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private Silent Hill - Pony RP


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(OOC here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/122438-silent-hill-pony-rp/)

It was almost morning in Equestria with ponies almost waking for the day as Princess Luna could be seen with Princess Celestia formally exchanging control of the day. A mysterious pony in hooded robes wandered the alleyways his job done for the night. "All will soon unfold. Very soon, they will awaken to their gifts and be inevitably be drawn to their ultimate demise. The darkness must continue on!" He thought. He rubbed an antiquated gem he wore around his neck while speaking in a unfamiliar tongue. An unnatural fog slowly surrounded his body engulfing his form only to disappear moments later as if he never was there at all. An unnatural mist began to form around him as he entered the other world reducing the vision range to next to nothing. Disturbed ravens could be heard flying away as the emptiness and eerie silence surrounded Jack. He entered the quiet town as the ash fell like fresh fallen snow. He arrived back at the citadel as the fog horn rang. The ash covered buildings turned to rust as well as distorting into ungodly, derelict structures. The ponies ran as monsters of all sizes rushed toward the the edifice on the ground and air. He closed the door with indifference as the ponies still trapped outside were torn to bits from the flying creatures that resembled former pegasus before the others even had a chance of catching up. The other monsters besieged the holy fortress but could not penetrate it's walls. In fact, it was the only building that remained normal in times like these. He continued down the middle of the church and took the pedestal. "Soon my friends, they will come. They will not understand our ways or our culture but you must remain vigilant. Our freedom from this accursed demon will soon end. For now we rest while blood spills outside these walls. Let us use this time to pray for our eternal savation," I spoke with authority to the hushed crowd of my followers. "Yes my lord, may your reign last for 1000 years and be forever shown with glory!" they all chanted in unison.
(You will all wake up with roses next to your beds that morning with a note.)
"Go to the Everfree Forest at midnight. There you will find your true calling. Forsake your worldly treasures for the chance to discover the true Equestria. The door you seek lies within.

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Shadowknight woke up, getting out of bed and yawning. He was in his little house at the edge of Ponyville. It had been a personal choice rather then forced, or so he'd like to think, but he begged to differ. He saw a note next to his bed with a note and frowned. He didn't think he had heard anypony enter his house and he cursed himself for not being more vigilant. Still, roses and a note didn't seem too bad.


He went to the note and read it over. He started to smile. "True calling.... That means whoever wrote this must know what I am, why I cause this darkness to happen." Shadowknight said to himself. He was excited, if somepony knew what he was and could teach him how to control his power, he could be accepted as being at least relatively normal.


He paused in his thoughts though and said out loud again. "True calling.... but that could also mean...." Shadowknight flinched as he remembered how he had scorched some ponies with fire a few years ago. It had been an accident, but it had been him that had cast the spell and he was terrified of the pain he had unleashed.

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Dyna woke up in her bed in the orphanage of Ponyville, early in the morning. She looked around her and saw that her bed was surrounded by roses. She was a little bit freaked out, but tried to calm herself. She picked one up and was stung by the thorns, a blood drop fell on a note lying on the bed. She picked up the note and started reading it. "To the Everfree forest?". She looked around her, she noticed the Eva was still sleeping. All the other kids were sleeping. "Find my true calling.... does that mean that I will get parents? I want to have a mommy and a daddy". She decided there and then that she would leave for the Everfree Forest. 


She tiphooved (tiptoed) over the floor, past the room where the head of the orphanage slept. Miss Funnelcake could sometimes be really mean, if she was in a bad mood that is to say, or had drunk one too many hard ciders. She opened the door quietly and closed after her. As she trotted down the pathway, she heard the bell cling. Everypony was supposed to wake up then, she had to hurry before she would get caught. She immediately jumped for some of the buses by the fence down by the end of the path. She saw Miss Funnelcake looking out the window. Then she went to order the kids to wake up. Dyna kept on going, leaving the Orphanage grounds. "It said I would have to go there during Midnight. I guess I can do something else until then". 

