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open A.R.E.A 51 (Supernatural/Battle/Slice of Life) Roleplay


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"I saw her walk outside after a few rounds at the bar. I think she went back to the base mate." Charles said to Auria. "She is just a Lunar mage too, they aren't known to have a lot of psychic powers." He added. "However if we ever do decide to capture one of the mongrels, I can probably arrange that myself." Charles finished. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"Yeah, what Charles said. We should probably be heading back ourselves, here soon too. Hopefully we haven't drawn any unwanted attention to ourselves with what we have been talking about. I hope no one heard us, we really don't need The Hunters to set up shop permanently so close to us." Masun said, taking another drink.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Charles got out of his seat. "Yeah mates, I'm gonna head back to my car. If any of you need a ride I'll be in the parking lot for about ten minutes. I drive the dark blue range rover." He said before giving a friendly salute and walking outside. Once he reached his car he pulled out his keys, opened the car, got inside, and rested in the drivers seat and waited.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Auria followed Charles to his car from a safe distance to avoid attracting too much attention. When she got to the carpark, he was no where to be found. "Dark blue Range Rover..." She thought to herself. Auria looked around and spotted Charles sitting in his car, so she headed over and got in the back seat. "Hey."


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Franky got up when the others began to leave. He looked at them as they spoke about the Hunters. Franky ignored this, because he didn't really care who the Hunters were. Franky followed Charles to his car, but was lost in the maze of cars. Franky tried to desperately remember what the car looked like, but he wasn't paying attention. As he looked around, he noticed Auria walking to a car, he noticed Charles was in the driver's seat of a car. Franky walked over and got into the passenger seat, and as he did so he realized he was feeling tired. It seems that Franky had eaten so much meat that he eventually fell into a meat induced coma. As Franky drifted into sleep he entered the recently visited realm of the sleeping, but all the waited for him was himself once again. Franky would be having another internal struggle tonight.

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"Oi mate" Charles said as he looked to the back seat. He noticed Franky get in afterwards. "Seems we just need Masun now." He added as he started the car up. "It's about an hour drive back by car." Charles added and then noticed Franky had feel asleep already and gave a chuckle. "And it seems it's just you and me now, Auria."

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Masun followed the others and got into the back-seat passenger side, right behind Franky. Masun noticed Franky was already asleep, So whatever he is, he still needs sleep. Good to know. Masun thought to himself. 

"This ride is going to take about an hour, seeing as we are around 80 miles away from the base. We could waste the time talking about things." Masun suggested.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Looks like the gangs all here." Charles commented as he finally backed up out of his parking space and then made his way out of the parking lot. He got onto a road and started to make his way back in the direction of the base. "Sounds good to me, what should we talk about? Got any hobbies? Ya like buildin' robots mate?" He asked. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"I don't really have a hobby. I suppose it was gambling. But now it is more along the lines of drinking myself into a delirium and/or cleaning my sword that I named after my dead girlfriend, which is coincidental the cause of my drinking myself into a delirium" Masun replied


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Charles waited a few moments in silence before replying. "What about model trains? Ya ever tried model train buildin'? I think ya should give it a try mate. Imagine it, no booze, no girlfriend sword. Just you, an open room, some plastic parts, and the dreams of seein' the Trans-Siberian Express chug along your living room. Choo choo mate, choo choo." He suggested with the most serious voice he could.   

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Auria giggled when he heard Charles' joke about building trains as a hobby. She always found his humor quite entertaining and she's glad to have someone who brightens up the atmosphere. "Is it normal if I don't have any hobbies?" She asked no one in particular.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Masun looked at his phone which displayed the time, it was now 02:21, which meant it would be time to go to sleep once more here soon. I didn't realize we were there for so long, it's almost time to sleep again, Masun thought. Masun heard Charles' reply, but didn't realize it was a joke until Auria said something. "I never used a train set before, but I did slaughter a bunch of yakuza on a train once. It was the yakuza's train and they were transporting huge amounts of heroine. I think I killed about three hundred people that day. Does that count?" Masun replied.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Charles' face seemed to wince a bit at Masun's story for some reason. "Three hundred people for some drugs seems a bit harsh mate... However, what you could do is get a train set and assemble and paint three hundred to scale suited men and put them on there. And start knockin' them off with small to scale swords like a little miniature serial killer shootin' gallery? You could use some powdered sugar for the smack too. Eh? Eh?" He suggested. 


