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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor

Defender of Tomorrow

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Dashia smiles ans says, "If the others are willing, we might be able to solve the problem. Also about the enclave, I personally have no problem with them. However, father being a Dashite, they may treat me as such."


Dashia makes a few notes on her mother's pipbuck about old Appleloosa and about the bandits.


(New marker added to pipbuck map.)

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I had retrieved the bartender's attention with a wave of my hoof and brought him over. "Hey, get me that concoction we improvised that last time we were here. I am feeling parched for decent filling of radiation." He made a face of disgust as he realized what I asked of him. "Sure...I'll serve you, you have earned that much but you really have to confer me to do it?" He walked away shaking his head as he produced a beverage that would make most ponies severely ill with just one serving. "Here, now scram you awkward son of pony." He said with a light laughter. I knew he was joking but customer service wasn't always a fun job. Besides, even here I faced some degree of racism. Being a ghoul was tough, but manageable in this world. I walked back to the booth with Crackshot and Aile. I took a stool from an unoccupied table and sat down. "So...what I'd miss earlier?" I said putting my drink on the table in front of me with a cheery disposition. I was vaguely aware of the smell it might have, but hey, wasn't my worry.    

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@@Defender of Tomorrow


Crackshot watched as the ghoul returned to their table, a rather foul smelling...something coming with him. He turned up his nose at the smell, not even going to try asking what it is.


"I just met somepony I really want to kill," he grunted, slurping the last few drops of whiskey into his mouth, "and you've met an old...associate of mine."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Aile hadn't cared why the Ghoul was here and simply shrugged off the question, if he had meant any harm he would have already done it. The ghoul moments later returned with a debilitating smell radiating from him "The hell?" she remarked as she cast a spell to shield her poor nose from the stench. Cronos had taken his seat next to Crackshot, poor fella's ability to smell would be non-existent if he didn't move or do something! "Hey Cronos, I'm guessing you know a place to stay, right?" It's getting quite late after all and I'd rather not spend my night in the wasteland today."

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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"I managed to secure a bunkhouse for the party. It was cleaned a little in light of our arrival but we still can expect some lingering odors for you civilized folk. I volunteered for fire watch tonight, but Ricto was supposed to lead you all to the bunks himself. I wonder where he went?" I mused to the others. Soon after, Ricto was seen leaving the counter intoxicated carrying a fat sack of gold he acquired from Dash earlier. He noticed the trio and headed to the table stumbling in drunken bliss falling on the floor face first. I drank some of my mixed drink while I moved the stool to catch him. "Well, I guess I'll be escorting somepony home tonight." I laughed putting the drink down. "Let me know when you need to sleep. I can show you in his stead." I said with some mirth in my tone.     

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Broken considers the shop owner for a moment and the self-proclaimed Dashite, whatever that may be.


"I am willing to work for you to pay you for weaponry and equipment. You do not need to bribe me for silence. I have no idea of what it is you speak of. What is a Dashite?"


Broken looks at the map and orients himself correctly. He stares at it until he is sure he will be able to navigate correctly and return.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Dashia says, "A Dashite is a Pegasus with a blackened brand over their cutiemark. They are considered traiters in the eyes of the enclace. My father was branded one. I was born after his branding, so I don't have one. I was also raised to hate none and keep an open mind about all."

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Chip looks back at the Pegasus colt with a look of bewilderment. "Hm... you have a favorable conduct, that's a rarity these days. I had a feeling I'd like you, you know what let it be known you found yourself an ally in this shit hoke of a town." He smiled returning his attention to the Pegasus mare.

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dashia says, "I have been near stable 6 most of my life. My mother is of stable 6. If you need help just let me know. I will be happy to help as long as it isn't shady stuff. It drives me crazy when others ask me to do shady work, without knowing why and if they deserve it. What do you need at this time."


