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open Califoalnia Dreamin'

Rainbow    Dash

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Pipeline, an off orange coated stallion with a long blue mane and orange highlights in them, trots up to a rather large house. He looks at the newspaper clipping he saw the advert on and checked to see if the numbers were right.
"Hmmm...righteous." He says as he trots to the front door. His horn illuminated as he brought with him his surfboard and two bags.
"Sweet house, and a sweet job." He says to himself as he knocks on the door.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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A pony wearing glasses and a suit approaches pipeline. "Uh hello there! I assume your the guy in charge of this place?" Before pipeline could say anything, Otto interrupted." Well I just came from Canterlot after a job offer I got here. I just saw your ad in the newspaper and thought we could negotiate a fair rent"

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@@Brock Obama,
Pipeline turned around and looked at the stallion. After he was finished speaking, Pipeline shook his head.
"Nah, brah. Im here to get settled in. I saw this choice ad in the paper and though I would high tail it over here. Do you think we can just go in?" He asks back.
Pipeline was a little out of it as he was experiencing a bit of vertigo. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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The gold coat stallion looked a bit startled for a bit but quickly regained his composure. " Hmm so your not the owner than."Pipeline waved his head no." Well I don't think we should go in uninvited, I mean that could land us in jail. How about we knock on the door?"

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@@Brock Obama,
Pipeline shrugs and trots to the back of the house. He admires the scenery a bit as he enters what would be the backyard. He finds a little note on a wooden bench and picks it up. He reads it out loud:
"Reminder: Set key for tenants under the mat....huh...." Pipeline spots a key on the bench and inspects it.
"This isnt under the mat, brah." Pipeline trots back to the front door and looks at the other stallion.
"I found a key...Im pretty sure we can go in now." 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash, @@Brock Obama,  


Void was disguised and trotting towards the house he saw in the newspaper that was still in his mouth and his only luggage was a large suitcase which he was dragging with one of his front hooves, as Void got closer to the home he already saw two stallions there so Void dropped the newspaper on the floor and trotted up to the two.
"Hey I am not interupting am I?..." Void asked with a calm demeanour 

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,
Pipeline looks at the new stallion and smiles.
"Nah, brah. I was just about to open the door. Unless...are you the owner? If so, you forgot to put this key under the mat. I found your reminder in the back." Pipeline inserts the key into the door, watching the stallion. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash,

Void grinned and shook his head with his hoof raised
"Nope my friend, not the owner, I am assuming by those words your a tenant too? Yes? Well this is awesome, more then just me! That makes this much better"
Void added a gesture to the door at the end
"Hope those keys you found work then" 

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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a goldish-orange stallion walks up to the group of ponies near the house in califoalnia that he had planned on living in "hello" he said with a smile "are you the people who own the place? i had seen an advertisement and was hoping to move in here, if it's alright with you, of course." i say kindly "My name is Phoenix, by the way! good to meet you guys!" 

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@@Handsome Changeling,
Pipeline chuckles and opens the door.
"They work. So I guess the owner really is gone." Just as Pipeline was about to enter, he hears another new voice greet him. He turns around to see a kinda gold and orange stallion behind him.
"Oh, hello! we are not the owners..just tenants. My name is Pipeline, good to meet you...Phoenix!" Pipeline greets him with a smile.
"Im guessing since we are all tenants now, we can go inside." 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"we're all tenants?" i ask, cocking my head awkwardly. "where are the owners then? are you sure we're allowed to just go inside?" i ask as i trot towards the door to be next to all the other ponies.

"well" i say to myself. looking at the key that pipeline is holding "if they left a key, then i guess we should be allowed to make ourselves comfortable while we wait for them" i say, to nopony in particular, not noticing that i'm practically mumbling to myself.

