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Elements of Nature - 2


Element of Nature  

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Melody looked up from the amulet as it suddenly started to steadily pulse the green light, but much brighter than before. She slowed to a stop as she saw the pony before her. He had limbs of metal, and a silent whirring noise was produced by the joints. This was not the pony she remembered. But when she saw his face, she knew it was him.

"What Happened?!?",

She asked in horror.

Edited by Authetius

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Being ignored twice in the same night, Agent snorted obnoxiously and finally went back to his pile of stones.


"Nobody listens to the happy guy..." he muttered in anger.


He grabbed a few potential sharp rocks and a few dull ones and threw them in the saddle bag, and grabbed the now dagger-like stone in his mouth and went back to the base. Just before he entered the base, he knocked as hard as he can three times on the door and stepped back. The door rose from the ground, and he entered before slamming it behind him and entered the living room.


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"You disappeared 13 years ago and never came back. You even gave me the amulet as proof! I waited back at home with Sforzando 'till the shit hit the fan 3 years ago. You never contacted us, you never came back and now you come back missing limbs! What the hell is w-wrong with you?"


Years of stress and anguish were released as tears streamed down her face.


(Ok, a few things. One - I'm making up details I don't know as I go along, so if i contradict some precedent, just correct me. two - This is my first time shipping with someone else's characters instead of one of my own, so IDK exactly how its going to go down so forgive me if I pull of a 'Awkward Turtle', Three - Im off to bed now. See y'all tomorrow morning at live stream).

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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(okay, this took a damn long time to write, because some major shit is happening and I wanted to do it justice. As such, I got ninja'd like 4 times. This all happens while melody is running out to meet the others)



Nightshade watched as the door opened yet again, this time so one of the unicorns she had seen earlier could come running out. She seems completely concentrated on the other 2 ponies, a distance away from the door. In her haste, the unicorn didn't seem to have closed the door.


Here's my chance, finally! Nightshade thought as she silently flew towards the door, careful to stay behind wreckage as much as possible. She slipped through the door, and ran down the stairs, making very little noise. She held her tongue out, tasting the air for familiar magic. She smiled as she tasted what she was looking for. there you are, little bitch.. Following her rune, she made her way through the hideout.



Legacy had tried to get more information out of melody, but she had run too fast for her to get much. She trained her senses on the door and was appalled to find that it has been left open. As she cast her mind about to pinpoint the location of agent, melody, and this new, mysterious pony, she felt a slight presence, the same from before. It had come through the door and was quickly headed down the stairs. goddammit, that can be good. But I can't pay attention to that when I KNOW there's a mysterious pony ouside with melody and agent. she continued to focus on the trio on the surface, as she sent a message to raek and Rigel.


somepony or something is headed down the hall. Maybe for the stairs that go down, but I can't get a good sense of what it is, my magic isnt working for some reason. Go check it out for me, and be careful.


Raek and Rigel simultaneously nodded and went out to find the mystery being. Raek drew a large cleaver from his belt.


"you go around through those rooms and meet lemon the other side. If it is dangerous, at least we'll becoming from both sides." raek whispered. Righel nodded and began to walk the opposite way. He pulled out a few empty bottles and formed his signature 3 shards, which went out ahead of him.



Nightshade tasted a new magic. A unicorn this time, also powerful, and actively using magic, instead of the passive enchantments she had tasted protecting the hideout. The user was slowly walking down the same hall, and I'd he turned the corner, he would see her. shit, they know I'm here. I can't risk a confrontation, not yet. she quickly doubled back and took a different route.


Raek inched along the wall, cleaver at the ready. He came to a corner and cautiously peeked around it. He saw a mare running towards him. He quickly pulled back around the corner and grimaced. goddammit, she saw me. He drew a second cleaver and darted around the corner, crouching to throw off a potential attacker. He saw nopony.


Nightshade laughed silently as she hovered near the ceiling, above the pony. is he holding meat cleavers? What does he think hes doing, cooking dinner for a griffon? she drew a dagger from her belt and dropped down behind him, holding the blade to his throat.


"hello there." she seductively whispered in his ear. "why don't you put down those cleavers for me?"


Raek thought quickly. not getting out of this without help. Gotta stall till Rigel gets here. he dropped the cleavers and turned as far as he could with the dagger against his throat. "who the fuck are you?" he said quietly.

Nightshade casually walked around him, keeping the dagger at his throat, and kicking the cleavers away. Raek couldn't help but stare. This enemy was the most beautiful mare he had ever seen. She leaned in close to him.


