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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Electron laughed, "Good? Ha! Nice guys finish last girly!" He then sent a strong electronic current through his arms. Once the currents would reach Anette, she would be painfully electrocuted. "Don't look now, but...you're in for a shocker!" he said as he waited for the right time to strike back.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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rune walked into the arena, and was immediately blown away. "this place...is awesome..." he murmured, "i...uh...its so perfect..."


he forgot he was in a fight for a moment, and was only wandering around. "...wait."


he noticed where he was. "...sleight? you there?"


he raised his book. 


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Anette couldn't get away in time. As the electric current raced through her body, she was unable to even scream, let alone move herself as the current ripped through her. She twitched like a puppet on a string.


It all mercifully ended when Glory teleported her away, only five feet to Electron's right, but safe from the current. She stood on bowed knees, coughing as she attempted to stand up, while the dolls covered her. Heartthrob nocked five arrows and fired, the bolts spinning towards Electron in a cross shape. Meanwhile, Hero dashed in front of her, ready to attack with sword and shield if Electron came any closer.




"Of course i'm here," Sleight Mist said, stepping out from under the shade of one the orbs.


"We never finished our fight at the training grounds. How could I miss this?"


She checked her magical connections; there seemed to be plenty of water here.


"You're right, though, it is a beautiful place. A shame we have to mess it up."


With little warning, two barriers appeared on either side of him, attempting to slam together with him in the middle.

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rune tensed, surprised she'd be this brutal.


luckily, his book was at the ready. he flipped it to his earth staff page, and willed the rune to activate.


the staff was suddenly there, above his head. it was steel, so it served as a way to stop the barriers.


"a little fast to jump the gun, eh?" he asked, as he ran out. "okay, lets go!!" he flipped his book to a different page, and sent the page spiraling towards her using levitation.


"eat this!" he concentrated on the rune on the paper, and it burst into green flames. it wasn't a simple page with a drawing on it anymore, it was a fireball!


four more followed suit.


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Electron grew a smug smirk as he saw his attack work, "Yeah! How's that feel wimp?!" He then took note of the dolls and the arrows coming at him. He flew straight up to avoid the arrows, and when he flew back down, he saw the dolls had defended her. "Hm. Say goodbye to your kneecaps chucklehead!" He shot electricity straight at her knees below Hero.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Darkrai began to cry as she looked to the ground and a small puddle of tears began to form, "Kazas...I...I wanted to kill Blizzard. You see, his grandfather was an Equestrian General named Iceberg Chill. On one of his missions, he and his team took my parents from me when I was just a filly." she began to cry more, "I always thought I was alone in the world and wanted to exact revenge on Blizzard because of what his grandfather did. But then....you came along and showed me that I wasn't alone. That there are others who actually care.... I was about to kill him earlier but my consciousness told me not to. Now that he's really dead, I..I...oh Kazas...please forgive me..." she said as the puddle of tears became larger.

Seeing Darkrai's tears, Kazas could not help but immediately come even closer to her. As she felt pain within her soul, so too did Kazas. Not only wss Ice Blizzard supposedly deceased, but Darkrai was full of sorrow, and the griffon could not just stand there and do nothing. Sure, they had not known each other very long, and Darkrai had played Kazas for a fool. However, Kazas had imprinted on Darkrai. He adored her. He loved her. And as compassionate as he was, he had already forgiven her. However, the slightest chance of Ice Blizzard being alive still clung to Kazas's heart. Prehaps... maybe there was hope? Then it was settled. He would try to calm Darkrai, and then go from there.



Coming even closer to Darkrai, Kazas would pull her close and tight, embracing her in a hug. He would even gently stroke her mane as a comforting gesture. While it felt awkward due to the angle of which his hind legs were supporting all of his weight, Darkrai was worth it. He spoke softly.


" Darkrai... let all of the sorrow out. No one will judge you, and you are alone no longer. You need not even ask for forgiveness, Darkrai. Because it is only natural that we forgive the ones we love."


