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ooc Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (OOC)


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Dare I ask where you'd put Lektra?

Tier 3. Possibly 2.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Got it! Remember, its more subjective to opinion, so it isn't perfect. I'm working on a mathematical system that may be slightly more accurate, but it is still subject to opinion, depending on what kind of stats you'd give that character. Also keep in mind that this is COMBAT oriented, as most RPs I prefer usually involve battle, so this isn't for everyone.



Tier 9: Wet Noodle.


More of your everyday, SOL type character. Very little to no combat ability whatsoever. could be anywhere from stupid to quite intelligent, but still doesn't matter much if not well versed in strategy. Son, what are you doing on the battlefield?



Tier 8: Lowly Peasant.


You are just a regular soldier on the battlefield, with little outstanding qualities about yourself. You have some training and can defend yourself, but so can the other guys. Magic is average and so is intelligence. Tactics are rudimentary and strength and endurance are average. But even still, you are at least more threatening than a kitten. ( Most Soldier NPCs are at this level, as well.)



Tier 7: making a name.


You are stronger than a few others, and stand out among a few of the other squires. You are somewhat tactful, strategic, prehaps a little more magically adept than most, and can crack a few skulls. Keep in mind that against a more powerful opponent, it is best to handle them in groups. While you may not exactly be a hero, you most certainly make a difference when in a group.



Tier 6: hometown hero


Your skills put you above many, and may have even earned you quite a reputation. You are overall smarter, stronger, faster, magically endowed, and/or overall great. You can handle yourself out in the field and you've been through more than a few scraps. You can even take on a group or two on your best day and not take a scratch. However, personality flaws or some other limitation still holds sway over you.


( Syuren, Naga, and Vorrin start here, respectively.



Tier 5: Battle Aficionado


You are were born for battle, no doubt about it. On the field, you are as cunning as a snake, and many others are but your prey. Your strength can topple others. Your speed is nearly unmatched. Your magical prowess is undeniable and others need to watch themselves around you. You've been through hell at least once in your life. You can easily decimate a group of opponents and those who oppose you will tell stories of your might. However, even you are fallable in battle and are subject to mistakes.


( Buffed Syuren with soul infusion, Buffed Vorrin with soul infusion, and Feral Naga can reach this tier. Lorec and Alrahm start here.)


Tier 4: Hero of turmoil


Your very power has made you famous somewhere at sometime. Respect is commanded by you, and you are most certainly deserving. Your skill is near-legendary and very few would even think to fight you. You are capable of destroying an entire platoon of enemies if you so wish. Your skillset is unique and highly valued. Some may even look to you as a role model. War is second nature to you, and your intelligence, power, strength, and/or speed makes you a living commodity. However, even you have limits. Gods don't bleed, but you most certainly do. Conclusion; you are not a god.


( Buffed soul infusion Lorec and Buffed Soul Infusion Alrahm can reach this level. Kazas Inaro starts here.)




Tier 3:Is that Guts?


Power that is near absolute, you are the defintion of fear itself. Immersed in the thick of battle, you could slaughter a battalion before you yourself are felled in battle. Your qualities are spoken of in many places and your allies rally with high morale whenever you appear. Your skills are highly sought after and your influence is said to make or break a battle. You are a leader, and a figurehead to the public. But even still, power has a price, and you will pay heavily for the power that you use.


( Kazas Inaro with the soul Infusion buff can acheive this level.)




Tier 2: Walking Massacre.


At this point, people believe that you are no longer a mortal. Wherever you go, you bring devastation to those who oppose you. You are so advanced in what you do, that little to nothing outshines you in your profession anymore. And that profession my freind, is conflict. So vast is your knowledge and power, you could destroy an entire Brigade of enemies through strategy, your own power, or even a combination of both. You wreck the battlefield, and the land will seethe with scars from your power for many generations.


Tier 1: The Reaper's Bowling Buddy.