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The fog horn ended and my guards opened the door as the monsters charged at us until they finally disappeared into nothing. I walked out with Gregory, my lead scout. "Observe but don't interfere unless it's necessary. Of course, stay alive my friend, the gods seem to favor you despite the place we live in yes? Report to me when they arrive and...," I stopped to think for a moment. "Yes my lord?" he asked. "Don't worry, just go to the usual spot. They shouldn't see your position if you just observe them. The creatures should make short work of them. Keep track of the filly though, I want her...alive." I smiled and returned to my reading. I would know very soon when they came. Then, the fun would really begin.

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Later that night...


Both ponies were inside the Everfree Forest. A pack of timber wolfs begins stalking them but at the same time, a purple rose trail appears leading them away further into the interior. .. 

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Tempest awoke with a jump in the black of night, he felt something only describable as a pulling sensation, something in the Everfree was tugging at him to be there, he decided with a start and sudden motivation that he'd head out to the forest and seek out the source of the sensation. As he went to leave he spotted a note attached to the front of his hotel room, "Hmm... So someone wants me to head on over to the Everfree... Well, here I come!" He shouted out to no one in particular, he put on his headphones and set off to the forest humming along to the megaman theme song.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Hera took it upon herself to forage some food. She liked her simple life in the forest. They almost had a mutual relationship, she tended to it's well-being and it usually took care of her. A noise suddenly perked her interest. Hera crouched as she watched an alicorn and a filly wandering as if they were following a path. She kept to herself, but then noticed the timber wolfs. She didn't make herself seen blending in cleverly with the night. She was just curious as to how they would react to the pack following them. Stupid ponies, I bet they won't even make it out of this. she thought to herself.

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Shadowknight hadn't realized when he had started walking with the filly, his mind being clouded by the pull of the darkness. However, his mind did note the presence of something nearby, something of a predatory nature. If he had to guess, he would say Timber wolves though he wasn't one hundred percent certain. He looked at the filly. "Um excuse me, little one. What are you doing out here so late at night?" He asked gently, not wanting to scare the poor thing.


While he asked this he used his darkvision to scan the nearby forest and spotted several of the lurking timber wolves. They were very hard to see, but the small movements they made gave them away. Shadowknight kept them in his peripheral vision while giving the appearance of being unaware.

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"Oh, me? I am just here to find my purpose. That is all. Did you come here to find your purpose as well? My name is Dyna Mite. What is your name?". Dyna looked around, feeling as if they were being watched. She did not like this, but she continued onward non the less. 

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Three timber wolfs come for you from the nearby foliage.


@Dyna Mite:

Two timbers wolfs come for you from the nearby foliage.



You notice two ponies being attacked by a pack of timber wolfs further on the path. You notice a dropped saddlebag on the side of the path concealed by a log and foliage. A corpse of a dead earth pony remains next to suggesting ownership although not much remains in the way of identifying the body. You will find inside a note inside a bottle, ("Turn away! You will only find darkness beyond your worst nightmares. Do NOT continue!") as well as an antique sword in a withered but intact leather scabbard. It looks rusted to the point of discarding but there are several gems on the hilt as well as a name engraved on the blade (Twilight Rise.)


(5 timber wolfs in total.)

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Dyna started running as soon as the two timberwolves charged at her. She jumped forward, bringing her left hind leg towards her left front leg, barely evading being chomped. She ran through the forest, biting a branch, stretching it and then letting go to crash into one of the wolves face. She kept on running, her heart racing. 

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"Hey, leave her alone!" Shadowknight called out as he backed away from the three timberwolves closing in on him. He quickly started flapping his wings, picking up a large cloud of shadow to darken the nearby area. He hoped that Timberwolves didn't have darkvision too, because he saw them as clear as day. He charged one timber wolf, aiming a kick at its face, while narrowly dodging out of the way of a swiping paw of another timber wolf.

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(I am semi-drunk right now so excuse my...drunkiness i guess.)