It truly did hurt to see Darkrai in this pain. So much so that Kazas himself almost found himself weeping with her. But no. He was a bird of burden. He had always been strong for those who needed him, taking on the weight of other's pain while never worrying about his own. Others truly came first in Kazas's mind, and this was definitely true in this situation. He had been strong for his friends. This time would be no diffrent. Darkrai could lean on him without the worry of him collapsing from the weight of emotion.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Darkrai looked up with teary eyes, "You...l-love me?" She was nearly speechless for a while, but finally spoke, "Oh, Kazas. I love you too!" she said while still crying. She had never felt this way before, and because of the griffon's compassion and understanding, she would help look for Blizzard. She wiped her tears and smiled, "Come on Kaz! Let's go find him. I really owe him an apology. Do you think anypony else would help us look? Maybe there are ponies at the bar who can help?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Sleight Mist de-summoned her original barriers, letting the staff fall onto Rune while she blocked the spells coming at her with another barrier. She let the fireballs slam into them, only jumping to the side at the last second as the last one shattered it and flew past her.


"You know, Rune, that's actually really cool. You gotta tell me how you do that later," she said casually. From an orb beside Rune, water streamed out as she pulled on it magically. It didn't stay that way for long however; it quickly hardened into ice spikes that began raining down on his position.




Hero dropped straight down as Electron fired, taking the bolt meant for Anette. The lightning laced his form, and it seemed like nothing had happened to him. On the ground next to him, however, Anette vomited as the damage that he would've taken was extracted from her as energy. She was already in a bad spot; if she kept this up she would lose, and quickly.


Hero threw himself at Electron now, hacking at the pegasi's wings. Heartthrob, seeking to disable as well, aimed two well placed arrows at his wings. In a short burst of smoke, Glory teleported over to Anette, ready to defend her once again.

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Electron didn't realized until it was too late by the time Hero cut his wing. He barely had avoided the attack, but his wing was damaged and he couldn't fly properly. Because of that, he couldn't avoid the arrows as well, so he had to deliberately stop flying on a dime, and drop to the ground to dodge them. He was hit by one of the arrows as he dropped, and simply couldn't fly almost at all without hurting himself. 


In a last ditch effort, EWS charged his foreleg with nearly every watt of electricity he had, "Oooh gonna kick your flank hard now little girl! Prepare yourself ya doll playin' dope! ELECTROSTATIC ARM!" he ran at her as fast as fast as he could, and geared up too punch her with his electrical foreleg.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai looked up with teary eyes, "You...l-love me?" She was nearly speechless for a while, but finally spoke, "Oh, Kazas. I love you too!" she said while still crying. She had never felt this way before, and because of the griffon's compassion and understanding, she would help look for Blizzard. She wiped her tears and smiled, "Come on Kaz! Let's go find him. I really owe him an apology. Do you think anypony else would help us look? Maybe there are ponies at the bar who can help?"

In Kazas's mind, that went rather fast. Even still, he was greatly overjoyed. His feelings were not only understood. They were reciprocated. However, this newfound joy would have to wait to be celebrated. But that would not stop Kazas from smiling. At least things were starting to look up. He and Darkrai had many things to talk about later. When it came down to Ice Blizzard, he didn't know if anyone else could help. Was there even any time to guess? And then, an idea formulated in his head. It was somewhat over-the-top and would require a vast amount of energy, but he knew that it may work. In a surprising move, he backed away from Darkrai a bit, and then took off his cloak, exposing the rest of his ashen-colored feathers. Drawing his sword, he spoke. " not that I am aware of. The barkeeper was much too interested in making repairs to the bar, and the only other one there seemed to have other woes on his mind. No, I don't know of others that could help us that are ponies..."


He said, remembering his earlier orders to Vorrin and the rest of the D.R.O. But there were others.


" But there are hundreds of friends of mine in the sky that may lend a talon. However, I must assume the correct form to lead them. Please, give me one moment..."


Standing on his hind legs once more, he put his other claw on the blade of the sword, on its broadside.


" Ezerepth! Soul Infusion!"


Almost immediately after, a Crimson light shot out from the sword, and into Kazas's claw. It was a great orb of pure, raw energy that seemingly burned with power of absoluteness. Taking his claw away from the sword, he held the energy in his right claw, and the sword in his left. Smiling at Darkrai, he spoke again. In a confident tone. In truth... He was kind of showing off. Syuren had rubbed off on him.


