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Jack Baker

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@, @@Midnight_Aurora,


White's eyes widened before she regained control of herself, gently stroking Raze's bladed mane gently (and carefully, so she didn't cut herself) with her closest hoof to try and get him to calm down as she turned and studied the mare. "I... what? Really? That seems so... random." She closed her eyes and took a breath and, using the last bit of psychic energy that she had available to her at the time, sent a single mental probe towards her.


The results were... interesting, to say the least. She still could not place her race properly, which, she supposed, was now because of the unique nature of it's target. But she was picking up on something else beneath the layers of political life... sadness? Understanding? A part of her wanted Raze to pull the trigger, though hidden deep and disguised within her depression, though it seems that she didn't know it herself. But, if nothing else, there was a bright, shining core of honesty, kept alive through all of the intrigue.


There was also a lack of any psychic link or hive mind communication of any sort. Or, rather, it was there, but squeezed so tightly, nothing could get in or out.


"I... hmm." She continued stroking Raze, hoping that he would at least relax a bit, if not drop his aim of the gun from her. "I think that you should assume whatever form you feel most comfortable in."


After a moment, she asked. "So... I have two questions, actually. First, why did you come yourself, as opposed to send someone else? And, second, do you know anything about the location of my mother? The changelings said that they had taken her in exchange for... information."

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Chrysteel gave a look of confusion. But answers, "Mother had assigned her princes and princesses to take care of the 6 Element operatives attacking the bases. I was using the situation to try and hopefully help those operatives and bring peace through a new hive. As mother's first I can either take command of the hive by beating mother in a challenge duel or make my own hive. I have been planing for months to make my own hive. The preparations for it are almost complete.


As for knowledge about your mother I do not know. However, it has been known, if I ask for a certain pony to be mine, she tends to let me have them.


She has already seen what I can bring to the hive from it but she doesn't know how I gain it.


Love is a Changeling's life line. The more directed it is however the more potent. You felt it yourself, when I gave you a fragment of that energy. The amount I gave you could put a guard class into a love high."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Raze, after listening to what Chrysteel had to say, followed by White's attempt to calm him down, lowered the gun slowly, putting it back into his coat.


"Hmph," he grunted, as he reached for a T.V remote next to him. He turned on the T.V in the room, which was playing the news. Apparently, he turned it on in the middle of a story, with a unicorn mare reporting it.


"...eyewitnesses claim that they had seen an giant explosion coming from the building. One witness, who was at the scene a few minutes before the explosion, claimed he had heard shooting coming from the roof, followed by fire shortly afterwards..."

Raze's looked up when he heard the story. It was covering their attack on the building.


"Suspects have not been named, although according to the evidence gathered by police, those who were responsible for the same attack on the building in Ponyville just a few hours ago may have been responsible for this one as well. Both were inhabited by changelings, and whoever broke in also had the intention of eliminating everyone inside. The changeling government has yet to comment on this issue..."


Raze turned it off.

"Well... looks like we're famous," he said sarcastically.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Chrysteel says, "I hope he will be at the tournament in about a day. Me and him still have a challenge to finish. He doesn't know about my ability to hide the hive link when in pony form. As for you allowing me to take any form that is comfertable, I will remain in this one. It is one of three forms I have perfected, that not even my own kind will be able to detect me while I am in them. In this form, I am known as Amore Apple of Sweet Apple Acres. I also have an earth pony form and a Unicorn form. I use my unicorn form only around Dinky because it is also my only male form of the three. She needed a father and i gladly gave her one. Ditzy and Dinky are closest to me. It is why I am so strong versus the challengers before me."


She looks around and asks, "How far from the site are we? If you wouldn't mind me asking."

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Raze looked at the changeling. "Site? You mean the destroyed building? Not far, about a 30 minute walk," he said bluntly. "Your 'friend' is most likely dead anyway. No one could have survived that explosion...






The changeling was walking back to take the next train going to Canterlot. He was exhausted, and didn't have the energy to fly back.


He sighed. If it wasn't for the rubble that fell on him back at the building, he would've been dead. He had an especially hard time getting past the dozens of reporters at the scene as well.


His head still felt fuzzy from the blow to his neck. He didn't remember who hit him, but he didn't care about that now. He just wanted to go home. He had a duel tomorrow, after all.

Edited by TheKidInTheCorner

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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She chuckles and says, "He is a challenger, nothing more. I entend to beat him. If you need a place to stay I can ask Ditzy and Dinky to hold you up. Besides. Things will need to calm down first before you act again."


She looks to the west. "It is almost sunset. I got to be in canterlot by tomorrow. I guess this is fare well for now. As I said your secret is safe." She looks to the other, "I will do my best to locate your mother. If and when we meet again, I will update you on my search for her."


Crysteel shifts forms to a non-descript Unicorn male with a heart surrounded in a crysalis matrix.


In a male voice Chrysteel says, "Till we meet again."


He makes to head out for Canterlot via train. He gallops to the station and says, "One ticket to canterlot. Next departing train."

