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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor

Defender of Tomorrow

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Dashia arrives and lands.


She says, "Are you sure about that? My pipbuck says its signature is non hostile."


Dashia has a defensive stance and ready to take wing again. She however leaves her energy weapons on standby so as to be non-threatening to the two.

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"Maybe you shouldn't spy then on other ponies like so." I said slightly relaxing. "I have killed for less in the past. However, I am not entirely unreasonable. You should be more careful next time." I slung my weapon within easy reach and left the unicorn to her space. "I don't know about either of you, but I was showing him to the nearest town." I said looking to Dash and Aile. "Since we all are here, I guess introductions are in order. I am Chronos, formerly a guard, now an independent mercenary." I said talking to everyone. "You are?"  

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Crackshot quickly turned and pointed Persuasion's barrel toward the arriving pegasus. He had no racial hate toward them, but one can never be too careful. Especially when said pegasus is bearing energy weapons.


He listened to his supposed partner's chatter from inside the shack, taking occasional glances to the doorway and back to the pegasus, in case she tried any sudden moves.


As for introductions, he'd let everypony else have theirs and go last.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"My name's Dashia, Cloudia Dashia. I mean no harm. I was just in the area picking up a part for a design I am building."


Dashia taps her saddlebags when she speaks. Her stance relaxes a bit but a few blips appearing on her pipbuck make her look around. She then realizes their the friendly/neutral tags of the two and she already had the tag for The other.

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"Maybe you shouldn't spy on other ponies" I repeated mockingly "I wasn't spying on anypony, I was minding my own business until you and your buddy showed up with guns, and quite frankly I have been shot at too many times in one day, so spare me the advice please." I stared blankly at him as he introduced himself, another mercenary, oh boy. I took quickly to notice the Pegasus mare that was outside, barely hearing her introduce herself, just great, was this a therapy session now?

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Crackshot finally spoke up, glancing into the shack upon hearing the unicorn's words.

"We're not 'buddies', we're just going to the same place."


He kept Persuasion pointed firmly at this 'Cloudia Dashia'. She didn't seem like she meant any harm, but he's let carelessness cost him too much already. The thought caused him to briefly look down toward the worn pink heart pendant around his neck.


He still wasn't too comfortable about just blurting out his name; he'd wait until he was directly asked. Such was his way.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia was use to being pointed at with weapons. Too many ponies thought her as a enclave Pegasus or a Dashite. She keeps her non-threatening stance. She also moniters her pipbuck for incoming enemies.


She asks, "Would you all know anyplace to pick up a high caliber barrel for a heavy rifle? I need one for this blueprint I am trying to build."

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I turned back to look at the Enclave pony. "I know of a merchant in Ponyville that may have what you seek. He specializes in unique weapon parts as well as modding if you got the bits to make it worth his time. We all may as well go. Even that pegasi that I scared half to death." Laughing at my own joke within my mind, I resumed. "Who knows we may all find something worth while in town but one last thing." I looked over at Crackshot, "I never formally asked you for your name pony. Since you know mine, I want to know yours."

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Crackshot glanced over to Chronos, giving him a look that didn't show as much hostility as it did annoyance.

"Crackshot," he finally muttered, and a beat passed before he continued, "I don't know how long it's been since you last visited Ponyville, but as far as I know, all that's there are ruins. And raiders living in them.


He looked up to the pegasus, his glare softening into its natural bemused state as he pointed Persuasion's barrel away from her. "There's a town a few miles from here, no doubt a weapon merchant as well."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I'm Aile, if anypony cares." I muttered as I took my spot in the group, near the back of course, wouldn't want anypony backstabbing me now, would I? "Well no shit sherlock, of course raiders run ponyville, but ghouly over here has some way to get us in without getting shot, to 'deal' with his merchant friend, rightt?" I glared at the ghoul for a moment and then added "Well I suppose it doesn't matter, as long as you got caps and the means to defend yourself they will deal with you."

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"Ah, your just upset that I have connections in Ponyville. I personally know some of the raiders so it makes me not as much of a target you know." I said laughing softly to myself now. "Look Aile, I like my fun, you just caught me off guard. So maybe my reaction wasn't all that reasonable but you can call it love." I said giving her a wink. I turned to look at the enclave pony now. "You want that part pegasi, then good chance they either seen who has it or have it themselves. I just helped them out with a gig a few years back so I have my credit in odd places yes? So are we going to Ponyville or what?" I said loud enough that everypony could hear me. 

