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Fallen Valkyrie

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Tyra beamed as she spotted her comrades nearby the gates, and galloped toward them. She filled with a relief, since she didn't have to return to the brunt of the poisonous gas inside the city.


"Ah, thank the gods you are all okay!" She chirped, giving the stallions a tight hug, one after the other, before continuing, "The Princess wishes to meet with us, right away!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Radiant walked up behind the group as they had snuck passed him but made their presence known from their noise.


"Glad to see you two made it out alright." He said noticing the Colts with then. "And you both helped a few others."


He gaze then shifted to Tyra. "We are needed? Then we should return at once." He said as he continued down the path back toward the camp.


(Yay wifi, tomorrow I have new data limit)

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Ice blinked a few times. Celestia needed them? Sounded like it was time to kick it back into gear. He turned to the little colts, "Be sure to head out that way you two, and find a guard."


He turned his head back to Tyra, and saw Radiant as he left, "Hey wait! What's Celly need us for?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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And with thet all of our heroes were out from poisoned city.


As they were going back they meet group of ponys thet was made out of 43 order agents and one of them was Eir.Evrypony in thet group looked angry and tired but still they were moving towered Canterlot like there was no tomorow.


Our heroes reached south forwered camp half a hour later,and sun have already desapired as they set frsz hoove step into the camp.



(Celestia tent is in midle of this forwered camp)

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Ice was a bit confused about the whole situation. He had no idea what Celestia needed them for, but decided to walk into camp first, "Ok, guys. Let's head on in, and see what Celly needs."


He stepped into her tent, "Um...hello? Princess? You wanted to see us for something?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Celestia turned around to face Ice thet just entered his tent. She was angry, and thet could be seen onher face and in her voice as she was talking. "Where have you been?!" She started, almost yelling at Ice. It was not rear to see princess Celestia angry, abd for this to happen our heroes must have done something wrong.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Tyra would have flinched at Celestia's sudden outburst, had she not felt a spark of anger build up from the fact that, well, she had an outburst.


"What do you mean 'Where have we been'?!" She yelled back, "We were in Canterlot doing what you told us to do!"


Princess or not, she would not tolerate misplaced anger.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I never told you to go to Canterlot!" She yelled back at Tyra thet probably did not remember what she actuly ordered them to do.


If Tyra was to think, she would remember thet Celestia ordered them just to join order agents on edge of Forwered camp and help them in taking care of new refugees coming from Canterlot to the forwered camp. 


"Canterlot is not safe now,you could got hurt or worse!" She contineued litle quaiter then lest time, but still angry as before.

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Radiant stepped forward as if to act as a shield for the group from Celestia's anger. "I apologize Princess, I was the one that gave the order to go into Canterlot. I wanted to make sure everypony was out of the city before the gas reached the ground." He explained looking back to the group and back to Celestia. "They were simply following orders, I am the one that is responsible for the deviation from your original order."

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Celestia contineued,still angry at our heroes "You..." she maid a paused just for a moment,but it looked like she re thinked what she whanted to said to Radiant.She contineued "....are the captain of the royal guard. You should have knowed better then thet. We are in war, and thet there is enemy ground , and it will be off limite until I say so. Did you understend my?" She finished litle calmer then when she started.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"So you would prefer your citizens to perish in that gas instead of allowing us to rescue them?" Tyra summed up, her teeth bared in a challenging scowl, "My father always says that a leader's first priority is their followers."


She didn't care that Celestia was an alicorn and the leader of Equestria, this level of selfishness was inexcusable.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I have already send well prepared rescuing groups to help ponys who were left behaind." Celestia started much calmer then before "You were not prepared, and dont have annything to protect your self against the miasma. And like thet you were easy target for enemie thet is prepared as Scarlet is." She looked at Tyra as long as she talked, and after she finished she looked at our heroes, witing for some kaid of respons from them.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Ice listened to the entire conversation. He felt they had no time for this, and should focus, "Hey hey hey hey! Alright can everyone just be quiet for few seconds?!"


He took a deep breath, "Listen to yourselves, everypony. We're all just yelling at each other and wasting precious time when we could be doing something." He looked at Celestia, "Look, ma'am. We're sorry. It was just a misunderstanding. Just please calm down, and tell us what you want us to do."


He looked at Tyra and Radiant, "Guys, can we please just focus on what's most important right now? We'll have time to worry about our mistakes later." He fixed his gaze back on Celestia once again, "So now if everyone can just stay calm, in control, we can move on from this. Alright? Good. Now, Princess please. Be clear this time: What do you need us to do?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"For now just go to the frst tent south-west from this one, and get some rest. We dont know what she want to do,and so under the moon light she have an advantage...." Celestia said, with kaid voice "There was group of ponys thet gone in to secure Trader's Forum, so we could launch counter attack in the morning."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Ice nodded in understanding. Everything was clearer now on what to do, and his team could finally rest after another long day, "Alright then. Thank you for the opportunity to rest, Celly. We appreciate it."


He turned his head to look at Tyra and Radiant, "Come on, guys. Let's go catch a breather for now."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Tyra didn't say anythingelse regarding Celestia's treatment of the group, and even her captain. She just nodded and followed the group out of the tent.


"Not even any thanks for our work," She grumbled under her breath, still incensed by the attitude of the princess, "Not like she does much aside from cowering in her tent..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice walked alongside Tyra. He felt that he should say something, because nopony deserved to be talked about behind their backs, "Hey hey hey. Give her a break. She's probably been under a lot of stress recently due to all of this happening around her."


