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private Equestria Divided: Titanfall

~Chaotic Eddie~

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(OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/115686-equestria-divided-titanfall-action-rp/)

After a tragic accident which resulted in the deaths of Princesses Celestia and Luna, Equestria hurried to find a new leader. Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire had to remain with her subjects, and Princess Twilight, unable to face the pressure of ruling the entire empire, abdicated after a shaky two-year rule. Equestria was thus left without a monarch - As such, control over the country was handed by default to the Solar Empire (SoE). However, after a few years the Empire found a powerful rival in the New Lunar Republic, who rebelled against the Empire's regime. Unrest slowly grew, and before long, conflicts and fights started springing up across the country. In turn, the severity of these fights escalated, and after a few months, Equestria was at civil war.


Solar Empire Field Commander Rainbow Dash was left behind shortly after a battle, having missed the dropship that was her only chance at extraction. Alone in the belly of the beast she encountered three enemy Titans, and was rescued by former Wonderbolt and NLR Commander Spitfire, who has been presumed dead for some time. Dash soon learns that in actual fact, after being left behind herself, Spitfire managed to escape the battlefield and, with the help of her Titan engineer Monkey Wrench-, went rogue, setting up third faction with the intent of ending the stalemate between the NLR and SoE.


Spitfire led Dash to her hidden base - an abandoned and disguised apartment complex hidden in a mountainside, and repurposed by Spitfire into a makeshift base of operations. There, she was introduced to Wrench, and built some friendly relations with the former Wonderbolt. Spitfire has been collecting soldiers who missed the dropship like her and building up her resistance. Together, this team would finally beat back both the NLR and SoE, and finally establish peace after years and years of unending conflict... However, the team was only a small group of ponies who missed the dropship, nowhere near a large enough team to start any major operations... First they need to make a few friends in high places...

Spitfire yawned as she sat up in bed, turning to her right to see Rainbow Dash still sleeping peacefully beside her. Yesterday had been quite a shock for Dash, to say the least, so Spitfire figured she needed all the rest she could get.

Carefully leaving the bed, Spitfire walked slowly out of the bedroom and into the bathroom where they'd been just a few days ago, turning on the shower once again. If she was right, the rest of the team would be waking up around about now. She figured that they'd be eager to meet their new team member - that is, when she got around to tellling them about her.

(Post order: Me, Windbreaker, IllusivePony, Concerto Dusk, The Real Gengar, Golden Shield)
(At present, Golden Shield seems to be MIA)

Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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((Just curious, so are Dash and Spitfire shipped? Or did I miss read that?))

A comrade always stayed with his companions, as such they are a family.

The group of Arabian ponies always.stayed about with their mechs. Ahaban layed about onto a makeshift hammock balanced between the space of the left side between the fore hoof and the hind hoof his light armor attack Munchkin class mech.


His compas (comrades via Spanish) not too far lay rest in the second Munchkin class mech, a carrier model. While his cousin Nasir slept in similar fashion to Ahaban the other three Abdullah, Ismael and Mahki rested inside the space of the carrier hold.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Rainbow Dash's sleep had been peaceful. More peaceful than she thought, in fact. After so long fighting, it felt nice to sleep in a comfortable bed for once. She reached over to the spot where Spitfire was, but found it empty, starting to wonder if she'd dreamed it all up. Only...this wasn't her room back at the barracks. This was a nice apartment room, and somepony was running the shower. She looked around for her sidearm, on the off-chance that she had dreamed part of it (if not most), and this wasn't friendly territory.


But, as she slid out of bed, she noticed something different. There wasn't the smell of sweat or the feeling of sticky, matted hair. If anything, her coat felt smooth and kinda silky. This surprised her as the events of last night came back to her, leaving Dash blushing as she abandoned her search for a sidearm and headed towards the bathroom. She was up and moving, so she may as well start the day.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Tempest had just finished his morning coffee and was ready for 'work', "Nothing like a strong cup of gunk to wake you in the morning..." He finished it off and threw the disposable cup across the hanger. He went over to the commander's quarters and knocked on the door. After waiting for quite a while he called out, "Commander Spitfire? Are you awake? Tempest Shift here reporting in for service." He sat outside the cabin, awaiting for a response while he sat down next to the door cleaning the barrel of his DMR.

