areas that carried 30mm Gatling cannons it had taken spark all of three years to modify the VTOL but now it was a death machine but it also had weaknesses as spark walked through the lower door that led into the cargo area he went into the shipping crate which contained two things a bed and a work table that had a project which spark was working on he walked to the bed laid down and slept

Edited by Thebrony13
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Rainbow was currently working on improving the ship by showing Spark new items that will make the ship more useful but as she saw the Rockets, turrets and ammos that were stored in the ship She decided to do it later when the war is finished so Rainbow decides to get onto the ship. As she was walking she saw spark sleeping without a sound rainbow shrugged and creeped away so that she wouldn't wake him up from his nap. "Hmm.. the ships all ready to go but what else do we need we got the heavy rocket ammo ready, the Guns ready, missiles good to go,the cannons are right with the turrets activated but something seems to be out of place.." She thought for a moment but shrugged at the very last second and looked at her badge she got when rainbow was allowed to join and sigh she remembered her little sister scootaloo back when there was no war going on but since rainbow had to leave because of the princesses orders

she was now very lonely with spark so without anything to do she got out of the ship and headed towards the castle.


Edited by Spike2211
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AppleJack quickly scanned over her checklist. "Ground systems online. Air defense Shield operational. drones ready for take off" Applejack said under her breath. This war had taken all remence of applejacks old life Bic mac had been deployed to the front line in ponyville her old home. Granny smith and Apple Bloom where lost when celestia's army had stormed ponyville and took over sweet apple acres. Applejack had to flee and was lucky that Luna had taken her as second in command of the New Lunar republic. She walked up to Luna's command Room and knocked "Princess Luna i have some news to tell you

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Spark had waken up a few minuets ago to an alarm ponyville was under siege spark ran down his per flight check list not that he needed to his ship was always in good condition spark hit the button to ignite the four engines all the engines started without a problem spark saw rainbow dash standing outside of the ship in the hanger as he radioed flight control "this is whiskey/bravo assault shuttle requesting permission for lift off" "permission granted" said flight control spark imeadiatly lifted off and hit the accelerator he watched out the port window as the thruster adjusted itself into a diagonal position which would propel the ship spark hit the button to auto load all the wepons there was a battle to fight

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Applejack was at her command table. When she checked the radar she knew Celestia has income Air support. "launch the fighter drones ready the surface to air missiles for combat" Applejack had shouted at the earth ponys working at the computers. "prepare a transport ship to take in more ground support " she said as she went to the armoury and got on a combat suit and grabbed a full automatic assault rifle and said "time to bring out the big guns"

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Luna trotted over to the front of the hanger with her head up high as she started to speak to the earth ponys and some unicorns "the fight will soon begin and like a said I was going to do I will follow you all in to the fight and provide support for all, we will lose many ponys but with are supplies we can win this!" she said with confidence after hearing the news that Celestias Air support was coming  

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"are we clear for takeoff " Applejack ask Luna as she strapped herself in position and careful made sure the safety on the rifle is on and waited for Luna to respond "the sooner we get out of here and to ponyville the more prepare we will be when Celestia's air support arrives

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"we will send them right now" Luna says to Apple Jack then turns to the crowd "we are moving out right now go go go go go!" alarms started to go off and then with a microphone connected to the speakers Luna started saying "to battle everypony! to ponyville!"

after she said that she starts heading to her jet

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The transport and fighter-bombers closed in on ponyville "target 30 seconds out tell we are within firing range of Celestia's Air support" "Ground troops prepare for deployment were going in hot Luna will be right begin us " Applejack said over the radio

