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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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"I'm okay, I'm okay." Caramel said as she got on her hoofs again. She picked up her sword, put it back in her bag and shook of the sand and dirt she had on her. "Let's go ponies, we still got a long journey ahead of us.'' Caramel said as she started walked next to Rave. Caramel gave a bottle of water to Rave "Here ye go, ye need it." 

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Rave took the bottle and drank. "Thank you very much. It is very hot here" he said. After they had walked for a little while, there seemed to be an opening in the jungle. Rave could see the ruins. "Over there, there are the ruins" he pointed with his hooves. "Let's go". 

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"Phew, now that you mention it," Tyra panted, glancing up at the clear sky, and the blistering hot sun in the middle of it, "it is rather warm..." Her tongue lolled out of her mouth.


Being from the Frozen North, her scruffy coat was built for chillier environments, so hotter temperatures left her sweating buckets.


However, she perked up as she noticed the ruins from Rave's announcement, and she trotted after the group to see the place in question.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Here ye go" Caramel threw a bottle of water towards Tyra. She drank some herself since the sun seemed to get hotter. Caramel stopped out of amazement. "Those ruins look amazing, wonderful, spectacular. I wonder if there is anything left inside. Maybe treasure." Caramel started running towards the ruins out of exitment.

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"Captain wait. These ruins are most likely booby trapped. I think zebras used to live here" Rave ran after her. He looked to his right and could see a gigantic lagoon. "Wow, you could fit at least 40 fleets in here or something". He shook his head and started focusing on Caramel again. 

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"Ah, my thanks!" Tyra grinned, opening the bottle and taking a hearty drink of water, and considered dumping the rest onto herself to cool off, but remembered Spellbind was with her. Instead, she gave the bottle to her. "Here, friend!"


Before she could answer, the miniature mauler had already sprinted after Caramel, rather excited herself to see the ruins.


"Sleipnir's mane," she gasped, wide-eyed as she looked around, "I have seen many ruins, but these are quite amazing!"

She took notice of the huge lagoon and a wide grin crossed her face; somewhere to cool off!


She trotted over to the water, hoping to have a little dip.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel heard some shouting in the distance but she didn't really hear what it said. She carefully walked into the ruins. "Woh, this looks amazing." Caramel said out loud with realizing it. There was writing on the wall but it was some kind of weird language. "I wonder what it says." she walked further into the ruins.

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Rave stopped by the ruins, looking at the description on the walls. He brought forth a book that had strange letters and symbols on it. "Oh no, CARAMEL". He continued running into the ruins, looking for her. "These ruins were sacred grounds. When the zebras left, they made sure that no one would be able to desecrate them". 

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Just as Tyra began to undress herself for the lagoon, she overheard Rave yelling out for Caramel, sounding rather distressed.


Remembering her promise, she disregarded her little swim and dashed toward the ruins, finding the two ponies.

"I heard yelling, has anything happened?!" She gasped, glancing around for any trouble.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Sacred grounds......" Wilhelm traced the runes with one hoof, referencing them with the book he held splayed on the ground. "Oh no. Oh no no no no. We need to leave, now. This place has the ability to summon the spirits of the dead to defend its treasure....which there appears to be a substantial amount of, according to the writing."

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"Don't worry, I'm not gonna touch anything, I'm just wondering around, that is all." Caramel said, not really worried about the dangers of the ruins. "Besides I can take spirits with my bare hoofs." She continued walking around the ruins. She was still very careful with every step she took. She didn't wanna set off any trap. 

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"Please be careful. We don't really know what to expect here. If there are spirits here, then we better get out of here. However, I am sure that there are booby traps here. This is where they used to lay their chieftains to rest, when they died, before this place became a ruin. I suspect an earthquake as a natural cause. Other things.... unnatural". 

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"Ah, as can I!" Tyra smirked to Caramel, punching her hooves together, "If any spectres dare to challenge us, we shall tackle them head-on!"


