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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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Rave looked up at Caramel. He kinda knew what the talk would likely be about. He had been helping Lordy with the anchor, but that job was mostly done so he left him with whatever other tasks he had yet to fulfill. He trotted over to her. "What is it that you require of me Captain Caramel?" he asked. 

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"Thank you for the hoof, dear sir." Lordy told Rave as he left. With the anchor lifted, he leaned on the railing a bot to vreathe, before getting back up.




"The captain is right.... you either get in bed or that thing might burst open again... im not a tailor you know." he told Scarlett and then moved on to check if all the weapons underdeck were fixed into place.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Tyra saluted with a confident smirk. "Aye, I will have us away from here fast!"


Before leaving for the wheel, she looked to Scarlett. "I must agree, you should return below and rest some more, before you injure yourself any more!"


With that, she galloped to the helm and took the wheel, turning starboard and sailing straight away from the island.

"Good riddance," she mumbled.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Wilhelm was already there, and he waved a hoof at Lordy as he came down, signifying that everything was okay. He tightened the rope holding one of the cannons down, and, seeming satisfied, turned to leave the gun deck.


As he passed by Lordy, however, he said "Can you believe the voyage is ending already? Feels almost as if it never started." Wilhelm shrugged slightly. "And I will admit, I wish we had at least tried to get the treasure."

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(Okay guys sorry if this is a late event but it is something that needs to be said)

"I don't need any payment." said Spellbind. "And even if you tried to pay me I would just turn it down. I should be paying you. I don't even mind that you baited me into coming on by stealing my hat. The friendships I've made the adventure's we've had... you can't put a price on that..." he hung her head and smiled, her eyes were getting wet. From both her happiness at the adventure and that they were going back.

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"First, I need you to find out which direction we exactly got to go and second I have found a way to get our money after all but yer not gonna like it.'' Caramel said looking at Rave. "I'm wanted, for a lot of money. I was thinking, if ye turn me in, you'll be getting a lot of money. After that, we will divide the money. Simple as that."

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Confused and with care non-existent, Scarlett sits down by the side of the deck and mumbles to herself. Looking around she really wanted to help, but knowing as much as she did she knew that the others were right. She sat there looking around as the ship began to move.


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"First, I need you to find out which direction we exactly got to go and second I have found a way to get our money after all but yer not gonna like it.'' Caramel said looking at Rave. "I'm wanted, for a lot of money. I was thinking, if ye turn me in, you'll be getting a lot of money. After that, we will divide the money. Simple as that."

Spellbind was aghast at the idea. "NO!" she cried her tears being produced in higher quantities. She got down on the ground and hugged Caramel's legs. "What monster would give up their friend for money?? I don't know what you did to be wanted but that doesn't make a difference to me!" She sobbed into Caramel's fur.

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Spellbind was aghast at the idea. "NO!" she cried her tears being produced in higher quantities. She got down on the ground and hugged Caramel's legs. "What monster would give up their friend for money?? I don't know what you did to be wanted but that doesn't make a difference to me!" She sobbed into Caramel's fur.


Upon hearing their conversation about Caramel's plan to get the money, Scarlett gets up with a groan and walks over to the crying pony and Caramel. "You do realize after I get my magic back I could always teleport you out when, if, we were to turn you in. We could then split the money between all of us, Caramel can have my cut.


Art by DoeKitty

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"Spellbind, there is no need for crying. The plan is to escape out of prison as soon as ye get the money. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Caramel said hugging Spellblind. She then turned to Scarlett. "The teleportation won't work or at least not where I'm going. I got a bug bounty on my head. So I'll probably be thrown in a prison with magic security. Still, I have broken out of prison before, I know I can do it again."

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Spellbind stopped her crying and got up off the ground and stood up with Caramel and SCarlett. "Well..." she said. "If your plan is to be turned in, go to jail then break out so the crew can get money, thats your call. But I am NOT accepting a single penny of that."

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Tyra overheard the conversation from the helm. She had never considered the concept of breaking the law. Of course, that's what pirates were known for, but Caramel seemed plenty well-behaved since she met her.


Nonetheless, her loyalty came first.

"If it should come to you being put in prison," she spoke up, "then you may count on me to help you break out." She smirked.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Why not? I promised I would get ye payed and I will keep that promise. Besides, it will be fun." Caramel said smiling as she turned toward Tyra who had joined the conversation. "Yes, I'll be working on a breakout plan while we sail back to the bay. Also who's steering the ship?" Caramel asked Tyra, who was suppose to be doing it.

