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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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About two liters of water left Lordy's mouth. the shaking stopped, and he was still breathing normally, meaning that all was fine. Now, the only thing left to do would probably to let him alone to recover conciousness, for about an hour or so. No further medical attention would be required.


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Tyra breathed a sigh of relief as Lordy's breathing returned to normal.

"It is good to see you are still well," She muttered, keeping her voice down so to not disturb him, "I shall leave you to rest, my friend."


With that, she turned and left the medical room.




As Tyra walked down the hall, she suddenly began wondering about Rave. She had barely seen him since the storm began, so he wondered where he was...or how he was.

She decided to take a detour to his room before returning to the deck.


"Rave?" She called, knocking the door and peeking her head inside, "Are you well, friend?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave did not lift his head. He lay there on the floor, expressionless. As if nothing mattered. He did not answer Tyra, not wanting to pain his voice to do so. "Won't the little foal answer? Too sad to do that? Keep on wallowing in misery, I don't care. Soon, you will succumb" the dark voice within Rave said. 

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Tyra gasped as she spotted Rave collapsed on the floor.

"Rave!" She yelled, running inside and tapping her hoof on his shoulder, "Answer me, friend! What is the matter?!"


She put her ear to him; he was indeed breathing, but unresponsive.

She ran to the front of him, lowering herself down in a dog-like bow to get to eye-level with Rave.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave seemed to be staring at nothing. He did seem to take not of Tyra's of arrival, but he did not do anything. For a few minutes, he did nothing. Then he said. "I don't want to hurt anypony else. I have done enough hurting, but I don't want to hurt the one who is most important of all to me. Please, leave" he said with pain. 

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"Hurting?" Tyra repeated, voice soft and full of concern, and tilted her head, "You are not a dangerous pony, Rave. Why would you think you have hurt somepony?"


"And how could you ever hurt Caramel? You are a good pony, despite any doubts you may have that say otherwise."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave looked away. "I hurt her by being here. I hurt her by reminding her that I am here. I should never have gotten close with her, I did not know...... we can never be together..... I don't want her to be reminded of any pain. She deserves so much better, and now she is going to let herself be arrested...... it might be best if she forgot me. That way, she wouldn't be hurt. I am a Darkmane after all, all we do is deliver pain". "WEAKLING" the voice within Rave's head screamed. "You should embrace your forefathers way of life and destroy everyone". 

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Tyra bit her lip, trying to find the right words to say.


"I know not much of your clan," She began carefully, "But it seems that you are nothing like them. If you claim your family delivers pain, then you do the opposite. You make ponies happy, like myself, Spellbind, and everypony else!"


She smiled. "She may get arrested, and she may not. But if she does, it will not be for long, yes?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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  On 2015-06-12 at 9:45 AM, Pucksterv said:


"uhm no...I didn't know it had a lock. I mean when I grabbed yer suite it just opened so I asummed it didn't." Caramel said with a confused look. "Can't ye just tell me what yer getting at so that I can have my rum?" Caramel said when she finished up the rum from her own bottle

Scarlett levitates the rum bottle over to Captain Caramel with a small nod. Continuing she says "It's not a lock per say, it's just the fact that it's sealed with blood magic." Bowing her head down a little and not looking Caramel in the eyes she says "And blood magic can only be opened by close family..."


Art by DoeKitty

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"She should not get arrested at all. Not to pay us. It doesn't seem right. I myself have committed heinous crimes against Celestia's government as I am in open rebellion against her rule. I am a lot like my family. I am addicted to dark magic, I have hurt others because of it, enemies, innocents..... friends.... plus, what have I ever done? I should have been there when Caramel went running into the ruins, but I did nothing but fail. I have let her down. Just like how I let my half-sister down. I am no better than my big brother". He kept his head low. 

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"Who you follow is your own decision," Tyra said with a nod of sureness, "It does not make you a worse pony, dark magic or not."


"I can tell it plagues you, but you are no monster. Monsters feel no remorse for their actions. Monsters do not rally others together in search of their loved ones. You may be a lot like your family in body, but in mind you are one of the kindest ponies to ever walk these lands."


She tilted her head slightly. "What of your half-sister?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave looked at Tyra for some time. "I made a promise to her that I would not be like the rest of the family, that I would stay away from dark magic, but I just can't keep my curiosity at bay. I had to go check a book of dark magic and that is how my family addiction kicked in". He looked down in shame. "Do you even know what dark magic is Tyra? It is the abomination of all spells, it requires a part of you each time you cast it. For me, it deforms me. The magic is vile and it only exists to hurt, otherwise it would not be known as 'dark' magic". 