Shr looks over her blueprints. (science check. Base + 20 + 5) She then starts making notes. "Also lets try that. the rifle barrel and anything we can do to mod this design and make it usable for flight with little to no recoil. Mods of all kinds are what I can do the best. However tech in and of itself are what am good with."


She then shows him the modifications she was thinking of for the Novasurge Rifle.


One reduces recoil. Another mods how the condenser works, to a small degree, in order to increase damage output and also an increase to accuracy.

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@@Defender of Tomorrow



Crackshot raised an eyebrow as Ricto stumbled over to their table, subsequently faceplanting on the floor. There was a time when he and his old buddies would come here, just to piss away their hard-earned caps and get as hammered as that lucky raider down there.


But nowadays, he just does it to get some decent rest.


Speaking of which, he remembered he was running quite low on his 'sleeping medicine', so he got up and walked back to the bar, giving the faintest of smiles to the bartender.


"Another whiskey, I'll pay for this one," he said.

"Not a problem kid," he nodded, reaching beneath the bar and re-emerging with another full bottle, then smirked at him, "I'm glad you said that. I might like you, but that doesn't mean you get nothing but freebies."

"Yeah, I know," he hovered the bottle into his saddlebag, and dropped a small heap of caps on the counter, "I'm gonna have a walk around town, see what's changed since I was last here."

"Not much has, really," the older stallion shrugged, brushing the caps behind the bar with a foreleg, "just a few non-raiders setting up shop here and there. Weapons and the like."


Crackshot nodded and gave him one last smile before turning, which instantly dissolved into his trademark blank frown.


"Going for a walk around town," he simply grunted to his...companions, should he call them? Might as well, since it seemed he was stuck with them for the time being.


He ventured out the door and looked around the ruined pre-war village, getting a warm feeling of nostalgia.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"All right, I'll be sure to let you know when I'm going to call it in." She responded as the ghoul embraced the wasted raider. Her attention diverted to Crackshot who had been chatting with the bartender, his chat quickly turned into a trade as the two exchanged caps for whiskey. He quickly put the alcohol inside his bag and returned to them to inform them that he was going to 'walk around the town', before Aile could say something he left. She sighed, gathered her belongings and left the establishment. On her way to the weapons store she encountered a dead ponies body, fresh by the looks of it and the killing done by something of sharp nature. "Wonder who you pissed off.." she commented as she walked passed the body and into the store.

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Chip looks at the Pegasus mare "Shady? No this work would not be at all shady, I'm an honest business colt. I don't know if I can say the same for my supplier. Anyways if you were willing to help me out all you'd be doing is recovering my stolen cargo from raiders. So you'd be laying down some justice if anything," He explained as another Pony entered his shop.


Chip turns his attention to the door at the Unicorn mare "welcome, feel free to look around, let me know if anything catches your eye," He exclaimed turning his attention back to the Pegasus mare who had a writing utensil out.


Chip watches the Pegasus mare begin jotting down notes and drawings on the blueprint, he tries to hold back a pained look as he witnesses the blueprint being defaced. As she finishes making her alterations, Chip looks down at the notes. "hmm... interesting. Now for the accuracy issue you can probably use a mana inversion coupling. As to damage output in my opinion you may not want to toy with that too much otherwise you could overload the rifle, once a mana condenser is involved the weapon becomes... what's the word i'm looking for... sensitive to change. As to recoil, alteration on the gun won't help unless you decrease the fire power or remove the condenser but then it's no longer a novasurge rifle. But if you're equipping this rifle onto your battle saddle then it be a whole lot simpler to mod the saddle to be able to absorb the recoil," as he lectured the Pegasus he kept an eye on the new unicorn who seemed to be causally inspecting the guns on the wall.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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caliber looked at the shop keeper talking fancy with the pegasus. "who, what when where, now?" he wondered aloud. being sword-user, he knew next to nothing about guns, other than pull the trigger and it fires. he dosent even know how to aim properly. "um, ill just look around." he said. wondering over to the melee part of the shop, he was looking at the different kinds of sword polisher. when he found a daring do book in the clutter section. "oh...that takes me back." he said "i havent read these in years. and would ya look at that. the only one i havent read." he flipped through it. he looked up at the shop keeper. "hey, yo!!" he shouted, "how much for the book?!"