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Lordy got in,

"Excuse me for inerupting...Well... if the prison is magic protected, that means it is ready for any spells know there right. But as far as i noticed, they have no notion of gunpowder, explosions and chemical reactions.... All im saying is that they might not be prepared to face off against a barrel of gunpowder or so... I can easily break any lock or gate with just a few grains of powder if given the correct time... And walls, no problem. I see they are all flat or curtained, no chance to stand against a correctly placed explosive."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Caramel nodded her head to Spellblind as a thank you. "No, gunfire is too loud. That is not going to work. I think the best way to do this is to have somepony on the inside." Caramel said, turning to Lordy. "I think the Equestian Police Agency will take me to a prison in Canterlot. If we get somepony inside there, we will have more than luck in our plan." Caramel said looking at everypony. "So, who wants to turn me in?"

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"Um, I was steering it," Tyra corrected, standing right next to the wheel, "Allow me to-" 

When she went to take it again, she saw Spellbind had taken it instead.


She blinked, glancing between the two mares. "I am most confused right now. I thought I was steering while speaking to you."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Actually no.... if placed correctly... in a lock, it would only give outr a small sizzle.... briningg down a wall would boom... but that would be used as a last minute resort. And.,... after my experiences... back where i come from.... Pirates are usualy locked in port prisons. As they are used to give out a messege to others who might turen to piracy. Not saying this country would folloow these rules... but it DOES make sense. And... now that you mention it... the noise of a explosion might be able to attract the attention of guards someplace else while the prisoniers escaped.... I once was in charge of a temporary prison camp.... not saying it was a real prison with walls.... but i got some idea of how guard routines usually work."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Good, we're going to need that knowledge of yers, but staying in a port prison is not going to happen. Unfortunately, I did far worse things than piracy. That is why I'm sure they will transfer me to Canterlot prison, probably high magic security. Which is not going to be a problem. My bounty is half a million bits, I think." Caramel said proudly, not sure why.

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Wilhelm came up to the deck just in time to hear the last bit of Caramel's statement about Canterlot. He came over to the impromptu huddle and said "I'll turn her in. I'm the Royal Astronomer of the Princesses, so I also have a reasonable amount of clout in Canterlot- never mind the fact that I was born and grew up there. I believe that logically, I would be the best choice to deal with the prison situation. And as for what you're thinking of, Lordy, do you know what the most effective escape mechanism is?" A slow smile spread over his face.


"Holding the cell's key." Wilhelm paused for a second to build up the suspense. "After she gets locked in, we wait a week. Then, I come in and say, very officially, that I am to take her out to meet with her coltfriend- which, is actually allowed as long as said prisoner is under heavy guard. We take Caramel with us, and then the rest of you come out when she arrives and subdue me (I'll be pretending) and the guards, and then take Caramel and me with you. To add that extra touch, you may wish to leave a ransom note for some ludicrous thing like the Elements of Harmony in return for my safety."

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"I like yer idea but it's not what I'm looking for. With yer plan, everypony else will be wanted too. I don't want that." Caramel said to Wilhelm. "I'll go work on the plan tonight, I got some blueprints laying around in me room back at horse shoe bay, that will certainly help aswell."

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Scarlett, in a moment of pure recognition says "Caramel, can they only protect against spells and magic that they know of. I'm going to assume that they can't protect against types of magic they don't know about". She begins grinning "Or magic types that haven't been invented yet".


Turning to face the others and then back to Caramel "I'm sure we have something that could help get you out.


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"Mind if i get a look at them... i mean.... I could get a rough idea on patrols and such. I found that prisons... regardless of their positon... have similar layouts and main guarding plans. Especially in city prisons, most of the guards are on the exterior, while the actuall cell blocks tend to be quite poorly guarded. The idea is to make the prisonier THINK he cant get out, so a lot of the guarding duty is pretty much... a facade."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Apparently free of her duties at the helm, Tyra trotted up to Caramel and joined in the discussion.

"If I may make a suggestion," She piped up, and flexed a foreleg, "I can simply break you out with force! Many prisons are not that enforced, especially not for a mare of my power!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"No Tyra, I know yer strong but the best plan is to sneak out. Not blowing up the place. I don't want them coming after you aswell." Caramel said with a smile. "We're doing this a team but that doesn't mean you should give up yer free life for mine. We gotta do this smart."

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