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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Night Flare's shadow minnion follows while waiting for her magisty's answer.


Night also begins meditating while waiting. Aurora looks to be having an internal battle with some one or some thing. But in truth she is daydreaming. However, she is having a day time nightmare. One Luna can detect Anywhere. Aurora is facing some kind of shadow alicorn in a room made of crystal.

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Novel squeals in delight "here you are!" She yells and gallops back to her study "now Celestia, the books before you are my brothers journal, Sombra's book on the empire, a book from their castle library on the inner workings of the city, and my personal collection of the history of the empire from the royalties themselves"

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Luna smiled, blushing. She used her magic and soon they were teleported to the area.


Midnight finished hers quickly, picking up her weapon again. "Round three?" she asked with a smirk.


Lunar kept reading, sighing.


Celestia blinked, looking at all of the books before her. "But don't we already have the passageways from that one book of yours?" she asked.


Seth looked around at all the books.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Yes but I now have journals on the events of what's happening now and a more updated version of the passages" novel looks at Celestia and sighs. Maybe she does not understand the importance of knowing the climate of the town of battle rather than going in cold. Oh well, novel just wants to help

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Crystal panicked "Oh lord are we floating in time and space?! Is there a way out? Am I 8-bit styled?" He touched his face, his mane, then his hooves and sighed in relief. "Are we going to go rescue some crystal ponies?" He asked, still not clear on what they were actually doing, or what the plan was

Edited by Kasane Teto


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Celestia blinked. "Oh? Well then let's see them, my dear." She looked at all the books, trying to figure out which is which. -She's got so many books... Reminds me of somepony... But who...?- she thought, thinking. (lol sorry. I had to throw some kind of Twilight joke in here even though it's before her time :P )


Seth yawned, wiping his eye. -I really need to work on getting better sleep...-


Luna giggled, ruffling his mane. "Yes, dear Crystal. We are going to rescue a few more before heading back to Canterlot."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Leif smiled "yeah we're fine we need to head about a joke that way and there should be a group waiting" leif said walking


Grell nodded readying his scuthenand taking a defensive stance


Steel yawned looking up at lunar curling up by her his hoof resting on a dagger Just In case soghing happened

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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As Celestia was looking at the books, the shadow minnion drops a sealed envelope, with Night Flare's Cutiemark On it, on one of the afore mentioned books. The shadow itself is clearly non-threatening and awaiting her response to the now written request.

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Leif walked past luna and took the lead easily moving through the very thick vegetation


Steel closed his eyes with a yawn and slowly drifted off to sleep his ears still perked up


Grell smirked not appearing to move but when midnight looked at her hoof and what should be a knife she found a rubber snake

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Novel nods, handing the books over to the princess. She sits down and sighs sadly, fearing for her brother and his safety

((Heads up, I'm dealing with some serious family emergencies so I am not living in my home anymore. So please understand if I take a while to reply))

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Chronos made it to his home and went into his son's room and looked into the crib. The young colt in the crib smiled at Chronos, reaching out to him. Chronos smiled at Chronos Jr and took off his gauntlet and his chain mail glove. Chronos actually shed a tear at the thought that this could possibly be the last time he sees Chronos Jr. depending on how soon they leave for the Empire. Chronos probably had to get back to the castle, but he didn't want to leave just yet.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Celestia smiled, taking the books. She blinked, noticing the parchment. "What's this?" she asked, picking it up and opening it.


Seth looked over at Novel, smiling. -She's so beautiful... How did I get so lucky?- he thought.


Luna followed him. She blinked, her hoof getting caught on a vine, and she fell to the ground. "Ow! What in the-?" She looked over at her hoof. It was entangled in the vine.


Midnight blinked, looking at the snake. She frowned, looking back up at him. "What in the hay did you do to my sickle???"


Lunar smiled, stroking his mane lightly as she read.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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The note says,

"To Lady Celestia.


If you got this, my minnion was unable to ask you directly. Please let my minnion know your reply and it will bring me your answer.