"I'd say it's normal, no worries mate." Charles replied to Auria. "However it can't hurt to try to find one." 

Edited by Chickey

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"I didn't kill them for the heroine, I killed them because Area 14 told me to make sure there were no survivors on that train. They were mass murdering drug peddling children trafficking pieces of trash. So they weren't exactly innocents either. Making money out of others' misfortune is the code of every organized crime syndicate." Masun replied.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Charles thought for a moment before replying. "I find it hard to believe that all three hundred of those chavs were serial killers. While I have no doubt a portion of them were mate, to think that all three hundred of them were borderline pure evil is a foolish assumption. In fact as hard as it may be to believe, the code for the Yakuza I heard involves justice and duty. Whatwuzzit called again... uhhh... jingo? gingy? parcheesi? jenga? jingi? Yeah, jingi. That's what it was." He said with a chuckle, snapping his fingers when he tried to remember the name. 


"However, I heard the old ways of doing things over there has recently taken a dive as management changes." He added with a shrug. "You got any more Yakuza stories? Remember who was runnin' the gang you fought there mate?" He finished to keep the conversation going. 

Edited by Chickey

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"That's not what I said. I said I killed them because Area 14 told me to kill them, not because they were potential murderers or whatever. I just added that little end bit about them being criminals for the benefit of those listening because they were trash. If you are working for the Yakuza you are either brainwashed to be evil or just plain evil yourself. This was in 1934, and the particular group I was dealing with was the Yamaguchi-gumi, the leader at the time was Yamaguchi Nobura if I remember correctly. At the time they were kidnapping child oddities, it didn't matter what type of oddity they were, it just mattered if they were an oddity. They raided towns and villages at night, kidnapping thousands of innocent children. This was all part of their plan to create an army of supersoldiers under the control of the criminal families. At the time Area 14 wasn't sure where they were located, and truth be told, the Yakuza was quite spread out, on purpose. We would find bases here and there, and destroy them, but it never seemed to make a dent, they always had more." Masun stopped, opened his jacket and pulled out his flask which was still half full, and took a large swig of its contents before continuing. "So, Area devised a plan, they didn't know where all their bases were located, but they had a pretty good solid amount of information about the Yakuza's merchandise network. They thought that if they couldn't hit the Yakuza where they lived, they would hit them where they made a living. It is a pretty ingenious strategy, it is the same strategy employed by the militaries of old. When laying seige to capital cities, the cities would pull up their draw bridges in order to keep out the invaders. In order for the invading army to occupy the city, they would either need the proper equipment to tear down the walls, or they could do what smart armies do. They would block up the streams and sources of water that lead into the city and cause a drought. Either the city would have to come out from their walls or die of dehydration. This plan was much like that, we would cut off their main financial sources and cause a bankruptcy. I was just one of many deployed to bring this plan into fruition. We didn't have fancy names for operations back then like we do now. But now, if you were to look into the files concerning this event it would be entitled Operation King-breaker. I, like many others, were deployed to attack their trade routes and kill all who were affiliated with the trade routes as well as destroy all the product they were transporting." Masun was looking out the window at the passing desert terrain as he spoke. "So, I did just that. While the train was moving, I ran beside it and hopped aboard the car that was right after the caboose. The car was empty, but was connected directly to a passenger car, which no doubt was there to keep some yakuza guards aboard to make sure things went smoothly. I overheard them speaking about their plan to raise up the oddity army. They said things like, "if they are weak oddities, who cares? They can still fetch a large sum from rich perverts." That is when I had heard enough, and decided to send them all to hell, or wherever people like them go. So don't buy into their whole system of honor, it is as flimsy and as flexible as the crappy swords they use."  Masun finished.

Edited by Samurshy


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"I never said that was the reason why you killed them. I'm just saying justifying all their deaths on their apparently bad morals may not be entirely fair. Justifying the death of any bloke is quite a hard thing to do. Kidnappin' kids is pretty high up on the evil tower however." He replied. "Considering your targets trash is never a good thing to do. On one side If they are truly 'trash' that just makes you the garbage man mate. Trash isn't worth fighting." He explained. "And on the other side, your hubris could get the best of ya, and one day you realize that their swords are a lot less flimsy than you remember. The system of honor is only as flimsy and flexible as the individual lets it become" He finished. 