" I'll admit, Darkrai. I'm much more than a simple ambassador from a foreign land."


What Kazas was holding, was the very soul of a primordial divine. A Pheonix lord, who held sway over flame and divine healing. Kazas took the soul, and plunged it into his chest. Seemingly, it disappeared within him. After a few moments, a crimson aura, like a slow burning flame, seemingly emitted from and engulfed Kazas. Standing tall with sword still in claw, he spoke once more.


" I've already explained a good bit to you, love. If need be, I can explain again later. But for now, I must push this power quite far."


It was time for phase three; externalization. The crimson aura around kazas seemingly turned to pure flame, surging violently around him. It was not long before he was immolated. Completely covered in a swathe of flame. And yet... It did not hurt him. Concentrating power to attain the next stage, his plan had begun. This was all to save Ice Blizzard, and he would use that as inspiration.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Darkrai's eyes widened with awe as she saw Kazas display, "Wooow. That's awesome! But how will we find Blizzard?" she asked while putting a hoof to her chin, "He could be anywhere right now. I suggest we formulate a solidified plan if we hope to find him. But unfortunately, I don't know my way around here very well..." 

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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rune let his earth staff remain where it was, and instead activated the glyph on his arm. his arm burst into flames, and he used it to melt the points on the ice shards. 


sure, they still hit him, but the points were dulled. they didnt really hurt as much.


"i know, right?" he asked, as sleight remarked on his abilities. "now...check out this!"


he flipped open his book again, and a wand materialized. he also summoned a staff, both oh which floated beside him.


"now...check it."


the wand glowed, and a circle appeared in front of it. almost like an alchemy circle in midair.


then, using his staff, he sent a water ball towards her. the water passed by the circle, and it changed into a green blob, which still hurled towards sleight.


"water plus corrosion equals acid." he said, with a smirk. "and that was a water staff, and a wand of corrosion."


letting her deal with that however she wanted, rune dropped his staff and wand, and started darting around the arena.

Edited by PeytonJay


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Anette couldn't react to Electron's attack as it came at her. Glory, however, put up a shield seconds before the attack struck. The shield held out for less than a second before busting under the force of the attack, causing Glory to take the punch. Her body literally glowed under the electricity, and Anette held onto consciousness by a fragment as the energy transfer hit her.


In response, Hero, moving slightly slower than before, began to aim attacks at Electrons legs, going for another disabling shot. Heartthrob seemed to follow suit, aiming three separate arrows for different kneecaps.



"Water staff, wand of corrosion... Where do you get this stuff?" she muttered. She reached out magically towards the blob flying at her and froze its molecules, watching with great satisfaction as it smashed into pieces on the ground,even as it ate through the ice.


"You know, this could go on forever, right?" she said loudly. From the ball next to her, two dragons made entirely of water emerged, their heads roaring as they moved in two separate directions to converge on him.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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"You know, this could go on forever, right?" she said loudly. From the ball next to her, two dragons made entirely of water emerged, their heads roaring as they moved in two separate directions to converge on him.

"yeah, i know!" he said, as he drew a few more wands, a staff, and cast a thunder blast at the dragon, paralyzing it. he dropped these, too. it would seem each wand, and each staff only had one charge in them.


"but...i wanna know how long iv come!"


he tried a more complex spell, summoning four wands, and two staffs. setting them up all accordingly, he grinned. "take this!! combination 42! pure energy!" he yelled, as a pure white beam shot itself at the dragon, with speeds comparable to rainbow dash.


(ill make a picture just to show what just happened)

(i gave up with the picture thing)

Edited by PeytonJay


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After Electron's attack had once again succeeded, grew smug. But he had little time to react to Heartthrob's arrows. 2 of the three arrows had made contact, as he managed to evade one. Both arrows were lodged into his hind leg kneecaps, so in order to stay in the fight, he had to sit on his bottom.


