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MLP:FIM is too violent


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Well, I do know there are people out there who think even the slightest bit of cartoon violence or something that vaguely resembles danger for characters is too much for kids to handle. It sounds like the person mentioned is trolling, but it's just one person's opinion, if they're even serious to begin with.


All I know is that if it's true that most parents can't handle that sort of thing then I plan on being a different kind of parent when the time comes. I mean sure, I don't plan on letting my kids play Outlast or GTAV till they're at least in their teens, or equivalent games that will be out at that point in time, nor do I plan on letting them watch R rated movies and TV shows till they're ready, but I know kids and they like it when people give them some credit since it's not like watching a cartoon like Friendship is Magic will make them explode, though if they did that would prove the point of ultra concerned parents. Of course, pigs flying seems more likely. I just don't plan on being super uptight with my kids. I'm probably a long way off from having any, but I volunteer with kids all the time, and have yet to hear of them perishing from watching girl's shows.:P


In all due seriousness, I will give FiM credit for pushing the boundaries of what a show for little girls has any right to be, but it has yet to venture outside of the realm of what children can handle, nor has it even come close. The show made a name for itself because the writers respect its audience enough to not dumb the show down just because it's a children's show. They could have made another G3, which is what you get when writers create a show that exists solely for babysitting young children while the parents can catch a break from them. FiM is what you get when writers respect their target audience, no matter how young they may be, and put actual effort into writing a series. I suppose FiM is a highly unexpected phenomenon, but I don't plan on keeping my kids from it.

Edited by Tross
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So apparently some people think the show MLP:FIM is too violent for kids, Take this post for example





i would also like to add i have this posted over at /r/mylittlepony http://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/31ow9s/so_apparently_mlp_is_too_violent/ and linustechtips http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/342934-mlpfim-is-too-violent/#entry4671678 I will mainly be monitoring the LTT thread, but i will keep watching the others, but if you want to join the discussion on the other 2 places its posted, feel free


Wait... Linustechtips? What is a thread like that doing there?

Why did you post it there OP?

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I hope that poster is a troll. He can't be cereal.

Of course he can't be cereal. Cereals can't use computer.


But yeah, this show isn't anywhere close to violent.

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because, its the main forum i use, and because, why not

Makes sense...

I really need to make an account on that fourm.

(I have been a massive fan of Linus Media Group's content for years!)

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My Little Pony. Violent. Say that out loud to people and you will be laugh at. Seriously, there is fighting, but almost always the conflict is solved though a nonviolent way, so I would say that this is either a troll or is very ignorant. The fanmade stuff, on the other hand, can be VERY grimdark. I should know.

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This person could actually be serious. There are people that are really sensitive to these types of things. I know of some people who's parents won't let them watch anything with magic. Even though there is a chance that this is a troll, this still could be serious.


But this is still really silly. MLP? Violent? That just makes me laugh.

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This kid is obviously a troll, the show isn't even that violent. Sure it can be a bit violent at times, but this guy totally over exaggerated about everything. Compared to other types of media in this generation, MLP is innocent.

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Apparently Sheila Broflovski isn't an exaggeration anymore. Assuming this isn't a troll of course.

Edited by SpaceOnion
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MLP, violent. 


lol that's a good one

Well to be fair, Twilight did get head butted through a mountain. That IS violence, but nothing objectionable.

I LOVED it!! I grew up with classic cartoons and 90s cartoons, and those had the same level of violence, if not more. XD



Anvils for DAAAAAAAAYS. <3

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Post referenced in OP is an obvious troll, don't think there's much else to discuss here. If somebody honestly believes the show is inappropriate for its audience in some fashion, they can start a thread arguing their points there. At this point, we'd be best off just not giving who ever posted that more attention.

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