Edited by Chickey

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"The jingi is a sham. They spout idealistic nonsense to look professional, and maybe on some level, they believe it themselves. But it is really just an adjustable goalpost they move to suit their current needs. Their first rule in the code was, 'No sale or distribuition of illicit drugs' and yet, there I was, on a train full of illicit drugs. The 4th rule in the code deals with many things but , 'No kidnapping' was one of them, and yet, there they were, talking about kidnapping and selling children. The, 'we deal our own justice' act is all cool and noble looking on the outside, but when you realize who chooses what constitutes, 'justice' then you realize that their system is the same as every other crime organization: bully the weak and make a profit off of it. I find the mere fact that you are defending them, disgusting. Sure, them being scumbags doesn't necessarily justify me murdering them, but it puts it into perspective. If I would have said, 'Area 14 ordered me to murder a train full of orphans, woman, and old people, that would be a lot worse than the reality, which is that I had to kill a train full of members of an organization that thrives off of the anguish of the poor."  Masun retorted. "And why exactly are you defending them? It sounds like you have a soft spot for the yakuza for some weird reason."

Edited by Samurshy


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Charles kept quiet for a few moments, his tone shifting a bit when he finally replied. "I'm just sayin' it's not very batman like of you to kill three hundred people and mark them all off as trash. Dust off your buster browns and take a chill pill mate. How about we get some tunes goin'?" He said as he got a small stereo remote from the dash. He tossed it back to Masun. It had a small touchscreen and a list of all the music he had. It was mostly vintage music, but it had a little bit of everything on it. In the meantime Charles started up the stereo, a random song coming on.


Afterwards Charles seemed to go into autopilot while driving. It wasn't as bad as in the casino, but he no longer seemed to be fully there. This was rather hard to notice from the backseat though. 

As he drove he began to hear the same sounds as before in the casino. It wasn't as bad as before, but it still caused him to look instinctively outside the window for the source. Instead of the blank Nevada desert, he saw a rainy stormy town now. And judging by the characters on the signs, it was in Japan. 


Charles adjusted the rear view mirror to look at himself. He didn't look quite as young as he was in the last flashback, maybe only two years before current time. Nobody else was in the car with him, and his clothes were a bit different. He had his sunglasses, but was missing the ring on his finger and wore formal clothes much like the ones he had on before. Charles ran his hand through his hair to pull it back and then put the mirror in the position it was in before. 


The town was remote, but it wasn't a ghetto, it was rather pleasant to drive through. After a few minutes he finally came to a stop in front of a large sized building. Probably one of the biggest if not the largest in the whole town. It had a traditional look to it, with a blend of modern architecture, three stories tall, with most of it's size being in it's width instead of height. Charles quickly got out of his car after parking it nearby. There was a smorgasbord of other cars parked there too, mostly black high end vehicles. He rushed over to the door to get out of the rain and inside where it was dry. Charles unlocked it with a gold key and stepped inside. The inside was devoid of people, but Charles knew why, they had all gone out back. The inside was fancy, and seemed to be mostly set up for entertainment. Even with a Karaoke bar in the corner.  


But today he knew the entertainment wasn't going to be inside. Charles quickly made his way through the building and over to a door that led to outside. Once outside the spectacle finally came into vision. The door had led to a large courtyard with high castle like walls in the shape of an octagon. Lining the walls were gardens and bonsai trees. Right in the middle was a very large square shaped wooden arena mat. And then there was people, and quite a lot of them. Enough to make this scene look just like a UFC fighting match was about to go down. Charles was right outside on a deck shaded from the rain, but this area seemed to be reserved for a only a few people, causing a lot of them to hang out out in the garden, by the walls, or even perched on top of the walls. Everyone there seemed to be dressed well, commonly in a black suit of some kind. And finally there was the people in the wooden arena. Four men on one side, and one lone woman on the other, someone who Charles knew.


Everyone there was a member of a Yakuza organization. And the building itself was a small Yakuza base. With that in mind he knew that this was going to get much uglier than a UFC match real quick. Charles turned to a man looking out towards the arena from their shaded position. He knew him, his name was Senri Yoshihiro, the lieutenant to the woman down in the arena, Yakuza boss Hebi Mamushi. He looked about twenty six years old, around 5'11, and had past shoulder length black hair tied into a ponytail. The front of his hair had chin length bangs that bordered his face and loose strands that he frequently had to brush out of his face. He wore a black peak lapel suit and a burgandy red tie with black dress shoes. However the most noticeable traits he had were the blue plastic medical gloves he always wore, and the three katana swords tied to his back at an angle by a holster of some kind. 