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As Chrysteel left White's house, Raze stood there. He thought he should have done something about it, but he didn't. He sighed, then turned his attention back to White's wound, replacing the bloodied cloth with another one that had disinfecting alcohol on it. He gently put it on her wound.


After a few minutes, he spoke.


"I'm sorry about that sudden outburst, hun..." he said to White. "I... didn't know what came over me; I was just so angry..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Upon arrival to the station, the ticket master looked at her strangely as a pair of guards were shooing away the masses and closing down the arrival and departure platform. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid that that's not possible without talking to Commander Moon. He's got the city on lockdown due to a pair of attacks that happened today. That, and the train tracks between here and Canterlot are currently out of commission. If, somehow, you managed to make an appointment and get a permit from him, you could either hire a flight team or go the Ponyville route to Canterlot, but other than that, no one's allowed to leave or enter the city. They even have flight  teams patrolling the skies." He shrugged. "Sorry, sir, but there's nothing I can do without the paperwork."





White was about to respond after he gently placed the iodine solution on her wound. She yelped and recoiled as the chemical cleansed and then cauterized any open part of the wound it touched or flowed into.


Ooooh... that looked like it hurt. I would hate to get alcohol in my wou- ouchouchouchouch!


Shaking her head slightly as the alcohol finished it's work, she lifted her head with a tired grin. "It's okay... I know that she triggered bad memories." As she spoke, the horrific works poured into her mind, but she shook them off before they got to her again. She had dealt with both the presence of demons and the pressure of her nightmares, she could deal with them now. "Well... we have the envelope. Now we just need to place it where it goes as soon as possible."


She sighed as the clouds broke just enough to reveal the setting sun, the smoke rising from the just-put-out fire visible from the window. "You know, Raze... I wish sometimes that everything was peaceful and calm again. Like it was before the changelings; after we dealt with the last of the demonic invasions. I know that's not a dream that's likely to be realized anytime soon, and especially not without more pain and suffering from everyone, but... it sure would be nice."

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He smirks and says, "Alright, bye."


He knows of this Commander moon. So he heads out to where he feels commander moon is. The hive link weak due to his perfect shapeshift. As he gets close he says into the hive link, as Chrysteel, 'Locking down a city just before the tournament? I know about why but to prevent Mother's first from making it to the tournament on time, is bad for reputations, commander. Can we have a little chat?'

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Raze nodded, finishing up the work on White's wound. "Yeah... seems like such a long time ago when it was like that... there's always something that has to happen that takes that peace away from us..."


He stood up, finished with the wound. He looked out the window.


"I need to go," he said, looking back at White. "I'll come back here tomorrow, if you want. It feels so nice seeing you again..." He kissed White on the cheek. "When you find your mom, why don't move in with me to Ponyville? It's nice and quiet over there, and the folks there are friendly when it comes to newfolk... especially one particular pink pony..." He laughed slightly when he thought about the crazy pony at Sugar Cube Corner.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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The changeling at the station was waiting at the station, when he felt a familiar presence around him. Looking around, he walked to where he thought the presence was coming from... which was a unicorn stallion. However, from up close, he could easily sense who it really was.


"What are you doing?" he said to Chrysteel.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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He looks to the other and says, through the link, 'What happened? All I remember was you about to engage a pony and then a throbing to the back of my lower head and blackness. when I came to you were gone and I was covered in rubble.' He looks like he isn't even looking at him and her voice through the link sounded genuine, with releaf and concern.

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The changeling shook his head. His memory was a blur.


"Is that what happened now? I can't even remember..." he said. "But nevermind that now. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be returning to the castle? Your mother wouldn't like you wandering around a town like this without her knowing..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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The changeling shook his head. His memory was a blur.


"Is that what happened now? I can't even remember..." he said. "But nevermind that now. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be returning to the castle? Your mother wouldn't like you wandering around a town like this without her knowing..."

'The train has been locked down. No one in or out. I tried. I think I can channel enough love energy for a two point teleport with you as well. One to canterlot to report to mother and then another to Ponyville. I need to get ready for the next day and expending that much energy will leave me out for a day unless I visit my pets.'


Chrysteel prepares her self for the teleport just incase he says good to go. She then asks, in a male voice, "Shall we?" She holds out a hoof.

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The changeling was just about to reply, when suddenly, a small group of ponies began walking through the station. They were a bunch of lowlives, hanging around here since they had nothing else better to do than to vandalize property and make a general mess of things. Only these lowlives seemed... different. For starters, a couple of them seemed to have firearms with them, no doubt obtained through illegal means. One of them spotted the changeling and the disguised Chrysteel and yelled:


"Hey fellas! Look what we got here! It's a changeling, and no doubt one of them loyalist scumbags. Listen here buddy. After hours, this is our turf. No one comes in without our permission. And if we catch any trespassers here, we need to... sort them out. Get what I'm saying?"


At the last sentence, one of the ponies in the back pumped a shotgun.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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She looked at him and says, "Did he just insult royalty? I really must say, your a brave one. However those toys won't help you."


Using her illusion magic she distorted their vision, leaving them surrounded by a large force of changelings. A female about three fourths the size of Queen Chrysalis steps forward and says, "Surender now and you will be tried fairly. Don't and the penalty is death."