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Spark was 30 seconds out from the battle he had overdone the engined upgrades now he could not only match the speed of a jet but he could surpass it spark arrive some of celestias ground forces were attacking spark charged up the rail gun and fired one tank down demolished he saw celestias Air Force all of it it was a force to be reckoned with but so was spark he was a juggernaut a one pony army he felt invincible a small white radio to his left lit up with yellow lights a radio spark had Made so he could listen to celestias troops when they were talking " look the reaper" it said they must have been referring to sparks warship he liked that they had nicknamed him the reaper,death,destroyer of souls,architect of doom not all of those had been named but the reaper was still cool spark recharged the rail gun and fired into the mass half a jet crashed to the ground suddenly sparks early warning systems started blaring in his ears about 38 missiles came flying at him his 50. cal Gatling guns automatically took care of them spark hit a small red button on the right side of his console all of his missile pods unloaded and the front line of jets was destroyed then his 30mm cannons took aim and fired into the mass jets and VTOL's started smoking and slowing down then he saw an unholy beast of a tank drive up on the horizon the barrel of the turret was 40ft long and 5ft wide and it was aimed right at spark what ever happened next it would not be good

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"I will take care of this!" Luna said covering Spark as she shot missles into the barrel of the gun but the tank shot its cannon and hit luna as it was being destroyed by her then she ejected slowing her fall with magic "somepony help the princess!" said a random pony how saw her plane crash

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"Luna is down I repeat Luna is down" "I need all response teams there immediately have our unicorns cast a projection spell in that area the princess must be alive" Applejack screamed into the radio "I will take care of the tank and send in all backup VTOL warships we got we cant lose ponyville" Applejack added and got in the heavy armoured attack vehicle and started to head towards the tank that shot Luna and 2 Of the Lunar republic's warships follow spark and started to engage

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Spark hit a button on his console and his cockpit window turned red it was some new technology that spark was working on but he hadent presented it to the princess every thing was outlined in white then all of sparks allies were outlined in blue and the enemies in yellow next for most of the enemies green lines appeared like laser sights pointing where they were aiming only one was pointed at the princess but spark was not in range to hit the gunner so instead he broke off from the two VTOL's following him and flew in between the princess and the gunner but it was not what spark had expected a bright white beam of light seen even through his windshield it impacted the front left engine of sparks ship he looked to see if the engine was still working only to find that it was disintegrated he knew he would crash but spark also knew he could control it he faced towards the gunner and started to accelerate spark hit the ground bounced twice and crushed the gunner and the new wepon he was armed with spark was moderately fine just a few cuts and scrapes he grabbed a pair of goggles off the console and draped them around his neck spark kicked open the door to the small balcony but before he left he put all of his guns that still worked on automatic spark jummed over the balcony railing and landed in the cargo area he needed supplies

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"3...2...1" Luna grabed on to an edge of a support helicopter "just like I thoult" Luna looks up and see's ponys pointing guns at her "nevermind looks like this is going a different way" she uses her magic to disarm them and points the guns at them "get a parashot and jump out now same this goes for you pilot!" they get parashots and one jumps out but the other trys to punch the princess but she blocks it with her guns, not a great idea because he grabs both of the guns and hits her legs with them "not the greatest..move" she says on the floor in pain getting hit with the butts of the guns "we got Luna! victory will soon be ours!"

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After dealing with the Tank Applejack notice Sparks Vtol Crash land and crush the gunner closest to Luna's crash site. The response teams were still a few minutes out and nothing stood between the Princess (if she survive the crash) and Spark who probably has some for of weapon that could kill a weakened Luna. Applejack Slammed on the gas and headed directly towards Luna. As she got there The radio shouted"Response team down. I repeat the response team is Down. " "that was strange" Applejack thought" if the response team is down who just picked up Luna in those support helicopters." She glance closely and noticed the symbol on the pilots helmet. "Shit Luna has been captured by Celestia. All units surround that support helicopter do not engage I repeat do not engage Princess Luna is on board"she shouted over the radio and the helicopter became surrounded

Edited by Blackfire
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Spark grabbed a suit of battle armor standard issue except with the neck piece cut off spark also grabbed a hat and but it on he had never been much for helmets the he grabbed two guns a glock 22 full auto extended clip and a rife not a sniper but still scoped and it was semi auto spark also picked up a silver cylinder just the right size to fit around his hoof he put it on then picked up some c4 he had to demolish the railgun on the front of the VTOL

