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open [Open] Equestria Asylum


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1. Have to have a Pony in the Asylum to rp here cant just walk in randomly because its a secure facility and you can be mad or just the stuff who are 100% mad to 

2. no excessive cursing, maybe once or twice but not once per sentence

3. keep it clean, i dont want anyone pm me saying your topic got drunk, druggy or rapist running wild 

4. have fun 




MoonSparkle: walked up the pebble path towards the ominous facility, she glanced at her two escorts wondering why they thought she was mad "im not mad let me go" she screeched at one of them before lashing out at him with her hoof


CometBlaze; he let out a sigh before using his magic to restrain his daughter "Stop that Moon, your here to recover every time you try to escape your going to stay here longer until your better again" he told her, with his colleges help he half lifted half dragged his daughter into the Asylum, "Their we will leave you to be settled" she said before leaving the gate being shut after he went past locking the Asylum completely.


MoonSparkle: she glanced around the building before following a pony who lead her to her new room, she sat down in the middle before looking around Its hardly a five star hotel she thought to herself as she settled down for the night, she saw her Telescope in one corner of the room her only possession allowed in the asylum, the Orange pony sighed and flicked her purple tail in annoyance before getting up and pacing around the room, "thinking im mad, this must be some kind of joke, im not mad im just stressed i cant believe Luna sent me here for relaxation she doesn't know what shes on about" MoonSparkle rambled on before flicking her purplish hair her blue eyes blazing with anger. 


After pacing for half a hour MoonSparkle stopped suddenly "what am i doing, i should be pacing i must look foolish" she scolded herself before sitting on her bland bed wishing she had her soft bedding back home, "Its all a dream tommorow will bring a better day along with a chance to meat some pony's  she mumbled before falling asleep


(Next rper can be another pony that can either be a member of staff like a therapist or another inmate however your going to have to be able to interact with MoonSparkle on a regular bases so your best bet is to be a therapist,chef, cleaner,ect when you rp also when ur rping please make it obvious who you are)


  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 months later...

"You know, talking to yourself is supposed to be a sign of madness" came a voice out of nowhere.

Moonsparkle looked around, startled.

"You should really do something about it" said a pony that had appeared from nowhere. "You may be wondering who I am. My name is Ataxia. Well, it's what I choose to be called. If I told you my real name, I really would have to kill you. I am an inmate here. I was once immortal, you see. I was going to rule equestria, before my annoying little sister, Golden Typhoon, discovered my weakness, and, in short, I ended up here. You are in here with me because... well, people don't notice me much when I'm invisible, so people are just dumped in here with me. I killed the last 2... after putting them in a trance of course. I have various powers; it's such a shame that my powers do not affect the guards here... otherwise I'd be long gone. This place smells. And the only time I can have any fun is when I go invisible... and even then, it's pointless without any guests to enjoy my company.

"Well, enough about me. You have ten seconds to convince me not to kill you right now. Go."


((The idea is that Ataxia has to become good again. She doesn't actually have to kill anyone if that's worrying you.))

  • Brohoof 1

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

Avatar by The Incredible Blitz!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sparky hated working at the asylum. She wanted to work with ponies... Real ponies... Not these half-sane (if that) ponies. Her dream was to become a counselor that helped ponies with problems she could understand... But until she got experience, she couldn't get a better job.


She breathed in and out and tried to compose herself. Their horror stories shocked her into the night, and she herself had to receive the very thing she wanted to give to people. She was supposed to talk to a newbie soon, and those were the worst. They were sporadic, unstable and never wanted to be in the same room, or even in the building.


Some newbies actually were convinced they were sane in the mind. Others thought they were dreaming. Some actually seemed like they were dreaming. Either way, Sparky did her very best to grin and bear it. She hated it, it caused her nothing but trouble for a paycheck. But she figured while she was there she might as well try and improve these ponies, although at times it seemed like there was no hope.


'Moon Sparkle'


She read the name of her pony next on her sheet.


"Here goes nothing..."

  • Brohoof 1

Ewwwwwww... I said something.


Pinkie And Sparky Rule this account!!!


Catch me on Instagram, @pinkie_and_sparky

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Phoenix truly disliked his friends at the moment. After they had found him laying low in Ponyville to escape persecution from his past crime, they MADE him apply for a guard position at the Asylum. He shook his head to dispel these thoughts.


"Can't let myself go. Come on, Phoenix, this is temporary. Next stop, Canterlot as a Lunar Guard," he said to himself. He looked at the paper given to him by the facility's administration. "So... I'm supposed to be the pony who protects the counselor from the crazy ponies. Easy enough."