"you know, I like big, strong stallions like you." she kissed him, pressing her tongue against his. Raeks confusion briefly turned into pleasure, and then terror as he felt himself getting weaker. The mare released him and he fell as the strength left his legs. She looked down at him with a sneer.


"pity we're on different sides." she said, and walked away.


Raek tried to grab her leg as she left, but she caught it.

"wow, you really are strong. You shouldn't be able to move right now. But don't worry, the rune is still hungry." she leaned down and licked his hoof. Raek began to feel cold as his vision went black. The last thing he saw was a beautiful mare winking at him before turning and walking away.

Edited by Evilshy

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Agent, still annoyed at the past events, entered the living room and was headed for his room. What he noticed, however was that when he entered the hallway, he saw Raek on the floor, barely moving, and a mare smiling. His eyes opened wide as he stood firmly in the hallway, preparing to attack.


"You mind explaining what just happened, ma'am?" He said sternly, whilst still holding his sharpened stone in his mouth. "Or have I come at an inconvenient time?"


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Nightshade looked up at the new pony. She smiled at him and flew quickly around the corner. all the energy I got from that butcher pony should strengthen the rune for the time being. I have to find frost and get out soon.


Legacy was stunned when she did a brief sweep of the base and found that raek was dying. The faint presence was moving away from him when it suddenly vanished. oh no. What could this thing be? Legacy paced. She had always been able to solve problems with her magic, but now suddenly, there was something in the base that's as invisible to her, and worse, it had just killed raek. As his presence ebbed, she felt agent come into the hallway where raek was lying. She frantically connected to him.


Get to raek and see if he's okay. Did you manage to see what did this?


Righel had searched the rooms and came to the door. He opened it and cautiously peered both ways before coming out into the hall. He walked to the end to find raek lying on the ground and agent at the other end of the hall. He heard Legacy's voice in his head.


agent is checking out raek, go down the hall and see if you can find the culprit. I'll connect you to agent, I think he saw them.


(agent, legacy, and Rigel are all mind linked right now.)

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*I just got back from outside. But there was a black pegasus here, and I found her near Raek's body. She HAS to be the reason behind this!*


Agent rushed towards Raek, quickly tapping his face to get his attention.


*He's in BAD condition. We need to get some fluids in his body. Rigel, block off the entrance now. If she gets out, then we're looking at a murderer on the loose.*


"Raek! Come on man, wake up!" Agent said frustratingly.


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*This bastard CANNOT be serious...*


Agent turned to Plasma. "Cover the front entrance now! Look for a black pegasus, a mare, and MAKE SURE she doesn't leave!" He refocused his attention to Raek, and this time focused on getting him breathing normally.


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"I understand your angry. You have every right to be. I left because of my calling not you. I made some stupid mistakes, and now i'm cursed to have these metal parts that make up my body. I couldent return because I was repairing myself. For years I wandered in search of parts to repair and uprade my self. and my search has brought me here."
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Rigel got the message and ran towards the entrance, meeting up with plasma. 


Legacy focused in agent. is there any visible damage? Any idea what she did to him? I can't heal him unless I know.


Nightshade made her way down into the dungeon and deftly picked the lock on frost's cell. She kicked the sleeping frost a few times to wake her up. "hey, bitch. Wake up"


Frost lazily opened her eye, which widened in shock when she saw who had woken her. She hastily got to her feet and took a few steps back. 


"N-nightshade? What are you doing here? Did anarchy send you?" she said in a nervous voice. 


Wasting no time, nightshades grabbed frost and pulled her out of the cell and up to the main floor.

"we need to leave now. They know I'm here, so they'll be blocking the normal exit. You need to make a new one for us." 


Frost stuttered. "B-but, but they took my element, I can't do that kind of stuff anymore." 


Nightshade slapped her across the face. "shut up. I can taste you, you still have some magic left. Maybe not as much, but you can break us out. I'll use my rune to cancel the magic protecting this section of ceiling and you give us a hole to the surface." she licked her lips. This non-verbal threat was not lost on frost, who slowly nodded. Nightshade flew to the ceiling and pressed her tongue against the ceiling for a few seconds, then flew to the side. 


"hurry, that won't last long"


Frost closed her eyes and concentrated. She felt a tiny spark of magic, and she directed it at the ceiling. A small crack appeared, but she couldn't hold the magic. She dropped her focus and began panting from the effort. Nightshade glared at her, and she tried again, this time reaching deeper into herself than ever before. She began to glow faintly, and a chunk of the ceiling fell down, revealing stone. The stone began to crack when frost lost her concentration again. Her legs trembled from exertion, and she almost fell over. Nightshade caught her and whispered in her ear, her voice deadly serious.