"Yoshi, mind finally quein' me in on what the bloody hell happened?" Charles opened as he walked next to the man. 


"Good... you're just in time." The man responded. It was clear English wasn't his first language, probably like everyone else here. But he knew it well enough to carry out conversations. "There was a conflict during a council meeting between the bosses." He sounded calm as compared to Charles, who seemed a bit more concerned. 


"Elaborate mate." 


Yoshihiro pointed to a man within the crowd of four opposite to the woman. "Boss Hebi suggested that boss Yamada should disperse his gang more evenly to cover more ground. Boss Yamada told her that he'd 'sooner leave his gang before taking orders from a conniving serpent bitch'... boss Hebi didn't take that well and things degenerated quickly after that. Most of the council told him to hold his tongue. But he got two others on his side with his lieutenant. The disagreement ended with Yamada and his sympathizers challenging boss Hebi to a duel. Now we are here." He explained. 


"Four versus one?" Charles asked.


"I suggested that me and you fight with her to help even the handicap. But she said that it wasn't worth our time to fight them." Yoshihiro responded. 


His answer caused Charles to let out a small chuckle, loosening up his mood. "I see." He said and then turned his attention to the arena.

Edited by Chickey

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"Brush off my... what?" Masun didn't understand the euphemism that Charles used but quickly decided to take offence to it, "Look, pal, I know we only just met each other yesterday, but let me remind you that I am your superior, and I don't take kindly to condescent. Do you understand?" Masun lashed out. He expected some quick witted response from Charles that would further condescend against him, but was surprised when he got no response. "I said do you understand, Charles?" Masun was now looking in the rearview mirror at Charles' eyes but was surprised when instead of finding a humorous expression in them, he found an empty look. "Charles?" Masun reached over the driver's seat and grabbed his shoulder once again to shake him from another daydream. 


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Character Refs:




Hebi Mamushi
Nicknames Include: Medusa, The Gorgon, The Snake, and Boss Hebi

                                                 Power(s): Yakuza crime boss and samurai that has snake like traits. (Viper & Boa)


