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private Equestria Divided: Titanfall

~Chaotic Eddie~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

Ahaban sat across from Wrench once retrieving a mug of coffee. Along next to him comes Mahki, comparable the earth pony has bigger build to his pegasus commandant, taller too.


They both sip at their coffee, whilst Mahki watches over to his comrades Ahaban keeps his head down, but not in a submissive manner. More of a "keeping to myself" stance. He simply watched his mug as he continued between waiting and drinking.


"Keyfa tuyin Faldkian?" Mahki asks to Ahaban.


"Tin hautkin. Mush intan wau lhin rajnfinsa tahin fau minwh asinsa, kayinfaulh min hau kuyer sha rasi fiyean." Ahaban responds in his Arabic language.


Nasir walks by holding one of the contractor rifles.

"Haltin! Look at this." He says, the rifle now lay on the table the barrel at the top giving a slight indent in its protrusion.

"Nasir, you know how to fix a bent barrel." Ahaban says,

"Yes. But far too indented." Nasir replied.

"Replace the barrel. If there aren't any spares, just get rid of it." Ahaban replied.

"Alright then." the fellow pegasus replied and departed.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Tempest looked back to Wrench, "Well... I felt like being a little social this morning, and I might as well have met the new guns," He looks over to to the clear leader of the hired guns and nods curtly, "My names Tempest Shoft, pleasure to meet you." He looks back to Wrench, "Hey, if it's not too much trouble Wrench, could you check if the ballistics on my DMR are accurate, they seemed a little off when I was cleaning it earlier." With that, he goes back into the kitchen and starts making himself a cup of tea.

Edited by The Real Gengar


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Sure thing - just look in the Armoury. Turn left from here, then it's 3rd room on the right, we should have some spare PiIot armour in there." Spitfire replied, slowly walking out of the room and back into the bedroom to retrieve the steamer she'd used the night before. She never really liked how towels never fully dried you off, how they always left you a little bit damp afterwards - and when wearing armour it was a particularly unpleasant sensation. It was a good thing, then, that she'd discovered the steamer. 



"I could certainly give 'em a look." Wrench replied, "Just leave it with me and I'll see what's up with it.
Looking up, she overheard Nasir's concversation with regards to bend barrels... Perhaps she could get him to help out occasionally...

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Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Ahaban now finished with his beverage steps away and approaching to his Munchkin Titan. Climbing into the cockpit Ahaban simply sat there. He appeared to be staring upon something hanging along the dash of the windshield.


Abdullah approached forward to his.commandant.

"Delendaf adu elen dakten" he says

(She misses you too)

"Watmin shal dinha mintar la tinhem menen. Touf linden fauldla hendman." Ahaban responses

(I know she made it out. But it is him I miss also.)

"Audmin kaual binlah benfauldka."Abdullah says.

(I hope he made it out too.)

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"Thanks. I'll definitely swing by there soon." Rainbow Dash said, smiling and admiring the view as Spitfire walked out. Once Spitfire was in the bedroom and Dash was no longer distracted, she turned on the shower, scrubbing every part of herself with care. Even before the military, she didn't take this much care of her looks. It was usually enough to ensure she could fly properly, but now... she had a marefriend and she had to look nice and be able to move properly in combat.


Of course, her thoughts still drifted to her friends and how they must be feeling. If she knew them well, odds are they'd probably go looking for her. Dash just hoped they didn't get themselves in trouble trying to help or find her.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Having exhausted the twenty or so rounds of ammunition he brought with him, the Griffin slings his rifle onto his back. Taking a leap, he hurtles down, as though he was going to crash. Opening his wings just above to ground, he.glides back up a bit, entering from where he had left earlier. Landing inside, he heads towards what appear to him to be a set of.mercenary ponies. "Maybe they know the deal."