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Crackshot gave the unicorn a sidewards grimace in response to her sarcasm. One of the many many things he disliked was being smart-mouthed.

Though, upon hearing the ghoul talk, he gave him a quick glance, and the gears began to turn in his head.


This town a few miles from here...he was being led to Ponyville this whole time?


He was unaffected by the realisation though; given his history, he'd achieved quite a bit of notoriety amongst raiders in the Wasteland, so more than likely they'd recognise him right away and leave him alone.

At this moment in time, however, he couldn't care less what they did to these ponies.


And so he returned Persuasion to its spot on his back, and glanced away toward the direction he was originally heading. His way of saying "I'm in."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia says, "I was raised to bare an open mind. Also if y'all think I am enclave you might want to rethink that. My father is a Dashite and my mother is a Unicorn."


Dashia makes ready to head out. She then says, "I am ready to go when y'all are. Either is fine. I just don't wish to get killed or have to kill needlessly. And I can get the caps if need be. Mother ans father always supported my desire to be a tech engineer."

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The ghoul's wink was a bit awkward if it was anything, I never had been in a group with a ghoul before, at least not one that had already lost his mind. "I hope none of you have had any nasty run-ins with these Raiders, they ain't exactly the type to forgive and forget y'know." This crackshot fella was a bit tense as we got nearer and nearer to ponyville, I bet he did have some run-in with them raiders and there was a high chance there was going to be a shoot out, I wouldn't expect any of these ponies to function like a unit, but I knew one thing for sure I had my ass covered if shit hit the fan.

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We neared the town and I motioned for everyone to stop. "Let me make my introductions first, then i'll call you guys down okay? We shouldn't have any issues, let's just say they owe me." I departed and made my to the sentry. Pretty soon we were both laughing on our backs at old times and private references. I returned shortly with my hoof around a raider in body paint with two bloody machetes on his back. "Guys, meet Ricto, my old buddy from like forever! They agreed to let us stay on one condition. We will be safe from any and all intrusions, trust me these guys are good. They just demand a small fee from each pony in caps or goods. They have to eat you know." I said laughing now. "As for you pegasus, they might know where such a piece you require may be located. You merely have to ask yourself. I imagine you have more details than I can give at the moment. Well, let's go! You all can decide what to give later." I motioned for them to follow as Ricto and I led the way into town.

Edited by Sriracha
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Crackshot gave this 'Ricto' a warning glare as Chronos made the introductions. It was nothing against the raider or anything, just making sure he knew he wasn't one to be messed with.


As the group entered the ruined town, hooves began pointing toward the shotgun wielding unicorn, accompanied with hushed voices which ceased as he looked in their direction.

He was right; he'd developed a reputation amongst the locals. Maybe now they'll give him, and maybe the others, a wide berth.


As for this little offering, he had little to give aside from a hooffull of caps, some leftover food and water, and a few radiation supplies. It wasn't unlike raiders to charge a toll, but perhaps he could...'convince' them to give him a little discount, should he need to.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Broken watches from high above, the confrontation in the town below. He is unsure how to approach, unarmed as he is and face hidden by his suit's blank mask, he does not like his chances of entering their perception and remaining unscathed. He circles wide to the other side of town and stretches his senses for something to use as a weapon. As distasteful as the primative projectile weapons are, they are far better than nothing. There- peppery taste mixed with a taste like bitter root- some sort of rifle. He silently glides down at the edge of town and alights next to the weapon. His senses map the weapons internals and he identifies a chamber bolt. The caliber registers as lethal at long range. It has extensive damage to the barrel and a few parts but seems to be in working order. It has a bullet in the chamber and it is accompanied by ammunition at its side. It was obviously placed here for some kind of static defense.


Broken gathers everything up and flies back up before who ever placed the weapon returns. He returns to watching the ponies below and waits to introduce himself.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Looks like you've got your very own fans huh?" Aile said sarcastically, placing her hoof over Crackshot's neck "I can't tell if that's fear holding them back, or respect, nevertheless it's always nice to have ponies quivering at your presence." She quickly removed her hoof as she saw an angered or agitated expression begin to form on his face "What?" She said gazing at him "I know you don't have many friends, but out here in the wastes if you don't try to be happy or at least make the effort to change that you aren't gonna last much longer."