Lean flexible athletic build. 
Age: About 25, but still looks the same they did at 23
Slightly Pale Skin (Japanese)
Medium length messy spikey white hair with messy bangs
Dark drab blue eyes
Very slightly elongated fang canine teeth as compared to normal people.
Traditional Japanese Irezumi tattoos on her arms and back. The back tattoo has various Kanji surrounding a blue roofed shinto shrine with flowers and snakes. The shrine can be identified by Mamushi as her family's 'snake shrine.' The sleeves are decorative with flowers and elaborate designs on each arm. Underneath all the designs is a very dark blue ink colored snakeskin scale like pattern for a pseudo-background. The main part of the sleeves is a white snake coiled down each of her arms. The sleeves go down three fourths of the way on her forearms, leaving a little room to spare.
Usual Clothes:
A tailored black suit.
A small gold lapel pin on her left lapel. The pin is her clan's mon emblem and consists of a circle with a snake coiled around in it. 
White silk dress tie.
White dress shirt.
Wears a Tamahagane steel ring that resembles a snake wrapped around her right middle finger. And two rings on her left pinkie and ring finger. One being a regular gold band and the pinkie ring being a silver signet with a box like front to it and a sapphire gemstone. And lastly, a thin Tamahagane steel band on her left thumb
Often wears a silver and gold watch on their left wrist.
Black slim dress pants
Black snakeskin belt with gold buckle.
Black snakeskin dress shoes.
Will sometimes wear a white silk scarf over their suit. (Around the back of their neck and with the two ends draped over the front)
And a black wool 3/4ths length overcoat. Always worn unbuttoned and sometimes without putting their arms in the sleeves like a cape.
Traditional Clothes:
Dark navy kimono with sleeves that extend slightly below her shoulders. The length cuts off slightly below her waist. The end of the sleeves have a single white stripe on each of them. The back has her white snake mon symbol.
A tiger's eye bead necklace with a steel ring pendant over their vest.
A drab blue traditional oriental vest worn underneath.
Blue cord belt around her kimono.
Wears white bandages around her chest.
Wears a silver ring that resembles a snake wrapped around her right middle finger.
Slim blue pants tapered by white bandages at her ankles.
Straw Zori sandals. 
Weapons and Equipment:
Mamushi carries a custom long 28 inch katana called Orochi.
The saya scabbard is all black with a long drab blue saego cord. 
The blade is 28 inches long and is made out of Tamahagane steel with a fang like temper line.
It has a black square ninja styled tsuba. The square is just a frame and has a snake design coiled around within it.
The blade collar is gold with gold spacers.
The same is made out of white snakeskin instead of rayskin and has black cord braided around it for the handle.
It has a silver snake ornament under the handle cord and a silver peg.
For the most part Mamushi forgoes firearms. But her gang uses various imported weapons and she can sometimes be seen using a custom snub nose Colt Diamondback 38. Special with snake skin scale like engravings. The grips are black and the metal of the gun is sterling silver. 
Mamushi and her gang drive various Lexus model cars. Mostly either white or black.
Personality Notes:
Mamushi would be considered to act rather calm or bored most of the time in normal situations. However she is quick to anger and acts rather aggressively towards people. She comes off as mean-spirited, serious, and intimidating. Mamushi is very ambitious and seizes what she wants often by force. She is egocentric and focuses mainly on her own goals and plans, and thus doesn't have many relationships with other people at all. Her only break from this is if she gets drunk off her favorite drink: Sake.
Mamushi isn't always mean, she has a soft spot for some people. And is often more than willing to help people in need. The way she runs her gang is much less perverse to the old ways compared to the other Yakuza sects.
She isn't very feminine and would be considered a tomboy to most and speaks with a lower range husky voice. Mamushi often wears typically male styled clothing but still has an unmistakably female body besides her hairstyle.
Abilites & Traits: 
Mamushi is a traditional samurai and thus is a master with her katana. On top of that, Samurai's can manifest their willpower into fuel for powerful abilities and effects. Her most common is to slash her sword and send out a white crescent shaped wave of energy from her blade in the direction and angle it was slashed. The waves of energy will cut anything in it's path and grow bigger or smaller based on how much inner energy was used. Abilities and the samurai them self will become more powerful automatically based on how serious the samurai is fighting and how heavy the battle becomes. 
Due to the samurai's powers being drawn from their own emotion, they will often develop new abilities based on their personality and habits over time. In Mamushi and the Hebi family/clan's case, they are based off snakes. 
Very agile, contortionist level flexibility, and has enhanced speed and strength. Through smell, hearing, touch, and even heat she can easily detect living things around her like a snake. 
Wounded areas and any skin problems will have the skin around the area shed within a day or two, leaving them completely healed with no scar. Mamushi can shed all of her skin in private to rejuvenate herself entirely and stop herself from aging, basically making her immortal. This is considered the ultimate power of the Hebi clan. It doesn't effect her tattoos and wouldn't fix amputated body parts.
Although fighting with a sword is her main style. She can hold her own without it. She still uses a few willpower based attacks/abilities and practices a martial art karate variation that consists of her striking very quickly like a snake. However her signature unarmed attack is to use her flexibility and agility to catch someone and constrict them to death in a chokehold or simply crush them in a armlock. 
Mamushi frequently drinks sake with snake venom mixed in it. After years of doing this she has built up an immunity to it. She also tends to coat her blade with potent paralyzing snake venom. This is mainly what gives her the nickname Medusa or The Gorgon. Since she paralyzes people or 'turns them to stone' with it. Over time her mouth now produces it's own venom in her saliva for use that can paralyze or even kill someone. She can transfer it to a person by biting them and getting it in their bloodstream or by cutting them with something her saliva has come in contact with. 
Beginnings and Youth:
Mamushi was born in Okinawa into the last of the Hebi Samurai clan with her father, Hebi Habu, before moving to Tokyo. Her father was a leading Yakuza gang member and taught her most of what she knows today through grueling training and discipline. She was often looked down on due to her gender, but seemed to show a natural talent for her clan's traditions. In her youth she went to private school and earned a reputation for violence. Even so she had excellent grades and seemed to be very intelligent.
After graduating, Mamushi continued to train and work with the Yakuza until her father's death along with the death of one of the current Yakuza bosses. Causing a search for a replacement. Many people took strides to take control, however Mamushi unexpectedly seized the throne by force. She had succeeded her father skill wise, and no one could challenge her authority within the gang anymore even if they wanted to. As she killed anyone who tried.
Mamushi ran her gang very successfully, amassing a small fortune for herself and slowly spreading its control and power in Japan.
Picture Refs:
Hair style and face (Somewhere in between the two)








Senri Yoshihiro


Power(s): Yakuza lieutenant and samurai that focuses on swords and manipulation of blades. 