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"lets get out of here!" the pilot said as Luna was still getting hit in the head by the guns bleeding almost everywhere "when we get back your exicution will be the main event as Celestia drinks a cup of tea watching the betraying sister get what she diserved"

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Spark opened the cargo ramp to his crashed VTOL and scanned the area with his goggles one of celestias VTOL's was hovering over the wreckage of Luna's fighter he scanned it five enemies two in the cockpit and three in the cargo area and one ally but not blue purple luna but spark couldn't do anything the only pony he could shoot was the pilot but that would cause a crash and almost certainly an explosion so instead spark planted the c4 on the rail gun he ran to a safe distance and held up the detonator he hoped the explosion would distract the ponys that had captured luna

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"the heak was that explosion coming from!?" the pony how was still beating up Luna said he goes to look out the side door "we have Luna and you will never see her agian!" Luna got up while he said that and pushed the pony out of the helecopter when he parashoted down as Luna waved to the others around her while a pony from cargo went to cheak the explosion and saw Luna  and about to push her off he said "if we go down so does she!"

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Applejack (now invisible because of a spell casted by a Unicorn) she had gotten in a Stealth Vtol and it flew directly over the helicopter and she sprang out and landed inside the cargo bay. She noticed the pony about to push Luna out on attached her silencer to her rifle and readied her rope to catch Luna. She shot the pony and quickly lassoed Luna and made sure she was staple in the aircraft. She looked confused and she realized that her invisibility spell was still in effect

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"well it seem's we have two captives now!" one of the two ponys in the cargo bay as he pointed a gun up to Apple Jack holding the rope "we are geting out of here and to Celestia she will decide what to do with you...however you are" while he said this the other pony hit Luna a few times with the butt of his gun

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Spark looked to the VTOL and scanned it again luna was still captured and another ally registered as applejack the commander and second were bolth prisoner and the VTOL was leaving spark couldn't help and for the first time he noticed that the battle was still going on and that he was in the cross fire spark dove behind a rock separating him from celestias forces spark couldn't die not while he was the best engineer in the army possibly even equestria he took a headset out of his battle suit and put it on instantly he heard chatter from his own forces spark called for a pick up 3 minuets spark needed to get back to the hanger there was no way to stop the VTOL withe luna and applejack but there was something spark had been working on for 16 years at the hanger he had come from and if he could get it working it might be luna and applejacks only chance

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Applejack was tied up and put next to the unconscious Luna. All of her armour and weapons had been stripped from her and her radio com wad destroyed by the celestian gunman. She had no way to get ahold of there forces on the ground and no one wold attack the Vtol or knows that they are even in danger because of the insignia on the ship was that of the Lunar Republic's. As they left the Battlefield she saw the bloodshed and destruction of her old home. She sighed and closed her eyes to think "this is going to be a long ride and tipped her hat down and went to sleep.

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The helecopter started for canterlot and no pony could save Luna or Apple Jack when in the middle of the flight Luna woke up since she was not being hit every 3 seconds anymore she saw Apple Jack sleeping next to her and poked her with her horn trying to wake her up and also saw a pony right next to them about to go asleep himself so Luna was trying to tell Apple Jack silently that we can make are move agianst the pony slowly trying to use her horn now to cut the rope

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Spark had arrived back at the hanger and instructed one of the other engineers to strip everything unnecessary off of one of the VTOL's including the wepons and then he went down to the magazine into the depths and behind a large stack of missiles there was a metal table filled with circuits and hard drives plasma tubes many different objects he was and had been trying to access a pocket dimension for 16 years since he was eleven spark had been a child genius and his fammily had been odd his mother was a unicorn and spark had questioned how it was possible and he had also been intrigued by his mother the way she used magic and had been able to store things with her magic then spark had figured out that she could access a pocket dimension but not use it's full potential the machine spark had been working on for all of these years had been to give him access to one and use its full potential and he would be able to save luna and applejack because theroreticly if you were in a pocket dimension you could emerge anywhere and to think that originally spark was going to join celestia of course he hadn't told luna or anypony else for that matter but no more remembering just working luna and applejack would only have a day or two until they were executed assuming they didn't escape spark got to work

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