She wandered around the ruins as well, admiring the ancient carvings and runes. Now she was nearly hoping they would be attacked; she would love to battle a spirit!


Upon hearing Rave's deduction, she cocked her head. "Do you suppose another clan lived here?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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For some reason, Caramel felled really cold all of the sudden. "I think it's time to go lads, something isn't right here. Watch yer step on the way out." Caramel said looking at Spellblind adn Tyra. The shivers were running down her spine. Something is definitely not right here.

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"I can feel them, others like me. They are all around this place" the voice within Rave's head said. "What do you mean" he thought. "Spirits, they fester this place, they roam it. Once peaceful, giving guidance to their own people when they came seeking advice, but now, everything is in ruin and their burial grounds have been desecrated. They are now hostile". "Good to know". The voice laughed within Rave's head, much to his annoyance.... and to his fear. 

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Tyra's ears lowered, and her grin turned into a stern frown as she glanced around her.


"She is correct," She nodded, keeping closer to the group, "there is something...off, about this place."


She was not exactly connected to any spiritual plain or anything, but she could sense something was off. Her nostrils flared as she sniffed at the air.


"We must leave, and quickly."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Yeah, but be careful, ye don't want to trigger anyth~." Caramel froze as she stood on some sort of pressure switch. "Oh no, we better get out of here fast. RUN!!!!" Caramel jumped and started running as fast as she could. The stone structure started rumbling, stones falling down, walls collapsing. "RUn Run RUN RUn Run!!!" Caramel yelled as she ran even faster.

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Rave was a little bit behind. Stones fell in his way separating him from the others. "You go ahead, I will find another way". He ran in the other direction, dodging stones. "This is going to be fun, just me, you... and some new friends of mine". "Don't be to sure of that" he said to himself". He tried to focus on pushing the voice away. It succeeded, but because of that, he lost focus and stepped on a pressure plate. Darts came out of a wall, two struck him. He started to feel sick. "Poison" he blurted. He felt very dizzy and started to walk as if he was drunk. He felt really bad, he felt a lot of pain. He felt really tired. 

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Tyra went to run after Caramel, but noticed that Spellbind was still stood there, frozen with fear.


With a determined frown, she dashed back and propped the unicorn onto her back.

"Hold tight, friend!" She yelled, proceeding to gallop as fast as possible after the captain. The small unicorn felt like almost nothing to the puny powerhouse.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel finally ran outside. "Yes sunlight and no stones that can crush me. We made it." Caramel looked back as the rest of the ruins collapsing . She looked around seeing Tyra, Spellblind and Wilhelm. "uhh, Where's Rave? uhm, did anypony see him escape. Please don't tell me he's still in there. oh no, what do we do, what do we do?" Caramel couldn't see anything with the dust cloud coming from the ruins. "Rave, are still in there? Rave, where are you? Are you okay? Rave?" Caramel was worried

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Spellbind realised how detached she had been when she was propped onto Tyra's back.


"Thank you so so much," she said gratefully when they were out. "Sorry you had to do extra work for my stupidity."


"Wait... RAVE!!!"


She was somewhat fearful, but then ran into the structure to try and locate him.

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Rave walked somewhere within the middle of the ruins, he could not see very well, his vision was going dark. Dust covered a lot of the place, he coughed. He thought he could hear someone calling, though, it seemed distant and muffled. His body was getting heavier and  his world was spinning. "What the--?" he said to himself slowly, before he tripped and fell down. He could not get up. Rocks were falling all around him and he thought he could see a pony standing in front of him. "N--o---t-- a-- po--ny--- a --- ze-- ze-- zebra". A zebra phantom stood in front of him. 

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"Do not put yourself down, friend," Tyra smiled, letting Spellbind get off her back, "I was more than happy to help!"


Her head turned sharply toward the wreckage of the ruins, watching as the two mares desperately tried to re-enter to find Rave, who had not come out with them.


Her determined face returning, she stomped up to the wreckage and walked between the two girls. "I shall go back in to find him, you should both get away from here. It may not be any safer than before."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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