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open Dragon Ball Z:Revival

Drago Ryder

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(Sign up: http://mlpforums.com/topic/123605-dragon-ball-z-revival-sign-ups/#entry3582288)


Tempest sighed as he looked into the sky and saw a clear view of the stars. "It's been a long time since I could relax like this." He thought to himself. The bat pony then noticed an orange streak in the sky and saw it land somewhere in the Everfree forest. "What was that." He thought. The bat pony then galloped towards the forest, wanting to investigate before something went wrong.


Dawn was woken from her slumber by the sound of an impact on the ground. She then noticed a orange orb with a red star in it's center. "I wonder what you could be." She thought, as she picked up the object.


(It may be slow now, but it'll pick up soon.)

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Star was playing with the other orphans when an orange streak fell from the sky.

"Alright, my little siblings, go inside. I am going to check that out. Cya later."


With that she galloped off towards the everfree forest. She had never feared the place like everypony else. She always felt at home there.

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Burning Star awoke from her slumber and rose from the ground, a throbbing in the back of her head. She balanced herself with her... not-hooves. Already, things were off to a confusing start. The things on the end of her... that was strange, her skin was now a reddish-tan color, not her normal cherry-red. The things on the end of her... they seemed to be legs, but they bent in the opposite direction. Upon her not-legs sat the strangest limbs. They were pads of flesh with several appendages sticking out of them, with no visible function at the time. Star attempted to use her pyrokinesis but found, to her dismay, that her magical horn was nowhere to be found. She rubbed her head with her not-hooves. "Great." she thought. "What am I supposed to do now?"




Bright Horizon wearily arched his back, trying to - okay, that was one thing wrong already. Ponies' bodies, as far as he knew, were not supposed to move like that. But, he presumed while looking at his strange body configuration, he mightn't be a pony at all. His figure was reminiscent to that of a dragon. "How odd," he thought to himself. "How in Equestria did I end up here?"


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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Freezing was walking around somewhere in the wilds as a flying object caught his attention. It looked like perhaps an object or a super fast pegasus crashing so he went into the direction it was going until it crashed and he couldnt see it. From there on he just went straight trying to avoid any dangers that could be in the forest he entered.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Burning Star awoke from her slumber and rose from the ground, a throbbing in the back of her head. She balanced herself with her... not-hooves. Already, things were off to a confusing start. The things on the end of her... that was strange, her skin was now a reddish-tan color, not her normal cherry-red. The things on the end of her... they seemed to be legs, but they bent in the opposite direction. Upon her not-legs sat the strangest limbs. They were pads of flesh with several appendages sticking out of them, with no visible function at the time. Star attempted to use her pyrokinesis but found, to her dismay, that her magical horn was nowhere to be found. She rubbed her head with her not-hooves. "Great." she thought. "What am I supposed to do now?"


Bright Horizon wearily arched his back, trying to - okay, that was one thing wrong already. Ponies' bodies, as far as he knew, were not supposed to move like that. But, he presumed while looking at his strange body configuration, he mightn't be a pony at all. His figure was reminiscent to that of a dragon. "How odd," he thought to himself. "How in Equestria did I end up here?"

(We aren't humans yet.)


Tempest can out of the forest and entered s clearing. He then noticed Dawn and trotted towards her. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to see if anything fell around here, would you?" He asked.


Dawn glanced at Tempest and nodded slightly. She also noticed that she wasn't wearing her cloak, but she trusted the bat pony. "Yeah. I was sleeping when this hit the ground next to me." She said as she showed Tempest the orb.

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Star came out of the forest into the clearing. She looks clearly out of breath. She notices the two and a feeling of unease crosses her heart. She goes over to them. She remains silent for a time, but when she notices that one had both wings and a horn she asks Dawn, "What are you? You look the same as me. Also what Is that thing?" She has a confused look on her face.


Star looks as large as a unicorn mare and wearing a cloak. Her mane and tail is silver. What is seen under the cloak is a dark blue coat. She doesn't appear to have a cutiemark.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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When he arrived at the location still shrouded by the trees surounding him he saw other ponies. He approached them with worry for the people and asked them if they knew something about this streak in the sky ''Uhmm... Did you guys see a pegasus or object fly or crash here in the near vicinity?'' he didnt put on a smile like he did around fillies but instead tried to look as neutral as possible not showing that he could be worrying for the may-not-have-been-a-pegasus streak.


(sorry for the late response... I had an exam and had no idea what to write here because my brain just kind of poofed out of existance.)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Dawn's body seemed to tense at Star's words and glanced at the alicorn. "Yeah. It's a long story." She said, shyly. The mare then noticed a new pony. "I think this is what fell." Dawn then levitated the orb off of her hoof and let it float in the air. They were already here, so they might as well know what is going on.


Tempest was curious to be quite honest. He had never heard of something like this from Xena, which made him a little wary of the object.

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Star says, "It is a nice looking crystal orb. I wonder what those stars mean." Her curiosity has been perked. She attempts an identification spell to figure out what it is. She also uses a detect magic spell to aid this process.


Her horn glows with a light blue and pink shine as she casts her spells. She then looks at the orb with glowing eyes. Before her spells could take full effect, she covers her eyes and says, "To bright! That thing has allot of magic in it!"