Almost everyone knows who you are or at least have heard of you. And when they realize who you are, it is most likely that they will ask for your autograph, or wet themselves and flee in terror. You are near Omniscent, and/or you could probably destroy an entire legion if you wanted to. With little-to-no consequence for using your power, and plenty of it to spare, you could even rival a single princess. Many will seek to take you down, but shall fail miserably. But remember. As powerful as you may be, even if you have the power to cheat death, someone will eventually surpass you, be it a thousand years from now, or maybe even sooner than that.




Über tier: Remember Sephiroth's meteor? Yeah. That's basically you.


Chances are, you don't even exist anymore. Why? Because you were so much of a threat, that you had to be done away with. If you are still living and happen to be in this tier, however, others will be peanut butter and jealous. Your power destroys armies. That, and/or your so smart, that you could've gotten away with what Bill Clinton couldn't.




G-tier: Larry poo.


..... why is this RP even a thing? You take one step, and everything dies. The unthinkable happens: oceans dry up, mountains crumble, Iggy Azalea actually raps half-decently. All because your OC even exists. You uhhh.... you might want to rewrite it. Just a bit. Making the sun explode like my toilet does when I eat taco bell is kinda OP.



And that is my tier system. Keep in mind, it isn't very refined. Plus, the enviorment also has a say. Like if Lorec were to fight against Green Edge in a desert, he might as well be a wet noodle.

just reposting here.


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That's....a bit high. If she starts as either of those, then by your system her armor makes her around G.

Like I said, the system is subject to opinion. It is fallable. Other factors include who your opponent is, personality type, enviorment, etc. When I place OCs in a tier, I think about how well they do in a war situation against an opposing force, in some generic background that provides relatively few advantages. Lektra's ingenuity places her quite high, along with how creative she could get.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Got it! Remember, its more subjective to opinion, so it isn't perfect. I'm working on a mathematical system that may be slightly more accurate, but it is still subject to opinion, depending on what kind of stats you'd give that character. Also keep in mind that this is COMBAT oriented, as most RPs I prefer usually involve battle, so this isn't for everyone.



Tier 9: Wet Noodle.


More of your everyday, SOL type character. Very little to no combat ability whatsoever. could be anywhere from stupid to quite intelligent, but still doesn't matter much if not well versed in strategy. Son, what are you doing on the battlefield?



Tier 8: Lowly Peasant.


You are just a regular soldier on the battlefield, with little outstanding qualities about yourself. You have some training and can defend yourself, but so can the other guys. Magic is average and so is intelligence. Tactics are rudimentary and strength and endurance are average. But even still, you are at least more threatening than a kitten. ( Most Soldier NPCs are at this level, as well.)



Tier 7: making a name.


You are stronger than a few others, and stand out among a few of the other squires. You are somewhat tactful, strategic, prehaps a little more magically adept than most, and can crack a few skulls. Keep in mind that against a more powerful opponent, it is best to handle them in groups. While you may not exactly be a hero, you most certainly make a difference when in a group.



Tier 6: hometown hero


Your skills put you above many, and may have even earned you quite a reputation. You are overall smarter, stronger, faster, magically endowed, and/or overall great. You can handle yourself out in the field and you've been through more than a few scraps. You can even take on a group or two on your best day and not take a scratch. However, personality flaws or some other limitation still holds sway over you.


( Syuren, Naga, and Vorrin start here, respectively.



Tier 5: Battle Aficionado


You are were born for battle, no doubt about it. On the field, you are as cunning as a snake, and many others are but your prey. Your strength can topple others. Your speed is nearly unmatched. Your magical prowess is undeniable and others need to watch themselves around you. You've been through hell at least once in your life. You can easily decimate a group of opponents and those who oppose you will tell stories of your might. However, even you are fallable in battle and are subject to mistakes.


( Buffed Syuren with soul infusion, Buffed Vorrin with soul infusion, and Feral Naga can reach this tier. Lorec and Alrahm start here.)


Tier 4: Hero of turmoil


Your very power has made you famous somewhere at sometime. Respect is commanded by you, and you are most certainly deserving. Your skill is near-legendary and very few would even think to fight you. You are capable of destroying an entire platoon of enemies if you so wish. Your skillset is unique and highly valued. Some may even look to you as a role model. War is second nature to you, and your intelligence, power, strength, and/or speed makes you a living commodity. However, even you have limits. Gods don't bleed, but you most certainly do. Conclusion; you are not a god.