He laughed as he sat down, "hehe...well well well. Look who just bit the dust. Weak. Too..weak. That was snowball's main weakness, and it seems to be yours as well. If you didn't want me to kick your flank up one side of this arena and down the other, you shoulda said something! But you didn't, and now you're going down!" with what little energy he had left, he charged it into his hoof, and when he was ready to make his final move he simply said, "Yipee-ki-yay motherbucker...." and shot a jolt of electricity that moved around so spontaneously, that is was uneasy to avoid. It bounced around until it came near Anette, ready to paralyze her face.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai's eyes widened with awe as she saw Kazas display, "Wooow. That's awesome! But how will we find Blizzard?" she asked while putting a hoof to her chin, "He could be anywhere right now. I suggest we formulate a solidified plan if we hope to find him. But unfortunately, I don't know my way around here very well..."


" you don't have to, Darkrai. My companions fly over this area quite often. And we are going to obtain their aid."


He said, still smiling. The flame grew in intensity and size as Kazas continued his immolation, until at long last, a great burst of golden light would be released almost suddenly from where he was standing. The light was blinding, and would undoubtedly cause discomfort for any in the vicinity. It lasted for what seemed like ten seconds, and then vanished. What was waiting from that spot... was a sight to behold. Something that many had never seen and would probably never see again.


In the place of Kazas, stood a great, burning Phoenix, of whom's body was completely Bourne of flame. The Phoenix in question was excessively large, reaching a height of twenty feet tall. The Phoenix had but one eye of gold. Completely crimson and seemingly etheral, it started to walk toward Darkrai slowly. It's wings were massive, even while folded. And then, as if things could get no stranger, twin voices could be heard from the Phoenix, even though its mouth was not moving. One voice was Kazas's, warm and gentle. The other was, in terms of description, ancient and wise, and quite deep as well. This was the combined effort of Kazas and Ezerepth. This was the third phase of the keepers' power; externalization and maintainence of spiritual energy and concentrating it to assume a familiar form.


" Darkrai..."


The great Phoenix said.


" be not afraid of this guise. I am still Kazas."


Lowering its head to Darkrai, the Phoenix spoke once more, looking into Darkrai's eyes with its singular own.


" I have assumed the form in which to lead those who would aid us. Fear not my flame, Darkrai. It bows to my will. Climb upon my backside. I assure you, it may not seem like it, but this form is quite solid."


The twin voices echoed through the area with power and majesty befitting of the great beast. " we shall search for Ice Blizzard by air. Once in the skies, my friends will hear my call. To be perfectly honest, I was saving this as a date thing..."


The last sentence was made all the more comical, considering that Kazas was now in the form of a great Phoenix, and it sounded almost... regal.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Darkrai's eyes widened once again, "Kazas...it's...beautiful! Let's go!" Darkrai then climbed onto Kazas's back and was stuck in comeplete awe as she gazed upon him, "This...is...amazing!" she said with a wide grin.


Meanwhile, Blizzard was still stuck in his ice near the river, when a sudden gust of wind blew dirt and leaves onto him, concealing him completely.


(OOC: You can look, but you Can't find IB. Somepony else will eventually. Let's ship some more tho.)


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor smiled at the blue mare as he held the emblem, "Thank you... But a business is a business and if you change your mind about me paying then I'll pay." He the put it in his pouch, on top of everything else. "So, whats the plan now? Where do you need--" Then the intercom blared out, announcing a match between two ponies he'd never heard of. "Hmm... I didn't realise they had an intercom... Anyway Trixie, show me you need doing." He said, always happy to help others. He thought to himself, 'Wander who I'm matched against. I feel sorry for them.'

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Night Tracer looked back into her eyes, they were a vibrant, luscious green. She possessed a stern yet comforting look. She seemed like she meant whatever she said and it was clear she was there to help. He much rather would of talked with her then drank; that would be if he drank.


He broke the gaze and looked around to examine more of Applejack. She was rustic and had a firm build, but she still was a very pretty pony, one; obviously, he wouldn't mess with, "It's Night Tracer by the way," he introduced. "For the record, I don't drink. I requested 'Virgin' for a reason. I don't approve the use of Alcohol... So, you'd like to talk?" He asked as he raised a brow at her; reaffixing his stare so it met hers.


"If we're going to talk about this though, I'd like to speak with in private. This means more than Equestria itself to me. Not sure, you'd understand but it's good to talk with others I suppose...