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Crackshot watched Aile's hoof go around his neck and kept glancing between it and its owner, his face becoming slowly more agitated.


"First of all, don't touch me without permission," he muttered, his eyes going straight ahead as soon as the mare removed herself from him, "Secondly, I work better alone. The less dead ponies I have feelings for, the better."


His eyes quickly shot down to the heart pendant around his neck, and back up again. He suddenly felt a small urge to drink.


"And in case you're wondering, it's more than likely fear." He concluded.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Aile observed that Crackshot was very bitter in his response and prompt to look at his heart pendant, why hadn't she noticed that before until now? It was a basic heart pendant, it didn't seem to posses any special properties like her blue, chilled pendant did, or was it a vial? "Something wrong? you forget to take your meds or something?" She said in a somewhat serious tone as he looked faint. 

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While observing the group of ponies that formed on the path leading out of Ponyville, Chip could hear many of the ponies commenting about somepony named Crackshot. As he looked out past the crowd he could see a small group of ponies, Chip wasn't sure what to make of them. After helping plenty of mercenaries in the past he has learned that as long as you help them out they will tend to leave you alone. Upon closer inspection of the crowd of ponies most of them seemed to be anxious for some reason. Since he hadn't lived in Ponyville for long he wasn't sure what was going on. As he tired of observing the crowd Chip returned to his weapon shop and continued building a new gun he had been working on. The gun Chip was creating was a long range magical energy gun, with a semi-auto fire and an enhanced scope. Chip was making this new gun because somepony earlier stole an old battered rifle that Chip used, while he left it sitting on the counter it disappeared.

  • Brohoof 1

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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@@Defender of Tomorrow


"No," Crackshot answered bluntly, with a small shake of the head, "I just...need a drink." He began slowly shifting his eyes around, hoping to find at least a small shanty bar as the group walked on.


He felt anxious. Not because of the raiders murmuring as they watched him pass, or the thought of taking on a tribe full of them. He knew how jumpy raiders can be, and he was prepared for a sudden attack.


He used to be one, after all. But these ponies don't need to know that, at least not yet.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia goes over to a spot and steps out of the old armor. Her rainbow lightning bolt behind a cloud metal wrench cutiemark now clearly visable. If one were to compare her to the old tales, she looks the spitting image of the Pegasus called Rainbow Dash. However she doesn't have the rainbow main and tail and her coat is far too light To be true cyan blue.


Dashia begins working with a special repair kit to fix the tail blade. (repair: base + 15 + 4) She looks very capable with her knowledge about tech and tech based stuff. She get the tail blade into basic working order and in to decent condition. She then starts to work on the armor parts she needed to repair to get her armor back in full working order.


After that she hooves to one of the raiders 100 caps and asks, "Do you know where I can get a high caliber energy rifle barrel? Am trying to build a blueprint my father found."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Chronos took to himself to start relaxing by the fire as the sun fell gradually over the horizon. Ricto heard the exchange between Dash and the fellow raider. He was immediately interested and approached them. "Uh...Yeah, I think..." He began to say before Ricto knocked him out flat and he fell out unconscious on the ground. He gracefully hopped over the raider and caught the bag of caps before they could hit the ground. "I think our neighborhood gun expert Chip can help you. If you follow me, I'll take proper care of you love." He said leading the way toward Chip's gun shop. He eyed Dash up and down in plain sight clearly approving as he led her away.     

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He needed a drink. I needed food. Both are usually found at whatever less than decent establishment served them in this raider shithole. Aile followed Crackshot through the town to a small bar that was almost packed full of raiders of all kinds, big and stupid, small and smart, and just plain stupid raiders. All the raiders held their gaze on Crackshot, some looked anxious to attack him or run for the hills. "I don't think they're gonna serve you here, at least not a fair price." Of course they served me, I wasn't hated by raiders, they were the least of my concerns nowadays and I munched on an irradiated apple that was probably grown with pony shit, watching, waiting for something to happen.

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