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@@Rainbow Dash,@@~Phoenix~,

Void grinned and let out a giggle
"Names Void! Aaaand well your right Phoenix, keys were left here, we should have permission, anyhoof, Pipeline, if you could do the grand opening of the home here heheh"
Void then nudged Pipeline as he mentioned the grand opening 

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@Handsome Changeling

i stand next to void waiting for pipeline to open the door. "so what brought you here?" i ask void, trying to spark a friendly conversation to try to get to know him. i know i'll get to know everyone eventually because we will all be tenants of this house, however void is my most immediate target as he is standing right next to me

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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Void got a little giggle out and grinned wide.
"I just needed a bit of travelling in my life I guess, my life is pretty boring to begin with, just your average workhorse Earthpony heheh"
He knew he was lying about pretty much everything he just said
"Not much else to say really, I suppose I can ask you the same question Phoenix, what brought you here?"
The smile on Void's face was still quite happy and wide.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@Handsome Changeling

"Well.." i started "i used to travel around alot but i guess i finally decided it's time to settle down, and when i found out about this place it was like a steal" i answered to void. with a bit of a smile "i couldn't find a place to support my.. lifestyle choices. i'm hoping things are different here"

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"Travelers huh? I did a bit of traveling myself. But I wasn't aimless wandering around though. I'm from a small town south of here. I moved to Canterlot to become a lawyer. But I left because..... Well let's go in shall we? I'm getting Ancy standing out here and I'm not one for small talk."

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@Brock Obama

"alright" i say as i enter the house, looking around once i get inside the door. i begin to look at everything around me and take it all in "it's beautiful" i say. surely living here will turn out great if the other ponies who will also be living here (i had not originally accounted for that) are accepting of my 'lifestyle choices'

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"Well if we're living here together we have to choose rooms. So let's just get on with choosing rooms alright? I got things to do." Otto walks down the hall into the second room down the hall and places his saddlebag on a bureau in the room. "Well I'll take this one. I just hope none of you are messy."

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i walk down the hall and take the first room on the left. i begin to neatly and nicely place my saddlebags on the bed and unpack all my things into drawers and in a wardrobe. i begin to inspect and investigate the specs of the room and test the comfortableness on the bed. ultimately i decided that the bed was just a little too soft and there were too few blankets. i like to have lots of soft fuzzy blankets, not sheets and comforters. i thought to myself that it was a good thing i brought a few of my own.

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Otto starts unpacking his saddlebags and takes out an assortment miscellaneous items. Pens, papers, blankets, trinkets, a toothbrush, an extra pair of glasses. He begins to arrange and place all his things around the room and stops for a moment taking out a torn picture. " I wish it wasn't like this....." He whispered.

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@@Brock Obama,@@~Phoenix~, @@Handsome Changeling,
Pipeline was just standing there, looking at the beautiful waves. It was like he was in a mini-trance.
"Wooooooooooah." He mutters.
He soon snaps out of his trance to see that the stallions had left.
He heard some rustling upstairs and deduced that the group went to their rooms already. Pipeline trots upstairs with his bags and surfboard and eyes each door. He spots a room with an amazing view of the ocean and sets his things inside of it.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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i finish unpacking all my clothes and blankets and other amenities and i sit in my room for a while to think. 'What will these ponies think of me?' i ask myself, as i fall back onto the slightly too soft bed and stare at the ceiling. i continue to lay there pondering, my body sprawled out on the bed 

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Otto finishes arranging his things and leaves his picture on top of a drawer. "I'm kinda hungry" Otto walked downstairs into the kitchen and opens the fridge. "Empty great". He walks to the pantry and again finds nothing. "buck. Well We have to buy groceries than." Otto goes and notices a note on the counter.

Sorry I didn't leave anything, I was going to be away for a while so I put most of my food in the basement. But I hope you don't mind cooking because it's all non perishable.

"Damn. I have to do MORE stuff to eat? What am I a housemaid?!" Otto walks to the basement door but finds its locked. "Hey anybody have the key to the basement?!" Yelled Otto.

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@@Brock Obama,@@~Phoenix~, @@Rainbow Dash,  


Void was already in the second room on the right of the corridor and he threw his one bag onto the bed
"Never going to leave this behind, no matter how sneaky I am or must be" Void said to himself as he opened his bag and threw a set of purple Changeling Armour behind his bed
"Keep it safe heheh, anyhoof, now I can relax a bit..." Void heard the pony Otto yell and Void responded
"I don't!" 'Nice and simple answer but hey it was good enough' Void thought as he lay down on his bed 

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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i lay in my bedroom hearing the muffled yells of otto as i ponder whether or not i should come out to the other tenants. 'this is going to be more difficult than i thought, having to share this house with all these other tenants.' i think to myself, turning onto my side and letting half of my body sink into the bed that's too soft.

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