  • Brohoof 1

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

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Spitfire was surprised at how well she was taking all of this... That said, it was probably partly due to their activities last night that she felt at home here... Smiling back at her unexpected girlfriend, smiling as she entered the bedroom and once again retrieved the steamer from her bedside cupboard, turned it on and began running the hissing funnel over her body, feeling the hot steam kissing her coat and skin as she did so.

Sometimes she thought that this machine was one of her few salvations in life, what with all the running around and sweating under the hot sun in the Pilot armour - and it was even worse in her Titan. The first few weeks of trying to keep her hair in shape had been a nightmare, and eventually she'd given up and just let it hang down.

But now, of course, she had something else to look forward to... Something else to fight for. Not just for the freedom and unity of Equestria, but also for Dash...

  • Brohoof 1

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Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Tempest had finished pouring his second morning drink, then before checking the heat, drinking it immediately. He slowly put the cup down, hoof shaking. Then he took a large gulp as tears formed at the corners of his eyes, "too hot... " he whispered to himself. He put the coffee into a flask, attached it to his saddlebags and left the kitchen, "Thanks Ahaban, for letting borrow your kitchen." Tempest the walked out towards his area, he'd been meaning to tell wrench he'd broken the lock on his door but was too embarrassed to admit how he'd bust it initially. He lay down on his bunk and began to think about before the war...


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dash didn't take long, having scrubbed most of the grime off beforehand. She grabbed a towel and started drying herself off, coming out of the bathroom with a contented grin on her face. She strode up to Spitfire and leaned in the give her a kiss, pausing halfway to ask a question.


"Breakfast with the team, sweets?" She asked, starting to consider another pet name for Spitfire that she might like better. Nothing came to mind so far, but she was a little distracted from using her full brainpower, since she was so close to her marefriend

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Ahaban yawned again, he departed from his mech and approached to the weapons table loading up his personal PSK 12 rifle and pulling the sling around him allowing it to hang by his side.


"Kaufan musinhar lintar linfel hyrdulakil suhial minaer." Ahaban calls over to his comrade Mahki.

(Check the hydraulic fluids on the legs.)

Without word the fellow Arabian approaches to the legs of Ahaban's Munchkin Titan.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Indeed there shall be, after I've steamed myself off - want a go before you head out?" Spitfire offered Dash the steamer head as she ran it over her fur, chuckling a little at the kiss on the cheek. She liked that little pet-name that Dash had developed for her... It soudned kinda cute when she called her "sweets". Almost a bit too cute for her...



Wrench, meanwhile, took one last bite of salad before stepping over to Rainbow Dash's Titan. It had taken quite a beating in the fight, but it was almost back up to scratch - heck, it could probably have gone out in the field right just then and functioned alright, but there were just a couple of things that needed twiddling to get it fully Titanfall-ready. Turning to Aha'Ban, she called down to him from the Titan's arm. "Hey 'Ban, have you seen my toolbox anywhere?"

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

Ahaban looked upon to the mare as she perches from the arm.

"I no slight clue." He says, "What does it look like?" He calls out.


Nasir carefully unhindging the canister.lid to the hydraulic liquid tanks on the legs sticks in measuring stick.

"Hmm should be enough." He says to himself before sealing up the tank and moving along to the next one.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash nodded. "Sure. It'll keep my fur manageable in the armor, and it'll be nice and soft when we cuddle tonight." She said, giving a playful grin and nuzzling Spitfire a little. Though she had a different idea with the steamer.


"Why don't you use it on me, Sweets? There's some places I just can't reach and..." She blushed a little. "And I just thought it'd be kinda...sweet if we looked after each other."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Tempest accidentally fell asleep while laying on his bunk, he'd been dreaming about before the war, when he'd had a normal life where everything was great, no violence, no crime. Just peace and happiness. He missed it all. He used to be a tailor in Manehatten, had a marefriend and a happy life. War ruined it for him, his dream turned stale and warped into a nightmare. He tossed and turned in his sleep until he fell off his bunk and woke up with a jump. "At least no-one saw that..."