Edited by The Real Gengar


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Stretching his wing muscles, the Griffin looks around the hangar area of the base. "So, when will I get my instructions?" He asks himself quietly. All he knew was that he was tired of the conflict going on in Equestria and was sought out by a pony. The pony had told him there was a job where he could be used. Having arrived recently, he presumes himself to have been the last one to have arrived. "So these ponies claim they can win this? Is that it? Whatever, as long as I am not with those two sides, things should be fine. It's just another job."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Spitfire only just about heard the knock and the call from beyond the metal door, recognising it as the voice of one of her team members, Tempest Shift - even before he'd said his name. Tempest was one of the more recent additions to the team, having missed the dropship just a month or two ago.
"Just a minute Tempest, I'm showering!" Spitfire called from the bathroom. Whether or not the sound would carry all the way from the small apartment's bathroom to the front door would be another thing...

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~@,


As Spitfire called out, Dash recognized her voice, adding the final confirmation that last night was real. She missed the dropship, but it had turned out ok for her. Whoever it was she was calling out to seemed to be confused though, as Spitfire had said this was Dash's room. Or...even better, Dash and Spitfire were roomates now. She wasn't usually a romantic, leaving that up to Fluttershy, Twilight and Pinkie. Ok, not so much Pinkie, but Fluttershy and Twilight, definitely. But this was still nice.


Still, she didn't know this Tempest Shift (assuming she heard the name correctly), so she called out to him herself. "The Commander's in the shower right now. Call back in a little bit, please."


It was mostly just to reinforce what Spitfire said, but that took care of business. With that, Dash stepped into the bathroom quietly, not that it mattered when Spitfire probably heard her call out.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Ahaban opened his eyes. His mental check of survival back into place. He carefully raised his hooves before sitting up.

"Liusat tunluihut kilushun liat. " he whispers to himself.

He carefully and silently exits from his hammock and approaches to Nasir.

"Nasir, dispiye kudar. Hen tiliktemen denlin haslika." He says shaking his fellow Arabian.

"Okay... " he mutters sleepishly as he sits up rubbing his eyes.

Ahaban approaches to the carrier compartment of Nasir's mech, the three others Abdullah Mahki and Ismael lay asleep. Two on the bench seats and one on a bag on the floor.

"Falku! Falku! Misabiyar tunhal." He says to his fellow comrades as he knocks hard on the door.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Tempest sighs as he looks to cleaning his DMR again, then he gets his cloth caught in the re-chambering bolt. "Uh oh..." He quietly whispers to himself, he hears the commander's response, and then another ponies voice that sounded vaguely familiar. "Copy that commander." Tempest responded, "Take all the time you need."


He sat down again outside, trying to force his cloth out the re-chambering part. "C'mon you useless piece of..." He grunted to himself as he feebly tried to pull the cloth out of the gun.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Spitfire heard Dash calling out to Tempest and smiled. Dash was fiitting in already - she couldn't wait to introduce her to the rest of the team.

"Wakey-wakey~" She trilled in a sing-song voice as Dash entered the bathroom. "Sleep well, hun?"


Meanwhile in the hangar, another door slowly opened and a brown Earth pony with an even browner mane left the room behind it. She looked immensely tired and her mane, though it looked clean, was rather messy. Her gaze moves over to Aha'Ban, and she gives him a smile. "Mornin'"

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

"Masabawh." He replies in his native tongue. He let's out quiet yawn before shaking his head as to awaken him.

"Anadulshir anala couate." Mahki says as he steps down from the carrier and toward one of the cheap tables, various cooking utensils and what not upon it.

Nasir climbs into his Munchkin Titan cockpit.

"I'm running the trail."he says as switches about on the console once fixated into his harness. The floodlights along the mech gently lighten to a,faded exposure giving the hangar extra lighting around them.