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Chip looks up with a surprised look on his face "I didn't even realize you were still here, you can have the book if you want it. I mean if somepony is going to read it then why not, I just use those books for polishing blades as well as starting the fire in my stove. I don't think I ripped any pages out of that one yet," He looks back to the Pegasus mare and her plans discussing what she wants to do with the rifle.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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caliber looked at him. "thanks! im in your debt!" the pony continued talking buisness with the pegasus. "ill slay any monster, assassinate any foe," caliber had drew his sword and was fencing against an invisible opponent, "challenge any champion, and retreive any treasure!!! but first," in one fluid motion, he sheathed his sword, opened his book, somehow made his cloak flourish, and sat down right there to read the book. "daring do."


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Chip raised his brow in question of this unusual pony in his shop, he hadn't seen a pony who is so peculiar. One second he's waving his sword around the next he's muzzle deep in a book. "Yea okay pal, just let's keep the sword sheathed while in my store, it's a little to crowded right now. I don't need heads rolling across my floor," Chip paused for a second looking at the door "speaking of a bloody mess, i'll let you have the book and i'll polish your sword if you remove that body you so kindly dropped out side my store," he interjected to the unicorn, once again returning his attention the the novasurge plans.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Aile had exchanged greetings with the storekeeper who seemed to be in heated conversation with Dashia. 'Novasurge' she had heard a thing or two about that weapon, the Zaphyrian Army, formely known as the Enclave before the leader was overthrown, had been the only group to posses that weapon, but apparently they had blueprints. The same pony from the bar that Crackshot had grown disdainful of had barged into the store, murmured some ridiculous words and was reading a comic in the middle of an aisle, she payed no attention to him and turned to the clerk. "Something about a novasurge rifle?" she inquired

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"should i eat him?" caliber said with his most sadistic smile. "nah, im just kidding! ill get that situated right now!" he tucked his book into his bag, and dashed outside. he found the body, and happily began chopping him into little pieces. you know, to fit it all in a bag. he slung the bag over his shoulder, walked to the edge of the town, and threw it as far as he could, which was about a quarter-mile.


he walked back, trying to get the drying blood of his hooves


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Chip looked at the unicorn mare who inquired about the rifle and back at the Pegasus mare. "It's up to the owner of the plans if she wants to share information," he stated trying not to make any enemies, which nowadays is easy to do with so many ponies in a single shop.


The Unicorn colt finally took Chip up on his offer making a rather depraved joke before trotting out the door. As chip opened his mouth to speak he stopped suddenly when he heard the sound of a sword rending through flesh. He could see everyone in the shop seemed to stop looking at the door, obviously no pony likes to hear the sound of another pony being chopped to bits. Soon the noise halted and chip looked up at the ceiling "should I eat him? what a thing to say, that's something i'd expect to hear from a ghoul," he pondered as the thought of that unicorn eating a dead pony crossed his mind. Chip shook his head trying to shake the thought and returned his attention back to the two mares.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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I finished my drink and led Ricto to his hammock in what appeared to be a former clothing boutique. I made my way toward the weapon shop out of boredom. I liked the crew here but at some point, I would start killing others if I didn't start doing something else soon. I took some old, worn fabric that looked like a cloak from the shop and put it in my saddlebag as I left. I went to the gun shop to overhear somepony saying, Should I eat him? I made my way toward the shop curious who would say such a thing walking into the sales pony. "Say, you have anything in the category of blunt weapons? I need something more sharp," I said giving him a creepy look letting my face contort into something else. 

