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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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"Okaaay, I may be able to fulfil that request, just don't expect Grade-A service," said Spellbind. She lit her horn and attempted to use levitation magic to assist her in lifting the stallion up. She was frightened. What if she screwed up? What if somepony was hurt as a result?


Much to her unimaginable relief, she successfully lifted Rave onto the backs of herself and Tyra.

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Caramel was impressed by Spellblind's magic skills "That's some skill ye got there." Caramel said with a smile. She felt a bit tired from all the stress and running. "I think I'll go down stairs to have a drink. Anypony wanna join me?Not only drink are there to enjoy, I heard ye made some delicious food." she said looking at Violet. 

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Tyra smiled as she felt Rave being gently placed over her back, and she looked to see Spellbind assisting with carrying him too.

"Yes, that is perfect," she nodded, grinning at her, "and thank you for helping me carry him, it is appreciated."


As the two carefully walked below deck, she continued.

"You lifted him rather well," she grinned up at the unicorn, "you must have much more faith in your abilities, my friend!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"We'll get right on that as soon as we're done with Rave," said Spellbind. She smiled at the praise from Tyra, then walked carefully alongisde the strong mare, Rave in tow. Spellbind did her habit of stepping in the same way and sequence the pony with her did.


In response to the next bit of praise, she replied, "If you weren't holding him as well, I wouldn't have even made it a step forward."

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"I highly doubt that," Tyra grinned up at Spellbind, "you are much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You showed that when you became the first to run in and rescue Rave."


She glanced at her back, and the part of Rave she was carrying. "Besides, he does not feel that heavy!" She added, not really taking her strength into account.


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Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"That was mental strength, not physical," said Spellbind. "I was able to pull that out of my plot because I would feel horrible if I didn't at least try, plus that I thought maybe I could shield him from the spirit and take the damage for him."


"Perhaps I would have been more useful doing something else instead of helping carry him."

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"A coward would not at least try," Tyra commented, with a stern nod of the head, "and you, my friend, are no coward. I can tell right away, from looking at you."


Her wide grin returned. "It does not matter if you don't have the most important job. Every job has its purpose, and is just as important. Such as what we are doing right now!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@ @@Lordav


Caramel watched Tyra and Spellblind heading downstairs with Rave. She then got herself a drink and walked around the ship for a while when she noticed that she hadn't seen Lordy is a while. "Where did he go?" she thought. "Maybe Violet knows where he is, since Violet and Lordy where still on the ship when Caramel left. "I just hope he didn't try got of the ship and got himself lost." Caramel searched the ship for Violet.

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"Perhaps it would be wise to watch him," Tyra suggested, putting a hoof to her chin as they walked into his room, "In case he comes around and needs some help?"


They carefully moved Rave to the bedside, and Tyra grinned up to Spellbind. "Could you levitate him onto his bed? I fear my method may be rather...harsh."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"If anyone as earned a drink, my friend, it is you," Tyra replied, grinning up to Spellbind, "I will be more than happy to keep watch while you go and enjoy yourself with the others."


You would expect some form of sarcasm or passive-aggression in her delivery of those words, but she was absolutely sincere.

"I insist, you deserve a good drink!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra felt a little twinge of regret in the back of her mind when she turned down the offer for a drink, but she had no regrets; she certainly felt Spellbind had earned it.


Upon hearing her suggestion, she perked up with a nod.
"Aye, we may do that if you wish," she grinned, "though, do not rush. Take your time and enjoy yourself, you deserve it!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(That was contradictory :P)


"I'll be back in..." She glanced at the clock. "...twenty minutes. Then, I'll watch Rave and you can go off and enjoy yourself. Take care, both of you!"


Spellbind left. After a few seconds, she opened the door and looked at them again before she left for real.


She joined the rest of the crew.

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Rave was having a dream. "I guess you escaped death.... this time". The voice laughed darkly within his mind. Rave tried to ignore it the best he could. He felt like he was all alone in the darkness. There was nothing to be seen. "You are all alone in the darkness" the voice laughed again. 

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(Her mind works in mysterious ways :P )


Tyra nodded, accepting the proposition, and waved Spellbind off as she left. "Farewell!"


Her glance lowered to look at Rave, who still seemed to be sleeping soundly.

"I have the strongest confidence you will pull through, my friend," she smirked down to him, assuming that he could hear her, "we are all powerful ponies, including you!"


She sat at the bedside, diligent and facing toward the door in case anypony tried to come inside.

For a moment or so at least, before her boredom caused her to wander around the room, curious as to what Rave had brought with him.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Inside of Rave's room, Tyra could find a lot of maps, a few history book and a black book. The letters within the black book were red and a lot if it was written in a strange language. There were also shards of crystals of various colors, although the black ones seemed to be the dominant ones. There was also a drawing of a sharp broken orange horn. 

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"I think we still have some tea left and I have bottle of water." Caramel said sitting down at the kitchen table with a drink. "Have ye seen Lordy, I kind find him anywhere. He was still here when we left for the shipwreck but I haven't found him since we are back." Caramel poured in another drink. "I'll look for him tomorrow, it's too dark outside to see anything." she took a sip of her drink while she passed on a cup of tea to Spellblind. "Here ye go, enjoy." she said with a smile.

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Tyra had a flick through the black book, cocking an eyebrow at the strange red symbols inside. She could certainly read, but not whatever this was.


The crystals were the next to get her attention. She recalled Rave using one while they rescued Caramel from the sea monster.

"Perhaps these make his magic stronger somehow?" She mused, nudging a black one with her hoof.


The drawing of the broken orange horn, at least to her, made absolutely no sense. Why would he bring one of these onto a ship? And what does it mean?


She glanced over to Rave and snarked, "My friend, I like you, but your interests are truly confusing."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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A little shadow seemed to stretch from the dark crystal as it was nudged. It seemed to spark, however, it seemed to die down, the shadow retreating. 


Meanwhile, Rave was still getting pounded by the voice within his head. Although the antidote seemed to have eradicated most of the poison, the remnants were still aiding in his unhealthy ways of thinking. 

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Tyra blinked as the shadow appeared from the crystal, which began to spark.

As the shadow retreated, she gave the crystal an experimental sniff.


"What kind of black magic lurks within you?" She muttered, narrowing her eyes at the black gem before giving it another nudge, "Rave can do without more poison and spectres in his life, I would think."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel stood up, walking away from the table. "I'm gonna go check on Rave, see how he's doing. I probably go to bed after that so goodnight, I'll send Tyra yer way if she wants." Caramel stood up and walked towards Rave Quarters. *knock knock* "Heey Tyra, how's he doing so far?"

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Tyra perks up from the knocks, and trots over to open the door for Caramel.


"Greetings, friend," she smiled, backing up to let her inside, "he seems to be peaceful, fairing much better than he was."


She took another glance around the room. "Strange taste in decorating, though..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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