As for my request. May I enter the restricted section of the canterlot archives to look for a book I believe may be there. It is a book on what the void king calls chymaira syndrome or twin souls.



Void General Night Flare."


A shadow in the shape of a unicorn, but looks to made of the void, steps forward and looks waitingly at Celestia.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Princess Luna!" Crystal gasped, he wanted to go over and help her however, he had no weapons because it was only a few minutes ago since he escaped. His hooves were frozen, perhaps he should wait for her friend, surely he would know exactly what to do. Crystal couldn't move, he was more scared of failing more than anything.


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Leif walked over petting the vine gently then he softly untangled her good being sure to brin no harm to the vine "do be careful this forest is thousands of years old" leif said


Grell smiles it finally falling to the ground in front of them "right there" grell said


Steel slept

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Novel peeks at the scroll, curious. But she looked away, better not get her nose into trouble. Novel yawns and looks at the princess "Is there anything I can offer you Princess Celestia, my home is yours" she says, bowing her head slightly in respect. She enjoyed the company of others, especially from those she respects greatly. 

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Celestia smiled sweetly, rolling the scroll back up. She then looked at the shadow pony. "Please tell him he can, but he will have to wait until either me or my sister returns. No offense, but I just met him. He has not given me a reason to trust him just yet." She then looked at Novel. "Actually, yes. There is something you could do for me." She used her magic, and an old book appeared in front of her. She handed the book to Novel. "Study up on this. You will need to learn how to fight. While it does help immensely that you are a healer, we need all the fighting power we can manage. Once you are done reading the basics, Seth will help you put that knowledge to practice." She smiled sweetly at her, putting the books in a messenger bag that appeared on her.


Seth blinked, looking at Celestia. -It would have been nice if I had some warning about this... I've never trained anypony before... Is she even allowed to give orders to Luna's army???- he thought, frowning. He had no problem with helping Novel; he'd actually thought about doing it himself. He just didn't like being ordered around by a princess that he isn;t even employed for.


Luna sighed, standing up. She began walking, limping a bit. It was obvious she was hurt.


Midnight tossed the snake down and stepped on it's head, killing it instantly. She then picked up her weapon, sighing. "That was a dirty trick and you know it," she said, pouting adorably.


Lunar's ear twitched; she could hear a conversation being held in the other room. She didn't want to be too nosy, though. Luna would not be happy if she found out she was eavesdropping again.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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The shadow pony nods silently and bows respectfully. "I can see why my Lord trusts you and your sister with his student. You hold the traits she needs to master her hidden gift. The Celestial Moonlight Scyth. By your standards Lady Celestia, it is a god slayer. Make sure she learns well. This was the message i was to give you from Lord Mortis."


The shadow then turns and leaves. He returns to Night Flare and gives him the reply in void speak.


Night Flare nods and says, "Then we will wait. Did my Lord's message also get delivered?" The shadow nods. It then returns wince it came.

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Chronos removed his helmet and kissed his son on the forehead. He smiled for a moment before putting back on his helmet. "I hope you don't  follow in my footsteps..." He said

(Spoilers: he does)


Chronos left the room and before heading back to the castle, he took a small photo of him, his wife, and his son out of its frame. It was taken 2 weeks after Chronos Jr was born. He put it in a pouch on his belt and walked back to the castle.

Edited by Chronos Dial X

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Steel woke up silently hearing the conversation -interesting maybe she'll be able to at least hold her own against what's inside me- steel thought-that would be nice-


Grell smiled "you didn't have to stomp the head it was rubber" grell said "and I know"


Leif looked back noticing her limp stopping

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Crystal looked at Luna, stopping. "Maybe we should rest for a bit before heading to the empire? I'm pretty beat as well, after all, I been a slave for nearly a month." He admitted, whipping some sweat off his forehead. "After we have a quick break we can return to the road?" Crystal suggested, kinda panicking that the others would think he's lazy .


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