Hera saw the ambush happen and attacked the second wolf charging the filly knocking it out for a second. She wasted no time cracking it's neck ending it's life almost immediately. She motioned to the filly, "Come young one, we must make sure your friend is okay!" The wolf the filly knocked out with a branch was recovering in a moment. The remaining two on Shadowknight used the position of their fellow pack-mate to figure out the position of the alicorn and both lunged while he was temporarily distracted from his assault. Hera rushed to help Shadowknight but she wouldn't be in time to stop the two wolfs coming for the alicorn.

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Tempest looked at the antique he'd found and completely disregarded the note as he popped out the gems from the sword and out them into his own bags, he then equipped the scabbard and charged at the wolves form behind, his wings giving him a faster momentum he went straight through one of the wolves and kept going until the sword was embedded into a tree trunk. He then decided to simply fly upwards out of the wolves reach and hovered away looks for the band the wolves had attacked initially. "This is such a curious place." He said out loud to no one in particular while searching.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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An unnatural mist suddenly surrounds the whole group as the wolfs attack. Everyone knocks out almost immediately from the mysterious gas. They all wake up some time later in the town of Silent Hill. An unnatural ash falls like snow. The quiet, eerie environment creating a climate of suspense and horror intrigue.


@Dyna Mite

You awake in the clothing boutique, it is deserted, but strangely eerie with a strange headache. An unnatural ash falls noticeably through the window. The room is filled with dusty dresses and scattered ensembles that once would have been sold to the public. Cloaked ponies notice your arrival but merely dismiss your arrival and leave briefly mumbling something along the recognition of "outsider" in a voice of disdain. The shop itself is in severe disarray as it appears no real cleaning has taken place. The structure itself has slightly fell into disarray although everything seems strangely to maintain it's weight.  



You awake at a farm within the fields of Sweet Apple Acres with a strange headache. You see a ruined, empty farm stead devoid of life. The farm house and barn itself are dilapidated beyond repair. A swarm of mutated vampire bats suddenly flies out a nearby tree equally devoid of life at your sudden awakening towards your direction. You can see the converted city hall in the far distance into a grotesque cathedral as well as some ponies that are donning cloaks suddenly leaving your presence as if you harbored a plague. 



You awake at a cottage within the forest with animal skeletons of various sizes ranging from the size of a bear to the size of a small bird with a strange headache with a bump on your head as you appear to have fallen from a decent distance. The trees themselves are distorted into creepy, mutated forms. The cottage itself seemed to have burned down from a fire many years ago even though the remains appear to be as fresh as the day after. The silence of life is the most prominent thing as you hear nothing for miles. The saddlebag you found in the Everfree Forest you are suddenly wearing yourself. The note has seemed to disappear but the sword's scabbard remains attached to your hip. The gems are restored to their rightful place and the sword has mysteriously been restored to it's most complete and beautiful form yet. You feel an aura of light emanating from the weapon. The Forest suddenly seems safer despite it's ruined, horrific changes. The sword seems to protect you from the evil that emanates from this place of great evil.

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"What the-?" Shadowknight said as he shook his head, standing. He looked around and took in these sights and wondered again. 'What the?!?' Shadowknight ran towards the dilapidated farm house, unsure about the mutated vampire bats or cloaked ponies. He didn't think a bunch of ponies avoiding him would be very welcome and if he tried to converse with them they might turn hostile. He wasn't the most friendly looking alicorn in the world. Shadowknight went inside the farm house and pushed a table against the doorway. He needed to gather his wits.


First, he had woken up from a strange dream of being attacked by wolves. Then as he opened his eyes he had seen a twisted cathedral, cloaked ponies, strange demented looking bats, and a converted city. Shadowknight sat down on the floor and closed his eyes, thinking of what he should do next, unsure.

"What the-?" Shadowknight said as he shook his head, standing. He looked around and took in these sights and wondered again. 'What the?!?' Shadowknight ran towards the dilapidated farm house, unsure about the mutated vampire bats or cloaked ponies. He didn't think a bunch of ponies avoiding him would be very welcome and if he tried to converse with them they might turn hostile. He wasn't the most friendly looking alicorn in the world. Shadowknight went inside the farm house and pushed a table against the doorway. He needed to gather his wits.