Edited by The Real Gengar


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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This sentiment elicited a small smile from Spitfire as she ran the nozzle over her back, before slowly moving it over to Dash's tail. "Alright then, honeybunch... Just hold still, and don't get yourself too excited - you've got the rest of our team to meet~"

Spitfire gently moved the steamer's nozzle over Dash's back legs and tail, making sure not to go too close between her legs. She'd done that once before and it'd been rather unpleasant, to say the least...



"Well... It's metal, it's a weird cyan colour and it has "Wrench" written on the bottom, though it's been mostly rubbed off." Wrench replied, still perching from the arm of the Titan. She hoped she could get at least something done before they had to go on another mission...

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

"Abdullah!" Ahaban called out, the earth pony trotting forward to his commander.

"Wanhin tuwinden shal fulin tishan fauntamin?" Ahaban asks him.

(Have you misplaced a cyan toolbox?)

"Watsu filun dauk mern faulku mishinhal lintaukin." The fellow Arabian replied.

(I will double check.)

The earth pony trots towards the crate Piles along near their own mechs jumping upon the boxes to overlook for the missing toolbox.

With a confident smile the earth pony spots a fitting toolbox lay about near the damaged ammunition containers.

With it in tow he returns to his commander.


With it now in Ahaban's grip he flies upward to Wrench depositing the toolbox beside her.

"Here you are."

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"Can't promise that, Sweets. I like what I see back there." Dash said, really relaxing as Spitfire ran the steamer tool over her. It really felt good, even better than when Dash had done it herself. Like her coat stopped being slick and filthy and started to feel...kinda fluffy. Like her coat was softer than even before the war. "You're really good with that steamer... It's kinda like a massage. A really good massage."


She was sorely tempted to stretch out, especially considering the only other pony in the room was her marefriend. But would it be weird if she asked for belly rubs? 'No way. If somepony walked in and saw me being cute, I'd probably die of embarrassment. Can't be a wimp in front of the men or my marefriend. I gotta show 'em that I'm still 20% cooler when I get out there. They're not gonna respect me if I don't.'

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Tempest yawned and pulled out a box of his possessions, it had a photo album, a book and key he'd forgotten the purpose of. He flicked through the photo album at the pictures of before the war. He put it all back after a  skim through and went down to the others who he was mean to be briefed by and awaited their arrival. He waited outside, tapping his left forehoof impatiently.

Edited by Sylveon the Pink


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Thanks, 'Ban~" Wrench smiled at the Pegasus as she gave her thanks, opening up her toolbox and fishing out a spanner from within. 

"This one got real banged up... Well, I guess it's to be expected if you're squaring off against three other titans, even with help from an Ogre..." She mused, tightening a screw in the arm a little.



Spitfire continued running the steamer's nozzle over her new marefriend's back half, making sure to get all the areas she couldn't reach before hoofing the nozzle to Dash herself. "I'll let you do the rest - I'll find you a Pilot suit whilst you steam yourself off. You've got quite the team to meet..." She smirked slightly as she stepped out of the room, past Dash's old, decomposing armour and heading out of the front door, towards the makeshift base's makeshift Armoury, looking around inside for a suit of Pilor armour that would fit Dash.


Before she'd discovered this place, the room which they now called the Armoury had been a simple broom cupboard, but the mops, antibacterial floor wipes and brooms had quickly made way for whichever guns, armour or other technology the team could salvage from the old battlefields. This tactic tended to get them a lot of guns, but not so much of the ammo they sorely needed... as such Wrench had taken to selling surplus items on the black market, which turned them just enough profit for ammo and repairs.

  • Brohoof 1

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash was a little disappointed that her steam massage had to end, but there was a lot to do and a war to fight. "Yeah. I bet they're just going to love seeing me." Truth be told, she was still a little nervous about meeting them. If she was particularly unlucky, she probably shot at one or two of them once or cost them a Titan. How could they stand to work with somepony they once considered an enemy?


