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Could Discord have brothers/sisters?

Lumena Sparkle

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In my headcanon, Discord is one of four brothers, the others being the Spirit of War, the Spirit of Hate and the Spirit of Greed, basically Equestria's version of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse! But what do you think?

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I don't see why not, even though it seems unforseeable at the moment.


When Cheerilee describes the draconequus, she describes it as a creature, but she never ruled out the possibility that there's more than 1. Heck Discord isn't even directly listed in the definition. :umad: Much like we have more than 1 alicorn,  :comeatus: its quite possible that there's more than 1 draconequus. No one has actually ruled out that possibility yet.


Besides its not like we're talking about humans in Equestria here.  :eww:

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Well, all we really know about Discord's background is that at one point he ruled EQ & Celestia & Luna used The Elements of Harmony together to turn him to stone.  So, yes, it is possible that there is an entire race of Draconequus & Discord is a rogue member of the race (like Q in ST TNG)

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In my mind, Discord is but one of many of a whole species of prankster type creatures of all different animal parts. I always thought it would be funny to find out that Discord is the nicest one of his species, and the rest of them are 100x more jerkish than him. 

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Well, all we really know about Discord's background is that at one point he ruled EQ & Celestia & Luna used The Elements of Harmony together to turn him to stone.  So, yes, it is possible that there is an entire race of Draconequus & Discord is a rogue member of the race (like Q in ST TNG)


The lolz would be endless.  :lol:

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I like the idea of there being other omnipotent figures that representing something, like Father Time or Mother Nature, and Discord is one who got bored and decided to "interact" with the ponies (putting it nicely, but I'm not sure I'd say Discord is akin to a Horseman of the Apocalypse. Chaos isn't an inherently evil thing, as it can be the source of inspiration and creativity and lots of other good stuff; it's just gotta be balanced with Harmony. My head canon is that Discord got too big for his britches and threw that balance out of whack, as opposed to corrupting a world that was pure harmony.


Also, wouldn't it just be a Horse of the Apocalypse in this universe?

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I can hear the fan fic writers from a mile away tippy typing on their keyboards.

I really don't know. It's an interesting concept, and the show hasn't really thrown an idea like that out the window. It might happen, but I doubt it will. I think having more than one over-the-top anti-protagonist might be a bit much.

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I kind of envision Discord as the pony version of Q from Star Trek (since that's pretty much what he is!) - and as such, maybe there's a Discord Continuum, where there's tons of chaotic, ridiculously awesome draconequii.


And now I see someone else posted the same thing. XD I really hope this is the case, that there's others out there like Discord, haha.

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Well, all we really know about Discord's background is that at one point he ruled EQ & Celestia & Luna used The Elements of Harmony together to turn him to stone.  So, yes, it is possible that there is an entire race of Draconequus & Discord is a rogue member of the race (like Q in ST TNG)

that would be awesome :) it would make my day if discord's bro just rocked up :)

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