"I do not believe I remember your name." Ahaban says as he approaches the mare.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Best night's sleep I've had in a while. That bed is reeeeeeally soft..." Dash said, shivering a little with the memories of last night. Which reminded her of something. That Tempest guy had somehow known Spitfire was here, which seemed a little off for just a guess. "By the way, that guy knew you were in this room. Something you're not telling me, sweets?"


Dash grinned at Spitfire with an eyebrow raised, just waiting to see the other mare's reaction. As nice as her suspicion sounded, reality didn't always line up and she had to be sure. Best way to be sure was to ask.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Heading to the roof, he keeps a comm channel open in case somepony needs to get a hold of him. Laying prone, the Griffin takes a sight at an old and rusty street sign. The sign being the first of a plenty targets, the Griffin smiles at the new hole. Taking more shots at different targets, the Griffin waits for his orders.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Tempest sighed as he headed back down to the mess hall, he sat down and waited for while, not knowing what to do for himself. All his life he'd been brought up to follow orders, he'd never had proper independance for a long time. He'd forgotten how to wind down and slip out of the combat ready mindset and was constantly overfocused on anything around him. He looked around the room, suddenly hit by a wave of doubt and went to the restroom. He then splashed himself with a few hooffuls of water and sighed, "Remember how to wind down?" He said to himself, truth was that he didn't know how to wind down or how to spend his spare time constructively. He wandered back over to the storage and offered to help clean up the guns, figuring he might as well be useful than mope about. Doing nothing. All day.

Edited by The Real Gengar


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Spitfire turned around, smiling a little. "I think Wrench musta told him at some point... She's observant, that girl is~" She couldn't be absolutely sure but it sounded like something Wrench would do. "Anyway, did you want the shower after I'm done?"

Wrench, meanwhile, approached the Saddle-Arabian Pegasus slowly. "Oh yeah, I don't think we reallly spoke much apart from over the radio... I'm Wrench. Y'know, the Titan engineer? And..." She tried to remmember the Pegasus's name. "You were... Aha'ban, right?"

  • Brohoof 1

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

"Lefkiney yinashesay. That's correct. I apologize I recognize faces then names." He says.

"Trail complete, everything is good." Nasir calls out from his cockpit before exiting.

"Saiuofashi alnishu tenhatbuat finalaha tinshaniha." Ismael says out loud to the group as he begins preparing the small portable stove on the table.

"Help yourself to fried hay salad once its ready." Aha'ban says to Wrench as he approaches his mech entering into the cockpit.


"Sina hafu tulinakin alcenafuah." Mahki says aloud approaching to the collection of weapons crates just behind Nasir's mech.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash grinned. "If you say so, sweets. And yeah, I'd love a shower while I've got the chance." She said, moving up closer to the shower and leaning up against the wall beside it. She loved the fact that she had to opportunity to shower daily, and a better shower than back at the barracks. "So...what's the rest of the team like? Do ya think they'd be eager to see a former enemy if any of them are ex-NLR?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Traveling threw this area was often dangerous for those alone. "That battle must be near here. The coms did say repairs needed." Tech continued until he found the site. It was a mess. All the titans in the area were doomed and totaled. Tech got out and set his titan to auto defense mode. He then goes over and checks the scrap for salvagable parts. He gets a few reactor cores that are in good condition and plenty of ammo for his multi-target homing missle system. When he gets back in his mobile transport/repair shop, several blips form on the radar. They hold hostile markers. He takes off in the mobile shop. His titan following on a defensive scanning. However it is too late they are on him. His titan defends him to the best of his ability while he makes his attempt to escape.


(Yall can continue. Sorry if I messed up anything. This is just an intro post.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Tempest Shift finished up cleaning the weaponry and decided to check on his Titan. He mumbled to himself as he approached the hanger entrance, "Flipping machine is never ready when I need it...


He approached the team's engineer, Wrench. The engineer who was normally fixing up or modifying Titans "Hey Wrench, how's my Titan coming on? Is it usable yet, I'd like to get a test run before we jump back into the fight" However, before Wrench could respond, Tempest's mic starting buzzing to life.