She continued to worry about it until she pressed the steamer nozzle to her body. The steam helped her relax and think clearly. She wouldn't have been allowed in if she wasn't a deserter or abandoned by the Solar Empire. Spitfire would've known she was faking and she'd be dead at the doorstep. And even if Spitfire couldn't tell right away, Dash's loyalties would start to conflict and it'd show anyway.


She was in no danger here. The real danger was out there on the battlefields.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Tech continues to maneuver his mobile shop, trying to avoid getting hit. His titan would use the repair arm to try and make repairs to the mobile shop. It used its other weapon to try and keep the striders at bay. A volley of missiles attempt to hit their marks. It wasn't much but it did force them back a little.


Their next attack however severely damages the titan. "Titana withdraw. I Don't want to loose you." His titan withdraws.


He pulls out his ordinance and fires it upon the striders. He is flying with his vehicle. The mobile system on auto pilot. He then gets back in and puts the peddle to the metal. His attack forced them to back off some more.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Spitfire opened the cupboard door slowly, to ensure that Wrench hadn't stacked the guns in such a way that they'd all cascade out on top of her head - Wrench had never let her forget when she'd done that a few weeks after beginning their operation. Luckily, the guns were properly piled up this time, so opening the door fully, she looked around for a spare set of Pilot armour...

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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When Dash was finished with the steamer, she looked around for her gear. Aside from the pile of mush that used to be Pilot armour, she found some of it.


Carbine, pistol and her empty Mag Launcher. She sat down and started to take the carbine apart for cleaning and maintainnence. She'd probably have to ask Spitfire about replacement parts. Then she realized something. She had no idea where the armoury was. She put the carbine back together and set it aside, strapping on her pistol holster and heading out into the hallway. Taking it slow and careful at first, she checked around for sounds of movement.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Ahaban approached tohis cousin. Nasir just now finishing with hydraulic fluids check on the legs.

"Minfauin! Quou linsha tauker?" Ahaban asked,

(Cousin! Have you checked the launcher?)


"Far, laptina shufa tunarin lepterin." The fellow pegasus says.

(No, I will begin a test fire.)


With new task at hoof he flies upward to his Munchkin mech close to the grenade, launcher mounted left of the head. Retrieved from the cockpit he readies a unique dummy round into the barrel after removing the first preloaded round.


With the test blank ready he enters into his cockpit.

"Test ready." He says and disengages the safety on his launcher. With the test function confirmed on board he readies his hoof on the trigger.

"Test 1." He says and triggers, the dummy round launched with a loud THUMP!

The soft ended round slapping against the wall before softly landing on the concrete.

"Trail complete." Nasir says looking back over his analysis review on the screen.


Ahaban simply nodded in approval.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Wrench glanced down at Nasir's Munchkin Titan as its Triple Threat ejected the dummy grenade across the room. "Everything alright down there, guys?" She asked, observing as the fake round pinged off the wall. Now that she shought about it, she also hadn't tested Dash's Titan's weapons... But that could wait until she'd made sure that everything else was all in working oder.


After a lot of rummaging around in piles of SMGs, Titan ordnances and grunt helmets, Spitfire finally dug out a set of Pilot armor from the very bottom of the pile. Turning herself around a little, she began slipping herself into it - she figured that since Dash and her were of a similar body size, what fitted her should fit Dash too. As she slid her hoof into the armor's back sleeve, she failed to notice that she was stepping backwards onto a hitherto-unnoticed Kraber rifle on the floor...

"Aargh!" As such, it was quite the surprise to her when she found herself tumbling backwards as her hoof caught the rifle's barrel, throwing her off balance as she collapsed through the door of the Armory with only one leg inside the armor. She thought she was above this sort of mistake, but apparently not... Ah well. At least it'd give any newbies something to  keep their heads up. "Even Spitfire trips over misplaced guns..." That sounded more like somehting to promote tidiness, now that the shought about it. Finding her hooves once more, she attempted to slide on the rest of the Pilot gear.

Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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