"you've got one more chance. Break through, or I'll make sure you die slowly." she gave frost a small cut on her flank to accentuate the point. 


Frost tried again, putting all of her fear into what little magic she had left. The stone began to crack, and pieces fell down. Nightshade cut her again, and as she screamed, frost began to glow brighter. Large pieces of stone fell from the hole, and soon she reached dirt. Nightshade laughed. 


"there we go! Just a few more feet should do it!" she said as she brought the knife to frost's neck, drawing a few drops of blood. 


Frost, in fear for her life, put all she had left into one, last magical blast before passing out. The blast cleared the last few feet of dirt. Nightshade quickly picked up frost and flew out of the hole, laughing the whole way. 



Legacy felt a magical outburst in the dudgeon. She felt the same presence from before return, as well as that of frost, though frosts presence was less than usual. She felt the presence leave the base and fly farther away, until she could no longer feel it. who was that? How could she block my magic?


Legacy ran to where agent and raek were. She quickly pushed agent aside and began to examine raek. not a single wound on his body. How did she do this.... She scanned him with her magic. no poison or anything. Everything is perfectly normal, in fact. He just... died?. She stood up, shaking her head. 


"I'm sorry, but I can't find anything wrong with him. It's like he just... stopped living." she closed her eyes and paced, talking to herself as much as to Agent. "Even something like a heart attack leaves signs, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with him. He just... died."

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"Oh, so your saying that he just had the life sucked out of him?" Agent said bitterly, before slamming a hoof into the wall out of anger. "Well that's just fucking great! How the hell did she even get inside?! This is supposed to be a safe location!"


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"That's bull shit and you know it! Ten years! That's how long I waited, and then I thought you had died along with everypony else. Sforzando had thought I forgot, but it's weighed on my soul for all these years. I had hoped that your amulet would lead me to where you had died. Perhaps there I would find the reason, but this is so much worse!"


Silent Melody turned suddenly as her ears picked up the sound of a small explosion. She watched as somepony flew away.


"Shit, that looks bad. I've got to go find out what just happened."


Melody started to gallop back towards the Valkyr's base.

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Legacy shook her head. "I don't know. I should've been able to sense her, but she gave off such faint presence, she felt like a bug or something. I don't know how she did it..." legacy seemed to be on the verge of tears. "I- I was concentrating on you and melody, and i felt her come in and sent Rigel and and raek to see what it was... And when i checked back, raek was dying and I couldn't sense the mare at all."


She began to cry. "and now, she escaped. She took frost and escaped, and I can't save raek, and... And I don't know anymore." she ran off to her room, crying. my magic was always so powerful. Any problem, whatever it was, I could solve it. but now I can't even keep intruders out, or our members in.... She stopped at that last thought. wait, melody showed up earlier today, and now she leaves the door open and an intruder gets in. That seems a little too convenient.... She linked with Rigel and plasma.


when melody and the new pony come back, hold them there and prevent them from doing anything. Take any weapons the might have. Use force if you have to. Don't tell them why. I'll be there in a minute or 2. I want to question them.


She quickly placed a barrier over the hole in the hall, sealed sforzando in his room, and went to the entrance to meet Rigel and plasma.


(Also, I gotta to work, so I'll probably be offline for a bit.)

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*Either she's gone a bit soft, or I'm being a dick...*


Agent sighed, and sat down near Raek's lifeless body. He closed his eyes and put his hoof in his face, shaking his head in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes, before taking out a dull stone in the saddlebag and threw it to the ground, smashing it into pieces before clutching his face in anger.


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Silent Melody knocked three times on the door and stepped back a bit. As the entrance revealed itself, she whipped her eyes of tears and tried to regain her composure.


Whatever blew its way out of the ground is definitely powerful, maybe hostile, and may have allies still here. I should probably go in silently,


she reasoned. Melody Silenced herself with her magic and started to cautiously canter down the steps, all the while trying to forget her reunion with her old lover.


(I'm off to chop down a tree IRL for Christmas. Be back in a while.)

Edited by Authetius

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Silvermane stood there with a look of concern and sadness.


"She desserved better then what I gave her. I cant make the same mistake again."


He ran to the entrance Melody went into. His gears and parts spinning faster and louder then before. He was destined to show her he still cared.

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"That's not important right now..." Agent said, hooves still clutched to his face. "We could barely stop the wench from infiltrating, attacking and leaving our base and now we have an ally, a friend, dead in our own home."


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"Don't even try it. He's long gone at this point."

Agent said, shaking his head. He finally took his hooves off his face revealing a serious look on Agent's face.

"Not even Legacy could help him. And you know how well she works with magic."


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