He began the eerie walk towards the Counselor's Office, ignoring the varied cries and yells of the patients. The admins said that he would get used to the sound. He hadn't yet. "Swwet Luna, not even the DRU was this insane." Phoenix said to himself as he passed a crazed mare accused of turning young fillies and colts into pies that were sold to gryphons. 


Upon reaching the door, Phoenix entered the room and nodded to the counselor. "I'm Phoenix Blaze, the new guard. I'll be supervising this conversation you'll have with Miss MoonSparkle."

  • Brohoof 1

"I can't just forget what I did to her. But, Applejack may be the only way I'll heal from what I did."- Phoenix Blaze, The Farmhoof


"Cloudchaser, ya hornless unicorn!"- Phoenix Blaze, The Farmhoof


"Phoenix, you can't run from your past. All you can do i get over it. I did, and I was the victim. Forgive yourself, I have."- Crystal Night, The Farmhoof

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  • 3 weeks later...

(going to control another OC, just a little bit, so if you dont like what i did, just say so, and ill fix it)

the large pony was ramming himself against the wall. "not crazy.... *grunt* not crazy.... not crazy.... LET ME OUT OUT!"
"hehehe.. thats not helping your image, you do realise?"
"SHUT UP!" he screamed to the voice in his head. The voice laughed cruelly. "I... said... SHUT UP!" he screamed in agony as he pounded his head against the wall.

"i can help you leave" called the sugar-honeyed voice from inside his head.

"no. no. no. i won't. no. NO! I'm not helping you"
"Oh, but you can hardly call it helping me, really its just such a good deal. one itsy-bitsy favor and you can be free. forever."

"I wont do it. not going to do it. never going to do it...." he was still hitting his head on the grey walls. with one last hard knock, he passed out. he lay for an hour or so, and began to moan. the voice had brought him to moonsparkle's room in a dream.
"see her? the big tan alicorn? well, i need her gone. she just keeps getting in the way." With the last sentence, the voice had been baby-talking. baby-talking. to a grown stallion. he couldnt bear this treatment.
"YOU ARE... NOT.....ABOVE ME!" he screamed. the mind-voice was transmitting his shadow into the room where moonsparkle and the alicorn were. his voice echoed through the room where the alicorn and the new pony were. moonsparkle looked around in terror.  Ataxia was surprised, but it didnt show.
"maybe i am crazy," moonsparkle said sadly.
the big navy-colored stallion was instantly back in his room.

"I. AM. NOT. GOING TO KILL ANY PONY!" he screamed, thrashing in his dreams."I AM NOT CRAZY"

to the watching guards, this only made him seem crazier. after all, they had only seen his part of the entire interaction.
navyhunter woke up, still angry. at least the voice wasnt speaking... for now.
(I might need somepony to come in as the voice, or i could do it myself.  thanks!)

  • Brohoof 1

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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  • 11 months later...

Little Wind looked at the pony thrashing on the ground. He had been sleeping, but the screaming had awaken him. He hopped off his bunk and poked him with a hoof. The pony had never told him his name, but he didn't care. He wanted to be left alone. But he couldn't leave a pony in pain. It wasn't in his nature. He gently picked the pony up and put him on his back. He turned toward the bottom bunk and set him down on it. Hopefully he'll sleep peacefully, Little Wind thought. 


He looked around at the small cell and saw a pony sitting in the corner. She was sobbing, with a cloak around her, revealing only her face and wings. He reached a hoof out, attempting to turn her around. But she spun when his hoof touched her shoulder. Her face was like any ponies else. Blue fur, white teeth, and pure black eyes. Little Wind backed up a little, but wasn't overly terrified. He tended to see his mother when he was awake. She had killed herself when he was a teenager, roughly 16 or 17. But when the paramedics came, they somehow found his blood on her.


And with that, they figured he forced pills down her throat. His lawyer told him to plead insanity, and it worked. That's how he ended up in this Asylum. But for now, he lived with the guilt of how he could have done more to save her. And this was his conscience at work. The ghost tried to speak to him, but he ignored her by throwing a hoof at the image. He wasn't gonna have any of that. He got back into his bunk and cried himself to sleep.

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  • 2 months later...

"Aqua Abyss, you are charged with torture and murder and now you're stuck with us inside this Mental Hospital" Aqua Abyss sniggered at the comments said "Mental Hospital? You mean Asylum right, now please could you take my muzzle and straight jacket off?"

The guard glared at the smiling pony and took him to his cell. Where for the next seven years he would live out his sentence. 

"At least I didn't come in here kicking and screaming, hehehe, hmmm I see other ponies in the cell across from mine"


Aqua was remembering how he ended up in this place... 