"Tempest Shift, you left your DMR at the store, come back and collect it you muppet" The voice clearly belonging to the other pony who was in the storage room when he'd cleaned up his gear earlier. "Copy that, on my way." He sighed, it wasn't the first time he'd left his gun in the storage. "Better hurry up, wouldn't want to be late... Again."

Edited by The Real Gengar


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"They'll be fine - By this point they should know that we're all on the same path now - bringing thi war to an end, not following te orders of any Republics or Empires' armies." Spitfire replied, her smile never leaving her face. Now that Dash was in the team, it would be even easier to move towards their goal...



"Well, thanks~" Wrench smiled as she thanked Aha'Ban, approaching the small table that had been set up in the hangar and taking a bite of the salad. "You know,the kitchenettes in your apartments are all fully functioning if you wanna use those~"

She looked up as he heard Tempest's request, but was cut of by the mic again before she could reply. "Bee leaving your weapons around, huh Tempest?" She smirked as she took another bite of salad. By this point she was feeling much more alert.

Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

"We prefer to be closer to our armor support. Ready to go mobile. It's our preferable condition." Ismael says to Wrench as he finishes the first hay salad and prepares a plate for her.


"Twasinwah tunihanshuna hartin batleakin sufinahu actukien altfu shulkfa tinchla linat mentalkina." Mahki speaks over to Ismael.


"Shinla talki? Minhalkitun taktuhin? Sutinwah ladentven tuhatuwahnih." Ismael responds.


Ahaban departs from his Titan.

"Everything looks good."


"Haltin! We are close to shortage on rockets and trophy defense." Abdullah says approaching to him.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash looked up at the ceiling, her smile growing a little wider. "Well, I can promise you that I'll be fighting hard, 'cause I got something more personal to fight for. Somethin' I wanna protect more than anything." She said, giving a little sideways glance and a sly grin to Spitfire as she spoke.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Tempest finally retrieved his gear and headed up to where everypony else had wondered off to. He looked about for a place to sit, even though he was a skilled marksman who was very confident on the battlefield, he'd never overcome his social anxiety around other ponies. His eyes darted around the room for a lone table where he could get something to eat without the social commodities. He couldn't see one.


He walked over and sat opposite Wrench, the only pony he'd had light conversation with, waving to all the other ponies he didn't recodnise on the way. "Morning again" He said politely as he set down his gear." He glanced over to the kitchen, "I'll be just a moment." He put his rifle down and flicks the safety on as he walks off to the kitchen to make something to eat. He poked his head back around a few seconds later, "Um... Do you want me to get you anything while I'm in here?"

Edited by The Real Gengar


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Wrench looked up as she heard Abdullah speaking Equestrian, tilting her head as he spoke. "Looks like we'll have to contact some of our suppliers... Or find an ammo dump somewhere~" 
With that, she turned to look at Tempest in the Steelwings' makeshift kitchen. "I'm alright, Tempest - By the way, the kitchenette in your apartment is still working, so you need not necessarily fiddle with Aha'ban's stuff."



Spitfire returned this sly smile, stepping out of the shower and shaking herself off a little, grabbing a towel and rubbing her hair and body with it roughly before replacing it - her mane now looked like she'd flaled right out of bed and straight into a gorse bush. "I'm just gonna steam myself off, then I'll head over to the hangar. I'm sure the rest of the team wil be dying to meet you~"

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"I'll meet you there then?" Dash asked as she stepped into the shower. She was starting to feel nervous about how everypony would react to her. She'd probably want an unloaded sidearm with her, just for a bit of comfort. Alternatively, hanging around Spitfire could be a better idea, especially if it was comfort she was looking for. Which reminded her of something.


"Could I borrow a set of armour, sweets? I, uh, I don't think my old set is gonna make it through the wash." Her old suit, barely fit to call armour, was more or less a sweaty and grimy mass of something that used to be fabric, but whatever was currently holding it together was a mystery.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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