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PeytonJay, on 18 Jun 2015 - 10:23 PM, said:

"but...ruk's training made me almost on par with earth ponies. and i was talking about how some earth ponies cant wield swords like unicorns." caliber said, "and well, i was a bit of a quitter back when i was a kid."


he swished the sword around in the air. "i couldn't get the spell right the first ten times, and i went 'hey, you know what? i dont NEED magic'!" he grinned. "i think it has something to do with the fact i had an earth pony dad who tried to teach me how to do stuff like earth ponies, and made me help out with carrying stuff. and my mom tried teaching me spells, but you know how that worked out. and...i dunno, i guess it messed with my subconscious or something."


he laughed a bit when she suggested meditation. "funny thing is, im actually very aware of the spirit and aura and souls and stuff. i just happen to be a unicorn who doesn't use magic." he started swishing the sword faster, and started moving in sync with it. "hey, you know what? this might be better then my current style..." he jumped, caught it, and slashed at nothing before dropping it and making it levitate again. "it might be even faster..."


he walked to the machine, and turned the dial down. the sword dropped, before caliber made it rise again. "what about you? you never wanted to be a different race?"

"Everypony can wield swords in their mouths. Not well without training, but they can. And you're not really 'on par' with an Earth Pony until you can break rocks with your bare hooves or crush skulls with them. Can you ever be like that? No, not really. The two conflicting ideologies might have messed with your confidence in magic subconsciously, but I didn't really mean to just forget the other training. Just integrate it. It's still uncomfortable to go from trotting on all fours to fighting with your sword. I honestly think you should use telekinesis to wield it at all times, but that requires focus." I wondered if he had enough focus to learn this.


At the explanation that he could sense aura and spirit I wasn't very impressed. "I can see mana signatures too. It's not really all that complicated. As for not needing magic, Sparky says his analysis yielded that you can use Dark Magic sometimes. That's magic, and a higher form of magic. If you can do higher magic which is generally forbidden, you should be able to use basic magic like levitating things. I still sense your mana flow is messed up, or you'd be levitating everything in the room right now, as well as Sparky and me. The mana expenditures are extremely low right know, so something that takes effort should be easy. But please don't abuse it. It's meant for you to practice telekinesis so you can better use it." I was impressed he as getting it and turned the Magitek down a but. "You shouldn't be struggling to lift one sword."


"Have I ever wanted to be another race? Pegasus actually. It was my desire to fly that caused me to create Sparky's flight form. I can improve it to where it works better but I've been busy so I just keep putting it off." I sighed, wondering when *he* would train *me* as that was what we had come here for in the first place. Ah well, all in good time. "Keep it up." I said as I clapped my hooves again.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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 @Orion Caelum

"I know," she said, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes as she gasped heavily "You're right. Coming here was a stupid decision based on petty revenge, and I shouldn't have done it."


As Electron threw his last attack, Anette's horn glowed vibrantly, and Hero disappeared from view. The electricity leapt toward her face, only to be seemingly redirected at the last second, moving for a tree off to Electron's side. From out of the air, the shape of a silver sword could be seen leading the head of the electric charge, while the now weaponless Hero vibrated into place back beside Anette, shield held protectively in front of her.


"But now that I am here, I have new reasons to fight. Because you made fun of my family. Because you take joy in hurting others, and somepony needs to teach you a lesson. But most importantly..."


Heartthrob flashed into being less than a foot away from Electron, three arrows cocked and primed to fire at his face.


"Because the stallion you just insulted up there, Wilhelm, is special to me, and i'm coming back to him. Just you and the rest of Equestria try to stop me."




The beam pierced the second of the water dragons, causing it to explode violently into droplets of water.


"Well, who am I to argue with that?" she said, grinning. Her horn glowed, and water began to pour from the same orb. Instead of attacking, however, it began to turn into steam, slowly drifting up to the top of the room.


From in front of Sleight Mist, three crackling red barriers appeared. They began to trace Rune as he moved through the room.




"No really, don't worry about it, it's the least I can do."


Trixie looked around, frowning slightly.