"Now you understand I need to do this to stay saaane right my friend? By your muffled screams I will take that as a yes. Now then I just want you to know that this WILL hurt" Aqua said with a large grin on his face as the police barged down his door.


"Urrghhh, that really was stupid. I deserve that for letting that young pony live. Oh yeah those ponies across from me, should I attempt to talk to them. Naaa not yet I should observe them from here for now I just want to make sure there here for good reason, or wait I should say bad reasons but who cares"

The always smiling pink pony would just watch for now to make sure. He sat back and let his vivid imagination get the better of him

as it most of the time does.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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*is joining in*

Folium sat in her room/cell, her head twitching to the side. She looked around. She had been in Asylum for a very long time, and it made her go crazy. Folium bursted into laugher, that could be heard all around the Asylum. Her head twitched some more after she stopped laughing. The guards staring at her weirdly, but she only did a anger glare at them the turned away from them. Folium rubbed her hooves together, "someday, just someday I shall break out of this blasted Asylum." She mumbled to herself. "Yes.. Someday..." Then her head twitched more, the she bursted into an evil like laugher. Folium turned around, facing the guards with a wide smile. "You think you're safe... Don't you?" She said.

Guard1: "Man, she wasn't like this when she first came."

Guard2: "She's gone completely mad!"

Folium's wide smile soon came to an angry shock through her, then she leaped at the window and punished it. "You think you're so safe don't you?!" She said with bared teeth. Breaking the window with her hooves. "Wait until I rip you to shreds!" Then she saw a strange smoke enter the room, then she fell to the ground, her hoof with a small cut.

Guard2: "Thank Celestia for the sleeping gas!"

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*Joining in*

Green Thumb: Looks at the facility with worry in her eyes. "This isn't the place for me," she says.

Midnight Mystery: "Then get lost." He appears out of the darkness of the night.

Green Thumb: "Who are you?"

Midnight: "Who are you?"

Greenie: "I'm Green Thumb."

Midnight: "Why are you here?"

Greenie: "Golly, do you want my whole life story?"

Midnight: Smirks. "You wish."

Greenie: "I asked what the hell do you want!" Her voice picking up in anger.

Midnight: "Easy hot mouth. I just want to know why you're by an insane facility."

Greenie: Cheeks flush in embarrasment. "I-I.."

Midnight: "You? You?"

Greenie: "I believe in humans."

Midnight: Falls over and starts laughing. "You believe in humans? You're such an idiot! Everypony knows they don't exist."

Greenie: Burning red with anger. "They do exist!"

Midnight: Picks himself back up. "Look, Lyra Heartstrings just got locked up for that same reason. Didn't you see that on the news?"

Greenie: "No."

Midnight: "Wow.. You must really be rock stupid."

Greenie: Voice rising in anger. "Well why are you here 'genius'?"

Midnight: Turns serious. "I killed somepony. Gotta problem?"

Greenie: Slowly backs away. "Nope! Wow, I better get inside.

Midnight: Takes a cigarette pack and a lighter from his leather jacket and flicks the smoking device on fire as Greenie walks inside.

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  • 4 months later...

*Joining in now*

Earth Pony, Sunset Shadow


I was being escorted by two handlers when I noticed a new girl walking in. The guard on my left, I quickly took note of his name, "Twilight Sun" was becoming a real nuisance, real fast. "You move THIS way" he said, practically throwing his weight to correct my direction. "You know I will seriously hurt you one day just for that alone", glaring at him with my eyes as hard as I could. "Hey Doc, can you knock her out please? I don't need a scene here so close to the front lobby." The assistant quickly retrieved from Diprivan from his tray and injected it into my front right hoof as I was forced forward toward another long corridor with doors on either side that ran the whole length of the building. It was a sight that almost made one go mad trying to rationalize it. I concentrated on my seething hatred for the guard to fight off the effects with no avail. I gradually grew more and more sheepish as I fought off the dead weight that was attempting to take over me. Even in the chaos of sounds in all directions that Discord himself would have found too much, I still managed to take notice of pony under going his own initiation...Aqua Abyss...Aqua Abyss. I was unceremoniously dumped on a bed and my last thoughts were of gleeful mental images of father after I finally snapped and landed myself a room at Equestria Asylum.

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As the OP for this RP is no longer with this site, and it does not have the required OOC link in the first post, I'm locking this thread.


If anyone wants to take ownership of the RP I can unlock it for them, however it would probably make more sense at this point to completely reboot the RP with a new thread (and a new OOC thread as well.)

  • Brohoof 1


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