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"I wasn't thinking of it. however the blueprints are here. I always use new paper when doing mods so as not to mess up the original in any way." She taps her saddlebag. She then shows that the twiking she thought of would increase energy cool down ratio by nearly twice thus increasing damage output in the weapon without modifiyng the item directly.


She then asks, "Do you know where I could find a bit of cloud metal?"

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Crackshot trudged around the town, glancing at the raiders going about their business. The main activities he witnessed were taking drugs, getting into brawls and a couple of stallions bragging about their 'gun size'.


The barpony was right; not much had changed.

Well, aside from the raiders still giving him wondrous looks, like they'd all saw him gunned down in the street and now he was walking around like nothing had happened.


He stopped in his tracks as a pair of scruffy colts dashed past him, armed with plastic pre-war toy guns and making 'pew-pew' noises at each other. One of them froze and dropped to the ground, making 'dying' noises as the other 'shot' him once more. Double-tap.


A small smile escaped his face as he walked on. That took him back.


He glanced ahead at a weapon shop, one he didn't remember seeing before, and noticed there was quite a lot of activity...and it seemed to all be those ponies he'd travelled here with. Interesting.

Including that annoyingly over-friendly unicorn, who hacked up bits of a pony's corpse and slipped them into his bag.


Then the pieces came together in his mind; almost insanely happy, and hacking up a dead body...he's off his balls on Dash.


He sneaked into a small group to avoid the stallion (as much as he'd love to kill him, he had other pressing matters right now), he waited till he walked by before making his way to the weapon store, to see what all the commotion was about.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Chip found it impossible not to notice the ghoul who just entered his shop, this ghoul brought with him a pungent odor into the shop. The ghoul made an odd request and Chip looked at him seemingly caught off-guard "I'm assuming you're cracking a joke, if not i can weld a bat to the hilt of a sword," he jeered at the ghoul.


Chip turned back to the Pegasus mare "Increasing the cool down ratio to such a degree wouldn't necessarily make the beam stronger, it would allow you to fire more frequently... so in a way it increases your damage output. Otherwise a way to increase the damage which I didn't bring up because i might make the gun unstable but whose knows until it's attempted" he stated as he pulled some paper in-front him, he used his magic to guide a pen across the surface. Chip took only a minute to redraw a primitive version of the blueprint and begun drawing a new variation of the nova surge. "So essentially as you can see this nova surge involves two power cores, each with with its own mana condenser. For this rifle to work properly both condensers will have to be the exact same capacity. The condensers will then run into the mana inversion coupling, dispersing and recombining the energies into a single beam. with so much energy the inversion coupling will need it's own cooling mod so it doesn't fail along with decreasing the cooling ratio for most of the gun. Another way is to find a larger capacity mana condenser that can handle two power cores, these are just suggestions though," he reassured the Pegasus as he saw another pony about to enter his shop through the front window.


Using his magic he slid the shotgun he left on the counter back to him. He loaded in several shells under the counter so none of his customers would see. He merely did this as a precaution, it's far too often that some conflict arises when so many ponies are in such a small building.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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caliber burst into the shop. again. "hey, ya got any rags, or anything?" he asked, "im trying to get this blood off my hooves, so-" he broke off abruptly, noticing crackshot. "oh, hey!" he said with his trademark grin. "i know you! your...uhh...the guy from the bar, right? the tough guy!" his tone suddenly became serious. "hey, im sorry for invading your personal space. it was rude of me." the smile slithered back "but hey! im a unicorn!" he had lost interest in crackshot. "i could just magic off the blood!" and he did. getting all the sticky blood off, he once again sat down right in the middle of the store to read his book. "let me know if ya need anything else!" he said to the shopkeeper


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As the peculiar unicorn returned to the shop Chip could see a gleam of hatred in the eyes of the other unicorn colt. Chip was glad he loaded his gun because those two may go at it eventually, of course he would rather it didn't come to that since blood is not something he wants splattered all over his store.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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