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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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@@Littlecandylulu903 @@JonasDarkmane


Tyra perked up as Spellbind offered her to come with her and Rave. A grin returned to her face as she trotted after them.

"Aye, I would be happy to," She chirped, then frowned again, "though, I fear I may not be much help. Cookies are not the most popular treat in my village."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The tea was almost boiling "No thanks, I prefer stronger drinks but thanks for the offer anyways, gentlecolt." Caramel laughing and taking the tea out of Lordy's hoofs so she could make him a cup. She brought it to him, setting it down on the table. "here ye go, i hope ye like it."

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Spellbind smiled and nodded at the two of them. She turned the oven to 180 degrees.


She got a baking tray out. She stopped and thought for a moment, then grinned at Rave as she brought out two more. She put baking parchment on them.


She put butter and sugar into a bowl and stirred it a bit. She held it out to Rave and Tyra, It still needed quite a bit of mixing. "Would you two like to finish that off?" she asked sweetly.

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"You have my sincere and complete gratitude." he said as he slowly lifted the cup adding a bit of sugar to it. Although he was thirsty, he would drink it slowly, in small sips, as accustomed.

"Oh, i do have... stronger... drinks if you may so wish. Actually they should be.... stronger... than the rum you got aboard this ship."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Spellbind then went pale as she noticed her fatal mistake: she hadn't, until now, noticed that Caramel was in the kitchen with them.


"Oh... Captain!" she said.


Wait a minute. Caramel didn't know what they were planning. And she didn't have to...


"How are you doing?" she asked casually.

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@@Lordav, @


"No problem, if ye want more tea just ask." Caramel said with a smile towards Lrody. Caramle turned around as She heard Spellblind talking to her. "Hi there, Spellblind. I'm good, thank you for asking. How are ye? Ye seem to be a little nervous or something? Are ye okay?"

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"Nothing! There's no problem at all!" said Spellbind. Then she quickly made up a story to try and get Caramel out of the room, and possibly Lordy along with her. "Hey, I saw a creature outside and it looked just like one in the book I found on the bookshelf on this ship. According to the book, the bird is rare. I don't know for sure, but perhaps you'd like to check it out?"

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"Ooh, are ye talking about the gyrfalcon? They're a very rare kind of bird, they're suppose to be breeding around these parts around this time of year. I wanna go see." Caramel ran of out of the kitchen up to the main deck. "I always wanted one when I was little as a pet." She thought to herself as she looked around, not seeing any bird.

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@@JonasDarkmane@@Unicorncob, @@Lordav,


"Right, she's out of the room, now we can get back to making cookies. Rave, we shall see to it that you and Caramel have high quality cookies for that date-"


She realised Lordav was still there.


"...that you go back home! Yes, I want you to have cookies to eat on the date, as in month and day, that you are on your way home."

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Rave nodded to Spellbind. Rave was stirring the sugar and butter in the bowl that Spellbind had offered him. He was using his magic to do so. "Hey, this is actually really fun. It is also quite easy" he said rather entertained. "What else needs to be done, Spellbind?". 

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Lordy lifted a brow, 'What the actual ...' he thought to himself. Though he was a bit too preoccupied with standing straight on the chair as he almost lost his balance. He drank some more of the tea, trying to ignore what was going on around him.


"Why not just buy them ashore then, if I may ask?"


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Littlecandylulu903 @@Lordav @@JonasDarkmane


Tyra blinked at Spellbind's bizarre request.

"When I go home?" She muttered, "Why would you want me t-"


It suddenly dawned on her when she noticed Lordy. "Ooooh right! Aye, I shall the second I return! I shall share them all with my village as well!"


She turned back to watch her bake some more. "Interesting...!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Buying them ashore is a bit expensive," fibbed Spellbind. "And doesn't everything taste better when it's homemade? Better still when it's homemade by you?"


She looked at the butter and sugar. "An entire step completed!"


She put the flour into a sieve and shook some of it into the mixture. She put the sieve down in front of Rave and Tyra. "You two can put the rest of that in if you wish?"

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@@Littlecandylulu903, @@Unicorncob

Rave looked at Spellbind, then at Tyra and then back at Spellbind. He levitated the sieve to Tyra. "Here, you can also do something" he said as he chuckled. He wanted Tyra to be included in the fun that he seemed to be having, making the cookies. "I bet they will taste delicious". 

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"There is no bird here." Caramel said with sad face. "At least I still got this beautiful sunset to look at. This day went by fast." she thought to herself. She walked up to steering wheel, leaning against it as she looked at the sea and...."Is that land in the distance? Are we that close to the bay?"

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Scarlett is invisible standing next to Caramel. "It is a very nice sunset isn't it. And I don't know if that is the bay, having never been there myself. Surely you have some telescopic apparatus?"


She decloaks with the inevitable yelp she expects from Caramel "Oops, I did it again."


Art by DoeKitty

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Caramel did not yelp, she kinda expected that Scarlett was the one standing next to her. "I think I do but I think I'll just until we get closer to land, it will be a surprise, kinda." Caramel said with a smile. "I think I'll go to bed, I didn't get much sleep last night because me and Ra- uh...because I was having nightmares."

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@@JonasDarkmane @@Littlecandylulu903


"Oh, my thanks," Tyra grinned to Rave, taking the sieve in her mouth...and wondering what it was for, "Umm...how does this device work?"


She blinked down at the bowl, and tried to think. She remembered that hyper pink pony from Ponyville used one to mix batter. That had to be it. She began circling it in the batter.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Snickering Scarlett says "Oh don't even try and cover up the fact that you were going to say you and Rave. It's not a bad thing you know, I think he could do with some light in his life."


Scarlett turns around and says "I think I'm going to turn in as well, if you need me for anything, even a talk, I'll be invisibly sitting upside down in the medical room."


Art by DoeKitty

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Spellbind chuckled at Tyra's misconception, though hoped Tyra wasn't hurt by it...


She took the sieve back. "How it works is..." She shook the sieve above the bowl, causing the flour to fall in until there was none left.


"It gets rid of all the lumps," she explained.


She grabbed the chocolate chips and poured them in. "Now then, Tyra, let's see you put that strength to use by mixing that batter!"

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@@JonasDarkmane @@Littlecandylulu903


Tyra watched as Spellbind demonstrated how the sieve worked. She wasn't offended, she was simply eager to learn new things.

"Ooooh," She muttered, nodding, "I see...!"


She smirked and grabbed the spoon in her mouth. "Now that I can do!" She declared, starting to mix the batter.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@JonasDarkmane, @@Unicorncob, @@Littlecandylulu903


Caramel walked downstairs to the kitchen. "I"m going to go to bed everypony, have fun with whatever yer all doing." Caramel said with a smile before she started walking further. She arrived at her room, opened the door and jumped on her bed. She took off her scarf and jacket and crawled underneath her blanket. She yawned and then closed her eyes, sleeping finally.

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Scarlett awoke to find herself hovering in the air spinning in circles flashing light everywhere like a police siren "What the hell"


She puts herself down and begins to walk to the kitchen, she felt like making breakfast for everypony and she had no idea why.


Art by DoeKitty

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After sleeping all night which she did not expect, Caramel woke up, gave a little yawn and got out of bed. She walked to the kitchen, seeing Scarlett was up as well. "Goodmorning Scarlett." Caramel said with a smile. She walked into the kitchen, looking at the counter she said "What in a Equestria happened here last night. What a mess. Milk and flour everywhere." Caramel was a bit in shock.

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