He looked forward, "Being the ruler is a big responsibility, and the weight of all of her subjects rests upon her shoulders. The last thing we need is for her to fall apart. Now, yeah, she could have handled that with a bit more.....sense, but that doesn't mean she isn't putting in her full effort to do all she can in order to stop this. It's also up to us to do what we can. We're a team, and we can't be worrying about small mistakes we make when there's something bigger going on."


He stood in front of her, "I'm not excusing her behavior, but I want you to understand what the reality is of it, alright?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Radiant stood by accepting the words of Celestia but as his team members begun rasping their voices he wanted to reprimand the two but kept getting interrupted. By the time it was all over he chose to remain silent.


The group then begun to leave the tent and once outside it Radiant stood to the side of the opening. He stood at attention and took his place protecting the princess as so is his sworn duty while he wasn't on another mission.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Tyra exited the tent with the group, still angry at Celestia's lack of gratitude.



Ice walked alongside Tyra. He felt that he should say something, because nopony deserved to be talked about behind their backs, "Hey hey hey. Give her a break. She's probably been under a lot of stress recently due to all of this happening around her."


"And we have not?" She spat, "Look at all we have done! The numbers of enemies we have fought! The friends we have lost! The lives we failed to save! And now, after we have managed to save some lives, she talks us down? All she has done is hold a party and sit in a tent."


Her eyes became slits. "Alicorns know nothing of war."


With that, she turned and stormed toward the training area, looking for a dummy to tear apart. It was clear her thoughts were scrambled by her rage.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra exited the tent with the group, still angry at Celestia's lack of gratitude.




"And we have not?" She spat, "Look at all we have done! The numbers of enemies we have fought! The friends we have lost! The lives we failed to save! And now, after we have managed to save some lives, she talks us down? All she has done is hold a party and sit in a tent."


Her eyes became slits. "Alicorns know nothing of war."


With that, she turned and stormed toward the training area, looking for a dummy to tear apart. It was clear her thoughts were scrambled by her rage.

Ice wanted to try and prove her wrong, "Ty! Hey that isn't true! You're talking about the alicorn that went to war with love sucking bug ponies, the embodiment of chaos itself, and her own sister! How could you deny that?!"


By the time he would finish, it would seem that Tyra had already ran away, "Ugh...whatever....." he sat down in a space in the camp next to a tree, and began reading.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Ticktock had watched his friends and Celestia get into an argument but didnt interfire in fear of making things worse. After everyone had left the tent Ticktock went up to Radiant "What do you think we'll do now, the whole teams falling apart and the tension here is higher than Cloudsdale."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Radiant glanced at Tick Tock as he continued standing at attention, his red scarf was still wrapped around his neck. "I guess you have never experienced war or a legitimate battlefield. There will always be rising tensions between those who follow and those who lead. Those who enter the fray end up doing what they can and will deviate from their original objective to do what they believe is right." Radiant explained letting out a sigh as his stance loosened as he glanced back to the tent. "The issue is those in the field think in the moment and focus on what's in front of them. While those in command in the camps look at the larger picture and don't always see minor victories as importance if they don't help toward the final goal of the battle."

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Tyra stomped into the outpost's guard training area, letting out a snort of anger. How dare Celestia talk so little about them saving her subjects' lives, and without it even being their objective? They had done somepony a great favour by getting them out alive, and that should be worth noting. Apparently not.


And, even worse, her teammates didn't even seem to care!


She needed something to take her rage out on.


She spotted a lone training dummy, and narrowed her eyes as she drew her axe. With an angry grunt, she stampeded toward the stuffed figure and started wailing on it, sending bits of hemp and strands of stray flying everywhere. Wooden limbs were torn off, and the large doll's head was sliced off, rather violently.


The fighters noticing the display wisely backed off from the diminutive warrior, fearing she would turn her blades on them next.


When there was nothing left but rags, Tyra panted and stared down at the ground. Innocent straw was spilt, but she felt a little better working out some of her frustration.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ticktock chuckled a bit "Yeah your right there although i'm no stranger to powerful comflict and i know more than i probably should about war but that's not important, i'm more worried about you I mean you don't have to take the wrap for us we all went into the city of our own free will. Anyway i'm going to head to the tent see you there... oh and Radiant sometimes the best way to do something is the hardest." With that Ticktock walked away towards and into the tent Celestia had told them to.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Ice continued to read from his grandfather's journal. If anything, the stories he was reading about his grandpa in similar positions among his comrades would help Ice understand better on what he should do, "Hm....Equestra needs us now more than ever. We can't mess this up. Not now. Not ever. We better fix this. Ugh...now Tyra's angry because Celestia wouldn't show any gratefulness for our efforts. I'll admit that was pretty messed up for Celestia to do, although..Tyra didn't have to storm off like that. The last thing we need is to fall apart when we're so close to victory."


He got up, with a look of determination on his face, "It's time to handle this."


He followed Tyra over to where she was. And walked up to her, sounding more serious than he ever had been before, "Tyra! Look. I'm sorry for what Celestia had said to you, and she's sorry for it as well. But you--you need to get your shit together now. We're on the brink of victory, and you're over here being pissed off like a filly. Now, before you say anything, no. I am not in the mood to argue back and forth with you. I am here to just tell you this: You can do what you want, but we win as a team and we lose as a team. So you need to figure out what your place is, and get in it, because we all make mistakes." He started walking off, when he stopped, "Real heroes don't seek recognition Tyra. They let their actions speak for them. I don't need a pat on the back, a fancy parade or any of that....I need a team. I'm not trying to be mean....but just think about that, ok Tyra?"


He walked away, and went back over to his tree to read.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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