Age: 26 

Pale skin (Japanese)

Jet black hair usually with the back tied into a ponytail with a black band that reaches slightly below his shoulders. The front usually always has a fair amount of loose long strands in his face that he'll part to the side and bangs that border his face. 

Dark brown eyes.

Chest panel and 1/2 sleeve decorative irezumi tattoos. The colors used in his tend to be either dark or black. The right chest panel has a red oni head on it. And the left shoulder has a depiction of a samurai.

Slim slightly muscular physique.




Tailored black peak lapel suit worn unbuttoned.

Black velvet waistcoat vest. 

Striped white dress shirt.

Burgundy red tie.

Always wears blue medical gloves on his hands. 

Matching black dress pants.

Black leather belt with steel buckle.

Black leather ankle boots. 




Carries a custom holster by a sling for four whole katana swords on his back angled so they can be drawn with his right hand. 


Yoshihiro's main sword is an all black 26 inch katana.

The blade has a mirror like shine to it.

Orange saego cord.

The guard is made out of iron and has a plain circle shape.

Iron oni head ornament under black cord wrappings on the handle.





Charles looked at Mamushi. She looked about 5'7.5. And around twenty three, rather young for her status. She had white messy shoulder length hair and dark drab blue eyes, slightly pale skin, normal for a Japanese woman. And was wearing a buttoned up white dress shirt tucked into her black slim dress pants with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, showing some of her Irezumi arm tattoos. A white silk dress tie. A dark navy waistcoat vest with a small gold circle lapel pin with a snake coiled around in it and a bunch of rings on her hands. She wore a black snakeskin belt, and black snakeskin dress shoes. 


A man walked up to her with a sword in his hands. It was a rather long for katana standards, 28 inches, and had a snake theme to it. He held it up beside her. Mamushi grabbed onto it and pulled it from it's scabbard and then dismissed the man. With her weapon in hand Mamushi said something to to the men across arena, resulting in one of them yelling something back. 


"Mind giving me a translation mate?" Charles asked Yoshihiro


"Boss Hebi asked if there were any rules, it seems that there aren't any." He responded.


Mamushi spun her sword around in her hand before throwing it blade first at the floor of the arena, planting it a few inches in. She leaned up against the handle and then signaled something to the men at the other side. Causing the Yakuza member that could be identified as Yamada's second in command to pull a wakizashi and begin yelling something that Charles was able to decipher into "You die today serpent!"


Like a lot of the higher ranking Yakuza members, he was an oddity. His wakizashi seemed to glow as did his whole body before he jumped forwards, launching his whole body through the air right at Mamushi with his blade extended towards her face. His advance caused little reaction from Mamushi. As he soared through the air she pulled one of her hands from her sword and put it palm up to the sky. Right before reaching her she pointed all of her fingers up towards the sky with her other hand still touching the sword, causing a dozen blades to shoot up from the wooden ground like spikes. Skewering the man with his weapon only inches from connecting to her. The look on his face was a mixture of pain, anger, and confusion. Blood began to leak out of his mouth as his weapon slid from his grasp.


The reality of her technique began to sit in. He had thought that with her sword sunk into the ground she wouldn't be able defend without taking it out. But it was actually quite the opposite. As a samurai, Mamushi could manipulate the length and shape of her sword temporarily. By putting a bit of the blade underground, she could snake it's length around and set up a trap for the first person to rush her without them expecting it. The man's face began to twist in anger as he knew he had been beaten. Mamushi finally extended her fingers outward, causing all the blades to bloom out, ripping the man apart with a gurgle and scattering pieces of him throughout the arena. 


Mamushi let her hand drop to her side, causing all of the blades sink back into the ground and back to her sword. She pulled it from the ground and then looked to the remaining three men. Now with even angrier expressions than before. They began to rush her all at once, two with swords, and Yamada with some sort of ninja hand claws. Boss Yamada led the charge with a battle cry. As he closed in on Mamushi, she made her move. She dashed to him with inhuman speed, not giving him any time to react and elbowed him in the side of the face with enough force to knock him off his feet. He rolled along the mat and then came to a stop, clearly stunned from the attack. The next to attack was one of the swordsman, who swung at her with an overhead slash. She quickly blocked the attack with her own sword and kicked the man in the chest. The man was knocked on his back with a loud thud as he hit the wooden floor.


