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Fallen Valkyrie

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"Tower of Nightmares...?" Tyra repeated, blinking and looking around. Indeed, the others were there...minus Ticktock and Ice.

From this strange mare's demeanour, they must have had gone through the portal already.


"W-wait, where is--" She began, then felt something warm and fluffy nuzzle up to her. Blizzard, with a strange mask on her muzzle, stood there with her tail wagging. With a wide smile and tears of joy running down her face, she threw her forelegs around her wolf.


That confirmed it, it was a trick of the mind.


"Very well," She said to the suited mare, "But, please, make sure the others are safe, yes?"


Feeling much more at ease, she hopped through the portal with her pet and best friend, not even thinking that it was magical and would make her feel nauseous upon arriving at the other side.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra gone true purple portal and desapired from the room she was in.




As our little hero opened his eyes he could not see noting more then a pure blackness.He was in small sqare shape empty room,and by looks of it his little room was moving up.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"..." he looked around, trying to get adjusted to the darkness. "tyra? ice?" he called out, hoping for a response, and getting nothing back.


he frowned. this certainly wasn't gonna end well. he felt the room start to move, and he was put on edge. "red? ticktock? caramel?"




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As our little hero Caliber yelled,noting could be heard,no answer or no one more talking.He was all alone in this small and empty squer shaped room.Was he all alone,was Scarlet got to all his friends and he was onli one left?And at onces room stoped moving,and thet could onli mean they reached destination.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber was laying on the floor, waiting for the room to stop moving. he didnt like being in the dark, so it almost came as a relief when it stopped.


he got up, touching his sword hilt for comfort. something was wrong, he could feel it. and his gut was telling him this wasnt gonna be fun...


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And as Caliber thinked,this could not be fun-for him.

Wall thet he was not faceing dropen and if he would walk out he could see he was in huge arena and insted of ponys siting around the battle arena there were molten dogs,aetherblade pirates,and some Djinn."Looks like ower fighter is here..." one voice started,and if our hero would listen closly he could hear he know thet voice-it was Scarlet.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber looked around the arena. it looked almost too much like the swordspony tournament, from so long ago...


"wheres my friends?!" he yelled, his sword out upon seeing the dogs and aetherblades. "where am i?!"


his eyes narrowed. surely this was some kind of trick...it was scarlet, after all. its just how she did things.


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"You are here..." voice could be heard from other side of arena,and onces again it sounded same as Scarlet voice.And then on other side of arena appered shadow of what looked like a pony in full armot and hamer right next to her."Rulles are simple here-win and you win,lose and you 'all' lose."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber took a cautious stance, looking at the pony dressed in armor and wielding a hammer.


"if i lose...we all lose" he repeated scarlet's words to himself, "...she doesn't mean...?"


he growled. "where are my friends?!" he barked, glaring at up at scarlet. "answer me now!"


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"Fine..." Scarlet smailed and contineu "...thet is for now." Scarlet looked around the arena then back at Caliber "Actuly,I wont lie.I had to kill thet little one,she was too big of a trouble and thet way other got scared,and well you know-we are here." Scarlet did not move,she waited for Caliber to do something.


(Univ,no hard fellings for 'killing' tyra but she is a glue thet keeps team together more or less)

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber started walking towards her, ever so slowly, raising his sword as he did so. "im asking...where are they?" his voice had tuned icy. "i dont believe a word of that...no way you did tyra in. iv seen her strength first hand, and i know it would take more then you to do anything."


he pointed the tip of his sword at scarlet. "ill ask one more time. where. are. they?"


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"Come on,turn on your brain..." Scarlet started as she pulled her hammer acros the ground "..little one is on better place right now,and others are close to join in there." Scarlet had dark smaile on her face as she pulled hammer acros the ground on place it was before.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"your lying!" caliber ran at her, his sword flashing. "tyra wouldn't be taken down by you!" he swung it vertically, with much more ferocity then he'd shown so far in the day.


he was hoping with his entire being that it wasn't true, that scarlet was only trying to break him, to unnerve him. but a nagging fear that it was indeed possible gnawed at the back of his mind.