First, he had woken up from a strange dream of being attacked by wolves. Then as he opened his eyes he had seen a twisted cathedral, cloaked ponies, strange demented looking bats, and a converted city. Shadowknight sat down on the floor and closed his eyes, thinking of what he should do next, unsure.

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Dyna looks around, inspecting the boutique. She looks at the dresses. "Such a waste of beautiful dresses". She shakes her head and pops her head outside the window, looking into the street. She doesn't see much. There seems to be snowing.... ash? She steps outside the boutique and starts wandering around. 

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Hera awoke within the cathedral itself. She was bound by rope and immediately struggled to no avail against them. "You can relax zebra, I had you brought within as soon as you were found. You will make a good sacrifice, but I may just use you for bait. I do eventually need the filly to officially complete this ritual," Jack told her with malevolent intention closing the door to the basement. She finally regained her senses, "Wait! You let me go...," her voice cut off. He turned to see a grey spirit leaning casually against the wall, "The filly has been seen you know. Won't be long until the others see too," he said with a bit of boredom. "Too bad my brothers hate your kind. All you do is hide and hide within these walls like a coward while your minions do your work for you," he sneered. "Quiet! No one can stop me now even if they wanted too! Not even a pitiful spirit like you!" I told him rashly. "Fine, but don't say i didn't warn you. This cult of yours is not invincible you know," he said with mirth. "Soon, you all will be banished! Enjoy your freedom while you can, you are nothing but a trapped soul regardless."

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Gregory noticed the filly walking about the main town center. He motioned silently to his other scouts. Their target was right here! If they could pull this off successfully, they would surely earn the master's favor now! He and his squad began to slowly surround the filly. They were getting in position still hiding. I walked toward her. "You okay young one? This is no place for someone of your age! Let's get you to my home. We offer sanctuary to those who need it most," a false smile on my face. If she didn't cooperate, everyone else would aid in her capture.  

A cloaked pony approached Shadowknight with a machete. She wielded it nervously, but maintained a strict attitude. "Who are you? Answer immediately before I.....do something i'll regret!" She said with wavering courage obviously scared by the Shadow's appearance. She tripped suddenly over some rubble revealing her face and body in full vision. She had a similar look to Applebloom, but had a older, more withered appearance. "Um, yeah...," Suddenly embarrassed, she ran off further into the ruined household picking up her cloak and dropping her weapon on the ground.    

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Shadowknight turned at the sound of the cloaked pony. He thought the voice may have sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it. "Wait, please." Shadowknight said as he got up from his sitting position and followed the pony. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I woke up outside and then I saw some strange mutated creatures and I came here." He said out loud.

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"Well, I was attacked by some Timber wolves. I was with another pony. I think that we should look for him as well. He must be here somewhere as well". Dyna looked around, inspecting her surroundings. "Where am I, what is this place?" she asked after having looked around. 

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Tempest slowly regains his thoughts after waking up suddenly, looked about the room and decided that he'd rather be outside looking around the forest with a sword than stay in a house filled with dead animals, he heads outside to the forest, as he looks back he thinks he sees a skeleton turn it's skull to watch him leave.He shakes his head in disbelief and walks off into the forest, going to towards the pulling feeling he's getting from deeper within the forest.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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You hear a air siren sound off seemingly everywhere without a source as ponies rush toward the converted cathedral in the center of town. The ash seems to disappear as an unnatural darkness takes a hold of Ponyville. The edifice within the town with the exception of the cathedral all turn into a rusted, gnarled forms themselves as monsters of all types emerge from the walls as former pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies like autonomous zombies within moments. They have no clear face and appear to be deformed burn victims of an unfortunate accident gone wrong. They move in to attack the unsuspecting visitors some wielding knifes and crude claws. An extra large pony with a huge machete appears walking out of the clothing boutique (Pyramid Head Ponified ;)). There is nothing but a deafening silence as all ponies hide or quickly run away to avoid detection.