The last Yakuza swordsman locked blades with Mamushi after she slashed at him. He struggled against her and tried to overpower her with sheer strength, but she didn't budge an inch. If anything she began to overpower him. Suddenly her sword seemed to vibrate, letting out a screeching sound as it resonated against his. Slowly her katana started to cut through his sword. The man began to panic, but once it was about halfway through something finally gave way and allowed her to abruptly cut through and finish the arc of her slash. A line of blood was splatted on the floor in the direction of her slice as the top half of his sword spun through the air before landing on the ground with a clink. The swordsman dropped his blade, his arms going with it. As he fell over his body came apart into two. Filling the arena with even more blood as it pooled around the two halfs of his body and his cut arms.


Mamushi looked back towards the remaining two Yakuza as they got up and cocked her head to the side. Yamada began spouting what Charles could only figure were profanities at her as he readied himself. But her silence seemed to strike a chord with the last swordsman who quickly teleported to her and swung at her neck. Despite his speed, Mamushi quickly blocked this. He began to teleport all around to try to confuse her, but every time he went in for a strike at a blind spot, she seemed to somehow know exactly where he was. Yamada started to come over to help, but as soon as he did Mamushi went for a counter attack. She waited for the man to come out of his speed demon like mode and attack. This time it was from behind, and he went for another decapitation by her neck. Mamushi quickly ducked and let the blade pass over her, but before he could teleport away she grabbed his wrist. In one motion she turned around and swung her sword, taking his arm clean off. This action disarmed him in more ways than one. Mamushi slung the Yakuza's amputated arm at Yamada and then kicked him to his knees and decapitated him. His head flew up spinning into the air, but before it hit the ground Mamushi caught it by the hair. She held it up to Yamada before tossing it over to him underhand. It rolled to a stop at his feet.


Now the battle was only one to one. The odds quickly seemed to even out. And Mamushi was so far completely untouched.  It seemed that she had been saving Yamada for last. He looked about forty years old. He wore a grey suit with combed back red dyed hair. His hand claws were attached to brass knuckles on the front side. The entirety of his weapons seemed to be gold plated. "She made them look like a bunch of bloody underpaid mall cops." Charles' muttered. 


"Mamushi-sama was right. They weren't worth our time." Yoshihiro responded. 


Seeing that Yamada didn't use a sword and only his hand-claws, Mamushi stuck her sword into the ground and and walked away from it. She put her hands into her pockets and waited for Yamada to make his move. The reaction was almost immediate. Yamada quickly began to punch towards her despite being a fair distance away. His hands sent out explosive magic blasts towards her. She quickly began to dash out of the way of the attacks one after another, slowly creeping towards Yamada in between each one. Large chunks of the wooden floor began to fly up as the blasts connected to the ground. Mamushi suddenly closed the distance as she used her inhuman speed to virtually teleport to him. She teleported in mid-roundhouse kick with her hands still in her pockets. Yamada could do little to react and her kick connected with his jaw, once against knocking him off his feet. He quickly got back up, but Mamushi once again dashed towards him at blinding speed, planting her heel right into his groin and causing him to lean forward in pain. She responded by lifting her leg up and kneeing him directly in the face to knock him over once again. 


Mamushi still had her hands rested in her pockets as Yamada stumbled to his feet with blood now running down a cut on his forehead from her last attack. "You fucking bitch... you think you can make a fool of me?" He said in Japanese to her with a voice seething with rage. 


"Hai." She replied with a calm deadpan voice. Mamushi's yes responce seemed to spiral Yamada into a final fit of primal rage. His right fist powered up as he sent the best magic enhanced punch he could muster at her face. But like all of the other attacks that were tried against her, they failed. She pulled her hands out of her pockets and stopped his attack entirely with her own hand. Her hand flashed white for a second as she cancelled out of the magic in his attack with her own energy. The two forces colliding sent out a small shock wave of dust and air to travel out from the ring. Even Yamada was effected, the feedback of his ability being stopped had shattered all the bones in his right arm. He writhed in pain and panic shot out one last punch from the left.


Finally deciding to close out the fight, Mamushi sidestepped his attack and got behind him. From behind she put one arm under his left arm and the other around his neck and locked hands in a arm lock. She slowly began to constrict Yamada to death like a snake. He struggled as best he could but it was futile in the end. Small cracks could be heard as she crushed him in front of all the other Yakuza members. His shoulder was the first to go as it dislocated with a loud pop. She tightened her grip even more now. And then his neck finally snapped several seconds later silencing him from the screams he was letting out. Mamushi released her grip and let him fall to the floor with a thud like a sack of potatoes. 