...and if it were indeed true, then that would mean his friends were next.


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"My lieing?You are now just inolting my!" Scarlet said as she swinged her hammer to deflect Calibers atack "You should see,or beter say,hear her lest moments.Oh she scremed,and scremed.It was so beautifull,and when you fall others will folow her hoove steps in a same was." Scarlet smailed as she talked about Tyra screming,it was like she remembered it and felt nice about it.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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their weapons collided, and caliber was already making his next move. he jumped a little, gaining some leverage above the weapons, and swung his hing leg at her face, not letting up.


"shut up! tyra isn't dead! the others aren't hostages! and if you think ill believe you of all ponies, then you better have some proof!"


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"Are you sure you whant a prof?Are you appsolutly sure,dont say I did not war.." Scarlet started as Caliber gone in another atack,and so she had to move to dodge it,as as soon as she was safe she contineued "...warned you." Thus time Scarled did not wait for Caliber to atack,and insted she gone frat swininging her hammer right in Caliber front hooves.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber saw the attack coming a moment too late, taking a glancing blow as he darted backwards.


he growled, and for a sliver of a second, dark magic flickered on his horn. "where...are...my friends?" he asked, taking his stance again, and glowering at her.


the nagging fear was making itself known in his head, telling him that its more then likely been done by now.


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"Remember,I have warrned you-so dont blame myfor this." scarlet said as one smaile gone acros her face,moment after she slamed hammer to the ground with huge force-thet should probably be signl for something or someone.and then one week screem could be heard from somewere not farr from Caliber and Scarlet.And if our little hero listen to the screem he could hear thet it was one of his friends-Blizzard."Do you trust my now?Or we need to give you another example?"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber jumped back, once again. 


his ears twitched when he heard the scream. 


"...ice..." he growled. "scarlet...let them go." he started to circle her. "or i swear to celestia ill rip your head from your shoulders."


he was fearing the worst. was tyra really dead? surely scarlet must have...SOME use for her, right?!


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"If you like I can 'let go' one,and show you thet I can be resonable." Scarlet said,and as she finished quick grin gone ower her face.Scarlet puled gammer up from ground and smailed at Caliber "Do you like my hammer?It new,and I used relly relly good skin for it."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber didnt trust her when she said 'let go'.


...because that can have double meanings. he continued circling her, as she bragged about her hammer. he showed no reaction when she said 'i used skin for it.' honestly, thats what he expects from her.


"scarlet....leave my friends alone."


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"How can I leave em alone..." Scarlet started as her eyes sparkled with dark black color "...when im not even toching them,as you see im no were close to them." Scarlet started moving around Caliber draging her hammer behaind her "But if you like I can relly let go one."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"How can I leave em alone..." Scarlet started as her eyes sparkled with dark black color "...when im not even toching them,as you see im no were close to them." Scarlet started moving around Caliber draging her hammer behaind her "But if you like I can relly let go one."


"you know damn well what i mean." caliber was slowing down with his circling. "and when i saw let them go, scarlet, you know i mean to let them go to safety." 


his eyes drifted to her hammer, which looked almost familiar in color.......did she...?!


no...he cant focus on that. and she would certainly be better then him in straight-up combat...how would he take her down?


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"I can let them go safely if you ask my thet..." Scarlet almost laugh after she said it,and then she contineued  "...but then I would have to be dead,and we both know thet wont happen right." Scarlet stoped in place and pulled hamer close to her,she looked at Caliber and got ready for annything he trowe at her.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"I can let them go safely if you ask my thet..." Scarlet almost laugh after she said it,and then she contineued  "...but then I would have to be dead,and we both know thet wont happen right." Scarlet stoped in place and pulled hamer close to her,she looked at Caliber and got ready for annything he trowe at her.


"...then ill just have to kill you here." 


caliber knew she was better then normal ponies at combat. after all, she managed to keep up with him, using a HAMMER no less.


this wont be easy.


he once again dashed at her, his sword flashing. he jumped over her, aiming a vertical attack while he did so.


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