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"Aye, I am aware of dark magic," Tyra confirmed, nodding, "But, having such a power does not make you a monster. It is how you use it that defines who you are."


"I recall that you used it to rescue Caramel from that sea creature. That does not make you a monster. You sacrificed a part of yourself for a friend, and that makes you a good pony."


She grinned, and did something she knew she was good at; she grabbed Rave in a big, tight hug.

"In fact, it makes you one of the best ponies!"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave was caught by surprise as he was lifted from the ground and felt his lungs being crushed. "Hnggpffff.....". His face was a bit blue from not being able to breath. He then felt the grip lessen just a bit to allow him to breath. He gasped for air. "But I have hurt others with my dark magic, ruined some ponies lives with it". 

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"Just because you think that does not make it so!" Tyra grinned widely up at him, "Everypony on this ship loves you, and you have done great deeds here for all of us!"


She loosened her grip a bit, and smiled. "In fact, Caramel may not be around if it were not for you."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave was a bit in denial. "Well.... I would not be around if it were not for you guys. Back at those ruins.... I nearly died, and I nearly got overwhelmed by..... 'him'". "Be quiet you worthless little gnat" the voice within Rave's head commanded. Rave seemed a bit pained. "I doubt that anypony on this ship likes me". "That is true, nobody likes you. I am the only one that cares about you". 

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"Him?" Tyra repeated, tilting her head to the side, "Is this the 'Dark' you spoke of before?"


"I like you," Tyra grinned, sounding totally sure with her answer, "Spellbind likes you, Lordy likes you, Scarlett likes you, Violet likes you, Assassin likes you, and Caramel really likes you!"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave hesitated a bit. "Yes, it is 'him'". "TRAITOR". "I doubt that Lordy does that, I don't even know him. Violet has attacked me before, I think she wants to do so again. I have not seen Assassin around... at all really..... and Caramel...." he had a pained expression as a tear formed. "Don't you dare to cry, or I will use all my strength to take over your body. I will not allow you to shame our family. Darkmanes don't cry. We express no grief". 

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"Well, I still like you," Tyra assured him, a wide goofy grin on her face, "We are good friends, are we not? We have had clashes before, aye, but we have made up and worked together!"


She noticed the tear running down his cheek.

"There is no shame in crying," She told him, "Expression of emotion is important in my homeland. It also shows more proof that you are not the monster you claim to be."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Don't shame us, do as I command. No. More. Tears. Never again. You shall never shed another tear for anypony". Rave looked at Tyra and wiped off the tear with his hoof. "I am not allowed to do that. I would bring shame to my family, it would reflect upon them. Plus, I should not be shedding any tears, I am unfamiliar with it, it happens rarely". He felt very weak. 

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"Repressing feelings hinders your body and mind," Tyra told him, reflecting on her training back home, "You must let your passion receive as much freedom as your focus."


She shook her head. "There is no shame in crying, in fact a stallion who cries is often seen to be braver than one who tries to keep it trapped inside."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"But, I have been told otherwise.... that...". "Don't you dare, don't you dare, don't you dare". He could not hold it anymore. Tears started flowing. He started to sink down towards the floor, he did not care if he banged his head against the floor. "Fine, cry. I will be waiting until the next time you go overboard with dark magic. Let's see if your friends will like me". He fell towards the floor. 

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Tyra simply watched as Rave slumped back down to the floor and began sobbing, finally letting it all out.


She sat with him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Aye, it is good to get it all out," She said softly, smiling at him, "You will feel much better when you are finished."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave was sobbing, he was so sad. He did not want Tyra to look at him like this, she might think less of him if she saw him like that. She was a full on warrior. "Please don't, spare yourself of my pitiful sight". He tried to bury his face with his hooves, to cover him. 

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  On 2015-06-12 at 3:24 PM, Vinyl Scratchy DJ said:

Scarlett levitates the rum bottle over to Captain Caramel with a small nod. Continuing she says "It's not a lock per say, it's just the fact that it's sealed with blood magic." Bowing her head down a little and not looking Caramel in the eyes she says "And blood magic can only be opened by close family..."

Caramel took a sip of the rum but barely choked on it when she heard what Scarlett said. She coughed and then spoke. "Yer saying that you and I are related? We're family? I don't understand. I thought you were from the future, how can that be? I never plan on getting in any foals. How are you closely related if I...wait...unless I change my mind in the future...do I change my mind in the future...wait...I don't wanna know..never mind." Caramel gulped up some rum.

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