Most of the Yakuza memebers began to converse now knowing that the ordeal was over. Some of them definitely seemed entertained while others left. Mamushi walked over and collected her sword from the arena. She called over the man that was carrying the scabbard and wiped the blade clean with a cloth before sheathing it. She took the sword from the man and began to walk back to the building with it at her side. 


"Well that was a landslide. Those wankers didn't even stand a chance." Charles commented. 


"Yamada always was a troublemaker, seems it finally caught up to him. He lacked respect. It's unlikely he'll be missed." Yoshihiro added. 


Mamushi walked up them as they spoke to get out of the rain. She had her free hand in her pocket. Yoshihiro bowed to her on her approach saying something in Japanese that sounded like "Congratulations on your victory, Mamushi-sama." 


When she replied she did it mostly in English, probably due to Charles being around. "Arigato, Yoshihiro. Tell all of our men to get back to their posts. The comedy show is over." She said, clearly downplaying Yamada's efforts against her. 


"...And what of Yamada and the other's men?" Yoshihiro asked.


She took a few moments before responding. "Offer them a job, that's what we should do with the unemployed. It's only right." She decided.

Yoshihiro looked skeptical for a moment. She had just slaughtered their bosses. However he had faith in her. "As you wish Boss Hebi." He responded.


"As for you Charles." She said as she looked to him. "You have good eyes and ears. You should stay here for a while and see if anyone is up to anything. I would like to know if there is anyone else that's like-minded to Yamada. Do you understand?" She said, her calm voice being replaced by Masun's at the end. He started to get pulled back out of his daydream. Charles awoke at the wheel again with Masun's shaking his shoulder. 


"Eh? Say what now mate?" He started. "I musta been too engrossed in the music to hear ya." He said, trying to damage control the situation as he chuckled. They were pretty close to being back at the base now.





Edited by Chickey

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Masun knew there was more, much more to it, and he saw the connection between this and the time Charles zoned out at the casino. But Masun was tired, perhaps for the first time in a century. Normally Masun didn't feel tired, if he fell asleep it was due to too much alcohol, not because he felt like sleeping. But this time Masun felt actually tired. 

"You know, I don't really care right now, I am going to take a nap until we get there. Shake me awake when we arrive." Masun replied. Masun then closed his eyes and entered a meditative sleep that he learned in his years out in the wilderness. A form of sleep that vampires can go into that shuts down all nonessential functions of the body. This is the form of sleep that Masun used to sleep for hundreds of years at a time, only on a smaller scale. Masun didn't snore, in fact, Masun didn't breath hardly at all, his skin went completely cold as his heart pumped even slower than it already did. The blood in Masun's brain stood still, and he went into a mostly dreamless coma. 


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"You got it mate." Charles replied. He was unsure if his excuse had worked this time. He continued driving, after about fifteen more minutes he pulled back into the base's parking lot. Charles unlocked the doors and leaned over to Franky, shaking him to wake him up and then leaning back to shake Masun awake. He got out of the car and headed for the entrance of the facility. He waited for everyone to get out before locking the car with a remote. Charles took the elevator down to the bedrooms floor. Even though he wondered where Sam was, he got into his room and crashed onto a chair for now. 

Edited by Chickey

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Franky had been shaken awake by the car coming to a stop. He sat up to see everyone getting out of the car. It seemed that he was the last one to get out of the car, so he hurried out of the car. Shuffling slowly to the elevator he waited for the others to get in and all of them to head down together. Franky was still drowsy and couldn't wait to lay down in a bed. When they got down to the rooms, Franky walked quickly to his room and opened the door. He looked around the room, and then thought about what happened today. Franky looked over and noticed the plaque was still in the trash can. He walked over and slowly picked it up, and looked at it. Quietly Franky put the name plate back and closed the door silently. Perhaps Franky would stay here a little longer than he planned.

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As Masun meditated, he thought about Charles odd behavior. His spacing out combined with his defending of the Yakuza, made Charles seem very suspect. Masun was shook out of the meditation by Charles and decided he would say something. But it must have taken Masun a while for him to fully awaken from his meditation, because, by the time Masun opened his eyes, Charles was already gone. I am not sure where Charles went, but I suppose I will just try his room first. Seems like the best place to find him. Masun thought. And with that Masun began walking through the facility in search of Charles. Masun walked over to Charles door and knocked.

Edited by Samurshy


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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