( Buffed soul infusion Lorec and Buffed Soul Infusion Alrahm can reach this level. Kazas Inaro starts here.)




Tier 3:Is that Guts?


Power that is near absolute, you are the defintion of fear itself. Immersed in the thick of battle, you could slaughter a battalion before you yourself are felled in battle. Your qualities are spoken of in many places and your allies rally with high morale whenever you appear. Your skills are highly sought after and your influence is said to make or break a battle. You are a leader, and a figurehead to the public. But even still, power has a price, and you will pay heavily for the power that you use.


( Kazas Inaro with the soul Infusion buff can acheive this level.)




Tier 2: Walking Massacre.


At this point, people believe that you are no longer a mortal. Wherever you go, you bring devastation to those who oppose you. You are so advanced in what you do, that little to nothing outshines you in your profession anymore. And that profession my freind, is conflict. So vast is your knowledge and power, you could destroy an entire Brigade of enemies through strategy, your own power, or even a combination of both. You wreck the battlefield, and the land will seethe with scars from your power for many generations.


Tier 1: The Reaper's Bowling Buddy.


Almost everyone knows who you are or at least have heard of you. And when they realize who you are, it is most likely that they will ask for your autograph, or wet themselves and flee in terror. You are near Omniscent, and/or you could probably destroy an entire legion if you wanted to. With little-to-no consequence for using your power, and plenty of it to spare, you could even rival a single princess. Many will seek to take you down, but shall fail miserably. But remember. As powerful as you may be, even if you have the power to cheat death, someone will eventually surpass you, be it a thousand years from now, or maybe even sooner than that.




Über tier: Remember Sephiroth's meteor? Yeah. That's basically you.


Chances are, you don't even exist anymore. Why? Because you were so much of a threat, that you had to be done away with. If you are still living and happen to be in this tier, however, others will be peanut butter and jealous. Your power destroys armies. That, and/or your so smart, that you could've gotten away with what Bill Clinton couldn't.




G-tier: Larry poo.


..... why is this RP even a thing? You take one step, and everything dies. The unthinkable happens: oceans dry up, mountains crumble, Iggy Azalea actually raps half-decently. All because your OC even exists. You uhhh.... you might want to rewrite it. Just a bit. Making the sun explode like my toilet does when I eat taco bell is kinda OP.



And that is my tier system. Keep in mind, it isn't very refined. Plus, the enviorment also has a say. Like if Lorec were to fight against Green Edge in a desert, he might as well be a wet noodle.

IB's about 5-4 B)


Those Variations are just his fighting STYLES.

You don't know what kinda crap I may pull within each Variation. B)


What tier is IB in your opinion?


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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...Ronin is a tier 1.


he's basically 7 caliber's put into one.

Seems legit. B)


Although IMO, Caliber's dark magic wouldn't bump him to a 2. Being honest here, because that can only do so much for him you know? :adorkable:

Caliber's more than easily a 5 or 4 tho.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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I must say there's a lot more going on in here than there is in the actual RP :P

BTW old man, it's still me and Tyra, racing to the snack stand, your turn. :)

You're the DM, do something about it :P

I'm the DM too. :okiedokielokie:


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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How about you really quote me next time, hmm? What if this thread grew three pages?


Zecora's potions are potions. This is you saying you can use magic spells in your character's profile, without being a Uni or having at least one Uni parent. I am playing in another RP with a somewhat magic-capable Pegasus with Magitek enhancements who has a Uni parent and this is fine. Nor do you have a supernatural source of power of 75% minimum believability like Ice or EWS who was in a storm like Lektra.