All the changeling with her sees is their eyes and ears glowing pink. Her horn just now reaching full flare. She says to him in the hive link, 'These guys are too easy. The looked me in the eyes. Now my illusion spell has them. They can't act normally. Shall we capture them for attempted assault on two Nobles?'

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The pony who spoke before, appearing to be the leader of the group, smirked. He revealed himself to be a unicorn, his horn glowing and omitting a ward to counteract the spell.

"Don't think I don't know a counter spell or two. Besides, you think this all of us?" He raised a makeshift bell, made from a pipe, tin can, and a metal ball inside, and began to swing it, making lots of noise.


"Hey you guys! Wake up! We got fresh meat over here!"


Within seconds, a large crowd of about 35 other ponies came in from all directions, armed with pipes, knives, bats, anything that could be used to hurt someone.


The pony leader sent a large blast in the air, which diverged into smaller streams of magic energy that hit the other lowlives.


"Now they see what's behind that illusion of yours," he said.


"Where were we? Ah right..." He looked to the others. "Let's bag some changelings! Show 'em no--"


His sentence was interrupted by something piercing his chest. Looking down, he saw that he had been shot. Turning around, he saw the changeling pointing a silenced pistol at him. He stared in surprise for a second before he collapsed.


The changeling turned to Chrysteel, then grabbed her by the hoof and quickly ran away from the crowd, which was coming after them.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Chrysteel held his hoof as she released her guise, returning to her true form. She then lit her horn and before they could counter, initiated the first point in the two point teleport. Target is her private chambers in canterlot.



Once the spell is cast and they hopefully arrive in her personal night chambers, she says, "That Bastered. I hope he rots in tarterus for that. Now let's make our report."


((Her personal chambers have a special crystal in it to allow for easy locking of a teleport spell.))

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The changeling sighed in relief. Looking at Chrysteel, he began feel different about her. That feeling of wanting to fight her began to fade slowly. He walked up to her.


"Hey... I know this isn't a good time, but about the duel tomorrow... I'm not sure if I still want to do this... I mean, isn't there another way we can settle this?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Chrysteel looks to him and says, "Hive law says, when a challenge is made It must be seen through till the end. However a loop hole does exist that allows for one of the two to throw the match."


She adopts a sad look before saying, "It would sadden me to see such a strong challenger throw the match. I am wanting to see if you are worthy of taking my place. I entend to create my own hive. It has been something I have planed and worked towards for the last year."


She adopts a look of determination and says, "Will you show me that you can fill the role I will soon be leavng open? I will make it a match you won't soon forget."

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The Changeling grunted, then smiled slightly. "...Very well. I'll show you that I am more than enough to take over your position..." He looked at her dead in the eye. "Count on it..."


As he was saying these things, he began to think about the first time he saw her in the throne room, about how hostile he had been to her from the start because his first impression of her was a stuck up, spoiled girl. He then began to think maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Chrysteel smiles and says, "May the best changeling win. Get some rest. I will report to mother and then head to Ponyville to recover. Will see you at the tournament tomorrow."


Chrysteel then begins to head to the throne room to make her report. She enters and says, "A report mother. The group did attack the location in question. They seem to be highly organized. They got the jump on both myself and my opponent for tomorrow's dual. They knocked us out and destroyed the building. They seem to ware animal themed masks and are varied in their skills. If you intend to punish me and the other for our failure to capture them. Please punish only me. I was the highest ranking Princess there and my underlings shouldn't be punished for something that is clearly the fault of their superier."


Chrysteel bows her head ready to receive her punishment.

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Chrysalis thought about this for a while, then decided.


"No need. Seeing as though both of you will be fighting tomorrow in a duel, you can both punish yourselves for your mistakes."


She stood up.


"I've had enough for one day. I will get some rest, and I suggest you do the same." She left to go to her private chambers.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Chrysteel silently heads back to her chambers. She thinks, to only herself (hive link severed), 'Ha. And you believed me mother. How foolish do you think I am. I knocked him out and got to meet the faces behind the masks. I will not let these ponies down.'


As she reaches her room, her horn flares pink before magic envelopes her and she vanishes from the castle. She appears right in the living room of Ditzy Doo And Dinky's home. She says exhausted, "Ditzy, need Some help here. Had a bit of a run in with a strong spell. I hate doing those two point teleports. They always drain me."


She collapses on the floor from exhaustion. She is now fast asleep.

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9:30 AM

April 25, XXXX

Ponyville, Equestria


Raze awoke from his sleep, yawning loudly. He had spent most of his time last night saying bye to White, then walking home when he found out the station was closed. He got out of bed, and went down to the living room. He saw something laying on the ground near his front door. It was an envelope.


He tore it open, and found a letter inside, which he began to read


From now on, all of your missions will now boil down to one single task: elimination. Once you receive your designated location via phonecall, proceed to said location and kill everyone inside. No witnesses. Failure to comply will result in severe consequences


He sighed, then threw away the paper. He wondered if everyone else received the same message...

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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