@Running Loose

You wake up in on a roof in Ponyville, you have no memory of how or when you got there, but you quickly come to your senses as the environment changes around you. You noticed deformed pegasi approach you with crude knifes that appear to have dried blood from previous murders. You also see Pyramid Head on the ground below you moving in to slaughter ponies still running about.  



The forest turns even more sinister around you as the bones reanimate themselves into creatures of another nightmare. The trees themselves come to life as they try to take a swing at you with their branches. The sword you wield suddenly glows with an unnatural light. It appears that this sword may help in your own survival, however this comes as a double-edged benefit. It can stun monsters, but also attracts more to you. You see two deformed monstrosities that look something akin to golems wielding giant bloodied clubs approach you from within the forest.


@Dyna Mite

You see five scouts appear around from out of no where suddenly run towards the cathedral at a dead sprint. One of them gets caught by Pyramid Head instantly being cut in two. Gregory attempts to foalnap you grabbing you as attempt to reconcile with what just happened. The door shuts leaving both of you outside trapped within the darkness.



The farm house turned into something else as the pony you saw disappeared into nothing. You see deformed earth ponies wielding rusted scythes with dried blood on them. They slowly approach you as more gather, you will be surrounded within the house very soon. 

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"Oh Celestia, what have you done?"

Running Loose woke up on a roof, possibly the hospital's. He was creeped out by the images before him, and that's when he looked behind him.

One of the pegasi was holding a knife drenched in blood.

He tried to fathom the amount of crap that was unfolding before him, and he was quickly out of the situation.

He flew away and found an old bridge near apple acres. He hid under it, sucking his hoof not knowing what to do.

Edited by TheBlueGamer

<p>I'm in a better place. Thanks for the ride.

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Dyna grows frightened as the stallion tries to grab her. "What are you doing? Don't touch me. Leave me alone". She kicked at Gregory. She then notices one of the scouts getting cleaved in two and begins to shake. She starts to back away in whatever direction, she didn't care, as long as it took her away from the pyramid looking pony. 

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"Blast." Shadowknight muttered at the sudden strange change. A part of him realized he wasn't as frightened as he should be at that moment, but the rest of him was in survival mode. He flapped his wings and flew up, hopefully just out of reach as he glanced around quickly. He saw a nearby window and charged at it, breaking through and flying a little bit higher into the sky, glancing back below. His heart was beating quickly, but again, not out of fear, but out of some other strange feeling he had. He wasn't sure, but he thought that he felt.... excited.

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@Dyna Mite

Gregory cursed as the filly broke free. At the sudden arrival and death of the scout, he ran quickly dodging the encroaching monsters towards another part of town. He noticed another Pegasus (Running Loose) almost in a anxiety attack trying to dodge more of them. Gah, this nightmare is never ending! Must find a place to bunker myself now! I thought quickly. I disappeared further into town. Pyramid Head smelt her overwhelming fear and began to slowly approach her cutting to pieces any pony still alive that happened to be in his way. 

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@Shadow Knight

You see chaos erupt everywhere as the nightmare takes hold. You can see a set of eyes in the distance watching you from the bell tower from the cathedral. The monsters try to no avail to reach your altitude but darkness still pervades. After a moment, the eyes disappear. The image burns into your mind, you feel a sudden need to know who it was. Just then, interrupting your thoughts, you see pegasi grey fillies fly toward you.


Jack noticed an alicorn in the distance over at what appeared to be approximately Sweet Apple Acres. "Hmm, so you are back to your home it seems. I was almost thinking you would remain in the other world forever. I guess now I must make contact soon." I pondered quietly for a moment. "After this darkness transitions, I shall meet with this pony. I must see for myself how he has progressed." I left the window after a minute returning to my study. I began to make preparations for my journey. It has been too long since I had a reason to leave this accursed building. I might even spend the darkness outside for once I thought...

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@Running Loose

You see a pony (Gregory) running towards some cover while the grey fillies slowly maneuver to corner him. The monsters get closer to you now. Any longer and they will get close enough to hurt you. 

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