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Freezing looked at the object before the mare started to cast a spell to identify it. After she obviously failed as she got flung back by its overwhelming 'magic' he thought to himself 'it doesnt seem to originate from equestria... Unless its really old and not well known' he didnt say anything about his thoughts but instead said ''Shouldn't we leave it be if we dont know what it is? It could be something dangerous''

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Star remains silent at his words and thinks, 'I know that that things magic is incomplete. But to be incomplete and still that strong....maybe my mentor in magic might be able to help.'


After a bit she says, "Why don't we take it to my mentor? She might be able to figure it out better then me. All I found was that it possess very strong conjugation magic. I also found out that the magic isn't complete. It is almost as if the magic in the orb is fragmented."

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Dawn nodded slightly and smiled. "That seems logical." She said, as she looked over the orb.


Baz could feel the energy from the orb, even before Star used her spell, and she didn't like it. "There's nothing that should be this powerful." She thought.


"So, what do you think it was used to summon?" Tempest asked, looking at the younger alicorn. He was somewhat curious as to the secrets this could contain and wanted to learn more. "By the way, who is your mentor?"


Xena, like Baz, could feel the energy coming from the sphere, but he wasn't wary of it.


( If you have any questions about Xena or Baz, look on Tempest and Dawn's character page.)

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Star says, "Judging from the sheer power of the spell something big. As for who my mentor is, It is miss Sparkle. She has a place in Ponyville. She taught me everything I know about mana focusing and magic."


Star looks back towards which direction she thinks Ponyville is in.

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He stared at the orb and thought how insane the other ponies must have been and then heard the name of someone who is a super important person in the whole of equestria. Ofcourse he hates going to any kind of authority since they ignored him when he was younger, but he decided he wouldnt speak up since it would probably anger the other ponies or something.


(Yay for being afraid to go to the authorities that didnt help when you were young.)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Tempest nodded slightly. He was impressed that Star knew Twilight, considering the fact that he was one of Luna's best guards. "Well, we should probably head back and get all of this straightened out."


Dawn nodded and put the orb on her back, making sure it wouldn't fall of be shifting her wings slightly. "I'm ready when all of you are." She said.

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Star says, "One thing If you will. Besides Twilight and the orphanage I am from only the princesses know about me being an alicorn. Not even twilight's friends know yet. Please keep it a secret for now. They just think I had a large earthpony for a father and a unicorn for a mother."


Star gets ready to head back. "Yea lets head back. Besides Twilight would want to know I successfully cast the spells. Though, they did fail to succeed in their effects for the most part."

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Tempest nodded slightly and smiled. "Your secret is safe with Dawn and myself." He said, knowing what it felt like to fear being cast out should the truth of his full abilities reach the public.


Dawn nodded in agreement. "Considering the fact that I'm an alicorn, you can assume that I would agree."

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Star says, "Can either of you lead the way? I can't seem to tell which way Ponyville is from here. By the way, my name is Moon Star."


Star shifts her stance so as to let them take the lead. She waits for them to move before following. They can see in her wake small imprints not normally noticable except by those with exceptional strength.

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Although he doesnt like the major authorities of Equestria he spoke up ''I know how to get around... I've been here and there all my life'' he went towards some bushes which had trees with other trees with other bushes with them ''Its not that far away, just around the corner'' he said avoiding eye contact with any of them.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Star says, "lead the way. Once outside I can lead us to Twilight's place."


Star makes to follow him respecting his not wanting to make eye contact.


She goes quiet after that and seems to only follow from a distance. She looks lost in thought or focusing her mana as a recovery effect.

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Dawn and Tempest both followed Freezing through the everfree forest, but neither could stop thinking about the strange orb that had fallen from the sky. The bat pony glanced at Dawn and smiled slightly. "What do you think this could mean?" He whispered.


The alicorn shrugged slightly and looked to the sky. "I have no idea." She said. "Something doesn't make sense about all of this."

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He led them all nearly in a straight line until they changed direction in 90 degrees to the left. Ofcourse it sounds insane and he didnt state a reason but soon... They came out of everfree forest, somewhere near ponyville ''Told you i knew how to get out'' he said before he gave over the lead to the strange alicorn with a fake smile that could even fool Celestia herself.


(I know whos not happy one bit.)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Star guides every pony from the edge of the forest all the way to Twilight's place.


She knocks on the door. "Twilight, it is me Moon Star. I have an assignment report and a question to ask. May some new friends and I come in?"


She waits for Twilight's answer, not knowing if she was busy.


(I know at least one who is excited about all this.)

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Star was walking along the path of the market when she sensed something. She turned around to find a group of ponies approaching Twilight Sparkle's house, but they had... something. It was a small, orange orb with some stars in the center. It was radiating intense magic energy, and Star thought it might be a good idea to follow them.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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Tempest nodded slightly as they came up to Twilight's tree. "Hopefully all of this works out in the end." He muttered to himself.


Dawn sighed and tried to relax. She knew there was probably a lot going on in Tempest's head.


The door open and Twilight steeped out, looking over the group and smiling. "Hello,Star. How are you?" She asked. "And yes. You don't really have to ask that, though.

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