"Well, honestly, there's not much more left to do, unless you know a way to get stains out of hardwood. It's the same for me, since I don't usually start imbuing until much later. So you can go home, or..."


She sat down neatly in a chair by the counter.


"Tell me about yourself. For starters, what were you doing burying those things in the ground?"




"Night Tracer, is it? The name's Applejack, and I may not look like much, but i'm an Element of Harmony, chosen by Princess Celestia herself to protect Equestria. And Let me tell ya; It comes with crazy attached. There's few things I haven't seen and even fewer things I haven't heard, so if you're looking for somepony to offer advice, well, i'd hate to be caught braggin' or anything, but there ain't a lot of better ponies to talk to, less you know the princesses themselves."


She walked over toward the back room of the bar.


"It may not be much, but there's an attic in the back we can talk in, if you want. Don't worry about my business, by the way; we've still got some time before opening hours. C'mon in."

  • Brohoof 1
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Electron did nothing but laugh, "Psssh hahah! You're still trying?! You really ARE dumb as not only Blizzard and Wilhelm, but rocks as well!"


After laughing some more he continued, "Oh, you know what? Go ahead and fire ya dumb doll. I don't care. You know why Anette? Because if a filly like you can't stop playing with her dumb dolls when she's an adult, then she has some serious mental issues. So go ahead, shoot me. But just remember: at the end of the day, at least I'm not some stupid filly who can't fight for herself and instead uses punk ass dolls because she can't throw nor take a punch." he said with the most intimidating expression he could ever put on his face.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Darkrai's eyes widened once again, "Kazas...it's...beautiful! Let's go!" Darkrai then climbed onto Kazas's back and was stuck in comeplete awe as she gazed upon him, "This...is...amazing!" she said with a wide grin.


Meanwhile, Blizzard was still stuck in his ice near the river, when a sudden gust of wind blew dirt and leaves onto him, concealing him completely.


(OOC: You can look, but you Can't find IB. Somepony else will eventually. Let's ship some more tho.)

The great Phoenix, in a sudden motion, unfurled its wings. The unfurling made him appear twice, maybe even three times as large as he already was, considering that the wingspan was possibly 45ft. Across in this form. Speaking again, the great Phoenix prepared for take off.


" Darkrai! Hold on as tightly as you can! "




It was then, with great force, the Phoenix that was Kazas would lift up

And off of the ground, and begin his ascent into the skies above. Hopefully, it didn't attract too much attention.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Darkrai was in complete amazement as the Phoenix that was Kazas lifted up and began to fly, "Kazas....you are...truly a sight to behold. I do believe I made the right choice for my special love. This has been the greatest experience of my entire life! And I owe it all to you..my love."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Ok, so I wasn't burying as if you look there now there'll be nothing there. I'd just finished making home guardians and had incribed runes on them. These runes that I engraved on them meant that at a clap of my hooves one of them will emerge at my side. Runescribing is a handy tool I learnt when I was younger. As for my history... Well, I was born in eastern Saddle Arabia to family of merchants and crafters. O didn't learn until I had earned my cutie mark that my family ran a close trade routine with a nearby gryphon clan, its been so long I can only remeber that they lived in the northern bluffs not the name of the clan." He paused to try to remember but it was just out of grasp. "Anyway, about 4 years ago we were slightly behind on deliveries on one shipment, their leader came down to see my father personally, they went for about an hour before only the leader returned and told me and my mother to return. Without my father. As we were leaving I looked back to see my father being tied to a dead tree at the edge of one of the cliffs, then gryphons taking turns one by one to slam into the tree." He stopped for a moment, remembering the very moments he described. "You can probably make a good assumtion on what happened next." He looked down, at the ground as if he'd find so e comfort hidden in it. "Sorry about the depressing story but you did ask... Anyway after that I never looked at gryphons the same way again, I started hating them, resenting them. However my constant anger would interfere with my work and after a breif few months I was banished from the establishment, to not return until I could control my rage. So I took a long period of time in studying differnt paths of shamanism to distract myself from the emotions. Recently I've wanted to test myself on how my training has benefieted and well, here seems the best place to try that." He looked at her, hoping he didn't dampen the recovering mood for her.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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