First of all the magic inhibitor is fundamentally an unfair thing against magic based characters, even with the requirement to be able to first put it on. Secondly it's application is just flawed. Balanced, but flawed. Barring extenuating circumstances and assuming you do get it on someone, this is effectively an I Win Button against a character dependent on their magic. Equivalent to disarming Steel Accord or Caliber. Now realistically speaking, no Uni in their right mind would ever let you put this on them. They'd have to be extremely disabled, KOed (And by this time you'd already won), drunk, or stoned. Pretty much if it's not consensual, you'll never get this "attack" to work at all.

So in other words:

Having Unicorn parent would make sense for IB.


And Eclips is still OP. -_-


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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How about you really quote me next time, hmm? What if this thread grew three pages?


Zecora's potions are potions. This is you saying you can use magic spells in your character's profile, without being a Uni or having at least one Uni parent. I am playing in another RP with a somewhat magic-capable Pegasus with Magitek enhancements who has a Uni parent and this is fine. Nor do you have a supernatural source of power of 75% minimum believability like Ice or EWS who was in a storm like Lektra.


First of all the magic inhibitor is fundamentally an unfair thing against magic based characters, even with the requirement to be able to first put it on. Secondly it's application is just flawed. Balanced, but flawed. Barring extenuating circumstances and assuming you do get it on someone, this is effectively an I Win Button against a character dependent on their magic. Equivalent to disarming Steel Accord or Caliber. Now realistically speaking, no Uni in their right mind would ever let you put this on them. They'd have to be extremely disabled, KOed (And by this time you'd already won), drunk, or stoned. Pretty much if it's not consensual, you'll never get this "attack" to work at all.


Thus, I will edit and remove that and replace it with the sort of potion he will occasionally use to clarify. Thank you for your input.


I agree with you on all your main points. However, consider how I plan for it to work; reference Sleight Mist's battle with Ice Blizzard, in which she made an excuse that she was fussing over him as a distraction to put the smoke pellet in his mane. I plan to do much the same thing, at least how it holds common with using a distraction to use something that creates an opportunity for you. Say I was battling a character who was holding me at bay from attacking with their constructs or whatever; if I can create a distraction, there is the barest chance that Wilhelm will have a moment to put on the inhibitor ring, thereby causing their constructs to disappear for the time period of until the opponent is able to shake off the inhibitor; this will create an opening for attack.

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No Ice, your character is empowered, not born with it.Hey it's NP man. Potions are totally fine for any character to engage in, really.


You're assuming many characters are easily distracted. Such a thing would be a flaw in not only the player, but also the character. This wouldn't work on a character who is not only too smart to fall for such things, but has secondary sensory input to be able to see through illusions. It's like the time in Batman Beyond Terry was hypnotized by Mesmero but Old Bruce observing through his visor was unaffected.


And you're still not really getting the fact that this item would be fundamentally OPed against a 100% magic dependent character. It's like disarming Steel Accord or Caliber. Assuming you do get through the hurdles you require, it's an I Win Button for you.

Riiiiight. :P


Thus, I will edit and remove that and replace it with the sort of potion he will occasionally use to clarify. Thank you for your input.


I agree with you on all your main points. However, consider how I plan for it to work; reference Sleight Mist's battle with Ice Blizzard, in which she made an excuse that she was fussing over him as a distraction to put the smoke pellet in his mane. I plan to do much the same thing, at least how it holds common with using a distraction to use something that creates an opportunity for you. Say I was battling a character who was holding me at bay from attacking with their constructs or whatever; if I can create a distraction, there is the barest chance that Wilhelm will have a moment to put on the inhibitor ring, thereby causing their constructs to disappear for the time period of until the opponent is able to shake off the inhibitor; this will create an opening for attack.

I kinda agree with B84, IB doesn't normally pay attention that well to small details, so that's how he was subdued by the smoke.

An OC who doesn't get distracted as easliy, probably would just go ahead and attack. :P

IB didn't think SM was ready to fight at that time, so that's also why he didn't just jump up and attack. :)


Gotta know WHO you're fighting dude, that's the standard issue principal in fighting period. :proud:


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Let me know if that wasn't supposed to happen Corona. Your character did make a choice.

No, that's fair. She figured that this option would leave her more able to fight, though obviously, it didn't work out that way.  :o

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